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  • guest_8251 : research ciro orsini
  • guest_621 : They faked the Torah, nothing else. Even their own neutral Rabbies tell that truth. The ORIGINAL Torah has nothing to do with the satansih Talmud or faked Torah!
  • guest_7642 : Look into Crowley Satanism in Hollywood. Actual Satanic kikes and space kikes working together.
  • guest_1984 : good work
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels :
  • guest_4766 : Been doing hundres of sticker labels, al over town now :ppp
  • guest_1984 : hahaha
  • guest_9645 : Oy Vey Goyim STOP going on this FUCKING SITE and go eat your GOYSLOP
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels : join this goyim
  • guest_5248 : The Search works. it takes time to sift through 700,000 articles.
  • guest_5419 : Gotta love that the search doesn't work
  • NMNV : wake up sheeple
  • guest_6482 : May this site live on and expand. EVERYONE SAVE THIS SITE AND PDF IT WHATEVER.
  • guest_7482 : Amen
  • guest_8470 Revelatio : Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  • guest_1695 : jew boy go away
  • guest_8124 : This site is awesome
  • guest_8124 : yes master
  • guest_956 : nigger
  • guest_8124 : allah not happy?
  • Site_Sabotaged : HONK
  • guest_2832 : The Goyim know... Shut it down
  • guest_8554 :
  • guest_380 : New World Order is the Jew World Order
  • guest_77 : love the chat
  • guest_2019 : shut it
  • nazi jews : wake up stupid
  • nazi jews : lol
  • guest_5277 : ok
  • guest_1726 : ok
  • meee : fuck u dikhead
  • meee : ggg

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Greek Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

FBI Ignored Its Own Warrant And Search Policies To Seize Millions From People’s Safety Deposit Boxes

This brief clip from an FBI training film helps explain the actions undertaken by agents during a raid on a secure storage facility earlier this year:

In March of this year, the US Attorney in Los Angeles, California secured an indictment against a secure vault company, alleging the company was engaged in money laundering, drug trafficking, and hiding taxable assets. None of the company’s employees or owners were indicted.

FBI agents spent five days turning US Private Vaults upside down. Agents apparently emptied every safety deposit box housed by the business. They did this in complete contradiction of the limits imposed on them by the FBI’s own warrant affidavit. Here’s Eric Boehm of Reason with some background:

[T]he unsealed warrant authorizing the raid of U.S. Private Vaults granted the FBI permission to seize only the business’s computers, money counters, security cameras, and large steel frames that effectively act as bookshelves for the boxes themselves. Per FBI rules, however, the boxes could not be left unsecured in the vault after the raid had been completed, so agents had to take them into custody too.

The FBI could have taken custody of the boxes without opening them and sought warrants for those implicated by the investigation. Instead, the FBI agents emptied the boxes while still on the premises, engaging in dozens of searches not authorized by any warrant.

Here’s what the FBI said it would do in its warrant request:

If you can’t see the picture, the relevant part of the sworn statement says:

This warrant does not authorize a criminal search or seizure of the safety deposit boxes. In seizing the nests of safety deposit boxes, agents shall follow their written inventory policies to protect their agencies and the contents of the boxes. Also in accordance with their written policies, agents shall inspect the contents of the boxes in an effort to identify their owners in order to notify them so that they can claim their property.

And the agents weren’t supposed to empty the boxes and catalog the contents. This is spelled out explicitly in the FBI written policies.

The inspection should extend no further than necessary to determine ownership.

So, permission was given to look in the boxes for anything that might identify the owners so they could come get their stuff from the FBI. But instead of doing that, agents took everything from the boxes and started forfeiture proceedings — all without determining who owned what or providing any evidence at all that the items found in the nearly 1,000 boxes were obtained illicitly. Indeed, no customers of US Private Vaults have been accused of any criminal activity.

Here’s what’s happening now, in apparent direct contradiction of the search warrant’s limits and the FBI’s own policies.

[T]he FBI is now trying to confiscate $86 million in cash and millions of dollars more in jewelry and other valuables that agents found in 369 of the boxes.

Prosecutors claim the forfeiture is justified because the unnamed box holders were engaged in criminal activity. They have disclosed no evidence to support the allegation.


Beyond the $86 million in cash, the FBI is seeking to confiscate thousands of gold and silver bars, Patek Philippe and Rolex watches, and gem-studded earrings, bracelets and necklaces, many of them in felt or velvet pouches. The FBI also wants to take a box holder’s $1.3 million in poker chips from the Aria casino in Las Vegas.

The items the government claims — without facts in evidence — are the result of criminal activity includes unemployed food service worker’s life savings: $57,000 he obtained from lawsuit settlements stemming from a car accident in which he suffered a spinal injury and a successful claim against a landlord for chronic housing code violations.

Another US Private Vault’s customer (being represented, like the man above, by the Institute for Justice) lost her life savings to the FBI’s actions, a total of $80,000 that is obviously important to the 80-year-old woman who presumably wasn’t participating in drug dealing and money laundering. Contrary to the warrant and FBI guidelines, agents took everything in her safety deposit box even though they found identifying information as soon as they opened the box. Recordings of the raid show an agent holding her ID up to the camera before proceeding to go through the box, opening sealed envelopes and emptying their contents into another container.

It wasn’t just cash, coins, and other valuables being seized by agents. The take also included personal items belonging to Paul and Jennifer Snitko. This is what the FBI — until goaded into being a little less assholish by negative press and a handful of lawsuits — considered to be evidence of criminal activity.

In the Snitkos’ box, along with the baptismal certificate: a pilot’s log, heirloom jewelry, collectible coins, a marriage certificate, a birth certificate.

The FBI recently returned these items to the Snitkos, making them one of the lucky few to have their property returned. But those with larger quantities of valuable items or cash are probably going to have to sue to get their items returned. The FBI says it’s only willing to return items from about a quarter of the boxes its agents searched and seized without a warrant.

The FBI has returned the contents of about 75 boxes and plans to give back the items found in at least 175 more, because there was no evidence of criminality, Mrozek said. Federal agents have not determined who owns what was stored in many other boxes.

That’s the latest from Thomas Mrozek, the spokesperson for the Los Angeles US Attorney’s office. The FBI and federal prosecutors are hoping to take ownership of as much as possible from the remaining boxes, all of which is detailed in the very long inventory list compiled by the agents who performed the raid.

This is extremely ugly. Unfortunately, the use of civil forfeiture shifts some of the burden to those whose assets were seized. The government doesn’t really have to do anything. If claimants don’t come forward before June 24, those unclaimed assets will become government property, whether or not they had anything to do with criminal activity.

Those that do file a claim will have to deal with a convoluted and expensive process that helps ensure the government will still get to keep most of what it seized under the guise of performing an inventory. The burden of proof for the government is extremely low. And it’s apparently telling judges a dog gave agents permission to engage in a bunch of warrantless seizures.

Drug-sniffing dogs at the store during the raid alerted to traces of drugs on most of the money found in boxes, FBI agent Justin Palmerton claimed in a court statement. The boxes containing that cash are subject to criminal investigation, he said.

This claim is stupid as fuck and hopefully won’t be given any respect from judges that are subjected to it. Most currency contains trace amounts of drugs. That’s common knowledge. But the FBI isn’t raiding banks just because a dog alerted near the ATM. This is a completely disingenuous claim and, by itself, isn’t evidence of anything more than the FBI’s willingness to use literally anything to justify its warrantless acquisition of other people’s property.

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The Neocon Agenda to Militarize Space with Robbie Martin

In this episode, Whitney and Robbie Martin of Media Roots discuss how the recent heavy promotion of UFOs by the military and intelligence communities masks a decades-old neoconservative agenda to militarize outer space as a way to indefinitely secure American military hegemony. Originally published June 12, 2021 on


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Israeli airstrikes target Gaza sites, first since cease-fire

The march posed a test for Israel’s fragile new government as well as the tenuous truce that ended last month’s 11-day war between Israel and Hamas.

Palestinians consider the march, meant to celebrate Israel’s capture of east Jerusalem in 1967, to be a provocation. Hamas called on Palestinians to “resist” the parade, a version of which helped ignite last month’s 11-day Gaza war.

With music blaring, hundreds of Jewish nationalists gathered and moved in front of Damascus Gate. Most appeared to be young men, and many held blue-and-white Israeli flags as they danced and sang religious songs.

At one point, several dozen youths, jumping and waving their hands in their air, chanted: “Death to Arabs!” In another anti-Arab chant, they yelled: “May your village burn.”

In a scathing condemnation on Twitter, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said those shouting racist slogans were “a disgrace to the Israeli people,” adding: “The fact that there are radicals for whom the Israeli flag represents hatred and racism is abominable and unforgivable.”

The crowd, while boisterous, appeared to be much smaller than during last month’s parade. From the Damascus Gate, they proceeded around the Old City to the Western Wall, the holiest place where Jews can pray.

Ahead of the march, Israeli police cleared the area in front of Damascus Gate, shut down roads to traffic, ordered shops to close and sent away young Palestinian protesters. Police said that officers arrested 17 people suspected of involvement in violence, some of whom threw rocks and attacked police, and that two police officers needed medical treatment. Palestinians said five people were hurt in clashes with police.

The parade provided an early challenge for Israel’s new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, a hardline Israeli nationalist who has promised a pragmatic approach as he presides over a delicate, diverse coalition government.


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Southern Baptists pick president who worked for racial unity

Stone had campaigned aggressively, including speaking at churches across the country and even appearing on Fox & Friends on Tuesday before the vote. And the Conservative Baptist Network had encouraged supporters to come to the meeting as voting delegates.

But in the end, the message that seemed to resonate with voters was that Stone — who supported a motion to repudiate critical race theory, an academic construct for framing systemic racism that has been a target of religious and political conservatives — was a divisive choice.

“We’re a family, and at times it seems like an incredibly dysfunctional family.” Litton said after the results were announced. “But we love each other.”

The two-day meeting concludes Wednesday when delegates will consider proposals for a sweeping review of the SBC’s response to abuse in its churches, an issue that recently erupted with secret recordings and leaked letters involving top leadership.

Also Tuesday, the delegates rejected a proposal that would have explicitly denounced critical race theory. Instead they approved a consensus measure that does not mention it by name but rejects any view that sees racism as rooted in “anything other than sin.”

The measure also affirmed a 1995 resolution apologizing for the history of racism in a denomination that was founded in 1845 in support of slavery, and which apologized for “condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime.”

One white delegate urged the convention to denounce critical race theory by name, saying it held him “guilty because of the melanin content of my skin.” But another argued that the convention shouldn’t be swayed by a political movement that has already seen some state legislatures ban the teaching of CRT.

“If some people in this room were as passionate about the gospel as they are about critical race theory, we would win this world to Christ,” said James Merritt, chairman of the resolutions committee and a former convention president.

Several Black pastors have voiced frustration over critical race theory debates playing out in the SBC instead of the denomination confronting systemic racism itself.

On the sex abuse issue, Tennessee pastor Grant Gaines, speaking with a survivor at his side, proposed a task force that would oversee a review of the denomination’s actions — a broader investigation than the one announced last week by the SBC’s Executive Committee.

“I stand with SBC church abuse survivors,” Gaines said.

The convention overwhelmingly approved a resolution declaring that “any person who has committed sexual abuse is permanently disqualified from holding the office of pastor.”

Opponents had argued that it precludes the possibility of an abuser repenting and transforming, but proponents from the resolution committee emphasized a scriptural injunction that pastors be “above reproach.”

Churches are self-governing, and critics have said the denomination hasn’t done enough to exclude congregations that mishandle abuse cases.

Voters gave final approvals to constitutional amendments excluding churches that affirm ethnic discrimination or act against the convention’s “beliefs regarding sexual abuse.” Still to be debated was how those standards on abuse apply in practice.

In an enthusiastically applauded address, outgoing president J.D. Greear, himself a target of criticism, lamented “the slander, the distortion, the character assassination and baseless accusations” some SBC leaders have endured. While denouncing liberalism, he also criticized what he saw as power-seeking and divisiveness over secondary issues.

The SBC cannot be a “cultural affinity group” or “voting bloc,” Greear said, but must focus on its spiritual mission.

On critical race theory, he said it arises from “a worldview at odds with the gospel,” but he heeded “leaders of color who tell us that our denunciations of justice movements fall on deaf ears when we remain silent on the suffering of our neighbors.”

Pastor Bryan Kent of Compass Church in Mason, Mich., commended Greear’s remarks, saying that if critical race theory “has an echo of truth among our brothers and sisters of color … we should not be in such a rush to condemn.”


