Patients’ lives will be at risk during Olympics as ambulances are ‘banned’ from using fast lane reserved for VIPs

David Baker

Last updated at 1:04 PM on 19th February 2012

'Games lanes': Fast lanes implemented on roads around London Olympic Stadium will be reserved for dignitaries while ambulances will have to wait in traffic jams

‘Games lanes’: Fast lanes implemented on roads around London Olympic Stadium will be reserved for dignitaries while ambulances will have to wait in traffic jams

Ambulances carrying the sick and vulnerable will be left stranded in traffic jams during the Olympics while dignitaries beat congestion with ‘Games lanes’ reserved for VIPs.

Organisers for the London Games rejected a request from NHS London to let ambulances use the new fast lanes and have now been accused of risking patients’ lives.

The lanes, which will be implemented across 39 miles of road in central London, will allow 80,000 accredited members of the ‘Olympic family’, including athletes, officials and sponsors to by-pass congestion on the busy roads.

Meanwhile ambulances will only be allowed in the lanes if they have their blue lights on.

Blue lights can only be switched on by those specifically trained to do so and are only used in genuine emergencies and Leah Bevington, head of communications at Medical Services said this was totally unacceptable.

Speaking to The Observer she said ‘This means that sick people, often elderly and frail, urgent blood supplies and oxygen will all be made to wait in traffic with the rest of us.

‘Congestion can be bad enough around London on a regular day so you can imagine that we are concerned that patients will be on a vehicle for much longer periods of time.

‘As much as the NHS and everyone else is trying to run business as usual, without some help it won’t happen.’

Olympic Road Network: This map highlights some of the roads in London which are expected to be given fast lanes, to help VIPs by pass congestion on the roads

Olympic Road Network: This map highlights some of the roads in London which are expected to be given fast lanes, to help VIPs by pass congestion on the roads

The £25m Olympic
Route Network (ORN) will be operational for 17 days of the event,
covering the fortnight-long competitive period and a number of days
before and after.

Traffic: Ambulances face having to wait in traffic jams despite fast lanes being introduced for the Olympic Games

Traffic: Ambulances face having to wait in traffic jams despite fast lanes being introduced for the Olympic Games

The Paralympics will also result in restrictions but they will cover a much shorter period.

Last week undercover investigations by Channel 4’s Dispatches revealed that rich businessmen were being offered the chance to ‘buy’ access to the VIP road lanes for £20,000 a head.

Companies including High Street travel chain Thomas Cook stand accused of violating Olympic rules by secretly including use of the fast-track routes in corporate packages.

Reporters were offered a Thomas Cook package priced at £450,709 for a group of 23.

The week-long deal included tickets for the men’s 100 metres athletics finals, six nights at the five-star Athenaeum hotel in Mayfair – and access to the lanes.

In the programme, shown last week, Pete Moore, who described himself as the company’s Head of Olympic Trip Packages, says corporate purchasers could use the road lanes by putting accreditation signs on the front of their dedicated ‘luxury coaches’.

Thomas Cook said Mr Moore was not an employee and worked for iLUKA, a ticketing company that has formed a partnership with Thomas Cook for the Olympics.

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one of these idiots falls ill during the olympics, but because they think “VIPs” are more important than people who are suffering a medical emergency, they can’t get to the hospital in time to save them? How wonderfully ironic would that be?

Oh well, never mind, let us hope that there is a not traffic collision involving Olympic VIP officials in the ‘special’ lane the ambulance crews are held up in the ‘proletarian’ lane.

slap for a slap

Some pigs are more equal than others

Just shoot the VIPs before they come, then let the emergency services use the roads as they should. The games will be a total disaster, and worse….

Could some nice legal person advise me who to sue if one of my relatives dies in the back of a London ambulance due to trafic congestion?

If a VIP needs an ambulance would it mean they would not be allowed to use it as it would be medical emergency nothing to do with the Olympics. Or does it mean some people are more important than others for medical attention.

A sensible suggestion rejected , a very sad decision – whilst I don’t live in London I still find the whole idea of these so called VIP lanes quite iniquitous, on a par with the special lanes in Moscow for the old time Communist rulers. Olympics one day, the rest of London and other big cities next, never forget MP Prescott ? and the M4 bus lane. Perhaps this may be an opportunity for the masses to ‘fight’ back and to simply drive in the VIP lanes as a form of peaceful protest, yes I know there will be fines but would there be enough gaol space for all those who choose not to pay fines.

All this fuss so that a few egotistical fools can show off about how good they are at childrens games.

If it was one of my family members put at risk because of this I hope the government don’t mind a legal battle on there hands

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