Pharmaceutical Insulin… ‘Designed to Cause’ Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and Drug Addiction.


The medical industry produces full-blown diabetics
simply by prescribing pharmaceutical insulin.  ** When pharmaceutical
insulin enters the body, it poisons the pancreas, and the pancreas stops
producing its own insulin.  This artificially creates a diabetic, who
will be forever dependent upon the medical system and the pharmaceutical
companies. **  The system is intended to be this way.  It is by design. ~ Paul W Kincaid – (This is a MUST read article)

The average citizen in the United States consumes 100 to 160 pounds
of toxic and inflammatory, chemically-refined sugars every year, and
this is one of the primary reasons for diseases such as diabetes, heart
disease, and cancer. 

Additionally, a large percentage of American foods
are artificial.  The chemical industry has entered the kitchen, and
every processed food now contains a variety of chemical compounds.  Just
like prescription pharmaceuticals, these foods have serious
side-effects, and they include all of the modern epidemics that now
exist in this country. 

The ‘Big 3′ of chronic diseases (the big
money-makers) diabetes, heart disease, and cancer were once rare
diseases, but they are now part of modern life thanks to the
capitulation of the U.S. Government (FDA), the food industry, the chemical industry (exclusively Monsanto), and now, the nuclear industry (food irradiation, x-ray, Chemo, CAT Scan, airport security)

The massive amount of refined sugar that we eat each year
destructively inflames the pancreas, kidneys, and liver.  When these
organs finally become dysfunctional from this dietary abuse, people
develop a condition known as Carbohydrate Intolerance (CI). 

Carbohydrate Intolerance is a condition in which the body can no longer
properly metabolize carbohydrates, and sugars.  Most Americans are in
this diseased state, in the very least; and this is why the carb-free
diets seem to work so well for most people. 

The body places chemicals
that it cannot process into fat storage to defend itself.  This explains
both the effectiveness of carb-free diets, and why diabetics tend to
have such terrible weight problems. 

Carbohydrate intolerance is
therefore a precept to diabetes, but most people remain undiagnosed
until full-blown diabetes can no longer be denied.

The medical establishment has no explanation for type 1 diabetes, and
it therefore does what it always does.  It claims that the disease is
‘genetic’, and thereby unavoidable; or that it is caused by unknown
viruses, or is “autoimmune” (caused by a malfunctioning immune system). 

They have a subtle tendency for blaming God for what they do not
understand, while failing to admit that this man-made disease did not
exist a century ago.  If the disease was somehow genetic, then it would
not have magically appeared when society starting eating chemicals and
using pharmaceuticals. 

Type 1 diabetes is caused by an onslaught of
chemicals, usually at an early age (through forced vaccines,
vaccinations, immunizations, and inoculations) followed by a poor diet
(diet of fast food and processed foods). 

Juvenile diabetes
artificially develops (designed that way) immediately following
vaccines, vaccinations, immunizations, and inoculations of children.

Sweet cravings occur often in those taking pharmaceutical insulin
injections, and it is possible to eliminate them without turning to
something unhealthy. Diabetics suffer from obesity due to their poor,
chemical-laden diets and the fact that pharmaceutical insulin stops the
metabolism of carbohydrates. 

On a natural diet, most people lose weight
naturally.  Natural diet are assisted with exercise to maintain a
healthy body weight.  Exercise also allows the toxins from the food you
eat and from pharmaceutical insulin to be released through the sweat

Otherwise, the toxins stored inside the pharmaceutical insulin
created fat cells will simply re-release into the body again, where they
will remain static, and then exasperate all problems. 

Exercising or
simply being active is a very health wise choice that will lead to
greater long-term health.  In fact, exercise and being active is the
only way that toxins are ever removed from the lymph nodes.

Studies have shown that diabetics have very low vitamin C levels. 
They are all Vitamin C deficient.  Vitamin C lowers sorbitol, the type
of sugar that is known to accumulate in type 1 diabetics and damage the
eyes, nerves, and kidneys. 

Recommended supplementation varies from
1,000 g. to 3,000 g. based upon the body weight of the individual. 
These high doses of vitamin C will also dramatically decrease the cancer
risk. Food based vitamins are the best choice for curing diabetes,
cancer and heart disease.

The pharmaceutical industry want you to stay sick perpetually, with
“chronic” diseases that they helped create, like diabetes, high blood
pressure, and cancer. 

If you stopped taking their toxic and life
threatening drugs and started giving your body what it needs – Vitamins
and minerals – you will never have diabetes, cancer or heart disease.

So what can diabetics use to cure themselves of diabetes and
pharmaceutical insulin dependency? 

Cinnamon should be added to foods
whenever possible, and one may even wish to take it in convenient
supplement capsule form.  Cinnamon is remarkably effective at naturally
lowering the blood sugar. 

Many diabetics are starting to use cinnamon
as a replacement for metformin, the most popular diabetes causing
pharmaceutical drug. 

Many diabetics suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency,
and this is exacerbated by the fact that Metformin, has been clinically proven to cause B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 has been shown to be very effective in curing diabetic
neuropathy, a painful condition whereby many of the nerves have become
damaged as a result of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

A Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to and is a cure for;

Pernicious Anemia (Vitamin B12 is essential for the manufacture of red
blood cells),


Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

(Vitamin B12 is needed to support the normal function of nerve cells,
and to manufacture myelin, the insulating material that surrounds some
of our nerve cells and speeds neural transmission.),

Muscle spasms,




strokes at an early age,


Metabolic Syndrome (a cluster of conditions — high blood
pressure, a high blood sugar level (diabetes),

excess body fat
(obesity) around the waist or abnormal cholesterol levels — that occur

increasing your risk of heart disease,


and synthetic
insulin drug dependency), and Dementia.   Vitamin B12 is required for
the replication of DNA.

The single most important aspect of a diabetic cure plan is diet. 
Diabetes cannot be cured without  a change of diet to natural, wholesome

Diabetes is purely a disorder of malnutrition, Vitamin
deficiency and processed food chemical poisoning. 

Eliminate all
processed foods, white foods (white bread, white flour, white sugar,
white rice), artificial sweeteners, tap water (toxic chlorine), all
artificial additives, ingredients that you can’t pronounce, and begin to
cook for yourself. 

When you begin to cook real natural food, using
real natural ingredients; you will have more energy, will feel better,
and you will even look better.

Both types of diabetes (Type I and Type II) have been cured, but the
mass media refuses to cover these stories for the usual reasons. 

entire industry has been developed to ensure that you will always be
sick and never free of the pharmaceutical drug dependency.


Government approved for-profit drug addiction

A nurse holds a tray of supplies to be used by a drug addict at a
government approved safe injection site in Vancouver, BC Canada.

Pharmaceutical insulin induced diabetes intends on making everyone,
young and old, a drug addict. There is no difference between illicit
drug trafficking and pharmaceutical drug trafficking. Both are selling
very harmful drugs for money. Both cause a drug dependency.

Drug addiction death

Both are ultimately responsible for causing the untimely death of their buyers.


Paul W Kincaid – May 20, 2012 –



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