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  • guest_8251 : research ciro orsini
  • guest_621 : They faked the Torah, nothing else. Even their own neutral Rabbies tell that truth. The ORIGINAL Torah has nothing to do with the satansih Talmud or faked Torah!
  • guest_7642 : Look into Crowley Satanism in Hollywood. Actual Satanic kikes and space kikes working together.
  • guest_1984 : good work
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels :
  • guest_4766 : Been doing hundres of sticker labels, al over town now :ppp
  • guest_1984 : hahaha
  • guest_9645 : Oy Vey Goyim STOP going on this FUCKING SITE and go eat your GOYSLOP
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels : join this goyim
  • guest_5248 : The Search works. it takes time to sift through 700,000 articles.
  • guest_5419 : Gotta love that the search doesn't work
  • NMNV : wake up sheeple
  • guest_6482 : May this site live on and expand. EVERYONE SAVE THIS SITE AND PDF IT WHATEVER.
  • guest_7482 : Amen
  • guest_8470 Revelatio : Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  • guest_1695 : jew boy go away
  • guest_8124 : This site is awesome
  • guest_8124 : yes master
  • guest_956 : nigger
  • guest_8124 : allah not happy?
  • Site_Sabotaged : HONK
  • guest_2832 : The Goyim know... Shut it down
  • guest_8554 :
  • guest_380 : New World Order is the Jew World Order
  • guest_77 : love the chat
  • guest_2019 : shut it
  • nazi jews : wake up stupid
  • nazi jews : lol
  • guest_5277 : ok
  • guest_1726 : ok
  • meee : fuck u dikhead
  • meee : ggg

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Greek Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

Canadian Pastor Arrested on New Charges After ‘Underground Worship’ Following Church Building Seizure

(RebelNews) — Pastor Tim Stephens was arrested on Monday afternoon on new charges, after Fairview Baptist Church gathered for underground worship for the second week in a row since their church was effectively seized by Alberta Health Services last Saturday.

Alberta authorities were forced to drop other charges against Pastor Tim last month, after discovering that Alberta Health Services never served Pastor Stephens with the court order he was accused of having violated, a requirement under the order. That effectively ended the case against Pastor Tim, but he will now be facing another legal battle.

Over the weekend, an ever-growing crowd gathered at the undisclosed location and shared the word, sang songs of praise and heard Pastor Tim preach.

As worship progressed, a police helicopter discovered the gathered congregation.

Continue reading this story >>

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Interview 1649 – James Corbett Destroys the China War Propaganda

In today’s edition of The Redpill Series, James Corbett joins Patrick MacFarlane on the Liberty Weekly podcast for a hard-hitting, information-packed and wide-ranging conversation on the 2D China vs. US war narrative that is being steered by the war propagandists and the 3D China + US reality underneath. In addition to China and the New World Order, James and Patrick talk about The Great Convergence, the question of how WWIII will be fought and what part we have to play in derailing this propaganda narrative before it destroys humanity.

[*NOTE: For those concerned about the choppy nature of the audio in this video, please LISTEN TO THE MP3. It is much higher quality.]



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Hunter Biden Invested Millions In Chinese Nuclear Plant Operator That Vented Dangerous Buildup Of Gasses

Hunter Biden’s private equity firm invested millions of dollars in a Chinese state-owned nuclear power plant operator whose French partner warned the White House that the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province was in danger of an “imminent radiological threat” due to a build-up of noble gasses in the cooling system of one of the facility’s two reactors, according to the National Pulse.

The incident has been downplayed by the Biden administration, which told CNN that the facility is not yet at a “crisis level,” and does not pose a severe safety threat to workers at the plant or Chinese public. But is there more to it?

As the National Pulse‘s Natalie Winters reported on Monday:

The Biden team’s lack of concern comes as the primary operator of the China-based plant – China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) – counts millions in investment from Hunter Biden.

BHR Partners – the private equity firm where Hunter Biden served as a director since 2013 – was a $10 million cornerstone investor in CGN’s initial public offering. Occurring in 2014, the IPO was the second largest of the entire year, valued at over $3 billion.

The company, which Hunter Biden reportedly retains a sizable stake in, still lists GCN as part of its portfolio on its website.

BHR PORTFOLIO (via National Pulse)

What’s more, in 2017 a CGN consultant was sentenced to two years in prison by the DOJ for approaching and enlisting “U.S. based nuclear experts to provide integral assistance in developing and producing special nuclear material in China,” and “did so without registering with the Department of Justice as an agent of a foreign nation or authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy.”

“Theft of our nuclear technology by foreign adversaries is of paramount concern to the FBI. Along with our local, state and federal partners, we will aggressively investigate those who seek to steal our technology for the benefit of foreign governments,” said FBI Special Agent Renae McDermott at the time.

As we noted on Monday, the US government is analyzing a reported leak at a China’s Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, after a French company that co-owns and helps operate it warned of an “imminent radiological threat,” according to CNN, citing US officials and documents reviewed by the outlet.

According to AFP, “EDF reported earlier a build-up of noble gases in one of the two reactors’ primary circuits, which is part of the cooling system,” adding “Noble gases are elements which have low chemical reactivity — in this case it was xenon and krypton.”

#UPDATE A Chinese nuclear company has deliberately released gas from a power plant into the atmosphere within authorised limits, as it seeks to fix an issue at the facility, its French partner EDF said Monday #Taishan

The gas was released after the coating on some fuel rods had deteriorated, said the spokesman, who asked not to be named.”

According to Bloomberg, the French firm has called for an “extraordinary board meeting with majority owner China General Nuclear Power Corp., to discuss the increased concentration of inert gases at the Unit 1 reactor in Guangdong.”


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9 Signs That Some Of America’s Long-Term Trends Are Starting To Become Very Serious Short-Term Problems

#1 I have been warning about exploding debt levels for as long as I have been writing about the economy.  Most people know that the U.S. national debt has now crossed the 28 trillion dollar threshold, but hardly anyone is talking about the explosion of corporate debt that we have been witnessing in recent months.  According to the Federal Reserve, total corporate debt in the United States is now up to a whopping 11.2 trillion dollars

Before the pandemic, U.S. companies were borrowing heavily at low interest rates. When Covid-19 lockdowns triggered a recession, they didn’t pull back. They borrowed even more and soon paid even less.

After a brief spike, interest rates on corporate debt plummeted to their lowest level on record, bringing a surge in new bonds. Nonfinancial companies issued $1.7 trillion of bonds in the U.S. last year, nearly $600 billion more than the previous high, according to Dealogic. By the end of March, their total debt stood at $11.2 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve, about half the size of the U.S. economy.

#2 Needless to say, this level of corporate debt is not even close to sustainable, and we are starting to see a lot of prominent names go bankrupt.  In fact, one of the largest mall owners in the entire country officially filed for bankruptcy on Sunday

Washington Prime Group, a major mall owner of more than 100 locations across the United States, filed for bankruptcy, citing pandemic-related shutdowns.

The Columbus, Ohio-based company filed for Chapter 11 late Sunday, saying Covid-19 “created significant challenges” and that the move is “necessary.” Washington Prime secured $100 million in new funding to support its day-to-day operations so it can “continue in the ordinary course without interruption.”

#3 The standard of living in the United States has been going down for a very long time.  Here in 2021, inflation is growing at a much faster rate than wages are, and this is squeezing middle class families like never before.  One of the ways that families are dealing with this is by putting off major purchases, and that is one of the reasons why the average age of the vehicles on our roads has now reached an all-time record high

The average age of vehicles on U.S. roadways rose to a record 12.1 years last year, as lofty prices and improved quality prompt owners to hold on to their cars longer.

It was the first time the average vehicle age rose above 12 years, according to data released Monday by research firm IHS Markit. While the average vehicle age has risen steadily over the last 15 years, the trend accelerated during the coronavirus pandemic partly because of a drop in new-car sales, IHS said.

#4 America’s growing homelessness crisis has accelerated greatly during the pandemic, and the big cities in California are being hit the hardest.  At this point, it is really difficult to navigate through the streets of San Francisco without stumbling over a tent or stepping in human excrement

For a city as opulent as San Francisco, it’s long been jarring to see the extreme poverty of those experiencing homelessness on its streets. If you walk around downtown, tents, makeshift cardboard beds and human excrement can be seen littering the sidewalks. Impoverished people lie on the ground as a blur of highly paid professionals whiz by.

