Parents furious as girls, 13, given contraceptive implants at school without their knowledge

  • Devices temporarily prevent pregnancy by releasing hormones into the blood
  • In 2011, 1,700 girls aged 13/14 were fitted with implants
  • Under ‘patient
    confidentiality’ rules, school staff are banned from seeking permission of
    parents beforehand

Sophie Borland

Last updated at 8:59 AM on 8th February 2012

Girls as young as 13 are being given contraceptive implants at school without their parents’ knowledge.

Nurses insert devices into their arms which temporarily prevent pregnancy by releasing hormones into the blood.

Last year 1,700 girls aged 13 and 14 were fitted with implants, while 800 had injections which have the same effect.

The 2010/11 NHS figures also show that 3,200 15-year-old girls were fitted with implants, and 1,700 had injections.

The contraceptive implant Nexplanon is 4cm long and is inserted under the skin. A parent was outraged after it was implanted in her 13-year-old's arm

The contraceptive implant Nexplanon is 4cm long and is inserted under the skin. A parent was outraged after it was implanted in her 13-year-old’s arm

But under strict ‘patient
confidentiality’ rules, staff are banned from seeking the permission of
parents beforehand – or even informing them afterwards.

Not all the girls would have had the
procedures at school. Some may have been treated at family planning
clinics or a GP surgery.

But MPs and campaigners say the scheme is morally wrong and violates parents’ right to protect their children.


The only contraceptive implant in use in the UK is Nexplanon.

It consists of a 4cm thin flexible tube that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm by a specially trained nurse or doctor.

It releases the hormone progestogen to stop the release of an egg from the ovary, thereby preventing pregnancy.

implant works for three years before it needs to be replaced and is 99% effective.

It doesn’t rely on remembering to take a
pill at the same time each day.

However, it can disrupt periods during the first year or even stop them completely while it is implanted.

Some women have complained of headaches, acne, nausea and breast tenderness in the first few months of use.

Some research has suggested it may slightly raise the risk of breast cancer. Studies are ongoing.

Both forms of contraception can bring on unpleasant side-effects including weight gain, depression, acne and irregular periods.

The jabs have also been linked to
bone-thinning, although experts say fractures are unlikely if they are
used only for a short time.

The implants and injections are being
offered to girls in nine secondary schools and three sixth form
colleges in Southampton under a scheme run by NHS Solent. The sexual
health clinics also offer other forms of contraception, advice and tests
for infections.

The trust introduced the scheme in 2009 to tackle high rates of teenage pregnancy, which are among the worst in the country.

It is not known how many other areas
are operating similar policies, but in 2008 the Department of Health
wrote to 21 authorities with high rates of teenage pregnancy, including
Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Rotherham, Nottingham and
Peterborough, urging them to increase the uptake of implants and jabs.

The implants last for three years before they need replacement. Injections are effective for up to three months.

One mother whose 13-year-old daughter
was given an implant at a Southampton school said: ‘I feel really
angry. I agree that teaching teenagers about sexual health and
contraception is very important but this is a step too far.


The rules that gag doctors and nurses

‘I have spoken to a lot of parents at the school and they were horrified to find out this was happening.’

Tory MP Nadine Dorries said: ‘This is
a violation of parents’ right to protect and nurture their children. It
is a surgically invasive procedure being imposed on children without
parents’ knowledge.’

But Natika Halil of the Family
Planning Association said: ‘The provision of sexual health support to
young people is a vital part of the Government’s strategy to reduce
teenage pregnancy rates in the UK which are amongst the highest in

Teen mother: Solent NHS Trust said the scheme had cut under-16 pregnancies

Teen mother: Solent NHS Trust said the scheme had cut under-16 pregnancies

Although teenage pregnancy rates in
Britain are now beginning to fall, they are still twice as high as those
in France and Germany and five times the rate in the Netherlands.

The Department of Health said: ‘Young
people should think carefully before having sex. If they decide the
time is right, they s+hould talk to an adult about contraception.

‘The health professional should be
fully satisfied that the young person understands all the issues before
they prescribe any contraceptive.’