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Pömmelte Ring Sanctuary Eclipses Stonehenge With Homes and Ghastly Burials

Scientists think an ancient astronomical observatory in Pömmelte, Germany will overshadow England’s famous Stonehenge in terms of archaeological data and the number of human burials. Over 4,000 years old, an Early Bronze Age German settlement near the town of Pömmelte is known to be vastly more expansive than contemporary structures like Stonehenge in the British Isles.

Just to give you an idea, from the time when excavations started up again in May this year until now, a team of archaeologists from Germany’s state office for Monument Conservation and Archaeology and the University of Halle have already unearthed a total of 130 dwellings, 20 ditches, and two more human burials at the site. Excavations will continue until October 2021, with hopes of gaining more insight on the relationship between the ritual and residential spaces.

The ring sanctuary at Pömmelte excavation. (georgfotoart / Adobe stock)

The ring sanctuary at Pömmelte excavation. ( georgfotoart / Adobe stock)

A Vast Agri-Ritualistic Centre

Pömmelte is a village and a former municipality in the Salzlandkreis district of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany, which was first settled by Sorbian settlers and is first documented in 1292 AD. During the Bronze Age , around the late third millennium BC, an enormous wooden astronomical observatory that functioned similarly to England’s Stonehenge had become a ritualistic center within a thriving agricultural environment, and radiocarbon dating determines it was used by the Unetice culture between 2300 and 1600 BC.

In 2018, Science Mag published a research article by archaeologist and Stonehenge expert Timothy Darvill of Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom, who claimed rituals performed at this “German Stonehenge” may link the mysterious monument with its UK counterpart.

A full shot of the German Stonehenge at night in Pömmelte. (Uwe Graf / Adobe stock)

A full shot of the German Stonehenge at night in Pömmelte. ( Uwe Graf / Adobe stock)

Dr. Franziska Knoll, an archaeologist at the Institute for Art History and Archaeology of Europe at the University of Halle, explained to German daily newspaper Deutsche Welle that excavations have covered an area of around “29,000 square meters (34,684 square yards).” Knoll added that “thirty-seven ancient longhouses” had already been found in the area by 2020 and the team of archaeologists are sure the next dig would identify more longhouses “in the jumble” of  the ancient observatory’s wooden pillars.

Investigating Satellite Astronomical Sites

Another of the excavation goals has been to reveal unknown truths about the social and religious environment of the Early Bronze Age “ Unetice culture ,” whose priestly astronomers designed, created, and used the famous astronomical Nebra Sky Disk depicting gold representations of the Sun, Moon, and stars.

The Nebra Sky Disk. (Dbachmann, Theway / CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Nebra Sky Disk. (Dbachmann, Theway / CC BY-SA 4.0 )

And to broaden their cultural understanding of the Pömmelte sanctuary, archaeologists have also planned to investigate an ancient circular moat located about a kilometer (0.6 mi) away from the ring shrine, and a 6,000-year-old grave complex from the so-called Baalberge culture south of Pömmelte near the town of Schonebeck.

The Pömmelte settlement was built at the end of the Neolithic Age and enhanced up to the Early Bronze Age, and it was occupied by different cultural groups for more than 300 years. The oldest longhouse foundations are associated with the Bell Beaker culture (ca. 2500-2050 B.C.) who emerged at the end of the Neolithic Age and Dr. Knoll says these longhouses and the ceramics discovered inside them show how the Unetice culture developed from the Bell Beaker culture.

Excavating an Army of Dead Astronomer Priests and Some Gruesome Graves

British researchers are helping their German counterparts by contributing decades of accumulated experience in interdisciplinary landscape archaeology, and already it has been noted that the astronomical observatories at both Stonehenge in England and Pömmelte in Germany were “built near rivers.” This, according to Dr. Knoll, highlights the importance of waterways in prehistoric times, which were social arteries used to transport foods, tools, animals, and people through the ancient geographies.

During the 20th century, archaeologists in England discovered 60 cremation burials at Stonehenge, and according to an entry on Ancient History Encyclopedia , it is estimated that somewhere in the region of two hundred more remain unexcavated around the famous stone monument. The latest cremations radiocarbon dated to c. 2300 BC, which reveal the practice of cremation was still practiced at Stonehenge long after the first bluestones and sarsens had been erected at the stone circle.

Burial found near the Pömmelte site. ( Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt / Matthias Zirm)

Pömmelte also dates to c. 2300 BC, however, contrasting greatly with Stonehenge, large areas of Pömmelte are already uncovered, which Dr. Knoll says allows for “completely different archaeological insights.” And furthermore, according to the archaeologist, while many graves have been discovered near and around Stonehenge, they will be overshadowed by the quantity of those expected to be excavated in Pömmelte.

Finally, another difference between the sites is the evidence of more gruesome deaths at Pömmelte. A 2018 study published in the journal Antiquity describes the discovery of “deviant burials” of women and children who had sustained skull traumas and rib fractures shortly before death. And while the study authors questioned whether “these individuals were ritually killed or if their death resulted from intergroup conflict, such as raiding,” they also noted “the victims of gender-specific violence, along with the corpses of the other individuals, were meaningful to the ritual activities” at Pömmelte.

Top image: The German Stonehenge at sunset in Pömmelte.       Source: Mattis Kaminer / Adobe stock

By Ashley Cowie

Updated June 15, 2021.


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Israel Launches Airstrikes On Gaza As Cease-Fire Crumbles

The Israeli military confirmed it attacked the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, marking the definitive end of a cease-fire that followed 11 days of violence last month in which over 250 people were killed, most of them Palestinians.

In a statement, the Israel Defense Forces said it had attacked Hamas’ armed compounds in Gaza City in response to the reported launching of incendiary balloons from the territory, which the Israeli fire brigade said caused 20 fires in open fields near the Gaza border but apparently no casualties. HuffPost has not been able to confirm whether Hamas militants were responsible for the balloons.

The IDF said it was “ready for all scenarios, including renewed fighting in the face of continued terrorist attacks emanating from Gaza.”

The Israeli military now operates under a new government coalition different from the one that agreed to the cease-fire. While the coalition is the most diverse in Israeli history, it is spearheaded by a far-right leader with a history of incendiary anti-Palestinian remarks and past goals to annex the occupied West Bank.

It is not immediately clear if the Israeli bombings resulted in any casualties. Palestinian sources told the AFP that the raids targeted at least one site east of the southern city of Khan Younes.

A Hamas spokesperson, confirming the Israeli attacks, told Reuters that Palestinians would continue to pursue their “brave resistance and defend their rights and sacred sites” in Jerusalem.

A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.

The attack comes weeks after Israeli airstrikes destroyed Gaza in May, killing hundreds of civilians, destroying homes and institutions, and displacing families. Israel’s airstrikes killed 256 Palestinians, including 66 children, according to Gaza authorities. Hamas’ rockets ― most of which were intercepted by Israel’s state-of-the-art “Iron Dome” missile defense system ― killed 12 Israelis.

After 11 days of nonstop violence, Egypt brokered a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. The attacks first began partially due to Israeli settlers trying to force Palestinians out of their homes in neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, such as Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

Tuesday’s strikes are the first on Gaza since a new Israeli coalition government formed, headed by far-right ultranationalist Naftali Bennett. Bennett took over as Israel’s prime minister, ending Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year reign.

On Monday, the new coalition approved a “provocative” march by Israeli ultranationalists and pro-settler groups through occupied East Jerusalem ― an event that was originally scheduled for May 10 in the same area but was diverted at the last minute from the Damascus Gate and the Old City’s Muslim Quarter.

Ahead of the march, Israeli police forcibly removed dozens of Palestinians from outside the Damascus Gate. Police arrested at least 17 Palestinians and wounded 33 others as officers fired stun grenades in the surrounding areas, according to Al Jazeera and The Associated Press.

During the march, hundreds of Jewish ultranationalists ― many of whom were youth ― were heard chanting “Death to Arabs” in Hebrew. In another anti-Palestinian chant, they said, “May your village burn.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who is part of the new coalition government, tweeted on Tuesday that those shouting racist slogans were “a disgrace to the Israeli people.”

“The fact that there are radicals for whom the Israeli flag represents hatred and racism is abominable and unforgivable,” he said.

Mansour Abbas, whose Raam party is the first Arab faction to join the Israeli coalition, said the march was “an attempt to set the region on fire for political aims” with the intention of undermining the new government, according to the AP.

Abbas said the police and public security minister should have canceled the event, though doing so would have opened Bennett and other right-wing coalition members to intense criticism from constituents who would see it as a capitulation to Hamas.

“Bombing Gaza is an outrageous action by the new Israeli government that is just a few days old. Tonight’s airstrikes follow today’s other Israeli escalation: violently shutting down parts of East Jerusalem in order to allow nationalists to march,” IfNotNow, a Jewish organization against Israeli occupation, said in a statement. “New government ― same apartheid.”


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Cyber Plandemic: A Financial “Event 201”

Klaus Schwab: “You will own nothing and like it.”

Cyber Polygon is just more fakitude:  Your assets will be seized because the New World Order wants to increase “cyber security.”  Huh?

“Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF’s Cyber Polygon (

The new Housing Bubble:  Investment firms buying up real estate, driving prices up.   The average consumer is being driven out of the market by globalist investment firms.  Owners being turned into renters.  Remember, You will own nothing and like it!  BlackRock and the Global Reset again!

Stay tuned to EFR for the news nobody else is even aware of!!

The 2008 bubble took essentially two years to create.   How long will this bubble last?


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MSM Admits COVID Timeline False, Myocarditis Is A Serious Risk & Johns Hopkins Doc Calls Out CDC

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/15/21).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.


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Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)

Qanon Potential False Flag
COVID Timeline 

Important TLAV Mask Coverage

Most Recent Mask Studies

5 NIH/National Library of Medicine studies from 2004-2020 all finding verifiable health effects from wearing a face mask, including scientifically verified reduction is blood oxygen level:

Cloth Mask Study

SOME of the mask studies on efficacy:

Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated:


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IT’S OFFICIAL – Official Data shows more people have died because of the Covid Vaccines in 6 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 15 months


We can officially confirm that the number of people to have died due to the Covid vaccines has surpassed the number of people who have died of Covid-19.

However the numbers are most likely much worse than they appear due to the fact that the data on deaths due to the Covid vaccines has been taken from official data released by Public Health Scotland, and the number of deaths actually surpasses the number of people who have allegedly died of Covid-19 in England.

The huge difference here? The number of people who have died due to the vaccines in Scotland has accumulated over 6 months, whereas the number of people who have allegedly died of Covid-19 in England has accumulated over 15 months.

According to official NHS data which can be viewed here, as of the 2nd June 2021, 87,213 Covid deaths within 28 days of a positive test have been recorded in England hospitals. Of these 83,624 all died of other serious pre-existing conditions but were added to the Covid statistics due to having received a positive test within 28 days of their death.

When you consider the fact that testing is essentially compulsory in hospitals, despite it not being written in law, and they use the PCR test which cannot detect infection and can find anything it wants to find if conducted at a high cycle rate, producing false positives, it’s not hard to see why tens of thousands of people who have died of other causes have been added to the Covid death statistics.

Thankfully the NHS data informs us that just 3,589 people have died OF Covid-19 within 28 days of a positive test result in England hospitals between March 2020 and June 2nd 2021. A number which does not justify 15 months of dictatorial tyranny and medical fascism.

So can somebody please explain to us why the medicine regulators have not immediately put an end to the authorities mission to vaccinate every man, woman, and child with an experimental jab which only allegedly reduces the chance of suffering serious complications of Covid-19?

Because according to a report released by Public Health Scotland the number of people who have died within 28 days of having the Covid vaccine in Scotland has now surpassed the number of people who have allegedly died OF Covid-19 in England.

The report which can be viewed here (see page 8) states that ‘Between 8 December 2020 and 28 May 2021, a total of 3,752 people died within 28 days of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland”

This means the number of people in Scotland to have died due to the Covid vaccine in just 6 months has surpassed the number of people to have died of Covid-19 in England hospitals in 15 months by 163.

But if we forget the number of Covid deaths seen in England and just look at Scotland, the number of people to have died due to the Covid vaccine in 6 months is almost seven times the number of people who have died of Covid-19 in Scotland in 11 months.

That number stood at 596 according to an FOI request made to the Scottish Government –

If we’re seeing a similar rate of death due to the Covid vaccine in England then the number to have died could be as high as 25,123.

According to an Excel document listed in the Public Health Scotland report which can be found here, 1,289 have died within 28 days of having the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, 2 people have died within 28 days of having the Moderna mRNA vaccine, and 2,461 people have died within 28 days of having the AstraZeneca viral vector vaccine.