#5 The homelessness crisis is also one of the factors that is fueling the dramatic rise in crime rates that we have been seeing all over the nation.  Once upon a time, millions of eager tourists would flock to Venice Beach, but now the phrase “like hell went to hell” is being used to describe conditions at that once pristine tourist trap…

Year-to-date numbers show that robberies have nearly tripled since the same period last year. Homeless-related robberies are up 260 percent; homeless-related assaults with a deadly weapon is up 118 percent; property crimes and area burglaries are up 85 percent; and grand theft auto is up 74 percent.

According to Embrich, felony arrests are up 68 percent, while misdemeanor arrests have grown by 355 percent. But arrests aren’t enough: Suspects are often released back onto the streets within hours.

#6 The police are the ones that are supposed to protect us from crime and restore order when things get out of control, but now they are leaving public service in record numbers.  After being endlessly demonized by leftist activists and the mainstream media, police officers are either retiring or resigning at a staggering rate….

Police retirements have risen by 45 percent in the past year, with officers opting out of forces across the country amid Black Lives Matter demonstrations that fueled anti-cop rhetoric.

The alarming statistic was revealed by the Police Executive Research Forum on Sunday, with the organization also revealing that resignations rose by 18 percent during the same twelve month period.

#7 Have you noticed that many of our cities are becoming disgustingly filthy?  When I was growing up, I often heard the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness”, but you never hear anyone use it anymore.  These days, filth and grime are everywhere, and that has resulted in widespread infestations.  Many of our cities now have massive problems with rats and bed bugs, but Chicago is the worst of them all

The Windy City is known for quite a few things: hot dogs, deep dish, baseball. But here’s one thing you probably don’t associate with Chicago: bed bugs. Turns out these tiny hitchhiking pests are quite fond of our city, according to the latest numbers available through Atlanta-based Orkin, a company that specializes in pest control services.

In fact, Chicago ranked no. 1 on the 2021 list, according to Orkin, reclaiming the top spot for the first time since 2017, when it slipped to no. 3, just behind Baltimore and Washington. For the sixth year in a row, Orkin also ranked Chicago the “rattiest” city in America.

#8 I have been writing about the drought in the western half of the country for years, but here in 2021 it is the worst we have ever seen.  As I write this article, an astounding 88 percent of the West is officially in a state of drought…

Lakes at historically low levels, unusually early forest fires, restrictions on water use and now a potentially record heat wave: even before summer’s start the US West is suffering the effects of chronic drought made worse by climate change.

Eighty-eight percent of the West was in a state of drought this week, including the entire states of California, Oregon, Utah and Nevada, according to official data.

#9 When drought gets bad enough, it leads to water shortages, and we will want to watch developments in California very closely.  Water supplies have gotten very tight throughout the state, and officials in Santa Clara County just officially declared “a water shortage emergency”

Santa Clara County is in extreme drought. We can’t afford to wait to act as our water supplies are being threatened locally and across California. We are in an emergency and Valley Water must do everything we can to protect our groundwater resources and ensure we can provide safe, clean water to Santa Clara County residents and businesses.

To better deal with these threats and the emergency they are causing, today my fellow Board Members and I unanimously declared a water shortage emergency condition in Santa Clara County. This declaration, which is among the strongest actions we can take under law, allows Valley Water to work with our retailers, cities and the county to implement regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water. We also are urging the County of Santa Clara to proclaim a local emergency and join us in underscoring the seriousness of the threats posed by the extreme drought.

Over the past few years, America has been hit by crisis after crisis, and many are yearning for a return to the good old days.  Unfortunately, that simply is not going to happen.

The United States is never going to be like it once was.  Too many things have changed, and our culture has been radically transformed over the past several decades.

Many of the items that I have shared in this article are simply symptoms of much broader cultural problems.  We are a deeply, deeply sick society, and it is getting worse with each passing day.


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The Fucking President Has Fucking Dementia

When receiving information about the world it’s necessary to scrutinize not just the information, but also the means by which the information was brought to your attention and who could benefit from its circulation. Few bother doing all of these things, which is why most people are confused about the world.

The fact that Biden is continuing all of Trump’s policies means those who believed Trump was fighting the establishment must now admit that either (A) they were wrong or (B) Biden is also fighting the establishment.

The only people promoting the idea that Joe Biden has dementia are right wingers, left wingers, and Joe Biden.

People tell me I should criticize Biden’s policies and not his obvious mental decline, but a very clear sign that the most powerful government on earth is not being run by its elected officials is actually an extremely noteworthy fact that everyone should be talking about.

The only face more suitable for the US empire than a sociopathic billionaire is a decrepit warmongering corporate whore with dementia.

When imperialists say an issue is “complicated” what they really mean is that a very simple matter has been covered over by a lot of complicated spin and propaganda narratives.

I tried to infiltrate MSNBC and CNN but they won’t hire me because I have no CIA experience.

Jimmy Dore lives so rent-free in Cenk Uygur’s head that BlackRock is trying to buy it.

The best way to get rich as an intelligence agent is to run media influence operations posing as a “former” intelligence agent.

The main difficulty with socialism is that when a nation tries to move away from the most toxic aspects of capitalism, the most toxic aspects of capitalism immediately begin arming local proxy militias and working to cut it off from the world economy.

Any evil deeds you suspect the US empire might be perpetrating in secret are probably not as bad as what it is doing openly in Yemen as you read this sentence.

A society which supports the butchery in Yemen is not going to abandon factory farming and animal cruelty. We are very, very far from treating our animal cousins properly if we can’t even stop slaughtering our own.

The difference between a centrist Democrat and a progressive Democrat is that one favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen, whereas the other favors slow incremental changes which never actually happen.

The shrinking audiences for The Intercept and TYT shows there’s not actually much demand for the area between (A) real criticism of capitalist imperialism and (B) MSNBC. Once your eyes begin to open you tend to move quickly from mainstream to radical without hovering in between.

My whole life is interacting with binary-minded dimwits. You hate Democrats so you must be a Republican. You criticize the US empire so you must think China is perfect. You’re skeptical of the Pentagon’s UFO narrative so you must think all UFOs are weather balloons and swamp gas.

I know this UFO thing doesn’t interest some of my regular readers, or leftists in general, but it is a major news story of a highly suspicious nature which just so happens to fit in nicely with preexisting US cold war objectives. It does need critical coverage and analysis.

Mainstream media: We must stop the spread of crazy conspiracy theories even if we have to censor the entire internet.

Also the mainstream media: The US military says it’s been lying about UFOs for decades and maybe space aliens are flying around above your house.

Mainstream media pundits now believe UFOs are real because the US war machine told them so, which says very little about UFOs but says a lot about mainstream media pundits.

If you’re going to accept that (1) UFOs are being piloted by non-human intelligence, (2) that their focus is on nuclear weapons facilities, and (3) that sightings are becoming more common, you’ll have to conclude that they ramp up operations whenever we engage in insane cold war escalations.

My point of course is not that these are aliens (I have no idea what any of this stuff is), it’s that any position that accepts points 1, 2 and 3 should logically want less militarism, not more. Which will be important to keep in mind as Official Narratives unfold going forward.

People bitch when I say landlords shouldn’t be a thing like “How dare you, I’m a landlord and I collect rent to pay for my retirement!” Well, nobody should have to build their retirement on the economic premise of a permanent underclass. If they do, something has gone very wrong.

I heard someone say mothers are expected to work like they don’t have kids and parent like they don’t have a job, and that really says it all. This impossibly high-pressure way of existing is the “equality” mainstream feminism has given us.

I feel kind of silly about how I used to try and explain why I write about some issues and not others. I write entirely from inspiration; I’ve never once felt like I’m in control of what dances its way into my head. The honest answer is I write what I write and I don’t know why.


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U.S., UK Information Warfare Behind Regime Change Drive In Belarus

by Kit Klarenberg

This piece was first published by Covert Action Magazine. It is reproduced here with the author’s permission.

Protesters in Minsk – bigger

The at-times fiery protests that raged across Belarus throughout 2020 had largely fizzled out by the time local activist and seeming neo-Nazi Roman Protasevich was dramatically arrested in May this year.

