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  • guest_8251 : research ciro orsini
  • guest_621 : They faked the Torah, nothing else. Even their own neutral Rabbies tell that truth. The ORIGINAL Torah has nothing to do with the satansih Talmud or faked Torah!
  • guest_7642 : Look into Crowley Satanism in Hollywood. Actual Satanic kikes and space kikes working together.
  • guest_1984 : good work
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels :
  • guest_4766 : Been doing hundres of sticker labels, al over town now :ppp
  • guest_1984 : hahaha
  • guest_9645 : Oy Vey Goyim STOP going on this FUCKING SITE and go eat your GOYSLOP
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels : join this goyim
  • guest_5248 : The Search works. it takes time to sift through 700,000 articles.
  • guest_5419 : Gotta love that the search doesn't work
  • NMNV : wake up sheeple
  • guest_6482 : May this site live on and expand. EVERYONE SAVE THIS SITE AND PDF IT WHATEVER.
  • guest_7482 : Amen
  • guest_8470 Revelatio : Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  • guest_1695 : jew boy go away
  • guest_8124 : This site is awesome
  • guest_8124 : yes master
  • guest_956 : nigger
  • guest_8124 : allah not happy?
  • Site_Sabotaged : HONK
  • guest_2832 : The Goyim know... Shut it down
  • guest_8554 :
  • guest_380 : New World Order is the Jew World Order
  • guest_77 : love the chat
  • guest_2019 : shut it
  • nazi jews : wake up stupid
  • nazi jews : lol
  • guest_5277 : ok
  • guest_1726 : ok
  • meee : fuck u dikhead
  • meee : ggg

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Greek Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

UAE elected to UN Security Council

The UAE has been elected to the UN Security Council (UNSC) for the 2022-2023 term by winning 179 votes out of the total 190 cast by the General Assembly members, UN news reports.

According to the report, the Emirates will replace Tunisia in the Asia-Pacific slot when the mandate begins on 1 January 2022.

UAE Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, said the “election of the UAE to the Security Council for the period 2022-2023 reflects its active diplomacy… and its international standing.”

Sheikh Mohammed shared via Twitter that the achievement is “all thanks to the Emirati diplomatic team led by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed. We look forward to an effective, positive and active membership in the UN Security Council.”

Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana are other nations that ran unchallenged for two-year terms in the UNSC.

READ: PA calls for UNSC, ICC to bear their responsibility towards settlements


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Erdogan: Turkey signs new $3.6bn currency swap deal with China

Turkey signed a new $3.6 billion swap agreement with China, increasing the limit on their existing currency arrangement to $6 billion, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said yesterday according to Bloomberg.

In a statement during a press conference held at Ataturk Airport State Guest House before he departed for Brussels to attend the NATO Leaders’ Summit, Erdogan said: “The foreign exchange reserves of the Central Bank reached the level of $100 billion.”

Last month, China’s leading technology company, Xiaomi, opened a factory in Turkey alongside supply giant Salcomp.

The firm announced its plan to open the factory with an investment of $30 million in February.

The trade volume between China and Turkey was around $24 billion as of 2020.

Thanks to Turkey’s soaring export to China, the foreign trade deficit that favoured the latter decreased by 7seven per cent over the last five years.

INTERVIEW: I haven’t heard from my mother in 1,400 days due to the Chinese crackdown, says Uyghur academic


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Egypt to launch 2 satellites next year 

Egypt is to launch two satellites next year, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research has announced. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar made the announcement during the Europe-Africa Space Earth Observation High-Level Forum in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Nexast-1, weighing just 65kg, will be a lightweight satellite used for remote sensing and scientific research. The EgyptSat-2 will weigh 330kg and use sensor applications to provide clear photographs by cameras capturing images within two metres of the intended subject.

Egypt’s Space Agency was inaugurated in 2018, although the country’s ventures beyond the earth’s atmosphere started several years before with the launch of EgyptSat-1 in 2007. Two other satellites were launched in 2019.

READ: Tunisia launches first satellite into space

Egypt will host the headquarters of the African Space Agency, which represents all 54 countries on the continent. The agency will be equipped with the latest equipment and space technology said Abdel Ghaffar.

“All the facilities and infrastructure for space projects are available in Egypt, and we are ready to become a reliable partner,” he explained. All support will be “provided to Africa to benefit from space technology and its applications.”

The minister also pointed out that next month, Egypt will be launching a training and capacity-building programme for 18 African researchers across various fields in space exploration.

“We aim to transform Egypt into a centre for training, research and development in space activities, and encourage African youth to explore new horizons in space science,” he added.

READ: Israel Aerospace signs $200m UAV deal with unnamed Asian country


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Arab Parliament congratulates Algeria on holding election

Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Adel Bin Abdulrahman Al-Assoumi, yesterday congratulated Algeria for holding the legislative election on Saturday.

“Conducting these elections represents an important stage in the process of democratic development and strengthening political participation in the Republic of Algeria and represents a necessary step forward,” Al-Assoumi said in a statement.

He commended: “The Algerian people’s ability to pass this important democratic process and overcome all challenges under the wise leadership of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune,” expressing at the same time his confidence in the new lawmakers’ ability “to shoulder the great responsibility” entrusted to them by the Algerian people.

READ: Voter turnout reaches 30% in Algeria parliamentary elections


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Turkey strikes YPG positions in northern Syria after attack on hospital

Turkey has conducted airstrikes against Kurdish militant targets in northern Syria, in response to a deadly attack on a hospital in the region.