Taking the above into account, and considering the fact 86% of children suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine ranging from mild to serious in the extremely short clinical trial, are you really going to allow your children to have an experimental vaccine which they do not need?

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The Lethal judeo-allied Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

The Lethal Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

Joseph Bellinger

The commandant of Belsen, Josef Kramer, was a bull of a man, with thick wrists, a stout neck, and massive hands. Kramer cut such an imposing figure that the British executioner, hangman Henry Pierpoint, was a bit wary of him when he was first brought out from his cell in order to measure him for the death trap.2 [1] 

After his capture and incarceration, Kramer, understandably depressed and despondent, spoke with a British correspondent. In an effusion of self-pity and genuine sentimentality, he kept remarking on how much he missed his wife and children, “with whom he used to romp in the garden of his Belsen home.” (He loved flowers, especially roses). “Mused Kramer, “I love my wife and children. I love all children. I believe in God.”3 [1]

Commandant Josef Kramer

However, in April 1945, God was nowhere to be found in Belsen, which gave every appearance of being the anteroom to hell, with Kramer playing the unwanted and unenviable role of Cerberus.

In fact, it appears to have been merely a bad stroke of luck which placed Kramer at Belsen in the closing months of 1944.4 [1]

A report on the conditions found at Belsen upon liberation was recorded by a correspondent writing for the London Illustrated News:

“Nothing that Dante could conceive of the Inferno we term Hell can exceed in agony the ghastly scenes at Belsen concentration camp, near Bremen, which was taken over on April 17 by General Dempsey’s Second Army. This huge camp, which had contained some 60,000 civilians, was little more than a mass of dead and dying, mainly from starvation, typhus, and typhoid. The camp was declared a neutral area before we arrived and the Allied military authorities stood by to reach it at the earliest possible moment, for it was known that the living had been without food or water for over six days. It was found to be littered with dead and dying, and huts capable of housing only thirty persons were in many cases crowded with as many as 500. It was impossible to estimate the number of dead among them; while frequently being too weak to move, they had been suffocated, while those still living were also too feeble to remove them.”5 [1]

Belsen main guard house, 1936

Postcard of the banquet hall in the officers’ mess of the Belsen military base, inaugurated in December 1937.

Camp 1 was known as the “Star Camp,” where the original contingent of prisoners was housed. Entire families were housed in this section of the camp. Most of these inmates were in relatively good health when they were liberated. The Star Camp consisted of some 18 large wooden huts, and housed some 4,400 so-called “exchange jews,” of which the Dutch were the most prominent, numbering some 3,600 souls. The inmates housed in this area were not required to wear the usual striped concentration camp uniform with which the world is by now so familiar. The occupants were obliged to wear a large jewish Star on their clothing, thus the appellation, “Star Camp.” This camp was ostensibly administered by a council of jewish elders. The men and women were housed separately, but families were allowed to visit together during daylight hours. The inmates had also received permission from the camp authorities to write letters to friends and relatives, although all correspondence was strictly censored. All inmates were obliged to work in the so-called “Schuh-kommando,” where they were expected to either repair or take apart old shoes, which were subsequently recycled for later use by the Germans. Out of the 18 huts, two were reserved as a sick bay.

Camp 2 was known as the “Häftlinge,” or general prisoner, compound and upon the day of liberation was the largest of all the camp compounds. All atrocity reports concerning conditions in Belsen are descriptions of this section of the camp, which is where tens of thousands of seriously ill inmates were dumped during the closing months of the war. Prior to February 1944, prisoners in this camp were required to wear the striped concentration camp uniform, and were treated rather harshly, in accordance with provisions established by the concentration camp administrative offices.

Camp 3 was the so-called “neutrals camp,” where several hundred jews from neutral states, such as Spain, Turkey, and Argentina, and Portugal were housed. Due to their special status, these inmates were relatively well taken care of by the ϟϟ administration. Prior to March 1944, the occupants had been provided with plentiful amounts of food and also received the added bonus of an exemption from work detail. This area also was in more or less deplorable condition on the day of liberation.

Camp 4 was designated the “tent camp,” which was located directly behind the “Star Camp.” Accommodations for these unfortunate people consisted of twelve large tents which had been erected in August 1944, when the Reich began moving thousands of female prisoners westward from camps in the East. The first large transport of female prisoners that arrived at Belsen had been transferred from Auschwitz and Warsaw sometime between August and November 1944, and were interned in this section of the camp. Eventually these tents were completely destroyed during a furious wind storm which occurred on November 7 and 8, after which the women were either transferred to the Star Camp or sent on to work camps in northern Germany.

Camp 5, the “Hungarian Camp,” was established in July 1944 and consisted of two large huts. Conditions in this section of the camp were good, relatively speaking. As in the “Star Camp” the inmates housed here were allowed to wear their own clothing, to which a Star of David was attached. These people were also exempt from work requirements and were spared the dreaded roll call, which was obligatory in other sections of the camp. It was from this camp that Himmler arranged for an exchange of Hungarian” jews in 1944.7 [1]

An aerial photograph of Bergen-Belsen camp, taken by Capt A. Lyell of 658 Squadron on the 20th of April 1945

In all of these camp sections, ϟϟ staff members were rarely, if ever, to be seen. This was not unusual, for camp directives required that the ϟϟ keep a “safe distance” between themselves and the inmates, for security and health reasons. The actual day-to-day administration of the camps was left to the tender mercies of the so-called “Kapos,” who were charged by the ϟϟ with keeping “order” amongst the inmates.

Prior to the catastrophic conditions resulting from the carnage of the jewish war in March 1945, conditions within the camp had been at least minimally tolerable. Sometime in 1944 the name of the camp had been changed from “Detention Camp” to “Recuperation Camp,” but, rather amazingly, daily life in the “Detention Camp” was preferential compared to the jewish created horrific conditions prevalent throughout the camp in March-April 1945. According to an extremely detailed article published in After the Battle magazine:

“Daily life in the “Detention Camp” was harsh, but tolerable. The average daily ration consisted of coffee in the morning, 1.5 litres of soup at noon and, if available, 200-300 grammes of bread in the afternoon. Sometimes there would be a little jam or butter, or a small slice of sausage or cheese. A roll call was held every day at 3 p.m. which could last from one to five hours. In spite of a lapse of social and moral values—marked by petty quarrels, egoism, theft—many tried to uphold some sort of standard by engaging in cultural, educational and religious activities. Meanwhile, everyone lived in the hope that they might be released abroad and regain freedom.”8 [1]

Nevertheless, other testimonials were soon to emerge regarding the all-too-real bestial jewish created conditions uncovered in the camp shortly after jewish liberation. One observer wrote:

“When I was there the Germans were still in command, because we only had a handful of fellows—I mean, we couldn’t have run the thing. They had been feeding them by boiling up potatoes still in their hessian sacks, not washed, or anything. Then they would trundle barrows around, and heave a sack through the window of each hut, and the inmates would scramble for them. Some of them were so weak that when we went in there we had a job to tell the living from the dead. Skeletons, they were….The inmates nearly all had typhus, so the main job was to get enough medics in there, and DDT, and things like that. On the first occasion I went in like a lamb to the slaughter, the next time I went in I was stopped at the gate, and a fellow with a great big puffer of DDT put it down my neck and up my trouser legs, because the whole place was swarming with lice. The smell was the worst; you couldn’t get it out of your nostrils for days.”9 [1]

Another eyewitness, John Pine, described only as a “visitor” to Belsen, spoke of his experiences at the infamous camp:

“..if I shut my eyes and think about it I can still recall in my nostrils the stench of the human flesh that was still about. There were masses of what were obviously human bones, there were the crematoria, there was a vast amount of ash. And then one saw the sleeping- and indeed, living-quarters of the inmates of the camp. They were sort of bunks, with very little head room indeed, and to my recollection there were three, four, and even five bunks one on top of the other. And there were all the signs of the human excreta which had dropped down from bunk to bunk. Looking at it, it really made one feel…it revolted one, and yet it made one feel so humble….how ghastly the whole thing was, and at the same time one had the smell in one’s nostrils, and one could see where all these heaps of naked dead bodies had been piled up on top of the other like a whole lot of dead animals’ carcasses. It was a very humbling experience…I don’t think we spent more than two or three hours there; a most interesting experience10 [1]…..”.

Appendix “O” to Chapter VII of British Second Army History deals extensively with the Belsen Camp and the following extracts are taken from it:

“Disease of all kinds was rife and in a vast number of cases it was difficult to tell which condition predominated—whether it was typhus, starvation, tubercle, or a combination of all three…Conditions in the huts were indescribable…the appalling sanitary conditions in which excreta from those too weak to move or help themselves fouled the rooms or trickled through from upper bunks to those below…Latrines were practically non-existent and what there were consisted simply of a bare pole over a deep trench without any screening…There had been no water for about a week owing to damage by shell fire to the electrical pumping equipment on which the system depended. Food was of poor quality and the number of meals varied from one to three per day.”11 [1]

In fact, since Belsen was classified as “an “unproductive” camp, where inmates were not forced to work, they (the NS) thought it a good idea to send others there who had outlived their “economic usefulness.” In the end, Belsen became “a dumping ground for ill, sick, starved and emaciated laborers.”12 [1]

jewish atrocity propaganda: The prisoner ϟϟ member Wilhelm Dörr, subsequently murdered by hanging, stands in front of a microphone in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp on April 24, 1945, behind him is a truck trailer loaded with corpses of deceased prisoners.

Three jewish men were among the first British soldiers who entered the liberated camp on April 15, 1944.13 [1]

Among these liberators was Captain Derek Sington, a young man working for British Intelligence at the time these events occurred.14 [1] Sington appears to have been one of the designated senior officials to first enter Belsen. His written account of the camp’s liberation indicates that he acted with authority and decisiveness when initially confronting the camp commander, Josef Kramer, who was waiting just outside of the main camp to greet and escort the British troops upon arrival.

Captain Derek Sington making an announcement, 15 April 1945

According to Sington’s account, the Germans had made overtures to his commanding officer seeking to surrender the camp intact. An agreement was reached whereby a small contingent of guards, mainly comprised of Hungarians employed in the service of the Wehrmacht, would remain at the camp site to maintain order, along with a smaller contingent of about fifty ϟϟ staff-members and employees, retained for purely administrative purposes. It was implicitly understood that, once the surrender and transfer of the camp were completed, these units were to be allowed to pass on to the German lines without further molestation. Unfortunately for Kramer and his staff, events and emotions were soon to render that agreement null and void.

Sington had been sent on ahead by his commanding officer, Colonel Taylor, with instructions to drive forward, escorted by a column of tanks, and enter the camp proper. Upon arrival, he set up a public address system, from which he announced the liberation of the camp. Aware of the typhus outbreak in the camp, Sington also informed the inmates that, although they were technically liberated, they were to remain within the camp compound due to the outbreak of typhus. Furthermore, they were informed that the Hungarian guards would remain behind to maintain order and prevent any attempts by the inmates to leave the camp. “But,” writes Sington, “they were to be assured that food and medical aid were being rushed up with all possible speed.”15 [1]

As Sington’s column approached the outer perimeter of the camp, they were met by two former inmates, who were part of a group of six hundred which had been hustled out of the camp by the ϟϟ. They had managed to detach themselves from the column and dart into a nearby wooded area, where they remained concealed until the whirring sound of British tanks lured them out of their hiding places. Sington conferred briefly with the two escapees, who informed him that he would soon be approaching the Belsen “neutral zone,” which was visibly marked with white notices reading:

Danger! Typhus!

Within five minutes, Sington reached the cordoned off area, where he was approached by two minor emissaries from the camp. One of them, a green-clad German lance-corporal, simply handed him a note which read: “Allied Commander, do pay attention!” Sington pocketed the note and proceeded in the direction of the camp, which soon loomed up before him as he rounded a small bend in the road. The camp was now in sight, the entrance to which was marked by a rather crude single pole stretching across the roadway, with huts formed up in rows across either side. Sington was met by Commandant Kramer, who jumped onto the running board of his vehicle and saluted.

Dispensing with formalities, Sington asked him how many prisoners were currently being held in the camp. Kramer gave a figure of 40,000, plus an additional 15,000 in Camp number 2, which was further up the road. When asked what types of prisoners were being held in confinement there, Kramer replied, “Habitual criminals, felons, and homosexuals.”16 [1]

As Sington’s column proceeded deeper into the foul recesses of the main prisoner compound, he was immediately struck by the overpowering smell of ordure, which he described as being similar to the smell in a “monkey house.”17 [1] A bluish mist had formed and was hovering above the ground and between the buildings, which lent an eerie aspect to the incredible scene unfolding before his stunned eyes. In the midst of this surreal atmosphere, “simian” (sic) throngs of inmates soon began forming throughout the camp, hobbling about lethargically in the customary striped uniform of a concentration camp inmate. A weak cry of jubilation arose from hundreds of lips as the loudspeakers announced that the day of liberation had at last arrived.