Now, the country has been catapulted back to the top of the mainstream news agenda, with new life breathed into controversial self-appointed President Svetlana Tikhanovskaya’s hitherto unheeded calls for Western leaders to recognize her as the legitimate Belarusian leader.

True to form though, not a single mainstream outlet has deigned to mention that for many years prior to the unrest’s eruption, London and Washington had funded, trained, and promoted the very elements that took to the streets in opposition to President Alexander Lukashenko.

“Not Worth People’s Blood”

In April 2019, the RAND Corporation—a U.S. government think-tank—published a reportExtending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground.

It outlined “a range of possible means to extend Russia,” defined as “measures to bait Russia into overextending itself” in order to “undermine the regime’s stability.”

Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from Western and Russian sources, this report examines Russia’s economic, political, and military vulnerabilities and anxieties and then “analyzes potential policy options to exploit them—ideologically, economically, geopolitically, and militarily” along with “the likelihood that [these policy options] could be successfully implemented.”

A dedicated section of the 354-page report dealt with “promoting regime change in Belarus.” It noted that, among other welcome outcomes, denying Russia “its one and only true ally” would be “a clear geopolitical and ideological gain for the West,” undermining Moscow’s proposed Eurasian Economic Union, complicating “any attempt to employ military force against the Baltic States,” and further isolating Kaliningrad,” the Russian exclave situated between Lithuania and Poland.

Fomenting unrest in Belarus was said to “present an opportunity to extend Russia by aiding the opposition, removing a long-standing Russian-allied dictator, and supporting liberalization.” Aid to Lukashenko’s opposition “could come in a variety of forms, ranging from public declarations of support by U.S. leaders to more direct financial and organizational assistance helping the opposition parties.”

Such a course of action was nonetheless forecast to be extremely risky, and likely to fail. For one, the Belarusian opposition mounting a “serious challenge” to Lukashenko was considered unlikely, and in any event would likely prompt Russia to “employ political and economic pressure to keep the regime in place,” if not intervene in the situation militarily, and produce “greater local repression” from authorities.

Furthermore, there was little tangible public appetite for democratization. RAND cited a 2015 survey conducted by the Independent Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Research, which found that 78% of Belarusians believed regime change was “not worth people’s blood” and 70% “did not want a Ukrainian-style revolution.”

“People don’t want more freedom. They want more government. They want the better life they used to have,” a Belarusian expert quoted in the report said in 2017.

Promoting liberalization in Belarus was predicted to require European support, and given the bloc faced “a host of other challenges from Ukraine to refugees to Brexit,” Brussels [European Union] “might not want to add Belarus to the mix” and “rock the boat.”

Still, there was perceived value to attempting to precipitate regime change even if the effort ultimately failed as such a campaign would “create apprehensions among Russian leaders,” making them “worry about the prospect of such a movement in their own country.” This would in turn prompt Moscow to reinforce its military presence and political influence within Belarus, burdening Russia with a “weak, corrupt dependency” and possibly even generating “some degree of local resistance,” the report approvingly suggested.

Essentially, were Moscow “to commit resources to preserve its grasp over Belarus,” it would “extend” Russia, by “provoking the U.S. and its European allies to respond with harsher sanctions.” In other words, mission accomplished.

“Shadow Political Structure”

The question of what if any impact this section of RAND’s report had on U.S. policymakers subsequently is somewhat moot, given Washington had for some time prior to its publication provably been engaged in precisely the destabilization efforts proposed therein, by way of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Founded in November 1983, then-U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Casey was central to its creation. He sought to construct a public mechanism to support groups and individuals overseas to engage in propaganda and political action undermining “enemy” governments from within—activities historically organized and paid for clandestinely by the Agency—under the bogus aegis of democracy and human rights promotion.

In 1991, senior NED official Allen Weinstein acknowledged that “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” and NED’s work often directly complements Langley’s cloak-and-dagger work.

For example, during the Reagan administration’s brutal secret war against Nicaragua’s progressive Sandinista government during the 1980s, in which tens of thousands died, NED allocated millions of dollars to “civic opposition” entities—including La Prensa, the country’s primary anti-Sandinista newspaper.

Concurrently, the CIA trained, funded, and armed the Sandinistas’ fascist opponents, the Contras. In particular, the Agency’s “Tayacan” manual on guerrilla warfare was highly influential, leading the group to incite mob violence, “neutralize” government officials and civilian leaders, and attack “soft targets” such as schools and hospitals, among other hideous atrocities.

Publicly available data indicates the NED funded at least 159 civil society initiatives in Belarus, costing $7,690,689, from 2016 to 2020 alone.

While the projects have innocent-sounding titles—“strengthening regional youth initiatives; fostering freedom of the media; promoting civic journalism”—the example of Ukraine indicates such endeavors can have highly incendiary results.

As investigative journalist Robert Parry documented after the March 2014 Maidan coup, the NED bankrolled 65 projects in Ukraine in the years prior to that uprising, in the process creating “a shadow political structure of media and activist groups that could be deployed to stir up unrest when the Ukrainian government didn’t act as desired.”

Six months prior, long-time NED chief Carl Gershman wrote a chilling op-ed for The Washington Post in which he documented Moscow’s growing troubles in its “near abroad”—the constellation of countries that formerly comprised the Soviet Union—and how his organization was exploiting them to the full. Hailing Ukraine as “the biggest prize,” he explained that “Russian democracy” could also “benefit” from Kiev being absorbed into the Western fold.

“Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents,” Gershman wrote. “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.”

Further underlying the insidious efficacy of NED’s “democracy-promotion” activities, in May 2021 a pair of Russian pranksters posing as Belarusian opposition figures successfully duped high-ranking NED representatives into bragging about their involvement in the ongoing unrest in Belarus at the start of 2020.

Among many startlingly frank disclosures, Nina Ognianova, who oversees the NED’s work with opposition groups in the country, revealed that “a lot of the people” who were “trained” and “educated” via the organization’s various endeavors in Minsk were pivotal to “the events, or the build-up to the events, of last summer.”

Gershman added that the organization was working with Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and her team “very, very closely.” 

“Malicious” Violator

U.S. meddling in Belarus dates much further back than 2016. Five years earlier, an official White House press release on U.S.-Polish “efforts to advance democracy worldwide” had a dedicated section on the pair’s work to “pressure” the Lukashenko government and “support civil society,” which stated the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) would work with the Warsaw-based Belsat TV station “to develop content and programming on democracy education.”

Founded in December 2007 by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belsat dubs itself “reminiscent of” U.S. propaganda outlets Radio Free Europe and Voice of America—assets of BBG [now U.S. Agency for Global Media]—describes its mission as “promoting democratization processes” in Minsk, and boasts that events in Ukraine “have shown Belsat TV has influenced the public opinion not only in Belarus, but elsewhere in the region, too.”

Belsat may well have influenced political action and policy too, with lethal consequences. For example, in May 2015 it broadcast a slick documentary about a young man who went to fight in the war in Donbas for “Tactical Group Belarus,” a Belarusian volunteer group spun out of Ukraine’s notorious “Right Sector,” a pro-government neo-Nazi militia.

The film was billed as the stirring tale of a brave protagonist “[risking] his life … because he believes that the fate of his homeland depends on it,” while every day facing potential extradition back to Minsk and years in prison, as his presence in Ukraine was illegal. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Lukashenko has repeatedly stated there is no place in Belarus for citizens who fight in the Donbas, and hundreds have been prosecuted for taking part in the conflict to date.

The documentary’s politically charged subtext could not be more blatant, and six months after transmission, the government of then-President Petro Poroshenko answered its seeming call, amending the law to allow foreigners to legally serve in the Ukrainian armed forces, and instructing police and migration services to assist would-be recruits in joining.

This development was enthusiastically welcomed by Belsat–in an article heralding the move, the broadcaster went to the shocking extent of providing the email and phone number of “Tactical Group Belarus” for any reader who wanted to “help the guys.”

How many Belarusians answered this call to arms, and went on to kill and/or be killed on the front lines, is an open question, although this obvious consideration clearly did little to dent the station’s standing with Western powers.

On an official visit to Warsaw in late 2017, then-UK Prime Minister Theresa May allocated £5 million of UK funding to Polish organizations to “detect and counter the spread of Russian information operations,” with some of the money specifically earmarked for Belsat.

UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) files leaked by hacktivist collective Anonymous shed some light on the support provided by London to the station via Thomson Reuters Foundation (TRF), the internationally renowned newswire’s charitable arm.

In all, Belsat received 150 days of intensive consultancy in a three-month period—“of which 97 were delivered in-country”—from consultants, interpreters, and project and finance managers, among them Reuters staff.

If TRF sought to greatly ramp up Belsat’s propaganda capabilities, then its counsel was certainly successful. A Media IQ monitoring report on the station’s compliance with journalistic standards “when reporting public-political news” September-December 2019 was utterly damning, finding it to be a “malicious” violator in respect to separating fact from opinion, a staggering 75% of its current affairs output contravening this basic principle during the period assessed.

“Countering Malign Kremlin Influence”

It seems likely TRF’s guidance was informed by the findings of an extensive “target audience analysis” of Belarusian citizens’ perceptions and motivations conducted in January 2017, which sought to “identify opportunities” to “appropriately communicate” with them. The study was commissioned by the FCDO in January 2017, under the auspices of a £100 million Whitehall effort to weaken Russia’s influence in its “near abroad.” 

In particular, London was interested in Belarusians’ “existing or potential grievances against their national government” that could be leveraged, and “channels and messages” through which the UK government could “appropriately engage with different sub-groups.”

The FCDO’s “target audience analysis” was carried out by long-time Whitehall contractor Albany Associates, central to a number of London’s covert information warfare operations aimed at Russia.

In one such connivance, the firm sought to “develop greater affinity” among the region’s Russian-speaking minority for the UK, European Union, and NATO. In another, it collaborated with French NGO IREX Europe to “promote media plurality, balance and literacy in Central Asia.”

In its submissions to the FCDO, Albany noted IREX had been working in Belarus since 2006 “with print, online and radio outlets,” to “improve the quality of their coverage,” and “increase their understanding of the EU and EU member states.” As part of its youth audience offering in the country, the organization was said to have founded Warsaw-based Euroradio, along with online outlet 34mag.

IREX is closely connected with the NED, and created Euroradio in 2006 with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), another entity that has frequently been used to insidiously undermine governments in Washington’s crosshairs. Just like the FCDO, USAID—now under the direction of war hawk Samantha Power—operates a multi-faceted program targeted at Russia’s “near abroad,” Countering Malign Kremlin Influence, “in alignment with U.S. national security strategy.”

A 2015 report on backing provided by IREX to “independent” media across Eastern Europe under the terms of its “cooperative agreement” with USAID details Euroradio’s exponential rise following its launch. Within four years, it was also receiving sizable funding from the European Union and numerous foreign governments, and running elaborate promotional multimedia campaigns.

By 2008, it was sponsoring 300 events in the region annually, receiving “significant free exposure” by “placing its banners at music and cultural events,” including the annual Right to be Free concert in Lviv, Ukraine. Bands from Belarus, Ukraine, and elsewhere played to a 10,000-strong crowd, “with many bused in from Belarus.”

During the 2010 election, it broadcast live footage of protests following the vote via the web, Skype, and various instant messaging platforms, “interviewed leading opposition candidates, reported on the arrests of protesters, reported from the election commission, and provided reports from six regions through regional stringers,” tailoring its “content and marketing efforts” specifically for 17-35-year-olds.

These activities among others cemented Euroradio as Belarus’s “leading external radio broadcaster” and, come 2012, its “potential audience for terrestrial broadcasts” was two million, more than one-fifth of the country’s population, the website receiving hundreds of thousands of visitors monthly.

“Sugar Daddy of Overt Operations”

Throughout 2020 and beyond, Euroradio almost endlessly published footage of violent crackdowns on protesters in Minsk, which in turn was routinely aired by the mainstream media. The BBC went to the extent of issuing an open call for activists on the ground to submit pictures and videos for use in its coverage, which Euroradio enthusiastically amplified.

It would be entirely unsurprising if much of the content featured in Western news reporting on the unrest was created by individuals and organizations secretly in receipt of funding and training from Open Information Partnership (OIP), the “flagship” strand of the FCDO’s multi-pronged propaganda assault on Russia.

OIP maintains a network of 44 partners across Central and Eastern Europe, including “journalists, charities, think tanks, academics, NGOs, activists, and factcheckers.”

Internal Whitehall documents reveal one of its primary objectives is influencing “elections taking place in countries of particular interest” to the FCDO. It achieves this disruption by helping organizations and individuals produce slick propaganda masquerading as independent citizen journalism, which is then amplified globally via its network.

In Ukraine for example, OIP worked with a dozen online “influencers” to “counter Kremlin-backed messaging through innovative editorial strategies, audience segmentation, and production models that reflected the complex and sensitive political environment,” allowing them to “reach wider audiences with compelling content that received over four million views.”

Similarly, in Russia and Central Asia, OIP established a network of YouTubers, helping them create videos “promoting media integrity and democratic values.” 

Participants were taught to “make and receive international payments without being registered as external sources of funding” and “develop editorial strategies to deliver key messages,” while the consortium minimized their “risk of prosecution” and managed “project communications” to ensure the existence of the network, and OIP’s role, were kept “confidential.”

Belarus, along with Moldova and Ukraine, is referred to in the leaked files as “the most vital space in the entire [OIP] network,” and a “high-impact priority” country for London. This suggests its 2020 election was very much “of interest”—and the shock results of Moldova’s November 2020 presidential vote suggest OIP’s informational influence can be decisive.

That election pitted upstart pro-Western Maia Sandu against incumbent pro-Russian leader Igor Dodon, with the former emerging victorious in a win widely acknowledged by the Western media to be surprising. Two Moldovan organizations, the Association of Independent Press and Newsmaker, are fellow OIP network members, and could well have served as conduits for FCDO-funded, pro-Sandu, anti-Dodon material.

Slovakian OIP member MEMO 98, coincidentally also funded by NED, published an extensive study of the election campaign, attributing Sandu’s upset to her social media Nous.

MEMO 98 similarly kept a close eye on the Belarus protests, publishing several analyses of media reporting and social media activity related to the strife, in the process drawing particular attention to the output of none other than Belsat, praising its “extensive coverage of protests and related intimidation of activists.”

In September 1991, The Washington Post published an article on the subject of “spyless coups” abroad, in which it referred to the NED as the “sugar daddy of overt operations,” and noted that throughout the late 1980s, it had “dispensed money to anti-communist forces behind the Iron Curtain.”

“Covert funding for these groups would have been the kiss of death, if discovered. Overt funding, it would seem, has been a kiss of life,” the newspaper concluded.

NED funding has very clearly been a “kiss of life” to a large number of oft-dubious opposition actors within and without Belarus, in turn unleashing all manner of chaos—and what’s more, its “sugar daddy” status is now being challenged by a number of other spectral, malign Western actors.

Whether these efforts ultimately fail or succeed in unseating the Lukashenko government is immaterial to the individuals and organizations responsible for instigating them–for merely attempting to do so serves the purpose of “extending,” and thus internationally isolating, Minsk and Moscow alike.

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Rare Lead Plate With Mysterious Text Rescued From An Iberian Dump

A unique lead plate covered with Iberian writing has been recovered from Pico de los Ajos (Yátova), one of the most important archaeological sites in Spain. Bent out of shape, with a mysterious religious message, this lead plate, a rare artifact, was discovered in an ancient metal recycling site nearby.

The Iberian Village of Pico de los Ajos is an archaeological site in the municipality of Yátova (Valencia) that was inhabited since the 7th century BC and abandoned between the first century BC and the first century AD.

The foundations of many ancient habitations and defensive structures have been excavated from the center of this highly-defended town and many of the digs have unearthed hundreds of fragmented ceramics and monetary materials.

But now, a team of researchers has excavated a rare lead plate covered in ancient writing, but it was bent out of shape as if it had been discarded. The bent religious artifact perplexed the team of researchers, until they realized the metallic tablet had lost its spiritual power and was discarded for recycling.