The airstrikes targeted the positions of the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Syrian regime-held city of Tel Rifat yesterday. Ankara accused the groups of the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital in the opposition-held city of Afrin on Saturday.

At least 13 people were killed and 27 were injured as a result of two separate artillery strikes on Afrin, the first of which hit a residential area and the second which hit the hospital. A doctor, three hospital staff, two women, and two children were reportedly amongst those killed.

READ: Kurdish militia shoots anti-child conscription protesters

The US, the UN, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) condemned the hospital attack, for which nobody has claimed responsibility. The YPG and SDF denied that it was them, although the Turkish government accused the US-backed Kurdish militias. The governor of the Turkish province of Hatay said that the missiles were fired from the Syrian regime-held city of Tel Rifat.

With Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan promising to “hold these cowards accountable for every drop of blood they spilled,” the defence ministry yesterday stated that retaliatory strikes had been conducted against “terrorist targets” in Tel Rifat.

The strikes on Afrin and the hospital came at the end of a week of shelling of civilian areas in north-western Syria carried out by Russia and the regime of Bashar Al-Assad. This has sparked fears of a renewed offensive on the opposition-held territory.


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Palestine condemns Israel’s plan to build 534 new settlement units

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday condemned Israel’s plan to build 534 new settlement units in the northern occupied West Bank, Anadolu reported.

“The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns in the strongest terms the expansionist colonial settlement project, which targets the entire area south of Nablus,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that “the Israeli occupation authorities continue to steal Palestinian land, by planning to build 534 new settlement units to expand Shvut Rahil settlement”.

The ministry called for “more firm and severe reactions” to the Israeli plans.

Earlier yesterday, Ghassan Daghlas, who is responsible for the settlements file in the northern occupied West Bank, said the approval of the new settlement units will allow the settlement to grow to five times its size.

Israeli and Palestinian estimates indicate that there are about 650,000 settlers in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, who live in 164 settlements and 116 outposts.

Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

READ: Israel shuts Palestinian archaeological site in Nablus


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Airlines Open Talks on Banning Vaccinated From Flying! 150,000 Vaccine Deaths Hidden From Public! – Must Video

For those of you taking the vaccine in order for you to travel, you had better think twice about that.
Airlines have now begun talks on banning the vaccinated from flying at high altitudes due to blood clots forming at high altitudes.
Doctors are being told to SHUT UP from speaking the TRUTH or their medical license will be revoked.
In other words, the oath they took “TO DO NO HARM” doesn’t exist anymore and patients are being lied to and are dying needlessly from the covid jab.
Huge mega-companies around the world are worried about how they will replace their workers in 2-3 years when they begin dying from lethal injection.



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Iraq senior official pledges firm stance against ‘sectarian calls’

Iraq National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, yesterday said security forces will confront sectarian calls, threatening social peace with “firmness and force”, Anadolu reported.

Al-Araji made the remarks during a meeting with members of the National Intelligence Coordination Committee to discuss the latest calls by a radical Shia group to demolish the shrine of a revered Sunni cleric in Baghdad.

“The safety valve in Najaf and the leaders of Iraqi society and clans are the impenetrable barriers in the face of any attempts to strike security and civil peace,” he added.

On Friday, the Iraqi government deployed hundreds of security forces in the vicinity of the Abu Hanifa Al-Numan Mosque in the capital following calls to demolish the mosque.

The Shia group that made the threats, which has followers in Iraq, the Gulf states, and Britain, is known for opposing prominent Sunni imams and even other Shia groups.

READ: Iraqi Shia militias protest against removal of officers from intelligence service


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Christian Rock Band Faces Severe Backlash for Post on Jesus’ Love for LGBTQ Community

(Facebook/ Seventh Day Slumber)

The month of June has become a yearly event when the LGBTQ community celebrates their pride in their lifestyles. The rainbow, God’s sign of His covenant to never again use a flood to destroy the earth, has now been appropriated as a symbol of pride in a lifestyle of sin.

On June 7, the Christian rock band Seventh Day Slumber shared an illustration on their Facebook page of Jesus embracing an LGBTQ person with a pink mohawk, the pride colors prominently displayed on the individual’s shaved scalp.

The caption reads, “This picture is a powerful reminder of who God is, how God loves, and how none of us are out of His reach! You can come to Him in your hurt, you can come to Him in your pain, you can come to Him in your sin, you can come to Him in your brokenness. He loves you where you’re at. He also loves you too much to leave you there. Be kind to one another. You never know what someone has been through.”

The post, written by lead singer Joseph Rojas, has been shared almost 3,000 times and has inspired more than 8,000 comments, both positive and negative. The picture has put the band in hot water with some venues that, in response to the post, have decided to cancel their upcoming concerts. Rojas communicated that he is available to talk with any pastor who has booked the band and would like to discuss more on the topic.

Rojas also remarked in a follow-up post that in the band’s more than 20 years of ministry, they have never advocated for a sinful lifestyle, imploring followers to, “Come to [Jesus] as flawed as you are, as broken as you are, as confused as you are. Come to Him with your questions and your anger. Just come.”

In a Facebook Live video on June 10, Rojas addressed his fans and encouraged them to not let the angry mob keep them from loving on people publicly, not to let the angry mob keep them from ministering to hurting people publicly.