As Sington surveyed the incredible scene unfolding before his eyes, one man stood out amidst the multitude—he was standing in front of the gateway to one of the compounds dressed in a regular blue suit! The man was of imposing stature and his flaming red hair stood out dramatically amidst the shaven heads which were ubiquitous throughout the camp. Sington, struck by this singularly odd apparition, approached the man and shook hands with him. The man introduced himself as a Dutchman who had once fought with the “International Brigade” in Spain, and was now a self-described icon within the concentration camp system.

As Sington fought to hold back tears, he strode back to his vehicle and, still accompanied by Kramer, plunged deeper into the foul underbelly of the camp. By this time, the masses of inmates were fully aroused and began surging past the barbed wire enclosures into the main thoroughfare of the camp. At this point, Kramer suddenly leaned toward Sington and remarked, “Now the tumult is beginning.”

As the mobs swelled in size and pressed forward, one of the guards began firing his rifle above the crowd. Sington, alarmed that he might fire into the mass of surging inmates, rushed up to the soldier and ordered him at gunpoint to cease firing. Too late, however, for the firing provoked an instinctual response from the “Kapos,” or “orderlies,” who, armed with cudgels, plunged determinedly into the mass of writhing inmates, striking, beating, and flaying the amorphous mass where they stood, knocking them to the ground like so many dominoes or rag dolls. To Sington’s horror, the Kapos continued to inflict blow after blow upon those who were already lying on the ground; in fact, the Kapos struck so hard at the defenseless inmates that their bodies bent and cracked with the force of the blows.

Sington initially believed that the mob which had formed was heading toward his column to greet them as liberators, but soon discovered that their actual objective was directed toward the food stores. Women in the crowd began echoing the cry, “Deliver us!, Deliver us!” The hysterical women mobbed Sington’s vehicle, crying and wailing the torments of the damned, their cries overpowering the powerful sound system. A shower of leaves and twigs rained upon the vehicle as an expression of gratitude. One of these twigs happened to land on the shoulder of Kramer, who impatiently flicked it off with his fingers. As Sington’s vehicle retreated back toward the main camp, he turned to Kramer and said, “You’ve made a fine hell here.” To which Kramer simply replied, “It has become one in the last few days.”

Sington left Kramer at the entrance of the camp and rushed on to advise Colonel Taylor of the conditions existing there. Within minutes Sington arrived at the administrative offices of a Panzer Training School located a half mile up from the Belsen camp, where Taylor was at that very moment negotiating the peaceful surrender of the camp with two impeccably dressed German Wehrmacht colonels. Before Sington could interject a word into the conversation, a British medical officer rushed in and announced, “There have been some casualties down at the concentration camp.” The telephone suddenly rang, and one of the German officers picked up the receiver and took the message. Placing the receiver back on the hook, he turned to the assembled men and announced, “It appears that a loud-speaker went into the camp and that it has started a disturbance.”18 [1]

Colonel Taylor immediately asked the German colonel, “Who is causing casualties in the camp? Under the agreement only ϟϟ administrative personnel may be in the camp and they should be unarmed.”

The German colonel shrugged his shoulders and replied, “They may have pistols.”19 [1]

British and German officers at Bergen-Belsen, April 1945

Irritated by this response, Colonel Taylor impatiently ordered the two Wehrmacht colonels to accompany him to the camp immediately. Sington, the doctor, and the two Wehrmacht colonels climbed into the vehicle along with Colonel Taylor. Kramer was still dutifully standing at the entrance to the camp, awaiting their arrival. As the small group alighted from the vehicle, Kramer walked up briskly toward them and saluted. Taylor ignored the salute and turned to Sington, barking, “Tell him that all ϟϟ must hand in their arms within half-an-hour.” Kramer, taken aback, replied, “Without arms I can’t be responsible for the camp.”20 [1]

“No,” responded Taylor, “but you can show the British officers how it’s administered.”

Kramer, however, sensing a possible danger to his person, adamantly refused to enter the camp unarmed, to which Taylor responded, “In that case tell him he can keep his arms for the present but that for every inmate of the camp who is shot one ϟϟ man will be executed.”21 [1]

Sington asked Kramer why he needed to carry arms in the camp, to which Kramer responded, “To protect the food stores.” Upon inquiring as to the available food stocks remaining in the camp, Sington was told by Kramer that there was enough food left for two days, consisting of turnip soup for morning and dinner meals, and bread “as often as possible.” Water availability was virtually nonexistent, for, as Kramer explained, the camp was dependent upon the main at Hannover, which had been completely cut off by the bombing. The only water currently available in the camp, he continued, was contained in four large basins of stagnant water.

Colonel Taylor interrupted and ordered Kramer to escort the entire group to his office, whereupon Kramer led them to one of the huts inside the main camp. Once inside, Kramer affably offered all the men a seat, while he sat down at his own desk, casually slinging one leg over the edge of his chair and tipping his peaked cap up along the top of his forehead. Colonel Taylor was most anxious to lay hands upon all the official records relating to the history of the camp and ordered the commandant to produce them forthwith.

“They have all been destroyed,” Kramer replied.

“On whose authority?,” countered Taylor.

“That of the Hauptwirtschaftsamt in Berlin.”

Astounded and disappointed, Taylor asked, “Are there none left?”

“Perhaps 2,000 (files),” responded Kramer.

“Then get the 2,000 at once.”

Kramer complied by calling in his adjutant and ordering him to produce the files demanded by Taylor. Unfortunately, the adjutant returned a few minutes later and reported that no records at all could be found. The destruction of files and documents had been complete. Little time was left for any further discussion, as an orderly burst into the office in a panic, shouting, “The kitchens are being stormed!”

Taylor, Kramer, and the rest of the oddly assorted group scampered away in the direction of the kitchens, accompanied now by Brigadier General Glyn Hughes, who was Chief Medical Officer of the British 2nd Army. Kramer and the German Army Colonel led the way, while Taylor and his retinue, comprised of some ten men, followed directly behind. Shots were heard in the distance as the inmates began cheering “God save the King!”

At the far end of the main thoroughfare stood the object which elicited such panic in the orderly: the so-called “kitchen,” which in reality was simply a long wooden shed furnished with thirty large cauldrons. Expecting to run headlong into a full-scale riot, Sington was surprised to find only the ϟϟ supervisor standing in the “kitchen” glaring ominously into one of the cauldrons. Sington remarked quite audibly,

“I see no storming going on here.”

Whereupon the ϟϟ supervisor completely removed the lid of the steaming kettle full of rotting turnips and pointed into it, drawing attention to the fact that the level of the “soup” was a foot below what it should be. “All that has been taken,” he exclaimed.

“And you call that “storming the kitchen?” replied Sington, who then dutifully scribbled the man’s name down as a “trouble-maker” for future reference.

“Is this the extent of your “riot”? demanded Sington of Kramer.

Completely nonplussed, Kramer replied, “No, there’s also been an attack on the potato field.” Sington demanded that Kramer take the group there immediately. Dusk was beginning to fall when Kramer, Sington, and the rest of the group arrived at the potato patch. Kramer immediately pointed to an emaciated female inmate scrounging about in the dirt for a potato or two. “You see what I mean?” Kramer pointedly asked.22 [1]

Unbeknownst to Kramer, he was within minutes of becoming an “inmate” himself. General Hughes drew the group’s attention to an inmate lying on the ground, blood streaming down his face. “That fellow’s in a bad way. He ought to be got onto a stretcher.”

Irma Grese standing in the courtyard of the Prisoner of War cage at Celle with Josef Kramer. Both were convicted by the criminal judeo-allies of alleged war crimes and both murdered by hanging.

Sington agreed, and ordered an ϟϟ man to procure a stretcher immediately. The order turned out to be completely unnecessary, for the inmate began screaming and writhing along the ground, and soon ceased movement altogether. He was dead. Emotion and patience began to wear thin among the small British contingent as they encountered one dead body after another as they moved through the camp.23 [1] One of the British sergeants accompanying the group suggested to Sington, “Why shouldn’t Kramer carry one of these people away?” Sington stared hard at the commandant and then ordered, “Pick up that man and take him to the hospital!”

Kramer balked at the order and stepped back, undoubtedly thinking that this was an illegal order contrary to the agreed terms of surrender. Sington menacingly removed his revolver from his holster and pointed it directly at Kramer, ordering him again to “Pick up that man!” As Kramer stepped forward and stooped down to scoop up the prostrate inmate, Sington jabbed his revolver hard into the small of Kramer’s back. Kramer stumbled off in the direction of the camp hospital carrying the wounded prisoner, followed closely by Sington. If there had been any doubt in Kramer’s mind concerning his ultimate fate, such doubts were surely laid to rest at this moment.24 [1]

By the time Kramer returned to the potato patch, the entire field was swarming with female inmates. British soldiers had to urge them to return to their huts with rather emphatic gestures. Soon little fires began glowing throughout the prisoner compound, casting an eerie glow in the gathering darkness. Sington turned to Kramer and asked what they could possibly be using for fuel. Kramer replied, “Their huts.” This answer puzzled Sington, and he asked, “Why?” “Freedom,” answered Kramer. “Soon,” he predicted, “the whole camp will be ablaze.”

Having lost patience with Kramer and his self-vindicating comments, an irate Lt. Colonel Taylor ordered him shackled and placed under arrest. Shortly thereafter Kramer was roughly pushed into an underground cellar into a small cell located below the officers quarters. The walls and floor of the tiny cell were covered with a malodorous slime due to the fact that the room had previously been used to store fish. The stench was appalling and there was no light. For Kramer’s “meal” a guard laughingly tossed a small raw potato no larger than a crab apple through a small aperture in the door every 48 hours. Under such abominable conditions of confinement, Kramer soon became a nervous and physical wreck. According to the recollection of one witness who saw him at the time, “His nerve was going by the end of the third day. When I went in, he jumped to his feet and put his hands over his face. He expected to be hanged every time the door opened.”25 [1]

Commandant Josef Kramer in manacles being led through Bergen-Belsen

On the morning following Kramer’s arrest, Sington drove into the ϟϟ compound and was surprised to see scores of healthy appearing female inmates thronging together, “gaily and smartly dressed, …talking in groups or carrying packages and blankets into or out of the huts.”26 [1] Many of these women were young and robust jewesses who had recently entered the camp from Auschwitz-Birkenau. The women were exuberant, as they had just looted the camp warehouses and ϟϟ storerooms during the night and early morning hours. A number of them were wearing ϟϟ uniforms.

Encouraged by this vision of exhilaration and rejoicing, Sington drove on through the ϟϟ compound and halted his vehicle in front of the prisoner compound in Camp 1. Loudspeakers affixed to his vehicle bellowed out the following message repeatedly in various languages:

“The Germans have nothing more to do with this camp. The camp is now under control of the British army. Food and medical aid are being rushed up immediately. Obey our orders and instructions. By so doing you will help us and it is the best way by which you can help yourselves.”27 [1]

Sington was astounded to be approached by a man who exclaimed, “I am English.”28 [1] The man was placed in the front seat of the vehicle and driven to the main entrance of the camp, where he was quickly spirited out by British Intelligence Officers.29 [1]

For Sington, however, the day was just beginning. It was time to deal with the small contingent of ϟϟ who had volunteered or were ordered to remain behind as assistants to Kramer and the Allied forces, per the arrangement agreed upon by the negotiators. They were soon to rue the day they had ever consented to remain behind.

Josef Kramer in manacles after his unwarranted arrest by the criminal judeo-allies

Sington and a heavily armed band of British regulars stormed into the ϟϟ administrative offices, barking orders to the surprised ϟϟ men. One of them, a rather seedy looking man with puppy-dog eyes and a nervous disposition, began to cry when informed that he and his assistants were under arrest. His name was Hauptsturmfuehrer Franz Hoessler, who had formerly served under Kramer at Birkenau. Hoessler was ordered to accompany Sington, who demanded that he be shown the kitchen facilities. As they proceeded together along the corridor, Hoessler continued to weep profusely, reiterating over and over again, “I have a wife and two little children.” Sington was unmoved, and merely asked him, “Why did you join the ϟϟ?” Hoessler replied that in 1933 he was unemployed. “What was your trade?” queried Sington. “I was a photographer,” Hoessler replied.

