Palestinian Resistance Factions Denounce UK Hamas Decision

19 Nov 2021

Source: Al Mayadeen

By Al Mayadeen

The Palestinian resistance factions unanimously agree that the recent British decision to classify Hamas as a “terrorist organization” is biased toward the Israeli occupation.

لجان المقاومة: ذكرى النكسة تأتي بأجواء الانتصار كرسالة أن شعبنا لن يهزم
The factions pointed out that “the British decision exposes the pro-Zionist policy since the Balfour Declaration.”

The Palestinian resistance factions condemned the UK’s recent decision to consider the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, a “terrorist organization.”

The factions pointed out that “the British decision exposes the pro-Zionist policy since the Balfour Declaration.”

They indicated that such decisions will encourage the occupation to commit more crimes against Palestinians under international cover.

Nonetheless, the “hateful” British policies will only increase the resistance’s determination to confront the occupation and defeat it, the factions affirmed.

The resistance factions called on Britain to retract the “unjust” decision, which they described as an attack on the Palestinians’ right to resist the occupation and restore their land.

PFLP calls on Britain to retract “biased” decision

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) denounced the British decision and said it targets the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people.

The PFLP also demanded Britain to retract the “biased” decision and urged the country to correct its mistake that led to the establishment of the Israeli occupation settlements on the Palestinian lands.

In the same context, the PFLP asked supporters in Britain and Europe to stand up to this decision and condemn it, stressing that Britain is biased to the Israeli occupation crimes, assaults, and land confiscation, which represent the “real terrorism.”

In the same context, the Mujahideen movement brigades strongly rejected the recent decision and considered that it is part of the continuous Western aggression against Palestinians.

The movement affirmed that the UK decision will strengthen the will of Hamas and its leadership in resisting the occupation, adding that the leaders of the occupation are the ones who should be included on the terrorism list.

The Palestinian embassy in Britain urged Britain to reconsider the decision

In a statement, the Palestinian Mission to the UK condemned the latest British decision classifying Hamas as a terrorist organization, and considered that “with this move, the British government has complicated Palestinian unity efforts and undermined Palestinian democracy.”

The head of the Mission, Husam Zomlot, urged the UK government to reconsider its decision and to adopt a more even-handed approach.

British Home Secretary Priti Patel: “We can no longer disaggregate the sort of military and political side.”

British Home Secretary Priti Patel announced Friday, that Hamas Movement was ‘outlawed’; a move consistent with the US and EU’s stance on the Movement.

Patel said, “Hamas has the significant terrorist capability, including access to extensive and sophisticated weaponry, as well as terrorist training facilities,” adding, “That is why today I have acted to proscribe Hamas in its entirety.”

“We’ve taken the view that we can no longer disaggregate the sort of military and political side. It’s based upon a wide range of intelligence, information and also links to terrorism. The severity of that speaks for itself,” the Secretary added.

Until now, only Hamas’ military wing was banned in the United Kingdom, while the Movement is blacklisted in the US and the EU.

If Britain adopts this designation after next week’s scheduled debate in Parliament, membership in Hamas or the promotion of the Movement will be punishable with imprisonment of up to 14 years, under the provisions of the British “Anti-Terrorism Act”, according to the Ministry of the Interior.


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