Spanish archaeologists from the University of Valencia excavating at the Pico de los Ajos (Yatova) site in southeastern Spain, where the bent lead plate sheet was found in a nearby ancient metal recycling site. (University of Valencia)

Spanish archaeologists from the University of Valencia excavating at the Pico de los Ajos (Yatova) site in southeastern Spain, where the bent lead plate sheet was found in a nearby ancient metal recycling site. ( University of Valencia )

A Rare Example of a Kind Of Ancient Iberian Lead Plate Slab

The University of Valencia (UV) team who discovered the rare carved plate comprised archaeologists from the Prehistory Museum of Valencia (MPV) and the University of Barcelona (UB). Together, the multi-disciplined research group have published a new study in the Veleia journal (in Spanish) detailing their discovery of, and subsequent interpretation of, what is being called “the first lead plate inscribed with Iberian writing obtained in a regulated excavation” at Pico de los Ajos (Yátova).

The lead sheet is inscribed with archaic writing “in an unknown theme” but the paper explains that it has been phonetically transcribed, an exercise which has already “advanced our knowledge of Iberian culture,” according to the study. The lead artifact was discovered with writing on both sides forming a single text, but the plate had been bent.

Testing determined that the ancient Iberian symbols were written between the fourth and third centuries BC, a fact which is exciting the scientists because most similar lead plates are from later centuries. However, this particular Iberian lead plate was discovered in a 2nd to first century BC archaeological layer.

A “younger” lead plate with Iberian inscription from the Pico de los Ajos (Yatova) site, called “Pico de los Ajos I.” It is inscribed on both sides, verifying the existence of poorly erased previous texts. Part of the collection in the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, Spain. (Falconaumanni / CC BY-SA 3.0 )

Treasure Hunters Have Stolen Much From This Site In The Past

According to a report in Heritage Daily many of the known lead sheets recovered from this site have come to the hands of archaeologists from looting. However, this particular example represents one of only a handful of plates that have been obtained during controlled excavations at the site. What this means is that the artifact was discovered within a known context, “both temporal and spatial,” wrote the authors of the new paper.

This of course reminds us of how about 5% of the potential historical data from an artifact comes from the tangible object itself, and the remaining 95% comes from the context in which it was found. Thus, treasure hunters rob not only the artifacts, but also the bulk of the archaeological information that is connected with where they were found or unearthed the stolen item.

Dr David Quixal says Iberian is a language that still cannot be translated, and this is unfortunate as the site has provided archaeologists with “one of the largest sets of texts written in Iberian on the entire peninsula.” This situation also means that although the plate has been studied phonetically , the nature and meaning of the message is not yet clear.

Another lead plate with epigraphic inscription in a now-extinct Iberian language, from Castellet de Bernabe, Spain, which is another known Iberian archaeological site in Valencia province. (Pguerin / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Another lead plate with epigraphic inscription in a now-extinct Iberian language, from Castellet de Bernabe, Spain, which is another known Iberian archaeological site in Valencia province. (Pguerin / CC BY-SA 4.0 )

A Lead Plate With A Spiritual Inscription That Was Discarded?  

The professor added that neither is “the context” in which the message should be interpreted clear, harking back to that 95%. However, what the researchers have been able to do is determine that the text is most probably of a spiritual nature rather than a commercial or contractual one.

The text is thought to be religious because its “formal characteristics are uncommon.” The closest parallel to the language is that of the votive plates from El Amarejo (Albacete) which the authors of the new study point out contains the “ kutuŕ” element which is frequently observed in rock votive inscriptions which also indicates that the text had a religious function .

In conclusion, the researchers wrote that the text was created between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC but because it was discovered in a 2nd to first century BC archaeological layer, in a building dedicated to the recycling of metal tools and utensils , the sheet was probably just another discarded object waiting to be recycled.

And further edging into the origins of the text the team have successfully identified the name of someone mentioned within it as “tořaibeleś,” who is suspected to have been the commissioner or author of the text.

Top image: The bent Iberian lead plate, with its strange inscription, found at the Pico de Los Ajo (Yátova) in a nearby ancient metal recycling site . Source: University of Valencia

By Ashley Cowie


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Classical Music for Summer

This collection of classical music features songs that evoke the feelings of summer.

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Decoding the NATO summit

As NATO finalized its cyber defense plans, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance will ready itself to respond jointly to any attacks against members in space.

Let’s decode today’s communique and NATO’s new draft 10-year strategy

Rym Momtaz, senior correspondent, France:

There’s a lot more on China in today’s communique compared to 2019 — it’s definitely a shift. There’s also a lot of concern about Turkey and their purchase of Russian military equipment.

Macron was forced to follow Biden’s lead on the NATO pivot to China, even while publicly saying, “NATO is a North Atlantic organization, China has nothing to do with the North Atlantic.” So, there’s a lot of personal love between Macron and Biden, but some battles, too.

Alex Wickham, London Playbook author:

There’s split between the European positions and U.S. line on China. Boris Johnson said he doesn’t want to start a new Cold War on China, even as he is under huge pressure to take a tougher line from the hawkish wing of his own Conservative party. It’ll be fascinating to see if Biden succeeds in getting the U.K. to take a tougher line.

Hans von der Burchard, politics reporters, Brussels:

Angela Merkel added her weight to the dove side of the argument. “I think it is very important, similar to what we are doing with Russia, to always offer a political discussion, a political discourse, in order to find solutions,” when it comes to China, she said.

Has this summit given Biden a boost going into his Putin head-to-head?

Ryan Heath, Global Translations author:

Yes. The communique leads with NATO’s commitment to unity. NATO allies also rubber-stamped the G-7 communique from the weekend, meaning there’s literal alignment between the two groupings as they get more organized in pushing back on autocrats. That’s all Biden could wish for.

Nahal Toosi, foreign affairs correspondenT:

Sure. Anytime you can get your allies on board with most of your priorities, even if it’s rhetoric for now, you’ve strengthened your relations with an adversary. But I have to wonder a couple things: First, what if Trump (or someone like Trump) runs and wins in 2024? What do these NATO allies falling over to praise Biden do then? Second, Putin intends to stay in office past Biden and these other NATO leaders. How does that affect his calculus?

Momtaz: Absolutely, yes, Biden did get that boost. It’s really very interesting the new ways G-7 and NATO are overlapping. Today the NATO allies even agreed to keep their military carbon emissions under control, which is a direct overlap between the G-7 prioritizing climate and today’s defense focus.

Lili Bayer, political correspondent, Brussels:

Biden has rock solid support from the Baltics, which is no surprise. After leaders from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania met with Biden, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda tweeted: “During turbulent times, democracies must stick together,” adding that NATO members “agreed to strengthen” NATO’s presence on the alliance’s eastern flank, as well as its support for Ukraine and Georgia. “U.S. presence in the Baltics is crucial for the security of the whole alliance,” he said.

What happened regarding national defense and NATO funding?

Primer on how NATO financing works

David Herszenhorn, chief Brussels correspondent:

Today’s summit is a giant payday for Stoltenberg and the entire team that works here at NATO headquarters. Leaders are committing to increasing all three strands of the alliance’s common funding, i.e. the portion of the budget that goes to central operations, which is roughly $2.5 billion a year today. That’s only 0.3 percent of total allied defense spending, and it was not a given that the budget would be increased. Support from Biden made a critical difference.

Momtaz: France is back in the NATO central command system, but was really unhappy about the NATO common spending proposal by Stoltenberg. France had to concede the point, so Stoltenberg got what he wanted. French Defense Minister Florence Parly told me France’s worry isn’t the idea per se, it’s that NATO isn’t able to tell Paris what they will spend the money on.

Annabelle Dickson, political correspondent, London:

Tobias Ellwood, chair of the U.K. Parliament’s Defense Committee, is proposing the U.K. bump its defense spending up from 2.29 percent to 3 percent of GDP — well beyond the famous 2 percent target most NATO members still fail to reach.

Lara Seligman, defense correspondent, Washington:

NATO leaders committed to continue to provide training and financial support to the Afghan security forces. The announcement ends speculation over what will happen to the NATO training mission in Afghanistan once U.S. and NATO forces leave the country by September. Pentagon officials have said the United States will end its own training program after the withdrawal, although Washington will continue funding the Afghan forces.

Anything noteworthy in the side meetings and events?