He went on to share his testimony of overcoming the sin of addiction to cocaine, along with other drugs, how his mother didn’t give up praying for him, and how we shouldn’t give up on the loss either.

Rojas pleaded with people who have been hurt by the church not to give up on Jesus.

As Seventh Day Slumber wrote in the original post, Jesus loves where you’re at. He also loves you too much to leave you there.

Social media is abuzz on this topic. We want to know what you think!



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Gaza fishermen protest against continuous Israel siege

Scores of Palestinian fishermen yesterday staged a protest against the continuous Israeli siege on Gaza, as well as the occupation’s aggression on the fishing industry, Anadolu reported.

Fishermen Syndicate in Gaza organised the protest, which took place in the port west of Gaza City.

The fishermen held posters reading: “It is my right to move freely… Yes to the full lifting of the siege.” They also raised the Palestine flag.

Head of Fishermen Syndicate, Nizar Ayyash, said: “We are standing today to express our rejection for the Israeli maritime siege imposed on Gaza, as well as against the repeated Israeli violations against fishermen.”

Ayyash said that sailing only for six nautical miles in the sea is not enough for the fishermen to get enough fish to help them make money or even provide enough fish for consumers.

At the start of the latest Israeli offensive on Gaza on 11 May, Israel closed the sea completely. Since the end of the offensive on 21 May, Israel has opened the sea only for six nautical miles.

READ: Israel closes Gaza fishing waters as assaults in Jerusalem increase

“Israeli violations against Palestinian fishermen are continuous,” Ayyash said, highlighting that the abuses including opening fire, arresting fishermen, and confiscating or drowning fishing boats.

According to Oslo Accords reached between Israel and the PLO, Palestinian fishermen can sail up to 20 nautical miles. About 4,500 fishermen are working in this profession.

Since 2006, when Israel imposed its sea, air, and ground siege, Palestinians have not been able to access an area of more than 12 nautical miles from the shore.


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The Martinez Perspective (June 13, 2021): Trash Wiggers, More Anti-White Incitement, & Latest Globalist Covid Scam



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Myanmar’s Military Junta Puts Ousted Leader Aung San Suu Kyi On Trial

BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi was set to go on trial Monday on charges that many observers have criticized as an attempt by the military junta that deposed her to delegitimize her democratic election and cripple her political future.

Suu Kyi’s prosecution poses the greatest challenge for the 75-year-old and her National League for Democracy party since February’s military coup, which prevented them from taking office for a second five-year term following last year’s landslide election victory.

 Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi in February, with protesters ref

 Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi in February, with protesters refusing to submit to the junta and demanding a return to democracy. 

Human Rights Watch charged that the allegations being heard in a special court in the capital, Naypyitaw, are “bogus and politically motivated” with the intention of nullifying the victory and preventing Suu Kyi from running for office again.

“This trial is clearly the opening salvo in an overall strategy to neuter Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy party as a force that can challenge military rule in the future,” said Phil Robertson, the organization’s deputy Asia director.

The army seized power on Feb. 1 before the new lawmakers could be seated, and arrested Suu Kyi, who held the post of special counselor, and President Win Myint, along with other members of her government and ruling party. The coup reversed years of slow progress toward more democracy for Myanmar.

The army cited the government’s failure to properly investigate alleged voting irregularities as its reason for seizing power — an assertion contested by the independent Asian Network for Free Elections and many others. Junta officials have threatened to dissolve the National League for Democracy for alleged involvement in election fraud and any conviction for Suu Kyi could see her barred from politics.

The junta has claimed it will hold new elections within the next year or two but the country’s military has a long history of promising elections and not following through. The military ruled Myanmar for 50 years after a coup in 1962, and kept Suu Kyi under house arrest for 15 years after a failed 1988 popular uprising.

The military’s latest takeover sparked nationwide protests that continue despite a violent crackdown that has killed hundreds of people. Although street demonstrations have shrunk in number and scale, the junta now faces a low-level armed insurrection by its opponents in both rural and urban areas.

Suu Kyi is being tried on allegations she illegally imported walkie-talkies for her bodyguards’ use, unlicensed use of the radios and spreading information that could cause public alarm or unrest, as well as for two counts of violating the Natural Disaster Management Law for allegedly breaking pandemic restrictions during the 2020 election campaign, her lawyers said Sunday.

“All these charges should be dropped, resulting in her immediate and unconditional release,” said Human Rights Watch’s Robertson. “But sadly, with the restrictions on access to her lawyers, and the case being heard in front of a court that is wholly beholden to the military junta, there is little likelihood she will receive a fair trial.”

Government prosecutors will have until June 28 to finish their presentation, after which Suu Kyi’s defense team will have until July 26 to present its case, Khin Maung Zaw, the team’s senior member, said last week. Court sessions are due to be held on Monday and Tuesday each week.

Two other more serious charges are being handled separately. Suu Kyi is charged with breaching the colonial-era Official Secrets Act, which carried a maximum 14-year prison term, and police last week filed complaints under a section of the Anti-Corruption Law that states that political office holders convicted for bribery face a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison and a fine.

Although Suu Kyi faced her first charge just days after the coup, she was not immediately allowed to consult with her lawyers. Only on May 24, when she made her first actual appearance in court, was she allowed the first of two brief face-to-face meetings with them at pre-trial hearings. Her only previous court appearances had been by video link.

