#PalHunger | Four administrative detainees halt hunger strike following Israeli pledge

[ Reported by the PIC 13/06/2013 – 10:39 AM ]


GAZA, (PIC)– An informed source said that the four Palestinian administrative detainees in Negev jail suspended their hunger strike on Wednesday evening following an Israeli pledge to address the issue of administrative detention.

The source told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that the repeated rounds of negotiations between the hunger strikers and the Israeli prison authority resulted in understandings under which the Israeli side promised to solve the problem of administrative detention.

According to these understandings, prisoners Samir Bahis, Muayad Sharab, Basel Dweikat and Anas Jawdalla accepted to suspend their hunger strike and thus were able to return to their sections after the Negev jail administration had transferred them to isolated cells.

Earlier, the Palestinian prisoners’ center for studies said that the Israeli prison authority started on Wednesday negotiating with the four administrative detainees, who went on hunger strike three days ago, in order to convince them to halt their strike.

The center added that the prison authority sent two detained lawmakers, Mahmoud Al-Ramhi and Mohamed Attoun, in addition to leading prisoner Talal Abu Osba to the cells of the hunger strikers to sea what their demands are.

The four prisoners decided a few days ago to go on hunger strike to pressure the Israeli prison authority to end the policy of administrative detention.


Report: Published by Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel and Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights | June 26, 2012

“On Torture” is an edited volume of essays by Palestinian, Israeli and international legal and medical experts and practitioners based on presentations that they gave during a workshop held in Jerusalem in April 2011 entitled, “Securing Accountability for Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment (CIDT) in Israel: New Trends and Comparative Lessons”.

The essayists explore the history of torture in Israel, the daily challenges that practitioners face in seeking accountability for torture and CIDT in Israel, and the changing face of torture.


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Source Article from http://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2013/06/13/palhunger-four-administrative-detainees-halt-hunger-strike-following-israeli-pledge/

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