As they entered the kitchen, Hoessler, clearly unnerved and possessing a presentiment as to what would soon happen to him and his colleagues, continued to weep unabashedly.30 [1] Clearly, this was a man who could be easily broken. “I have always done my best for the prisoners,” mumbled Hoessler. “My camp at Dora was a fine camp. I had everything there, playing fields.” Hoessler looked about helplessly and centered his gaze on the cook in the kitchen. “Wasn’t my camp at Dora a model camp?” he asked in a pathetically pleading voice. “Oh yes, Dora was a fine camp,” the cook replied. Sington was unimpressed with this testimonial. “Don’t you understand that you have been working for years in a criminal organization,?” he asked. Hoessler only bawled the louder.

Disgusted, Sington walked out into the compound, where he observed a Hungarian sentry striking one of the inmates for plundering food stocks. Sington rushed upon the Hungarian, disarmed him of his stick, and broke it over his knee. Trying to reason with the inmates, Sington ordered them to get back from his car, and called for reinforcements. Only after shouting repeated threats and brandishing their firearms were they able to drive off the starving, marauding inmates.

Having deflected this particular incident, Sington turned his attention once again to the ϟϟ. Twenty ϟϟ men were escorted under arrest to Block 72. As there was space for at least one hundred other people in the block, Sington attempted to place gypsies in the same holding tank as the ϟϟ. The gypsies, however, demurred, claiming that it was unfair to place them in the same detention room with the ϟϟ. “After all,” one of them remarked, “we also are human beings.”

By this time, events in the camp were beginning to take a very definite turn for the worse. As Sington walked back into the camp, a young lad rushed up to him and shouted excitedly, “There have been seven murders!” Sington, led by the boy, rushed off to the site to view the carnage for himself. Sure enough, seven corpses were lying about the compound. Their trousers and underclothing had been stripped from their bodies and they lay in the dirt, covered only by a nightshirt. Their faces were unrecognizable, as they had been mutilated and beaten into a bloody pulp. A number of skulls and jaws had been smashed in due to the savagery of the attackers, who apparently had pummeled these unfortunates into a faceless glob.

“Who are these men?,” asked Sington.

The response came quickly: Kapos.

And so it went throughout the day, rushing from one atrocity to another. Encouraged by the presence of the British, the inmates soon discarded all restraint, and indulged every suppressed whim which had been forbidden them by the ϟϟ and their cruel taskmasters. Indiscriminate sexual intercourse was carried on openly and unashamedly throughout the camp. Even the British were reduced to firing off rounds every thirty seconds to drive the masses away from the remaining food stores. “We’ve been doing this all night, sir,” remarked one of the men. “It’s not the slightest use, they’re taking everything they fancy.”

In the meanwhile, an enraged Lt. Colonel Taylor ordered Kramer dragged out of his cell and driven about the compound. During this time, Kramer was subjected to further physical and verbal abuse as he was dragged to the site of a large mass grave. The scene was later described by a war correspondent who was present at the time:

“He stood there, this colossus of a man, his eyes unwinking, his face expressionless. The BGS, VII Corps, turned a white face to the interpreter. “Tell him,” he said venomously, “that when he hangs I hope he hangs slowly.” The interpreter translated. Kramer was unmoved. The BGS turned to the military policemen and told them he would hold them personally responsible if Kramer committed suicide. Captain Kirk pointed out that the cord tying the camouflage jacket round the waist would make a good rope. The BGS ordered his men to strip Kramer to the waist and remove his braces and his boots. Hobbling over the sharp gravel, his great fat stomach and back naked to the wind, Kramer made his way to the Jeep, the crowds of women whom he had treated so vilely clapping and dancing and making little hoarse whispering sounds as they tried to cheer.”31 [1]

The night raids reached a climax on the night of April 15th, when mobs of inmates stormed into the remaining food stores, and plundered whatever food stocks remained. Not even the presence of a Sherman tank deterred them from their goal. By morning, only a few sacks of flour and hard loaves of black bread remained scattered along the floor. Perhaps the most bizarre sight was that of a group of Russians and Poles who had broken into Kramer’s private livestock pens. The inmates had gone berserk, garroting and stabbing the twenty-five pigs remaining in the sty. Their squeals and grunts of agony resounded throughout the compound. It took less than one day for the plundering inmates to completely strip a massive ϟϟ clothing compound down to its bare boards.

The lack of water in the camp was an immediate threat to be reckoned with. The camp, due to the British bombing of the water main in Hannover, had been without fresh flowing water for about a week. As a result, the inmates had been compelled to resort to the massive concrete basins of water reserved for emergency use by the commandant.

Unfortunately, the water inside these basins was completely befouled, as many inmates had thrown filth, rags, and even corpses into the tanks, or simply collapsed in them while trying to assuage their gnawing thirst. A temporary solution was to be provided by an ϟϟ man named Steinmetz, who suggested that a lorry be dispatched to the Wehrmacht headquarters in order to obtain a pump for emergency use. Steinmetz apparently seized upon an opportunity to exonerate himself with his captors, for he immediately protested, “I am purely a technician in this camp…” 32 [1]

Steinmetz’s plan was to pump in water from the nearby river Meisse, which ran alongside the camp at a distance of only a few hundred yards. The British commandeered a small work platoon of ϟϟ men and civilians and ordered them down to the river to implement the plan.33 [1] On the way toward the river, Steinmetz grasped his opportunity and protested that he had nothing to do with what went on within the camp. He also took the occasion to denounce his comrades to the British, telling them that a number of them were planning to escape, and offered to continue feeding them information in the future. The British accepted his proposal of betrayal with gratitude.

Within hours, water was being pumped into the camp from the river, but the British were soon to learn that their troubles were far from over. Thousands of inmates continued to drop like flies, and the British medical authorities were at a loss for a solution. The camp was still covered throughout with vast mounds of excreta, and the stench of urine and vomit pervaded the entire length and breadth of the massive compound. Undeniably, superseding Kramer’s authority was an unenviable inheritance indeed. For in spite of every attempt to ameliorate the lot of the inmates, they continued to drop dead by the thousands.

It was estimated that some 28,000 inmates died after the liberation of the camp by the British.34 [1]

Clearly, however, with such enormous death rates and world opinion clamoring for justice and action, responsible parties as well as scapegoats would have to be found to answer for the detestable state of affairs in the Belsen compound.35 [1]

On the morning of April 18th, after having spent five days and nights in a vile underground cellar enveloped in total darkness, Josef Kramer was taken out of his cell and prepared for transfer out of the camp. The former commandant was manhandled and shackled, both hands and legs. The shackles were much too small for his enormous wrists and cut gaping gashes into his flesh36 [1]. Kramer was then prodded into a jeep, his shirt ripped from his back, and paraded throughout the camp half-naked, to the accompaniment of jeers, hooting, catcalls, and a resonant howling which sounded to one witness as a “terrifying blend of joy and hate.37 [1]

Insults and accusations were not the only items thrown at Kramer. Whatever object the inmates could lay their hands on was thrown at Kramer as he crouched as low as he could in the vehicle, trying to avoid any potentially damaging missiles. Two British soldiers were poised directly behind Kramer, constantly prodding him in the spine with their sten guns, which was a cause for great jubilation among the gleeful inmates, and provoked them to howling with “joy and hate.” After he had been duly exposed to the contempt and wrath of the inmates, Kramer was driven out of the compound, amidst a hail of garbage and debris, never to return.38 [1]

Kramer’s staff was to suffer a much worse fate than their former commander. Two days after Kramer’s departure, the remainder of the ϟϟ staff were rounded up and arrested. Their anguish was undoubtedly magnified by the fact that of the 300 odd ϟϟ guards once stationed at the Belsen camp, only these 50 captured men and women were now to bear the brunt of the Allies’ thirst for vengeance and the public’s outcry for justice. 39 [1]

The British immediately formed them into burial squads which were driven around the camp on a truck for eight hours a day, picking up hundreds of decomposing, infectious corpses and slinging them onto the flatbed and then dumping them into mass graves. If the trucks were too loaded down with corpses, the ϟϟ men and women were made to sit on top of them. The truck was escorted by a tank, in case any of the ϟϟ had thoughts about jumping off. Crowds of cheering inmates would form at the edges of the graves in order to howl, ridicule, and heap execrations upon the despised ϟϟ staff and their female assistants.

jewish atrocity propaganda: ϟϟ-Obersturmführer Franz Hössler, subsequently murdered by hanging for alleged war crimes.

Not content with hurling insults, the inmates soon took to hurling bricks at their former overseers. On one occasion, their aim failed, and the brick hit the British sentry guarding them straight on the jaw, which apparently knocked him out. Often the inmates, encouraged by the sentries, would kick and strike the ϟϟ.

One eyewitness to these scenes of brutality noted:

“Enraged by the enormous piles of corpses of Germans and other political prisoners who had died of typhoid, the result of panic and neglect, they first beat the guards and then ordered them to collect the bodies.”40 [1]

Another witness commented upon how viciously the former female ϟϟ-Aufseherinnen were treated:

“all day long, always running, men and women alike, from the death pile to the death pit, with the stringy remains of their victims over their shoulders. When one of them dropped to the ground with exhaustion, he was beaten with a rifle butt. When another stopped for a break, she was kicked until she ran again, or prodded with a bayonet, to the accompaniment of lewd shouts and laughs. When one tried to escape or disobeyed an order, he was shot.”41 [1]

The female inmates were much worse in their vindictiveness than the males, according to witnesses. They howled and screeched and screamed obscenities while encouraging the guards to fire upon the hapless ϟϟ. If one happened to be shot, they broke out in gales of applause and laughter. This psychological curiosity was duly noted by Caiger-Smith, who wrote:

Women prisoners kept inciting British guards to shoot down the exhausted ϟϟ men in order to avenge those among the prisoners who had lost relatives to the ‘Nazi’ persecution.”42 [1]

Two such horrifying incidents were duly recorded by Derrick Sington, who was an eyewitness to these events. He writes:

“The burial lorry was clearing corpses from the larger women’s camp that morning….I was walking down the main highway which ran parallel with the little path when suddenly I heard the rattle of shots. The approaching burial lorry was visible through the barbed wire, and so was a running figure in a brown shirt and the grey-green trousers of the ϟϟ. From all around me on the thoroughfare people began to run towards the spot.

“An ϟϟ man! An escape attempt!” shouted someone.

The running man turned in his tracks. Suddenly he mounted the little slope leading to the concrete water basin. He was clearly visible as he stood there for a moment on the brink. Shots rang out louder, but did not deter the dozens of men and women from rushing towards him. There was also a splash, and two British soldiers with sten guns also appeared on the brink of the tank. Their bullets played ducks and drakes, pitting the surface of the water. Then the head of the ϟϟ man appeared above the surface, floating listlessly there. There was a hum of excitement, a cheer and a clapping of hands.”43 [1]

Referring to yet another instance of legalized murder, Sington records:

“This was the first of two attempts by ϟϟ men to escape from the burial cortege.44 [1] The second one happened two days later at exactly the same spot. I heard the same cry and stir in the camp, the same volley of shots. I ran to the water tank, and through the barbed wire fence I could see a running figure against the dark fir trees. He was a bull-like, bald-headed man, making straight along the pathway towards the western edge of the camp. The bullets caught up with him after fifty yards, and he stumbled and fell on his face. His laboured breathing still heaved his shoulders up and down as he lay there, and I could hear the breath coming from him in snorts. Then two soldiers walked up to him and pierced his body with lead.”45 [1]

Nor did the torments of the damned end with the end of a grisly day’s work. Those who escaped death by shooting frequently died as a result of the contagion passed along by handling diseased and decomposing corpses without any protection whatsoever.