A photo of her May 24 appearance released by state media showed her sitting straight-backed in a small courtroom, wearing a pink face-mask, her hands folded in her lap. Alongside her were her two co-defendants on several charges, the former president as well as the former mayor of Naypyitaw, Myo Aung.

The three were able to meet with their defense team for about 30 minutes before the hearing began at a special court set up inside Naypyitaw’s city council building, said one of their lawyers, Min Min Soe. Senior lawyer Khin Maung Zaw, said Suu Kyi “seems fit and alert and smart, as always.”


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Nicaraguan Incumbent Arrests 5 Opposition Leaders In One Day

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) — The government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega arrested five opposition leaders Sunday during the biggest one-day round up so far, in what appears to be widespread detentions of anyone who might challenge his rule.

The moves over the weekend suggest Ortega has moved beyond arresting potential opposition candidates in the Nov. 7 elections, and has begun arresting any prominent member of the opposition. Sunday’s arrests bring to 12 the number of opponents detained since June 2.

“It’s not just potential candidates any more, it’s political leaders,” former general and Sandinista dissident Hugo Torres said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press before he himself was arrested. “This is not a transition to dictatorship, it is a dictatorship in every way.”

On Sunday, police arrested prominent ex-Sandinista dissident Dora María Téllez, and another opposition leader, Ana Margarita Vijil.

Tellez’s arrest is a major step: she was a leading Sandinista militant who led an assault on the National Palace in 1978, taking hostage the congress of dictator Anastasio Somoza in exchange for the release of Sandinista prisoners.

Following Somoza’s overthrow, Tellez served as health minister in the first Sandinista government which ruled from 1979 to 1990. Like many former guerrillas, she later split with Ortega.

On Saturday, police arrested Tamara Dávila, who was active in Unamos, a movement formed by former Sandinistas angered by Ortega’s autocratic ways, nepotism and perpetual re-elections. On Sunday, police also arrested Suyen Barahona, the leader of Unamos.

Police said they arrested Dávila on charges related to a recently enacted law that classifies as treason any support for sanctions against officials in the Ortega regime; the U.S. has slapped sanctions on dozens of officials.

Davila is also a central figure in the opposition coalition Blue and White National Unity, which was formed following Ortega’s repression of mass protests in 2018.

Under a law passed in December, Ortega’s government has the power to unilaterally declare citizens “terrorists” or coup-mongers, classify them as “traitors to the homeland” and ban them from running as candidates.

The law punishes those “who lead or finance a coup … encourage foreign interference, ask for military intervention … propose or plan economic blockades, applaud and champion the imposition of sanctions against Nicaragua or its citizens.”

Those accused “will be traitors to the homeland, and for that reason may not run for public office.” Treason is punishable by prison terms of up to 15 years.

Ortega has already arrested four potential opposition candidates who might have challenged his bid for a fourth consecutive term, and now many Nicaragua opposition leaders fear it is only a matter of time until police come for them, too.

Torres said he has seen drones flying around his home in recent days, of the type used at Tellez’s house.

“This interview may be the last one I give,” Torres said. “I am here, waiting for them to come for me.”

Hours later, police barged into Torres’ home and arrested him.

Nicaragua’s National Police arrested the four opposition pre-candidates earlier this month.

On June 8, they arrested pre-candidate Félix Maradiaga, a pre-candidate for the opposition coalition Blue and White National Unity, and Sebastián Chamorro, a former director of the opposition coalition Civic Alliance.

The previous week authorities detained Cristiana Chamorro, a cousin of Juan Sebastián Chamorro, and Arturo Cruz Sequeira, a former ambassador to the United States.

Ortega initially led Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990 following the Sandinista revolution that ousted Somoza. He returned to the presidency in 2007 after three failed election attempts, and he won reelection in 2011. He then sidestepped term limits to get himself reelected in 2016, and packed courts and government agencies with allies. The Sandinista party controls the courts and the legislature, and has stifled universities and the Roman Catholic church.

Torres said Ortega has now instituted a more suffocating dictatorship than Somoza, who faced opposition from the within the church, intellectual circles and universities.

“I think Ortega has outdone Somoza,” said Torres. “He has subordinated all the power to himself as Somoza never could. He has a bigger repressive apparatus than Somoza ever had.”

Julie Chung, the U.S. State Department’s acting assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere affairs, said via Twitter recently that the arrests “confirm without a doubt that Ortega is a dictator. The international community has no choice but to treat him as such.”


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VOCI – The Hebrew New Testament, Part 1

VOCI – The Hebrew New Testament, Part 1


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BL – Henry Ford and William Cameron

BL – Henry Ford and William Cameron


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President Biden Meets With Queen Elizabeth At Windsor Castle

WINDSOR, England (AP) — President Joe Biden and his aviator sunglasses met Queen Elizabeth II on a bright Sunday afternoon.

The queen hosted the president and first lady Jill Biden at Windsor Castle, her royal residence near London. Biden flew to London after wrapping up his participation in a three-day summit of leaders of the world’s wealthy democracies in Cornwall, in southwestern England. He arrived at the castle aboard the presidential helicopter and was ferried to the queen in a black Range Rover.

The 95-year-old monarch greeted the Bidens in the castle’s quadrangle, where she waited beneath a covered dais that shielded her from the sun on one of the hottest days of the year so far in the United Kingdom. Assembled soldiers from the Queen’s Company First Battalion Grenadier Guards gave a royal salute and the Bidens placed their hands over their hearts as the U.S. national anthem was played.