Heath: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was at pains to downplay tensions between Ankara and its NATO allies today. He called his talk with Biden “fruitful and sincere,” despite significant differences of opinion, and invited Biden to Turkey. Important to note here that Turkey hasn’t changed its position on buying Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, which had been a major concern for NATO allies. After speaking with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Erdoğan said he is looking to calm relations between the two countries and “will support a positive agenda” following a period of surging tension. Angela Merkel favors rewarding more cooperative behavior from Ankara in the eastern Mediterranean with benefits such as a modernization of the EU-Turkey customs union.

Dickson: Boris Johnson once again couldn’t escape Brexit. The protocol for handling the Northern Ireland border was on the agenda for Johnson’s meeting with Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez.

Momtaz: Speaking of Brexit, Emmanuel Macron clarified his Brexit comments from the G-7 summit, assuring that he would never question U.K. sovereignty over its territory.

Thanks for joining us for the NATO summit — tomorrow we move onto the EU-U.S. summit.


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Right Wing Round-Up: Liars for Jesus

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Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, activist leaders, and concerned citizens like you. And we do it all without ads; as a project of People For the American Way, we rely on your donations to keep us raking the mud.

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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Demo/Satanic Movement

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy!

Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, activist leaders, and concerned citizens like you. And we do it all without ads; as a project of People For the American Way, we rely on your donations to keep us raking the mud.

Right Wing Watch readers are a key PFAW constituency, and we depend on your support during the year-end giving season to keep the research and content flowing. Please show your support today and your year-end donation will be TRIPLE MATCHED by a group of our dedicated donors.

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Whitney Webb Interview – Stolen Crypto, Lies & Divison: Setting The Record Straight

Joining me today is Whitney Webb, here to discuss, clarify and hopefully put to bed, a situation that both Whitney and myself have tried to put behind us in favor of the much more important work to be done. This is the topic of $16k in cryptocurrency that was stolen from Whitney’s crypto wallet, and the individual responsible based entirely on the evidence being presented today, which demonstrates the track record of dishonestly and deception that followed. This same individual has carried on spreading baseless claims ever since, which is in fact what spurred this interview into being. This is not about division or personal/political differences, this is about clarity and setting the record straight. 


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First Autopsy of COVID Vaccinated Patient Finds Every Organ of Body Infested with Spike Proteins



The first-ever postmortem study of a patient vaccinated against COVID-19 has revealed that viral RNA was found in every organ of the patient’s body, meaning that the vaccine is either ineffective or the coronavirus actually spreads faster in vaccinated individuals.

The scientific report out of Germany published by the International Journal of Infectious Diseases in June examined the autopsy of an 86-year-old man who had received a single dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine but died 4 weeks later after becoming infected with the virus by a nearby patient at a hospital.

From the “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2“:

We report on an 86-year-old male resident of a retirement home who received vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. Past medical history included systemic arterial hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency, dementia and prostate carcinoma. On January 9, 2021, the man received lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine BNT162b2 in a 30 μg dose. On that day and in the following 2 weeks, he presented with no clinical symptoms.

On day 18, he was admitted to hospital for worsening diarrhea. Since he did not present with any clinical signs of COVID-19, isolation in a specific setting did not occur. Laboratory testing revealed hypochromic anemia and increased creatinine serum levels. Antigen test and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SARS-CoV-2 were negative.

But the study notes that by day 25, that vaccinated patient had tested positive for COVID-19, presumably from a nearby COVID-infected patient in his hospital room, and died of kidney and respiratory failure the following day.

SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were present in nearly all the vaccinated patient’s organs.

“In summary, the results of our autopsy case study in a patient with mRNA vaccine confirm the view that by first dose of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 immunogenicity can already be induced, while sterile immunity is not adequately developed,” the study concluded.

In other words, although the COVID-19 vaccine triggered an immune response within the body, it didn’t appear to stop the spread of the virus, and therefore the spread of harmful viral spike proteins, throughout the body.

This is just more bombshell scientific evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine likely does more harm than good, and may actually even accelerate the spread of the coronavirus.

The vaccine used is BNT162b2. This is the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.


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The political trial of Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib

Since May 9th, Israeli police and the Shabak (security services) have detained more than 2,000 Palestinians inside the territory Israel has occupied since 1948. But the detention of Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib in Kafr Kanna (north of Nazareth) on Friday, May 14, was the most dramatic and notable. As the police surrounded the Sheikh’s home, local residents spontaneously organized a mass demonstration against his detention, and soon there were clashes with the police. The police used live ammunition to disperse the crowd, and Mako reported (here, in Hebrew) that eleven of the demonstrators were evacuated for medical treatment, at least four of them in severe conditions.

When al-Khatib was indicted two weeks later (on May 27) in the Nazareth Magistrate’s court, his lawyers protested that his violent arrest was illegal to start with. The factual base of the indictment only mentioned three posts on Facebook. By law, the police are entitled to invade people’s homes and arrest suspects without a judicial warrant only in hot pursuit or to prevent imminent crime. Old posts of Facebook don’t justify it. In many previous occasions, when the police or the Shabak wanted to warn al-Khatib about his political activities, he was summoned to the police station and interrogated. But the new aggressive approach was exactly the message that the Israeli oppressive state wanted to convey.

Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib is one of the most prominent political figures among the ‘48 Palestinian public. He was the deputy leader of the Islamic Movement (sometimes called “the northern faction of the Islamic Movement”) before it was outlawed by Israel in November 2015. Like many other members of the Islamic Movement, he continued his public activity after the movement was banned, and served, between other roles, as head of the “Liberties Committee”, the committee responsible for the defense of political and Human Rights on behalf of the “high follow-up committee”, the unified representative body of 1948 Palestinians.

Al-Khatib is represented in court by a joint team from Adalah, the legal center for Arab minority rights in Israel, led by advocate Hassan Jabareen, and from Al-Mizan Rights Foundation (from Nazareth) led by advocate Omar Khamaisi.

Indictment of the Palestinian narrative

On receiving the eight-page indictment against al-Khatib, Jabareen protested and informed the court that he could not relate to such a lopsided document. Ten out of the 22 articles in the indictment are not connected to anything that is related to the accused, but simply used to “set the context” – presenting a one-sided narrative of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Zionist movement and Israel from the beginning of the previous century until the latest bombardment of Gaza. In this narrative there is no ethnic cleansing, no occupation, no settlements on confiscated lands, no discrimination, no oppression, no Apartheid, only Arab rioters and terrorists constantly attacking innocent Jews and their revered security forces.

Against this background the court is required to assess the “danger” of the three Facebook posts, the only specific subjects of the indictment, that are taken from the page named “The Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib” (in Arabic). The indictment repeats many times the accusation that al-Khatib “called for violence”, “encouraged acts of terror” and “praised Hamas”. But in all the three quoted posts, even after being  translated to Hebrew by police translators (his lawyers dispute the accuracy of the translation) – there is not a single call for violence, no praise for violence and the name of Hamas (or any other organization that Israel considers as “terrorist”) is not even mentioned.

One of the posts that the indictment describes as “supporting terrorism” relates to the “Buraq Revolution” of 1929, which al-Khatib compared to the recent events, as both started with Jewish extremist provocations in and around Al-Aqsa Mosque. He mentions that in both cases the ensuing struggle quickly spread all over Palestine, and he mentions the casualties on both sides. Al-Khatib explained during his interrogation that he warned of the explosive potential from provocations in Al-Aqsa in order to prevent bloodshed. But the very fact that he speaks about these historic events from a Palestinian perspective was enough for the prosecution to declare it “support of terrorism”.

How to identify incitement?

In his 1982 satirical play “The Patriot”, Hanoch Levin wrote:

“Security instructions:
A man walking down the street glancing nervously from side to side and over his shoulder – shall be suspected of being an Arab terrorist.
A man walking down the street looking calmly ahead of him – shall be suspected of being a level-headed Arab terrorist.
A man walking down the street looking up at the sky – shall be suspected of being a religious Arab terrorist.
A man walking down the street staring at the ground – shall be suspected of being a shy Arab terrorist.
A man walking down the street with his eyes shut – shall be suspected of being a drowsy Arab terrorist.
A man not walking down the street – shall be suspected of being a sick Arab terrorist.
All the suspects listed above shall be arrested. In the event of an attempted escape, a warning shot will be fired in the air. The body will be taken to the forensic institute.”