Notes author Dagmar Barnouw:

“Few of them survived it, almost all of them dying from typhoid contracted when carrying the corpses without any protection.”46 [1]

Needless to say, denial of medical treatment certainly contributed to their deaths.47 [1]

Former guards are made to load the bodies of dead prisoners onto a truck for burial, April 17–18, 1945

The 25 ϟϟ female assistants, or Aufseherinnen, fared little better than the males at the hands of their tormentors. Not only were these women used to bury the festering mountains of corpses, but they were also used to clean filthy huts, the floors of which were caked inches thick with vomit, urine, and excrement. There was neither rhyme nor reason for these actions, since the British had already vacated the huts and had arrived at the decision to raze the camp to the ground. Yet, according to Rabbi Hardman, these sadistically motivated tasks were assigned for the pleasure of the liberators.48 [1] Writes Hardman:

“…two ϟϟ women were detailed to clean a filthy hut, and it gave me an unaccountable feeling to see them scrubbing the walls, floor and ceiling under the keen eyes of a British guard.”49 [1]

The plight of these women evoked no pity in either the hearts of their guards or independent witnesses, according to an account written by war correspondent Alan Moorehead:

“Some 20 women wearing dirty grey skirts and tunics were sitting and lying on the floor. “Get up”, the sergeant roared in English. They got up and stood at attention and we looked at them. Thin ones, fat ones, scraggy ones and muscular ones; all of them ugly and one or two of them distinctly cretinous.”50 [1]

In bizarre scenes similar to those of the French Revolution, when women alternately did their knitting in the spectators’ gallery while shouting imprecations and accusations at the accused, many of the female inmates took to doggedly following the corpse-laden lorries, all the while screaming taunts and accusations at the harried ϟϟ.

Sington records an instance where one women projected all her venom and wrath toward the camp doctor:

“You filthy swine, Dr. Klein,” she was yelling; “where are my dear mother and my lovely sister and my sweet sister-in-law? All of them had to die. All of them had to go into the gas. Oh, you swine, you filthy swine.”

Bergen-Belsen camp doctor Waffen ϟϟ soldier Dr. Fritz Klein stands amongst corpses in Mass Grave 3, later murdered by hanging by the criminal judeo-allies on 13 December 1945.

Again, according to Sington:

“Not six months nor six years of such screamed denunciations and curses would have released all the pent-up hatred in her heart.”51 [1]

These imprecations and accusations did not go unnoticed by the British authorities, for Klein and all the other accused were soon to feel the unrestrained wrath of their interrogators. Alan Moorehead, a correspondent for the Daily Express, was a witness to one of these “interrogation sessions” at Belsen:

“As we approached the cells of the ϟϟ guards the sergeant’s language became ferocious. “We have had an interrogation this morning”, the captain said. “I’m afraid they are not a pretty sight.”

“Who does the interrogation?”

“A Frenchman.52 [1] I believe he was sent up here specifically from the French underground to do the job.”

The sergeant unbolted the first door and flung it back with a crack like thunder. He strode into the cell jabbing a metal spike in front of him. “Get up”, he shouted. “Get up; get up, you dirty bastards.”

There were half a dozen men lying or half-lying on the floor. One or two were able to pull themselves erect at once. The man nearest me, his shirt and face spattered with blood, made two attempts before he got on to his knees and then gradually on to his feet. He stood with his arms half stretched out in front of him trembling violently.

“Get up”, shouted the sergeant. They were all on their feet now, but supporting themselves against the wall. “Get away from that wall.”

They pushed themselves out into space and stood there swaying. Unlike the women, they looked not at us but vacantly in front, staring at nothing.

Same thing in the next cell, and the next, where the men, who were bleeding and very dirty, were moaning something in German.

“You had better see the doctor,” the captain said.53 [1] “He’s a nice specimen. He invented some of the tortures here….”54 [1]

The doctor had a cell to himself.

“Come on, get up”, the sergeant shouted. The man was lying in his blood on the floor, a massive figure with a heavy head and a bedraggled beard. He placed his two arms on the seat of a wooden chair, gave himself a heave and got half-upright. One more heave and he was on his feet. He flung wide his arms towards us.

“Why don’t you kill me?” he whispered. “Why don’t you kill me? I can’t stand any more.”

The same phrases dribbled out of his lips over and over again.”55 [1]

A British army officer commented upon the treatment meted out to these unfortunate ϟϟ staff members:

“It was surprising what licence, for instance, the discovery of the horrors of Belsen Camp gave to some of the men with the army. Why, nothing was too bad to commit against a nation which allowed things like Belsen!”56 [1]

Yet with the passage of time and distance, historians and researchers would become more objective in their accounts of what happened at Belsen and why. For example, according to Konnilyn G. Feig:

“If it had not been for a typhus epidemic and overcrowding, the word Belsen might never have entered our vocabulary of the Holocaust. Unfortunately, near the end of the war prisoners from every part of Europe were trucked, marched, or taken by cattle car to Belsen to escape the advancing Allies. Thus, the camp doubled in size in the last months. Food became scarce or nonexistent. Because of the influx of diseased evacuees, one of the worst typhus plagues in the history of the camps broke out, sweeping through Belsen in almost demonic fury. Most of the camp population died either from starvation or typhus, or a combination of both—so quickly that thousands of bodies piled up all over the area.”57 [1]

And according to Robert H. Abzug,

“The final great wave came in early 1945, when the ‘Nazis’ shipped a good part of the population of Auschwitz to Belsen’s already overcrowded barracks. And with these prisoners came the typhus bug. With little or no food or potable water, and typhus running rampant, Belsen became an uncontrollable nightmare of death and depravity. Yet the transports still arrived, and the population of the camp swelled to 60,000 by the first week of April.”58 [1]

In view of these more enlightened, revised, and reasonable viewpoints, it should no longer appear shocking as it did in 1945 when one reads that Kramer once remarked that he did not have a bad conscience, and became a “Nazi” only because he had to choose between judeo-communism and National Socialism.59 [1]

jewish atrocity propaganda – A British Army bulldozer pushes dead bodies into a mass grave at Belsen, April 19, 1945 due to conditions created by the jewish war.

With the passage of time and mature reflection, those who, like Derrick Sington, once participated in the mass frenzy of liberation and revenge, sometimes look back with dismay and regret over their impulsive actions five decades ago.

Among these individuals is one Emmanuel Fisher, who recently recounted his experiences whilst stationed at Belsen. According to Fisher, wholesale looting was also a part of the liberation process. Fisher, who at the time of liberation was a 24-year-old radiographer attached to the British Medical Corps, kept a written diary of his experiences while stationed at the camp and in one of his entries he writes:

“When we got to the camp the Sergeant said, “Here, boys, help yourselves, there are a lot of watches here.”

Commenting upon this passage decades later, Fisher exclaimed, “I’m ashamed—I don’t know whether I took a watch but it didn’t occur to me, we didn’t know. We just thought it was booty that had been left lying around. Everybody grabbed watches. Dear God.”60 [1]

There is little doubt but that the horrifying conditions at the Belsen camp were also sedulously exploited by the Allies for propaganda and “educational” purposes. Alfred Hitchcock, the cinematic master of mayhem, murder, and mystery, was commissioned to film a documentary recounting the liberation of the camp. The gifted British actor Trevor Howard was enlisted as narrator. More often than not propaganda mixed with horrific truth was spoon-fed to journalists and observers from inmates. For example, in Belsen, as in many other liberated camps, Sington writes that one of his subordinates “had been in contact with an “international committee” of the camp inmates, whose leading members claimed to express the public opinion of the prisoners in the camp…”61 [1]

Furthermore, Russian members of this committee “had secured revolvers and were planning to take revenge on at least five Block Seniors.”62 [1]

The members of this committee were actively encouraged to denounce other inmates and staff members to the Allies.63 [1]

Also, according to Sington, “when the school was organized, volunteer teachers from among the camp inmates staffed it, and the majority of witnesses called by the War Crimes Investigation Team were found and cross-examined by two Czech jewish girls.”64 [1]

A convincing example of tall-tale bearing was recounted by rabbi Leslie H. Hardman, who was among the first to enter the Belsen Camp as a liberator. Hardman had been told by, and apparently believed, one of the inmates that a gas chamber had been under construction in the Belsen camp just prior to the arrival of the British.65 [1] After hearing this Hardman wrote:

“During March 1945 a devilish plan was conceived by the ϟϟ. They intended to build, partly underground, a large barracks, which they admitted was to be a “gas chamber”. The plan was ready, the builders were ordered, the time estimated for completion was four or five weeks. We knew that the British had reached the Rhine, and those of us who knew also of the latest ϟϟ plan for our extermination feverishly counted the days as the front line approached. Which would reach us first? We heard the distant thunder of the guns. Would they arrive before the gas?”66 [1]

Of course these were not the only accusations to be made against the ϟϟ by the former suffering inmates. Other charges made against them by inmate and jewish liberator alike were:

That the ϟϟ stole food from the prisoners’ Red Cross packages. While not denying the possibility that this may have happened, it must be stated that if such thefts did occur and were discovered and reported to higher authorities, the perpetrators, if found guilty as charged, were subject to rigorous punishment. According to ϟϟ regulations, “…any ϟϟ man caught stealing food from a package sent to one of the prisoners—will be executed.”67 [1]

The ϟϟ were also accused of being “healthy and well-fed” while deliberately starving the prisoners to death and depriving them of water.68 [1]

This peculiar viewpoint has apparently been adopted as factual by a number of post-war researchers and historians. Most likely this line of argument is a direct result and carry-over of the frustration, rage, and apparent inability of the judeo-Allies to accept the harsh realities of the situation which faced Kramer and his staff. For example, author Tom Bower repeats a judeo-Allied accusation which dates back to 1945 and its particular mind-set. He writes:

Two miles away, in the stores of a Panzer training school, were eight hundred tons of food, neatly stacked in warehouses, and a bakery capable of producing sixty thousand loaves (of bread) a day.”69 [1]

However, from the account above, it appears that the British did not requisition those supplies either.70 [1] Indeed, also according to Bower, a number of British officers sympathized with the camp commandant, Josef Kramer. Bower writes:

“Josef Kramer, Belsen’s commandant, had come out to meet the British troops and asked for their help. Many British officers thereafter believed that Kramer, who had been trained at Auschwitz, had done his best to help the inmates.” 71 [1]

In fact, even the despised commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, supported Kramer’s claims in his autobiography, where he wrote:

“..when Auschwitz was evacuated, and a large proportion of the prisoners came to Bergen-Belsen, the camp was at once filled to overflowing and a situation arose which even I accustomed as I was to Auschwitz, could only describe as dreadful. Kramer was powerless to cope with it. Even Pohl72 [1] was shocked when he saw the conditions, during our lightning tour of all the concentration camps which the Reichsführer ϟϟ had ordered us to undertake.

He at once commandeered a neighboring camp from the army so that there would at least be room to breathe, but conditions there were no better. There was hardly any water, and the drains simply emptied into the adjoining fields. Typhus and spotted typhus were rampant. A start was immediately made on the building of mud huts, to provide additional accommodation. But it was all too little and too late… it was little wonder that the British found only dead or dying or persons stricken with disease, and scarcely a handful of healthy prisoners in a camp that was in an unimaginably disgusting condition.”73 [1]

In all fairness to Kramer it must be said, in view of the jewish predicament in which he had found himself inextricably entangled, that there appears to be very little which he could have done to ameliorate the lot of the inmates at Belsen other than acknowledge his complete helplessness in view of the situation and surrender the camp to the British, which he did. It would appear that, under the circumstances, everything which could have been done, was in fact, done.

The nearly completely evacuated Bergen-Belsen

His options were, when all is said and done, quite limited. As has been noted, after the arrival of the British, inmates continued to die at a most alarming rate in spite of the most intensive medical care and treatment. It has been estimated that 28,000 people died at Belsen from the time the camp passed on to British administration. Many of those who had volunteered to assist in a noble humanitarian effort to preserve lives were struck down by typhus themselves during the course of their duties. Unable to contain the epidemic through emergency measures instituted within the camp itself, the British, like the Germans, were compelled to deal drastically with the situation by a process of “selection” in which the seriously ill were transported out of the camp and isolated from the rest of the population. The rest of the camp was soon dissolved and razed to the ground as a source of contamination and infection.

The last hut is destroyed two days after the camp was fully evacuated.

On the day the camp was razed, the British assembled the local citizens and broadcast the following message as the huts went up in a sea of flames. A huge banner bearing Adolf Hitler’s image had been tacked along the length of one of the buildings before it was ignited. The British announced,

“What you will see here is the final and utter condemnation of the ‘Nazi’ Party. It justifies every measure which the United Nations will take to exterminate that Party. What you will see here is such a disgrace to the German people that their name must be erased from the list of civilized nations…..You must expect to atone with toil and sweat for what your children have committed and for what you have failed to prevent. Whatever you may suffer it will not be one hundredth part of what these poor people endured in this and other camps….”74 [1]

Kramer’s prophecy had finally come to pass.75 [1]

Either coincidentally or as a result of deliberate political calculation, the Belsen Trial symbolically took place at Lüneburg in September 1945, less than 6 months after the liberation of the camp. Kramer and 44 others were charged with war crimes. Conspicuously absent from the trial were Kramer’s superiors—the only people who could have testified on his behalf and perhaps saved him from the gallows. Rudolf Höss and Oswald Pohl, Kramer’s nominal superiors, would not be captured until 1946. SS General Richard Glücks, head of the concentration camp directorate, was alternately claimed to have committed suicide or was murdered at Flensburg Naval Hospital on May 10, 1945, and all traces of Dr. Lolling, chief medical overseer for the concentration camps, appear to have vanished into thin air.76 [1] Needless to add, each of these potential witnesses was wanted as war criminals themselves by the judeo-Allies, which explains their reluctance to step forward and testify on behalf of their subordinate.