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden stand beside Britain's Queen Elizabeth II as a Guard of Honour give a Royal Sal

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden stand beside Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II as a Guard of Honour give a Royal Salute during the U.S. National Anthem at Windsor Castle in Windsor, west of London, on Sunday.

The president was then led across the grass for an inspection of the Guard of Honor. He wore a stern expression on his face after he had removed his trademark sunglasses, but when the 78-year-old Biden got to the end of the row, he smiled for the soldier in front of him who held up a sword. The queen and Jill Biden remained on the dais.

Biden returned to the dais and he, the first lady and the white-gloved woman who has held the British throne for nearly 70 years watched the military march past before they went inside for tea. As they left the dais, Biden offered the queen an elbow. She declined and stepped down on her own power, using the handrail.

The Bidens emerged from the castle just shy of having spent a full hour with the queen and boarded the helicopter for the return trip to London.

Biden speaks with Queen Elizabeth II during Sunday's visit,, which will include tea.

Biden speaks with Queen Elizabeth II during Sunday’s visit,, which will include tea.

At Heathrow Airport, Biden talked about the queen with his traveling press corps, saying she was “very gracious,” that she asked him about Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping and that he had invited her to visit the White House.

“I don’t think she’ll be insulted, but she reminded me of my mother,” Biden said before he boarded Air Force One for his next stop, Brussels.

It generally is frowned upon for anyone to reveal the contents of their private talks with the queen.

Biden is the 13th American president to meet the monarch. President Lyndon B. Johnson is the only one who did not make her acquaintance while he was in office.

Assembled soldiers from the Queen’s Company First Battalion Grenadier Guards gave a royal salute. Biden arrived Sunday

Assembled soldiers from the Queen’s Company First Battalion Grenadier Guards gave a royal salute. Biden arrived Sunday from Cornwall where he attended the G7 Leader’s Summit.

She has welcomed four other U.S. presidents to Windsor Castle, where she has been isolating during the coronavirus pandemic. They are Donald Trump in 2018, Barack Obama in 2016, George W. Bush in 2008 and Ronald Reagan in 1982.

Biden’s first time meeting the queen came in November 1982, when as a U.S. senator he traveled to the United Kingdom for a meeting of the British-American Parliamentary Group, the White House said Sunday. Biden was part of a group that met with the monarch during that visit.

The queen has been riding out the pandemic at Windsor Castle, but also has begun getting out now and again after the April death of her husband, Prince Philip, at age 99.

On Friday, she joined other royal family members, including Prince Charles and Prince William and their spouses, at a reception in Cornwall for the Group of Seven leaders.

Superville reported from Washington.


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WSBH-191027-Chosen Pt 5

WSBH-191027-Chosen Pt 5

The Jews, Gentiles, or the ‘church’ are NOT the Chosen People of Yahweh. Do you know who are? This study covers all the verses that reveal who the CHOSEN are.

Send this series to your family and friends who are ‘confused’ and identify as transGentiles who don’t know who they are.

Follow along with the document:


Bitchute channel: Brother Hebert Presents


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G7 Tax Deal: From Global Tax to Global Government

Imagine if you spent months planning an elaborate 50th birthday party for yourself—hiring performers, decorating your place and inviting everyone you know—and when the big day finally arrived . . . no one bothered to show up. Embarrassing, right?

Well, that’s essentially what happened to the European Union in 2007 when they threw themselves a 50th Anniversary Extravaganza. Reports at the time talked of EU-sponsored “citizen parties,” street festivals and public celebrations that were largely ignored by the public. About the only thing that Europeans can ever agree on is their differences, and even after 50 years of conditioning it seemed few outside of Brussels were stirred by the EU flag or the thought of half a century of political union.

Perhaps that’s because 2007 did not really mark the 50th anniversary of the EU or 50 years of political union at all. No, 2007 was the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, a 1957 compact to form a common market and customs union between six European nations. It is doubtful that many people beyond the handful of Bilderbergers and globalists who signed the treaty could have imagined that it would result in a grandiose anniversary celebration for the European Union 50 years hence.

(FUN FACT: The “Treaty of Rome” that was signed on March 25, 1957, was literally a blank document because “[t]he Italian state printer had not met the deadline.”)

It makes you wonder: Is there any seemingly innocuous event taking place in the world today that, 50 years from now, may be commemorated as the moment that some monstrous globalist institution was born?

SPOILER: Yes. Yes, there is such an event happening right now. Find out more in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.

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Breaking News: Resurrection and Rapture

Breaking News ani

Listen! I am telling you a mystery:

We will not all fall asleep,
but we will all be changed,
in a moment, in the blink of an eye,
at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound,
and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
and we will be changed.
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

What do we consider to be news?

There are several elements of newsworthiness. Good news stories have more than one of these elements:.

1) Prominence – A well-known person, place, or event has a stronger news angle than something that the audience isn’t familiar with.

Sidney Powell Claims Trump ‘Can Simply Be Reinstated,’ Biden Told to Leave White House / Newsweek, May 30, 2021

Sidney Powel

Powell made the remarks during the “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” conference in Dallas this weekend. Also speaking at the event was retired general Michael Flynn, the former Trump national security who has also repeatedly pushed false claims about the 2020 election.

“He can simply be reinstated,” Powell said of Trump during the conference. The crowd cheered loudly in response to her groundless claims.