The first of the three posts that are cited in the indictment as “incitement to violence” was published on April 19. On the previous day there was a demonstration in Yaffa in solidarity with the people of al-Quds. The demonstrators were attacked by the police and there were clashes. The post includes four images of wounded people and one image of a police concentration, all apparently taken in Yaffa the previous day. This post is relatively short, so I will quote it here in full (my translation from the original Arabic text):

“Jaffa the hard number

Jaffa has always been the lung and flank of Jerusalem.

Just as Jerusalem faces the settlers’ flocks, so did Jaffa last night in the face of their swarms.

It is the same police and its hostile attitude toward every Palestinian, Arab and Muslim, which attacked our people in Jaffa, but Jaffa’s heroes prove every day that they are a difficult number.

All greetings and kisses on the forehead of each of you, O lions of Jaffa.

Jaffa, the definitive evidence of the failure of the Zionist project to distort the identity of our people in the Palestinian inside (a term relating to 1948-Palestine – YH), despite the 73 years of the Nakba of Jaffa, and indeed of every Palestinian.”

Al-Khatibs’ lawyers explained in court that the text should be understood, according to the accompanying images, as encouragement to and solidarity with the people that were wounded by police violence. They claimed that in these words, like in the two other posts, there is nothing that constitutes an offence according to the law.

The prosecutor admitted that al-Khatib did not explicitly call for violence, but claimed that this is because he is “cautious” and “sophisticated”, which makes him even more dangerous.

On Tuesday, June 8, Judge Doron Porat, the president of the Nazareth Magistrates’ court, decided to accept the prosecution’s request and ruled that al-Khatib should be held in prison until the end of his sentencing, with no option for bail. Even though there were no calls for violence from the accused, he built an incriminating “logical reasoning”, extending Levin’s measures:

“So is the case with the “Yaffa publication”, which was accompanied by pictures of wounded people from the Arab sector. These people seemingly took part in riots that evening, and seemingly were wounded in confrontation with security forces… the advocates claimed that those things were said with the purpose to strengthen the wounded. However, even if I assume that he meant them… those wounded rioted before, seemingly, and hence he encouraged and praised the violent acts that they performed, seemingly. Still, it is people that confronted the security forces and were wounded during confrontation. Hence, the Yaffa publication also can be an inciting publication.” (Page 40 of the protocol, decision by Judge Porat on June 8, 2021)

In short, a wounded Arab is an Arab that attacked the police, and solidarity with him is an incitement to violence!

What was not translated?

The third post in the indictment is a video with a nine-minute- long speech that Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib gave on May 11 at a public meeting that was held in his town, Kafr Kanna, in solidarity with al-Quds and al-Aqsa. The long translated text includes many things that are not connected to the accusations in any way, like al-Khatib citing religious texts including the famous saying that “the best jihad is to speak truth in the face of a tyrannical ruler”. In his speech he mentioned the attacks by fascist settlers against the Arab population in different places and stressed the need for unity against these attacks. He praised the new Palestinian generation as conscious and brave and applauded their steadfastness in the face of the oppressors.

The only section of the speech that was not translated is where he described in detail a specific act of steadfastness: when Palestinians were called to come to pray in al-Aqsa, but the Israeli police decided to prevent them and blocked busses and cars on the main road leading to al-Quds. He described how the Israeli police expected the Palestinians to return to their towns, but thousands of them started, instead, walking the twenty kilometers separating them from al-Aqsa. It created such a huge traffic jam that the Israeli police finally preferred to let them continue their way in their vehicles.

No wonder that this vivid example of victory by popular struggle was omitted from the indictment – it contradicts all the narrative that is built by the prosecution according to which Palestinians are always perpetrating violent attacks for no reason.

Based on this text the prosecution also bases the claim that al-Khatib is “supporting Hamas” – but Hamas is not even mentioned, and what he said, even according to the police translation, is “Bless Jerusalem, bless Gaza, bless “the inside”, bless Palestine, bless our people in the “inside”, in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Jerusalem and in the diaspora.” 

The logic of this text being considered “support of a terrorist organization” is that, according to their racist thinking, the Palestinian people as a whole are considered a terrorist organization.

Defending the innocents

The defense lawyers presented to the court a video with a sermon that al-Khatib delivered in a mosque in Kafr Kanna on the day of his arrest. In this sermon he talked about events that happened near the town a few days before, when a Jewish driver was attacked by an angry crowd – and other residents of Kafr Kana saved him from the crowd, brought him to receive medical treatment and later escorted him to safety. He said that the protest doesn’t justify attacks on the innocents, praised the actions of the residents that helped the victim and said that, if he was present there, he would have acted like them.

Even this sermon was later distorted by the prosecution and the judge, claiming that by denouncing the attack on innocent victims, al-Khatib actually praised and encouraged other attacks.

So where are the Palestinian voices in mainstream media?

Mondoweiss covers the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Read by tens of thousands of people each month, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media.

Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is why we need your support. Please contribute so that we can continue to raise the voices of those who advocate for the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and peace.

Palestinians today are struggling for their lives as mainstream media turns away. Please support journalism that amplifies the urgent voices calling for freedom and justice in Palestine.


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IMF Jews Panic About Bitcoin Victory in El Salvador

El Salvador just made bitcoin legal tender and the IMF jewboys aren’t happy about it.


On June 9, El Salvador became the first country to approve the use of Bitcoin as legal currency . But while the president of the Central American country, Nayib Bukele , celebrates the decision of the Legislative Assembly in style, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) considers that perhaps it was a bad idea, since it entails challenges on several levels.

The instruction of the Salvadoran government is that “every economic agent must accept Bitcoin as a form of payment” , since the president is sure that this will contribute to the banking of the population and avoid losing “millions of dollars” in sending remittances from the Foreign.

However, the International Monetary Fund sees this measure from another perspective.

“The adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender raises a series of macroeconomic, financial and legal problems that require very careful analysis , ” said Gerry Rice , IMF spokesman at a press conference on Thursday.

“We are closely monitoring progress on this issue and will continue our consultation with the authorities ,” Rice added before confirming that they would hold a meeting with President Bukele to discuss the issue.

The IMF jews hate this because bitcoin allows goyim to move away from jew-controlled financial systems. The decentralized and private nature of bitcoin is a threat to jewish central banking and jewish-owned central governments that seek to monitor and control all financial transactions.

The IMF only wants countries borrowing its fiat money so it can enslave them to debt. If countries follow El Salvador’s lead and start making bitcoin legal tender, the crypto-currency is bound to skyrocket in value and challenge traditional currencies.

Imagine being able to do business exclusively in bitcoin, circumventing the banks and governments who work in collusion to control our financial destiny.

Jewboy bankers are absolutely seething right now.


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Christiane Amanpour Reveals She Has Ovarian Cancer, Is Undergoing Chemotherapy

Christiane Amanpour, CNN’s chief international anchor, revealed on Monday that she’s been battling ovarian cancer.

The British Iranian journalist tweeted a broadcast segment of herself sharing the news and saying the last four weeks have been a “bit of a rollercoaster” for her.

“During that time, like millions of women around the world, I’ve been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I’ve had successful major surgery to remove it and I’m now undergoing several months of chemotherapy for the very best possible long-term prognosis,” she said in the clip.

The 63-year-old added that she’s “confident” and “fortunate enough to have health insurance through work and incredible doctors who are treating me.”

Amanpour implored women to educate themselves on ovarian cancer and “to get all the regular screenings and scans that you can.”

She also encouraged them to “always listen to your bodies and, of course, to ensure that your legitimate medical concerns are not dismissed or diminished.”

CNN President Jeff Zucker said in a statement to HuffPost that he applauds Amanpour for “her candor, bravery and always working towards the greater good.”

“As a cancer survivor, I too encourage people to listen to their bodies and get all early cancer screenings available to them. From our CNN family, we wish Christiane the very best for a full and speedy recovery,” Zucker said.

Worldwide, ovarian cancer is the 18th most common cancer overall, and the eighth-most common cancer for women. The World Cancer Research Fund reported nearly 300,000 new cases in 2018.

The American Cancer Society estimates that a “woman’s risk of getting ovarian cancer during her lifetime is about 1 in 78” and “her lifetime chance of dying from ovarian cancer is about 1 in 108.”

The group added that about half of women who are “diagnosed with ovarian cancer are 63 years or older.”