Josef Kramer and his 43 associates from Belsen and Auschwitz concentration camps in the jewish kangaroo courtroom at Luneburg, 10 September 1945.

Kramer was ably represented at his trial by Major T. C. M. Winwood, R. A., but as he was unable to present any evidence on behalf of his client from his erstwhile superiors, Kramer’s fate was a foregone conclusion. Thwarted as he was in this regard, Winwood was reduced to calling Kramer’s wife as a witness on his behalf. In the summation portion of his opening statement to the court, Winwood coined a clever phrase which would singularly stand out in the course of the trial proceedings:

“In the last days, Kramer stood completely alone, deserted by his superiors, while these waves of circumstances beat around him. Since the date of the liberation by the British, Josef Kramer, former Kommandant, has been brandished throughout the world as “The Beast of Belsen.” When the curtain finally rings down on this stage Josef Kramer will, in my submission, stand forth not as “the Beast of Belsen,” but as “The Scapegoat of Belsen,” the scapegoat for the man Heinrich Himmler, whose bones are rotting not far from here, and as the scapegoat for the whole National Socialist regime.”77 [1]

Indeed, it was dryly ironic that the corpse of Heinrich Himmler, who, more than any other individual, could have [supposedly] absolved Kramer of any personal blame, was rotting in an unmarked grave only a few miles from where the trial was taking place, and neither Josef Kramer nor his defense attorney had the vaguest idea as to the convoluted chain of events which had placed him there.