A spokesman for NHS Solent said that since the scheme was introduced the number of teenage pregnancies had fallen.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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I don’t condone kids of 13 having sex but lets face it, parents would soon be in a much worse situation if their young daughter came home pregnant! It’s all very well for these parents to moan about their kids being protected, but realistically how many parents are comfortable discussing sex with their children and how many kids would go to them?? If the implant doesn’t suit her body, she can get it removed and try something else; a much easier problem to solve than a growing baby bump and losing her own childhood!!

This has been going on for years in schools WELCOME TO THE TOTALITARIAN STATE.You as a parent do not matter any more.

All a government plan where, you land and house are not really yours, your children are not really yours and then give us advice on how to raise our children with no smacking and the same government who is soft on crime and hard on health and safety where its far eaier to manage ‘soft’ projects than handle real hard hitting projects and the same government who seem to loose data and they say sorry….well im sorry that the governments are a bunch of half wits who lack the balls to handle what they need to.

Putting it simply: your daughter 13 wants to have sex (and if she wants to she will with or without your consent)
1. She has the implant with out your consent and dosent get prgnant.
2. She dosent have the implant because shes to younge and then gets pregnant….

As the mother of teenage girls, there are parts of this that really concern me. I agree with girls being able to access contraception and advice. Even when I was a teenager I could get the pill without my parent’s knowledge. However, it concerns me that girls can be given the depo injection. I spent 3 years on this injection. I have had numerous side effects, including weight gain, depression, mood swings and loss of periods. Even when a person decides to stop taking this drug, it remains in your system for a long time, and it can take months, if not years, for your body to get back to normal. As my doctor explained to me, the depo jab is different to any of the others in that once you are given it, you are stuck with it. If you take the pill or implant, you can stop it if issues arise. Depo jab is a massive dose of hormone given all at once every 12 weeks. If you have problems, you’re stuck with it. Young girls shouldn’ be given a drug so potent without parents consent.

The point is – young people aged 13 and 14 are having sex. It is pointless to whine on about it being a crime – surely we all feel this is mainly to ensure older men do not prey on young girls? I doubt many people would want the boy arrested if two 13/14 year olds are having consensual sex. In an ideal world young people would feel able to discuss contraception with their parents but again, we all know this is not always the case. Bottom line – do you want a pregnant 13/14 year old or not? I say not – so make contraception easily available and protect their privacy.

Whats the alternative to forward thinking its not an Einstein project it called common sense

I know some pairents may not agree with this but the fact is if they want to have sex even at their age they WILL with or with out your promishion …
no one has been forced to have these inplants … it has been there own choice.
and come to think of it if you daughter of 13 came to you and asked for it most pairents would say no… just coz they dont have the implant dosent mean they wont still go and have sex …
Ok so having sex underage is irrasponcible but it happends least if they are going to do it (and they WILL) they are taking some procaushions ay.

This is child abuse and puts the child at risk. My niece had one of these hormone implants (she’s an adult) it had to be removed as her arm swelled up and she was in pain and felt ill. How dare the authorities go ahead with this and without the parents consent. When i worked in schools and it’s still the case not even a paracetamol was allowed to be given and if a child wet their pants we weren’t allowed to change them as this could be abuse. When i took my grandaughter to the dentist, as i am not her legal guardian, she was refused treatment, it had to be parental consent, she had to return with her mother. This is the law. It should apply to all children for any treatment. Now children are being put through this ordeal, most of them probably have no intention of having sex at 12 and 13 anyway. It is an outrage, what happens if a child becomes unwell because of this, the parent is totally unaware of what’s gone on. It’s dangerous .it’s abuse and it’s a parents right to refuse.

Sounds like depot hormonal contraceptive injection and device. Amongst ethical questions involving consent is comprehension of depot hormonal contraception. How often are these the contraception method of choice of consenting young ADULT females? Not in the top few. These preventive agents are not without side-effects, one from memory is failure of reattainment of normal menstrual/ovarian cycle when the treatment wears off. Hence bone effects etc. This is the type of treatment for the non-compliant, the pharmacological version of implanting intra-uterine devices taken one step further in having systemic side-effects. Effective, put and forget but less fully reversible compared to other methods . Are the children ‘unreachable’ that this needs to be the last resort? Either case this can at best be described as a desparate stop gap measure. Hopefully as sex education establishes itself through years, you will move away from these methods.

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