“And Biden is told to move out of the White House,” the lawyer continued with a smirk on her face. “And President Trump should be moved back in. I’m sure there’s not going to be credit for time lost, unfortunately. Because the Constitution itself sets the date for inauguration. But he should definitely get the remainder of his term and make the best of it. That’s for sure,” Powell insisted.


2) Timeliness – Current news has more impact than something that happened yesterday or last week.

EU leaders urge unfettered probe into origins of COVID-19 / MSN News, June 10, 2021


“Investigators need complete access to whatever is necessary to really find the source of this pandemic,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told a news conference in Brussels.

The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, said: “The world has the right to know exactly what happened in order to be able to learn the lessons.” He added that the EU supported all efforts.


3) Oddity – If something is unusual, shocking, or bizarre, the strangeness alone could make it newsworthy.

Pentagon whistleblower says UFOs have meddled with secret US nuclear weapons facilities and even forced some offline – calling actions a ‘global threat’ / DailyMail, June 9, 2021

Luis Elizondo former head of the Pentagon Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program

Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said UFOs have interfered with U.S. nuclear technology. Several UFO sightings have been above secret nuclear weapons facilities and almost every major nuclear power across the globe has reported these sightings.

Elizondo said that the phenomenon is a national security ‘concern,’ and said that the same observation has been made in other countries, making it a ‘global issue,’ Elizondo said considering the huge nuclear footprint the U.S. has there should be nothing surprising about increased interest by the UFOs. The Pentagon’s UAP Task Force is set to reveal their findings when they submit a long-awaited report on UFOs to Congress on June 25.


4) Consequence – If the impact of an event may directly affect readers, they’ll want to know about it.

Erdogan Advisor Presents Vision Of United Islamic Superpower / Middle East Media Research Institute, January 14, 2020


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s chief advisor, retired Turkish general Adnan Tanrıverdi, has been articulating a vision of a unified Islamic superpower through conferences and documents published by his organizations. This vision is reflected in President Erdoğan’s foreign policy.

The Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), of which Tanrıverdi is chairman of the board, has scheduled seven annual “congresses,” of which three have taken place, to work through the technical problems in the formation and governance of an “Islamic union.”[1] At a recent ASSAM Congress, Tanrıverdi called for the coordination of the joint manufacturing of weapons and military equipment among Islamic countries, saying: “States cannot stand tall against the countries whose weapons they use.” ASSAM has also published a 69-page draft of a constituion for a planned shari’a-based confederation of 61 Islamic countries. This constituion declares that “sovereignty belongs to shariah,” that Istanbul is to be the capital of the confederation, that the Arabic language would be taught in all of its schools, and that its name will be “Asrica,” which is formed from a combination of Asia and Africa.


5) Conflict – Audiences are always interested in disagreements, arguments, and rivalries.

Echoing Trump, Netanyahu says election stolen, ‘deep state’ within new coalition / The Times of Israel, June 7, 2021

Israel Netanyahu

“The deep state is deep within this government,” Netanyahu said of the nascent coalition set to replace him, using a term for a supposed conspiracy of bureaucrats working against the elected leadership, popularized by Trump during his time in office.

Netanyahu repeatedly accused Bennett of lying to the public, calling him at one point a “habitual liar.” And he claimed that the incoming government was “more dangerous” than Israel’s pullout from Gaza, which he said resulted in Hamas rocket attacks, and the Oslo peace accords, which gave the Palestinians limited self-rule in the West Bank.

“Bennett is holding a fire sale on the country,” he charged, claiming that the coalition was coming together only because votes had been “stolen from right [and given] to the left.”


6) Impact – Whether it’s a peaceful protest that encompasses five city blocks or a 52-car pileup on the pike, the more people involved in the event, the more newsworthy it is.

Lindell Sues Dominion For $2B, Details Evidence Of 19 Cyber Attacks From China That Flipped 530k Votes In 5 Key Battleground States / CD Media, June 3, 2021

Lindell Sues Dominion

Dominion, Smartmatic, and others are desperate to cover up gross security flaws in their electronic voting systems—and information showing cyber attacks and hacking in the November 2020 election—by uniting in a common purpose to use the litigation process to attempt to suppress the revelation and public discussion of these truths.

In addition, Exhibit 12 shows a subset of 20 documented successful hacks through the election management system in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona resulting in a total 555,864 votes switched from President Trump to candidate Vice President Biden in the 2020 general election. These hacks came primarily from within China and are identified by the date, location, and the network from which the hack originated and the location and network that was the target of the hack.


What was news in the 1st century?

In the first century, there were only around 200 million people in the world, and the Roman empire ruled the planet. With an estimated population of between 800,000 and 1 million residents, Rome was the largest and most powerful city by the year 1 AD. Much of what we know about civilization in this ancient era comes from history recorded during Rome’s reign.

glory of rome

How can we explain a miniscule movement from a corner of Palestine in the first century that rapidly grew into the dominant faith of the entire Roman Empire, which was formerly steeped in a myriad of pagan religions? The early Christians had no church buildings . . . no mass media . . . no social status . . .

Jesus heals

Jesus was going all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Then the news about Him spread throughout Syria. (Matthew 4:23-24)

In the face of unimaginable and unrelenting persecution, Christianity not only survived, it thrived.