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Tony Perkins Offers Tips on ‘Surviving the Rainbow Onslaught’ During Pride Month

It is a well-known fact that religious-right activists and organizations are vehemently opposed to Pride Month, so it was no surprise to see the Family Research Council dedicate last Wednesday’s episode of its weekly “Pray, Vote, Stand” program to railing against the celebration of LGBTQ equality and offering conservative Christians tips on “surviving the rainbow onslaught.”

“You can’t turn on the television, shop for cereal, or scroll through Facebook without being hit over the head with LGBT pride,” griped FRC President Tony Perkins. “Thanks to ‘woke’ corporate America and the most radical administration in history, there’s no escaping the left’s forced sexual revolution.”

“How did we get to the point where celebrating sex and transgenderism became a 30-day event that rivals Christmas?” he continued. “We have a president who’s flying the rainbow flag above the U.S. flag at our embassies, a Democratic Congress that thinks the military should salute pride on base, and a White House that brags [that] almost 1 percent of its 1,500 appointees are LGBT. You can’t blame people for wondering: When did we become identified by our sexual proclivities? The world is upside down when American pride is something we should apologize, for but sexual perversion is the stuff of parades. Just a few decades ago, these activists said all they wanted was recognition, autonomy, coexistence. Now, a handful of years after Obergefell, it’s not enough to leave them alone with their choices; they demand validation, affirmation, celebration. Pride is the new religion, and everyone must bow a knee to their sexual gods or face the left’s fiery furnace.”

“Is it just me or is it almost like a neon sign that this is called ‘Pride’ Month?” Perkins asked right-wing theologian Wayne Grudem later in the broadcast. “The very thing that when we read throughout Scripture is the downfall of man is pride. It’s almost as if—as I prayed a few moments ago—[we’re] shaking a collective fist in the face of God.”

“You wonder if the spiritual forces behind Pride Month have tipped their hand,” Grudem replied.


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ACH (1536) Paul English – The Limeys #27 – Did Your Jab Come From Convicted Felons?

ACH (1536) Paul English – The Limeys #27 – Did Your Jab Come From Convicted Felons?

In today’s show originally broadcast on June 14 2021, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Paul English for a show entitled, “Did Your Jab Come From Convicted Felons?”

We discussed: the new chatroom for the show that has been set up by Mer From Wisconsin, who will act as its owner and moderator; the difference between a reporter and a journalist; Emily Davison and the Suffragette Movement; how we are now up to 1,295 deaths and 267,671 people injured from the vaccines according to figures off the UK Government website; when Pfizer was fined for fraudulent marketing; why we need engineers to be running things, not politicians, bankers, and the mainstream media; the latest important update from Dr. Roger Hodkinson; Princess Diana’s Ford Escort; the legendary Jeff Rense and Tim Rifat shows; and many other topics.

Click Here For Mer’s New ACH Radio Chatroom

Click Here For A Way To Dispel EMF Radiation That A Listener To The Show Has Found Useful

Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Adverse Reactions” And Click On The Three Analysis Prints That Claims An Aggregate Total Of 1,295 People Have Died And 267,671 People Have Been Injured After Taking The Vaccine

Click Here For Proof That The British Government Expected A HIGH VOLUME OF ADVERSE REACTIONS TO THE COVID-19 VACCINE. Scroll Down To Point II.1.4 On This European Union Website

Click Here For The Ron Paul Institute’s “Did Your ‘Jab’ Come from Convicted Felons?” Article

Click Here For The U.S. Department Of Justice’s Article On How They Fined Pfizer For Fraudulent Marketing

Click Here For An Important Update From Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Click Here To Subscribe To The Jeff Rense Show And Get Access To Over 20,000 Hours Of Archives Spanning Over 25 Years

Click Here For Paul’s Gab Page

Click Here For Paul’s Radio Gab Page


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Ousted Israel PM plotted with Saudi’s MBS to undermine Jordan king

New details have emerged about the alleged plot to overthrow Jordan’s King Abdullah, indicating that former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played a starring role along with senior officials within the Trump administration, prominent Jordanians, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

Details of the role played by Netanyahu, who was ousted yesterday after the Israeli parliament voted in a new coalition government led by the far-right nationalist Naftali Bennett, was reported in a Washington Post article by David Ignatius titled “Inside the palace intrigue in Jordan and a thwarted ‘deal of the century’“.

Ignatius shed light on one of the biggest stories of April when Jordan’s former crown prince Hamzah Bin Hussein was accused of plotting to oust King Abdullah II. The alleged plot is said to have been backed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, also known as MBS.

Ignatius’s account is based on a Jordanian investigative report on the case as well as discussions with current and former officials with knowledge of former US President Donald Trump’s Middle East policy. King Abdullah’s objection to the so-called “deal of the century” is said to have been the reason for the plot to undermine him. The success of the plan required a new arrangement for occupied East Jerusalem that would seek to displace Jordanian or Hashemite custodianship of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In March 2019, two months before the Trump administration released the economic portion of the plan in Bahrain, titled “Peace to Prosperity“, King Abdullah issued one of the harshest condemnations of the so-called peace plan. “I will never change my position on Jerusalem … regardless of what other people say. We have a historical duty toward Jerusalem and the holy sites. … Is there pressure on me from abroad? There is pressure on me from abroad. But, to me, this is a red line,” Abdullah said.

READ: Jordan ex-royal court chief faces trial over alleged monarchy plot

In a separate interview, around the same time, King Abdullah was even more emphatic about his objection. “I, as a Hashemite, how could I backtrack or let go of Jerusalem? Impossible. … People talk about the ‘deal of the century,’ or an alternative homeland. How? Do we not get a voice?” he is reported saying.

Ignatius claims that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and chief adviser on the negotiations, embraced Netanyahu and MBS — but grew increasingly antagonistic toward the Jordanian king. “It became a belief of Trump that the king was a hindrance to the peace process,” one former senior CIA official was reported saying. While Trump, Netanyahu, and MBS don’t appear to have been working to overthrow the king, their actions clearly weakened him and encouraged his enemies, Ignatius writes.

It’s suggested that Netanyahu operated in a rogue fashion, colluding with MBS and Kushner to undermine King Abdullah. Ignatius writes that Mossad and Shin Bet security service representatives personally contacted King Abdullah disavowing any role in the alleged plot. The theme, according to a former US intelligence official cited by Ignatius, was: “This is not us. It’s coming from in front of us,” meaning that it was Netanyahu that was part of the plot.


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Thousands gather in London to urge G7 support for Palestine

Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters gathered in London on Saturday calling on the Group of Seven (G7) leaders to support Palestinian rights.

The protest formed part of the “Resist G7 Day of Action for International Justice” organised by a coalition of groups calling on the G7 nations to “end all military-security cooperation with Israel, and employ targeted sanctions until Israel complies with international law,” the Palestine Solidarity Campaign said.

Organisers said over 8,000 people attended the protest, and 185,000 people directly contacted MPs to “pressure the UK government to hold Israel accountable for repeatedly violating international law, via the imposition of sanctions.”

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn addressed the protest and called on the G7, which was meeting in southwest England, to support Palestinian refugees and recognise the rights of Palestinian people.

“At today’s Justice For Palestine demonstration in London, I also called for a halt to arms sales,” Corbyn wrote on Twitter.

“UK-made weapons are killing civilians – including children – in conflicts abroad. This must stop,” he added.

READ: Belfast City Council urges expulsion of Israeli ambassadors, citing ‘apartheid’

The protest came two days before Parliament was set to debate a petition to introduce sanctions against Israel, after it received more than 380,000 signatures, above the 100,000 threshold required for it to be considered.

The text of the petition reads: “The government should introduce sanctions against Israel, including blocking all trade, and in particular arms.”

“Its disproportionate treatment of Palestinians and settlements that are regarded by the international community as illegal are an affront to civilized society.”

It came after Israel brutally attacked Palestinian worshippers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the final days of Ramadan and went on to launch airstrikes against the besieged Gaza Strip. Almost 300 Palestinians were killed across the occupied territories as a result of Israel’s attacks.

For 11 days, Israel launched attacks on the blockaded Gaza Strip. Health officials in Gaza say 254 Palestinians, including 66 children and 39 women, were killed and more than 1,900 wounded in air and artillery bombardments.

OPINION: British pro-Palestine activists prove that direct action and BDS are effective


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