Picture of the recession:

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 5:01 PM on 8th January 2012

Piled high, from floor to ceiling, this is just one of many British warehouses crammed full with almost brand new office furniture reclaimed from companies who have succumbed to the recession.

Included in this giant store in Burton on Trent are 450 desks cleared out from an office in Coventry which Barclays have just closed.

ORS UK, one of the UK’s largest second hand furniture retailers have become swamped with so much stock in their three depots in Burton on Trent, Birmingham and Manchester that they have just taken on another warehouse in the West Midlands.

Furniture of failure: Included in this giant store in Burton on Trent are 450 desks cleared out from an office in Coventry which Barclays have just shut

Furniture of failure: Included in this giant store in Burton on Trent are 450 desks cleared out from an office in Coventry which Barclays have just shut

Sales Manager, Adrian Kowalski, 43, said: ‘We noticed things changing at the beginning of last year, more and more offices are closing – I’ve never seen so many empty offices – If you wanted you could rent office space anywhere now.

The furniture just keeps on coming and coming. We used to only sell about 15 per cent second hand – this has now completely switched to 85 per cent of our sales.

‘People just don’t have the money to buy new anymore. You can pick up a nearly-new desk that would have sold new for £2,200 for just £800. The stuff coming in has barely been used – it’s so different from the old tatty furniture full of cobwebs that we once saw.

Office politics: ORS UK, one of the UK's largest second hand furniture retailers say they have been swamped with office furniture

Office politics: ORS UK, one of the UK’s largest second hand furniture retailers say they have been swamped with office furniture

Heavy lifting: Second hand furniture companies are doing well out of the recession but find it difficult to sell the furniture on

Heavy lifting: Second hand furniture companies are doing well out of the recession with many chain stores taking advantage of failed businesses and buying cheap

Heavy lifting: Second hand furniture companies are doing well out of the recession with many chain stores taking advantage of failed businesses and buying cheap

‘Even big companies are buying second hand now – our customers include John Lewis, Kier Construction and The Olympic Village. Last week Sports Direct bought six hundred desks from us.’

The 30,000 sq. ft. Burton on Trent warehouse is currently stocked with 6,000 desks, 3,000 chairs, 800 cupboards, 300 meeting room tables and more than 20 safes. ‘We’re full-up now – I’ve never known it like this. We’re even opening another warehouse just down the road to cope with it all,’ said Adrian.

‘I think people are really just panicking – as soon as they hear the economy’s turned around they’ll start buying new again. But for now we’ll just concentrate on the second hand market’, he added.

Another day at the office: Adrian Kowalski said the warehouse is crammed full of brand new furniture from businesses forced to close because of the recession

Another day at the office: Adrian Kowalski said the warehouse is crammed full of brand new furniture from businesses forced to close because of the recession

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