Christianity spread

Justin Martyr, writing to Emperor Antoninus Pius, described the believers: “We formerly rejoiced in uncleanness of life, but now love only chastity; before we used the magic arts, but now dedicate ourselves to the true and unbegotten God; before we loved money and possessions more than anything, but now we share what we have and to everyone who is in need; before we hated one another and killed one another and would not eat with those of another race, but now since the manifestation of Christ, we have come to a common life and pray for our enemies and try to win over those who hate us without just cause.

first century Christians

Critics of the Bible often say the events which took place in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are not historical, but a mere myth. The basis of this assertion is the belief that miracles are not possible: The idea that a man could come back from the dead after being brutally crucified is preposterous to some, doubtful to others. To an atheist, the Good News is “fake news.”


But, the facts of the historical record reveal that men did see Jesus dead on a Roman cross, and then alive three days later.

Tomb Empty With Shroud And Crucifixion At Sunrise Resurrection O

These men also state that Jesus opened the eyes of the blind, caused the crippled to walk, turned water into wine, and walked on the surface of the sea.

We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. (1 John 1:1)

jesus and dsciples 2

For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes. (2 Peter 1:16)

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence from secular history that serves to validate the presence of Jesus on earth, dying on a cross and resurrected from the dead, is the persecution of the early followers of Jesus by the Roman government.

The Romans were very tolerant of every religion, except Christianity. The Roman Emperors determined that Christianity was a terrible superstition, in which its followers believed in the impossible: their leader had risen from the dead.

In the year 112 A.D., Pliny the Younger—governor of the Roman province of Bithynia (Turkey)—wrote a letter to the Roman Emperor Trajan, requesting clarification on his orders to execute those who were Christians. This was Emperor Trajan’s reply:

Emperor Trajan

“My Pliny,

You have taken the method which you ought in examining the causes of those that had been accused as Christians, for indeed no certain and general form of judging can be ordained in this case. These people are not to be sought for; but if they be accused and convicted, they are to be punished; but with this caution, that he who denies himself to be a Christian, and makes it plain that he is not so by supplicating to our gods, although he had been so formerly, may be allowed pardon, upon his repentance. As for libels sent without an author, they ought to have no place in any accusation whatsoever, for that would be a thing of very ill example, and not agreeable to my reign.”

This letter exchange between two Roman officials, which are now kept in the Archives of the Roman Senate and originating from a secular source, verifies that many thousands of Christians were executed for simply believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Remember that the resurrection and a belief in Jesus Christ are inseparable.

Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity.


What will be the breaking news in the 21st century?

breaking news alert ani

The next world-changing tipping point will be the global disappearance of millions of Christians:


millions vanish ani

Where have the godly and faithful people gone?


When this worldwide Rapture happens, it will bring a level of shock we can’t comprehend. People from every segment of society will simply vanish, leaving behind spouses, children, neighbors, and co-workers.

What happens when millions are gone in an instant?

Rather than acknowledge that the Christians were right, and the saved have been Raptured away from this dying world, the disappearance of millions will be explained as a mass alien abduction, in order to free humanity to finally progress to the next stage of its great and glorious evolution.

alien arrival ani

The coming of the lawless one is based on Satan’s working, with all kinds of false miracles, signs, and wonders, and with every unrighteous deception among those who are perishing. They perish because they did not accept the love of the truth in order to be saved. For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe what is false, so that all will be condemned—those who did not believe the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Don’t believe the deception!

It’s not extraterrestrial in nature… it’s supernatural.

It’s a manifestation of a spiritual war that is being waged around us—between the demonic forces of evil (led by Lucifer) and the divine forces good (led by God).

Independence Day 3 ani

Again, don’t buy the alien deception!

First, you need to trust Christ today so that you are part of the soon Rapture of the bride of Christ… not left behind to witness the great deception become the strong delusion during the great tribulation!

Second, if you chose not to trust Christ and you wake up to a day in the near future where you discover millions of men, women, and children have disappeared… you now know (1) it wasn’t the aliens and (2) it wasn’t the “Galactic Federation” benevolently intervening to enable humanity to advance to the next great stage of its development.

Rather, you now know that it was God rescuing (snatching away) His children before He unleashes His wrath on a wicked and sinful world during the apocalyptic seven-year tribulation period, also known as Daniel’s 70th Week and the time of Jacob’s Trouble!

If that’s the situation you find yourself in, then know that things are not going to get better—they’re going to get worse… much worse, and very quickly!

However, also know that you can still be saved by turning to Christ (and not taking the mark of the beast)… but it will likely cost you your life (the alternative being you are still going to die but will also face eternal damnation in hell).

pope erdogan ani

The intensity of the deception has reached a fevered pitch. We are clearly on the very threshold of the Rapture. Don’t miss it for the world! Get on the Ark that is Jesus Christ and escape the coming apocalyptic tribulation period!

Aliens? No, it’s the great deception folks… don’t fall for it!

Today is your day of salvation… you may not have a tomorrow!

This is the breaking news!

If you are not sure that you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life right now, by praying:

“Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.  Please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal life.  I ask you in to my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.”



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Israel’s Parliament Approves New Coalition, Ending Netanyahu’s Long Rule

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s parliament approved a new coalition government on Sunday that sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu into the opposition after a record 12 years in office and a political crisis that sparked four elections in two years.

Naftali Bennett, the head of a small ultranationalist party, was sworn in as prime minister after a narrow 60-59 vote in parliament. But if he wants to keep the job, he will have to maintain an unwieldy coalition of parties from the political right, left and center.

