A year ago, because political whores who long back sold their asses to the highest bidder International Corporations allowed the profits to be sucked out of the electrical grid and electrical generation companies servicing the Occupied Republic of Texas instead of putting some of the profits back to make the grid solid, as well as allowing coal fired plants to be shut down for feel good Solar panel farms which do not work when covered in several feet of snow to replace them, many people froze to death in Texas.
Just down the road from me a little boy froze to death in his bed.
WHILE ME FIRST!!!! SCALAWAG TED CRUZ and his family flew to sunny Cancun because it was chilly in their big ole house in Houston, Occupied Republic of Texas.
When he got busted by the freezing public in the Occupied Republic of Texas, he lied like a mangy ball-less dog trying to blame it on his kids.
But his ding a ling ole lady proved him a honor-less liar when her texts bragging about they were tired of being cold in Houston and inviting rich privileged friends to fly to meet them in warm sunny Cancun were leaked.
If the truckers and Americans are looking for a hero, they need to keep looking.
“We’re gonna keep looping the beltway until we’re heard. We’re not going anywhere. We’re not gonna leave. We’re gonna keep doing what we’re doing until we start getting more meetings like we just had today.”
A little advice about circles.
I am simply amazed at the American sheep’s ignorance and their memories which are almost as long as their short sheep dicks!
Cousin Georgie says:
The Ole Dog!
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