The eight parties, including a small Arab faction that is making history by sitting in the ruling coalition, are united in their opposition to Netanyahu and new elections but agree on little else. They are likely to pursue a modest agenda that seeks to reduce tensions with the Palestinians and maintain good relations with the U.S. without launching any major initiatives.

Netanyahu sat silently during the vote. After it was approved, he stood up to leave the chamber, before turning around and shaking Bennett’s hand. A dejected Netanyahu, wearing a black medical mask, briefly sat in the opposition leader’s chair before walking out.

Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption, remains the head of the largest party in parliament and is expected to vigorously oppose the new government. If just one faction bolts, it could lose its majority and would be at risk of collapse, giving him an opening to return to power.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a Health Ministry-organised appreciation ceremony for health system p

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a Health Ministry-organised appreciation ceremony for health system personnel and partner agencies for their contribution against the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, in Jerusalem on June 6, 2021. (Photo by Menahem KAHANA / AFP) (Photo by MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP via Getty Images)

The country’s deep divisions were on vivid display as Bennett addressed parliament ahead of the vote. He was repeatedly interrupted and loudly heckled by supporters of Netanyahu, several of whom were escorted out of the chamber.

Bennett’s speech mostly dwelled on domestic issues, but he expressed opposition to U.S. efforts to revive Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers.

“Israel will not allow Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons,” Bennett said, vowing to maintain Netanyahu’s confrontational policy. “Israel will not be a party to the agreement and will continue to preserve full freedom of action.”

Bennett nevertheless thanked President Joe Biden and the U.S. for its decades of support for Israel.

Netanyahu, speaking after him, vowed to return to power. He predicted the incoming government would be weak on Iran and give in to U.S. demands to make concessions to the Palestinians.

“If it is destined for us to be in the opposition, we will do it with our backs straight until we topple this dangerous government and return to lead the country in our way,” he said.

Yohanan Plesner, president of the Israel Democracy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, said the new government will likely be more stable than it appears.

“Even though it has a very narrow majority, it will be very difficult to topple and replace because the opposition is not cohesive,” he said. Each party in the coalition will want to prove that it can deliver, and for that they need “time and achievements.”

Still, Netanyahu “will continue to cast a shadow,” Plesner said. He expects the incoming opposition leader to exploit events and propose legislation that right-wing coalition members would like to support but can’t — all in order to embarrass and undermine them.

The new government is meanwhile promising a return to normalcy after a tumultuous two years that saw four elections, an 11-day Gaza war last month and a coronavirus outbreak that devastated the economy before it was largely brought under control by a successful vaccination campaign.

The driving force behind the coalition is Yair Lapid, a political centrist who will become prime minister in two years, if the government lasts that long.

He called off a planned speech to parliament, instead saying he was ashamed that his 86-year-old mother had to witness the raucous behavior of his opponents. In a brief speech, he asked for “forgiveness from my mother.”

“I wanted her to be proud of the democratic process in Israel. Instead she, along with every citizen of Israel, is ashamed of you and remembers clearly why it’s time to replace you,” he said.

The new government is expected to win a narrow majority in the 120-member assembly, after which it will be sworn in. The government plans to hold its first official meeting later this evening.

It’s unclear when Netanyahu will move out of the official residence. He has lashed out at the new government in apocalyptic terms and accused Bennett of defrauding voters by running as a right-wing stalwart and then partnering with the left.

Netanyahu’s supporters have held angry protests outside the homes of rival lawmakers, who say they have received death threats naming their family members. Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service issued a rare public warning about the incitement earlier this month, saying it could lead to violence.

Netanyahu has condemned the incitement while noting that he has also been a target.

His place in Israeli history is secure, having served as prime minister for a total of 15 years — more than any other, including the country’s founder, David Ben-Gurion.

Netanyahu began his long rule by defying the Obama administration, refusing to freeze settlement construction as it tried unsuccessfully to revive the peace process. Relations with Israel’s closest ally grew even rockier when Netanyahu vigorously campaigned against President Barack Obama’s emerging nuclear deal with Iran, even denouncing it in an address to the U.S. Congress.

But he suffered few if any consequences from those clashes and was richly rewarded by the Trump administration, which recognized contested Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, helped broker normalization agreements with four Arab states and withdrew the U.S. from the Iran deal.

Netanyahu has portrayed himself as a world-class statesman, boasting of his close ties with Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has also cultivated ties with Arab and African countries that long shunned Israel over its policies toward the Palestinians.

But he has gotten a far chillier reception from the Biden administration and is widely seen as having undermined the long tradition of bipartisan support for Israel in the United States.

His reputation as a political magician has also faded at home, where he has become a deeply polarizing figure. Critics say he has long pursued a divide-and-conquer strategy that aggravated rifts in Israeli society between Jews and Arabs and between his close ultra-Orthodox allies and secular Jews.

In November 2019, he was indicted for fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes. He refused calls to step down, instead lashing out at the media, judiciary and law enforcement, going so far as to accuse his political opponents of orchestrating an attempted coup. Last year, protesters began holding weekly rallies across the country calling on him to resign.

Netanyahu remains popular among the hard-line nationalists who dominate Israeli politics, but he could soon face a leadership challenge from within his own party. A less polarizing Likud leader would stand a good chance of assembling a coalition that is both farther to the right and more stable than the government that is set to be sworn in.


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