  1. 1 Hilary Gaskin. Eyewitnesses at Nuremberg. Arms and Armour Press, 1990, p. 25. These words were uttered by a British emissary from the camp to a press correspondent as he was just finishing his meal. Nevertheless, Kramer’s entire professional career was limited to service with the concentration camp system. Beginning as a guard at Dachau in 1934, Kramer later served at Esterwegen, and was returned for service at Dachau in 1936, eventually becoming adjutant to the commandant of Sachsenhausen in 1937. In 1939 Kramer was transferred to Mauthausen. In 1940 he was promoted to deputy commandant at Auschwitz, and again transferred in 1942 to Natzweiler. In May 1944, just prior to the deportation of Hungarian Jews, Kramer was again transferred to Auschwitz, where he received an appointment as commandant of the infamous Birkenau camp. Finally, under protest, Kramer was transferred to Belsen on December 2, 1944, replacing its previous commandant, Adolf Haas.
  2. In an interview with News Correspondents, Pierpoint had described Kramer as “frightening.”
  3. In a letter addressed to his in-laws from prison, Kramer wrote, “I’m a good man, otherwise our Rosie would not have married me.” —As cited by author Tom Segev, Soldiers of Evil, Berkeley Books, N.Y., 1991, p. 54. Kramer was undoubtedly sensitive to the way he was being portrayed in the press as “The Beast of Belsen.”
  4. According to Rudolf Höss, who was to achieve infamy as the commandant of Auschwitz, and who was Kramer’s nominal superior, Kramer was selected to replace Belsen commandant Sturmbannführer Haas, a “grim, taciturn man” who “governed the place as he saw fit.” According to Höss, Haas “made no attempt to improve the state of the buildings or the grim hygienic conditions prevailing at Bergen-Belsen…..He had to be relieved of his post in the autumn of 1944 because of the way he neglected the camp and carried on with women, and I had to go there and install Kramer, previously commandant of Auschwitz II, in his place.” Commandant of Auschwitz, Popular Library, 1961 edition, p. 153.
  5. It was not only difficult then, but it is difficult now, to try and determine exactly how many inmates died and of what causes at Belsen during the last six months of its existence. All the camp records pertaining to inmate strength, arrest records, and so on were burned on orders from Berlin. The estimates vary among historians, but it appears that 28,000 is a more or less generally accepted figure—but this figure appears to refer only to those who died after the British assumed responsibility for the camp. At his trial, Kramer found the British claim that 13,000 corpses were lying about the camp on the day of liberation incredible. See: The Belsen Trial, Caiger-Smith, p. 179. When the British liberated the camp, the number of inmates was estimated to have been around 53-60,000, in a camp which was originally designed to accommodate 15,000. To this day, the scenes from Belsen conjure up frightfully horrendous images and visions of soul-wrenching pathos.
  6. The Illustrated London News, April 28, 1945-No. 3027-Vol. 116, pp. 458-459.
  7. After the Battle Magazine records yet another section of the Belsen Camp which they refer to as “The Sonder-Lager,” or “Special Camp.” Rather curiously, the article maintains that within this section of the camp “350 Polish Jews with Latin American passports or Palestine Certificates who remained after the Auschwitz transfers” were held. The article states that “they were kept separate because they could inform the other inmates of the Nazi atrocities going on in the east,” which strikes this author as rather bizarre, as it seems more likely that the SS would have simply opted to eliminate them outright in order to assure their silence, rather than risk exposure of their crimes.
  8. ATB, Issue 89, p. 3
  9. Gaskin, Hilary, Eyewitnesses at Nuremberg, pp. 25, 26.
  10. Ibid., pp. 138, 139
  11. Citation from Last Days of the Third Reich, James Lucas, William Morrow and Co. 1986, pp. 184-185.
  12. After the Battle, Issue Number 89, London, p. 4.
  13. According to Martin Gilbert: “On April 15, the first British tanks entered Belsen. By chance, three of the British soldiers in the tanks were Jews.”—The Holocaust, Holt, Rinehart, Winston, N.Y., 1985, p. 793.
  14. Sington, who was half-Jewish, had long been an outspoken opponent and critic of National Socialism. In 1943 he had co-authored a book with Arthur Weidenfeld entitled The Goebbels Experiment, in which German propaganda methods were examined and analyzed in detail.
  15. Sington. Belsen Uncovered. Duckworth Publishers, London, p. 12.
  16. As cited in Caiger-Smith, The Belsen Trial, London, p. 47.
  17. The grounds, as well as the barracks, were covered with excrement, garbage and urine. Most of the prisoners were simply so ill and debilitated that they did not have the strength to make it to the latrines, which were some distance away from the barracks.
  18. At his trial, Kramer castigated Sington for bringing loudspeakers into the camp, citing this as one of the reasons why pandemonium broke out among the prisoners and eventually resulted in a number of deaths and casualties. Kramer testified, “I told him (Sington) that the prisoners were quiet at the moment but I feared that if he was going into the camp with his van and sending out some message it might cause some trouble. At first he went away but soon came back and gave his message through the loudspeaker….the first thing (which resulted) was that the prisoners destroyed everything; they destroyed the remaining beds, they made fires and they started looting. Several stores were looted. Tanks had to guard the food stores, and on the next day many troops had to use firearms and several men were found killed the next morning. Two hours after the loudspeaker had gone through the camp the camp was in an indescribable condition.”-The Belsen Trial, pp. 171-172.
  19. Belsen Uncovered, Sington, Duckworth Pub, London, p. 19. This comment by the Wehrmacht Colonel indicates that the staff was allowed to retain their sidearms according to the terms of the truce as the Germans understood them. Apparently the SS had already been singled out by the British as being a criminal organization; thus, they were to be disarmed, in their opinion, while the Hungarians might be permitted for a while to retain their firearms to maintain order. However, it appears that the Wehrmacht Colonel insisted that even the SS should be allowed the right to retain their sidearms.
  20. Taylor insisted that the SS be disarmed completely.
  21. Kramer’s apprehensions were not entirely unjustified, for as one journalist wrote at the time, “…German guards were often caught before they could escape, and they were often killed by the inmates. At Buchenwald, which was one of the camps I went to, they had caught one of the commandants and hung him on the barbed wire.”—Statement of Sean Maynes, as cited in Gaskin, Eyewitnesses at Nuremberg, Arms and Armour, 1990, p. 3.
  22. Apparently by the time Kramer and the group reached the potato field, the other inmates raiding the patch had either scampered off or were driven away by guards or Kapos.
  23. An unknown number of German personnel shot at or into a mass of inmates as they tried to storm the kitchen just prior to the arrival of Kramer and Sington. It may well be that the shooting was a result of panic. At his trial, Kramer contested the allegation that the shooters were members of the SS. He ascribed the shootings to the inexperienced Wehrmacht and Hungarian troops, who would have been more prone to panic. Even prosecution witness H.O. Le Druillenec testified to the fact that, “…the only shootings I saw on the last three days were by Hungarian guards.” –Belsen Trial, Op Cit., p. 64. Apparently the British confused the Hungarian SS members with Kramer’s German staff. See: Belsen Trial, p. 179. Evidently the Germans adopted the view that the attempt to storm the kitchens by “mobs of inmates” was a lawless, criminal act in a camp where starvation and epidemics were rampant. It should be noted that even among the inmates, a fellow inmate risked being killed by his own comrades if he was caught stealing food from others. Note: Brigadier General Glenn Hughes testified to the fact that there was a “mob swarming up and down the main road” at the time of the shooting. See: Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 40. Hughes was also asked the following by Major Cranfield, “A good deal has been said of internees receiving such severe beatings that they were hospital cases. Did any of those come to your notice?” Hughes replied, “I saw one.” -Ibid., p. 38.
  24. In Sington’s written account of this episode, he glosses over the fact that the terms and conditions of the truce were arbitrarily broken at this point by the British, who, by now had become incensed over conditions prevailing in the camp. At the Belsen Trial, however, the British accused the Germans of breaking the terms of the surrender by allowing the remaining SS administrative staff to retain their firearms. This accusation appears to have had no basis in fact, for as we have seen, even the SS were to have been allowed the right to retain their sidearms. Thus, the accusation appears to have been used simply to justify breaking the terms of the truce by the British, who in any event, regarded the SS staff members as criminals.
  25. Recollection of John D’Arcy-Dawson, as cited in After the Battle, Op. Cit., p. 14.
  26. Sington, Belsen Uncovered, Op. Cit., p. 26.
  27. Ibid., p. 27.
  28. The man turned out to be Harold Le Druillenec, a Jersey schoolmaster, who had recently been arrested for helping Russian prisoners of war escape to Jersey. Druillenec was later to feature prominently as a witness at the Belsen trial, even though he had only been in the camp for ten days!
  29. He and Sington were to meet again one year later—as witnesses at the Belsen trial.
  30. By the time of the Belsen trial, Hoessler was to be a sobbing emotional and physical wreck.
  31. Op Cit., After the Battle, p. 15.
  32. One can only wonder why Steinmetz never made this suggestion to Kramer before the arrival of the British.. However, if he had, and Kramer implemented the idea, it may only have served as further grist for the Allied propagandists who would have claimed that piping in untreated water led to further deaths among the inmates. In addition, Kramer testified at his trial that he had been told, contrary to what the British maintained, that the water in the river “was not fit for drinking.” See “Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 178. Thus it would appear that he had already considered this option and vetoed it based upon that information. The British piped in the water and 28,000 people later died. See fn. 29 for amplification.
  33. This compulsory use of civilians as labor, coupled with threats, was completely illegal, but was confirmed by Rabbi Hardman, who wrote, ” The initial water supply was provided by a convoy of water carts which arrived together with food. This was supplemented and later replaced by water pumped to the camp by German civilian fire brigades, working under military direction and supervision….They were told that if they did not come their wives and children would have to….”—The Survivors, pp. 29, 30.
  34. Manifold explanations have been offered for this shockingly high death rate after liberation. Some authorities have claimed that the food which the British brought into the camp was “too rich” for the inmates. The author has consulted with a physician and discussed the implications of these high death rates, and one possible cause may lie with the fact that water was pumped into the camp from the river, which may have carried unknown contaminants at the time. Thus for people suffering from severely compromised immune systems, dysentery and other intestinal ailments, such untreated water may very well have resulted in death. It should be noted that after about a week, fresh water was brought into the camp via British field carts. This interpretation is seemingly confirmed by Rabbi Hardman, who was among the first contingents to enter the camp. He wrote, “The original emergency supply consisted of water straight from the stream, and there had been no time to chlorinate or filter it. As conditions improved it became possible to treat the water adequately, although dead bodies were frequently found in the reservoirs.” The Survivors—The Story of the Belsen Remnant by Leslie H. Hardman Valentine Mitchell, London, 1958, pp. 29, 30. Furthermore, testimony at the Belsen Trial confirmed that 80% of the inmates held at Belsen were suffering from dysentery. Other afflictions were, of course, spotted typhus, tuberculosis, gastric-enteritis, and even a few cases of cholera. The compounds were littered with trash filth, excreta and all sorts of debris, and the inmates had absolutely no resistance whatsoever to disease. Typhus, like AIDS, is a “wasting disease” which will mimic the effects of starvation. However, in camp number one, typhus was almost non-existent, having virtually spent itself just prior to the arrival of the British.. Nevertheless, the people housed there were also suffering from acute malnutrition. In camp two, there were 266 active cases of typhus among 8000. In camp 1 (the women’s camp), in an overall population of 23,000, there were 2000 acute hospital cases and of these 250 were suffering from typhus at the time of liberation. In the women’s number 2 camp, there were 300 cases of typhus among 5000 housed there. Testimony at the Belsen Trial showed that after liberation, typhus was still spreading throughout the camp at the rate of seven new cases per day. Thousands had died prior to the day of liberation from the usual causes, but it seems there were also unknown numbers of dead due to the British bombing and strafing the camp. Sington records the account of one inmate who informed him, “Some of the most unpleasant experiences of this period were the night raids by British aircraft. The British pilots probably saw the sparks coming from the crematorium chimney or the glowing remnants of the bonfires in which the dead had been burnt, and nearly every night they machine-gunned the camp.”—Sington, Op Cit., Belsen Uncovered, p. 136.
  35. The British had already formed the opinion that the SS itself was a criminal organization and that its highest leaders were archcriminals. Lists had already been drawn up in London which earmarked some 150 National Socialist Party Members and Higher SS Leaders for immediate execution. British intelligence had already been supplied with a list of names of those who were wanted by the Allies for war crimes. Note that Britain did not formally sign the Allied declaration to try accused Nazi war criminals until August 1945. During the negotiations to surrender the Belsen camp intact, the British had already shown signs that they were prepared to deal harshly with any and all SS members. For instance, refer to the repeated attempts by the British to completely disarm all SS personnel in the camp, combined with their brutal treatment of those later taken into custody. This uncompromising attitude carried over into the Trial of Josef Kramer et. al., and is confirmed by the fact that, of all those charged with crimes at this trial, only those who were members of the SS or their assistants (specifically, the female SS auxiliaries), received the death sentence, while those who were far more responsible for the everyday tormenting and persecution of the inmates, i.e., the “Kapos,” were let off with jail sentences. Many of these former Kapos were released after having served only a short period of their original sentence.
  36. Kramer later complained at his trial that these manacles had been left on for weeks. Kramer also complained at the time of his trial that his arrest had been contrary to the conditions of the truce agreed upon by the British and German authorities. See: The Belsen Trial, Op Cit., p. 171.
  37. The information regarding Kramer’s humiliation was testified to at the Belsen Trial by Derrick Sington, p. 51, The Belsen Trial, Caiger-Smith, London. Sington left this description out of his published book.
  38. By the time Kramer was sitting in his cell at Lüneburg, he had written to his wife, “What do they want from me? Maybe they are putting me on trial just because I was in the SS.” As cited by Tom Segev, Soldiers of Evil, Berkley Books, 1991, p.54.
  39. Today it may be said quite candidly that it requires quite a stretch of the imagination to maintain that these 50 assorted and doomed staff members were responsible for the general state of affairs existing in Belsen at the time. Note that Franz Hoessler had not even arrived at Belsen until days before the camp was liberated. Events had simply overtaken them.
  40. Barnouw, Germany, 1945, p. 68.
  41. Mosley, Report from Germany, p. 93.
  42. Face of the Enemy, Caiger-Smith, Chap. 1., n. 18., 3, 52, and 53.
  43. Sington.Op. cit., p. 87.
  44. It is clear that both of these victims of Allied revenge had been driven to madness as a result of their treatment at the hands of their captors.
  45. Sington. Op. Cit., p. 28. This unfortunate man may be seen in Dagmar Barnouw, Germany, 1945 in the section covering Belsen. It is a rather infamous photo, which has appeared in many different publications, as well as in newsreels from the time. Ms Barnouw refers to the man’s physical appearance as an unfortunate circumstance of birth, which caused the British guards to focus all their rage and hatred in his direction.
  46. Dagmar Barnouw, Germany 1945, Indiana University Press, , 1996, p. 68.
  47. At the Belsen Trial, one of these SS victims of British wrath was referred to rather obliquely when the Presiding Judge asked Brigadier Glen Hughes a question about one of the SS guards. Hughes responded, “..I think he has since died.” The Judge did not bother to inquire as to the cause and circumstances of death. The Belsen Trial, Op Cit., p. 34.
  48. Rabbi Hardman himself was to contract typhus while tending to the liberated inmates at Belsen. After performing religious services one evening, the Rabbi was invited to partake of a traditional Jewish meal of Gefilte fish, prepared by some of the liberated inmates. Not wishing to offend his hosts, the rabbi partook of the offering, along with an undetermined “beverage” prepared by them as well. Within 24 hours, the Rabbi writes: “I suffered an attack of dysentery which brought the water problem acutely home to me….I lay for nearly 48 hours before I was able to move. Then I felt better, but terribly weak; and for several days after that it was an effort to get about.” Op. Cit., The Survivors, pp. 30-31.
  49. Hardman, Op. cit., p. 35.
  50. Op. Cit., After the Battle, p. 14.
  51. Sington, Op. Cit. p. 86.
  52. This same “Frenchman” also interrogated the women.
  53. The doctor was Klein.
  54. This was a completely malicious and false accusation, like so many which were circulating in the camp at the time. For example, Rabbi Hardman includes the following accusation by inmates, which he apparently believed at the time: “Another punishment was to force the unhappy wretch to take out a dead man’s eye, hold it between his lips and remain in a sitting position with hands stretched above his head for two hours. At the slightest sign of weakness causing him to lower his hands he was beaten viciously until he expired…..p.7, The Survivors. One is at a loss for an explanation in seeking a source or reasons for these incredible stories. Perhaps Derrick Sington was not far off when he testified that “ a great many cases,…there were many prisoners who went mad after typhus…”—Op. Cit., The Belsen Trial, p. 53.
  55. Moorehead, Eclipse 1945, pp. 223-4, as cited by Belgion in Victor’s Justice, Henry Regnery, 1949, Ill., pp. 80-81. Belgion duly notes that Klein was not charged with “deliberate cruelty” at the Belsen trial! Furthermore, if Klein could be broken in this manner, how little effort would have been involved in breaking a man like Hoessler. Kramer was to receive similar treatment at the hands of his interrogators, who brought him to Brussels. Belgion writes: “According to the Canadian military newspaper, Maple Leaf, when Josef Kramer, commandant of the notorious Belsen camp, arrived at Brussels, “After getting out of a plane which brought him from Germany, he was put in a truck and taken across the airfield. He was slow getting out of the truck. So a military policeman grabbed him by the back of the neck and threw him out, and he landed on his face in the dirt, whimpering like a child. He presented a sorry sight.” P. 80.
  56. Op. Cit., Barnouw, Chap. 1, n. 33. It goes without saying that in our present era, the treatment meted out to the accused at Belsen would warrant an immediate dismissal of charges.
  57. Hitler’s Death Camps. Feig. Houghton Mifflin, p. 370.
  58. Inside the Vicious Heart, Oxford University Press, 1985, p. 83. These descriptions of the Belsen camp conform to Höss’s account in his autobiography. He writes: “The camp was a picture of wretchedness. The barracks and the storehouse and even the guards quarters were completely neglected. Sanitary conditions were far worse than at Auschwitz.” -p. 153. Both Feig and Abzug’s views in this regard were supported at the time of the Belsen trial by Glen Hughes , when he testified before the court that, “Typhus was brought in on 5th February by Hungarian prisoners, and it then raged right through the camp, where conditions were absolutely suitable for it. The same with tuberculosis.”—Testimony of Brigadier Glyn Hughes, Belsen Trial, p. 33.
  59. Time Magazine, April 30, 1945. In the same issue, Kramer was described as a “brutish pig-eyed leader.”
  60. As cited in The Independent, 06-04-1998, p. 19.
  61. These “international committees” appear to have been highly organized in a number of camps. For example, according to Sean Maynes, a journalist assigned to George Patton’s Third Army, “There were a lot of phony stories written about the camps. The reality was bad enough, but often some correspondents were inclined to exaggerate.…At one camp we went into, within half an hour there were typewriters going in one of the buildings, and there were inmates, chaps who didn’t seem to have been ill-treated at all, sitting typing out press releases and handling out press statements about what had happened to the inmates. And we’d just entered the damn place! So there was a degree of organization there.”—As cited in Gaskin, Eyewitnesses at Nuremberg, Arms and Armour, 1990, p. 3.
  62. Op Cit., Sington, Belsen Uncovered, p. 75.
  63. Confirmed in the testimony of Captain Sington at the Belsen trial. During cross-examination he was asked, “Was it known to all the prisoners at the time that it was possible to produce accusations or depositions against the senior prisoners?” To which he replied, “There was a committee of prisoners in the camp which was called the International Committee, and they were asked to produce accusations against such people who had behaved in this brutal manner.” –Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 52.
  64. Ibid., p. 154.
  65. The name of this inmate was Dr. Fritz Leo, and he went on to give testimony at the Belsen trial. Here is the version he gave to the court at the time: “A gas chamber was in preparation. A very trustworthy and good Kapo, a Czech, told me that in the middle of March he had orders from his SS building contractor to build a hut underground which was to have been covered entirely with earth and kept air-tight. When Bellenech said to this SS contractor, “I know perfectly well for what purpose this underground hut is being built,” the SS man looked at him and said, “Well, I think you are right.” It was quite clear to all of us that plans for a gas chamber had been prepared.” –The Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 124. Coincidentally, an almost identical story was circulating at the same time about Dachau. Bellenech appears to have disappeared from the scene. Thus, the gas chamber story was based upon the flimsiest hearsay, but was nevertheless accepted as a bona fide fact by the inmates. Dr. Leo had been incarcerated in the camps since May 1935, and had arrived at Belsen in February 1945. He was not asked the reason for his long imprisonment.
  66. Hardman, Leslie, The Survivors—The Story of the Belsen Remnant. Valentine Mitchell, London, 1958, p. 8. This yarn was told to Rabbi Hardman by Dr. Leo Fritz, an inmate. Kramer emphatically denied this accusation at his trial. Curiously, in his first written statement to his interrogators, Kramer denied there were any gas chambers at Auschwitz as well, but in a second statement, apparently taken after he arrived in Brussels for further questioning, affirmed that there had been gas chambers there after all, but that he had not selected anyone for them personally. For the sake of argument, it may very well be that his interrogators were content to allow him to contest the “gas chamber” accusations re Belsen, since it was a story which could have easily been checked by the authorities at the time, and most likely had been. Auschwitz, being under Soviet control, was inaccessible. Furthermore, the prosecution at the Belsen trial based a part of its case on Auschwitz, and had called a number of witnesses, such as Ada Bimko, who testified to gas chambers at the camp and cited a figure of 4 million dead. The choice facing prosecutors, apparently, was to either go with the witnesses, the 4 million, and the gas chambers in Poland, or strike the accusations from the testimonies and affidavits. The gas chamber testimony is further complicated by Kramer’s alleged complicity in the case of the so-called “Jewish Bolshevik Commissars.” At his trial Kramer testified to constructing a gas chamber at the Natzweiler concentration camp at the express orders of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. The current version of this story is that Himmler ordered executions based upon a request from SS Doctor Hirt. However, one of the major issues challenging the credibility of this story is that at the Belsen trial, the prosecutor refers to Rudolf Höss, the former commandant of Auschwitz, as being the “doctor” who made the request, and Kramer repeats the same name twice! See: The Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 174. Cross-examination of Josef Kramer by Colonel Backhouse.
  67. “(As quoted by Tom Segev, Soldiers of Evil, Berkley Books, 1991, p. 43. Original document may be found cited by Segev as “Bundesarchiv Koblenz, October 29, 1942, NS 3 425.”
  68. This is perhaps one of the flimsiest charges made against the SS staff for rather obvious reasons. To begin with, there were only 50 staff members at the camp when the British assumed responsibility for the care of the inmates. Even if they had shared their rations with some of the inmates, the food would not have gone far—for there arises the problem as to which inmates should receive a “share” of the SS’s own rations…Thus, references to “fat and healthy SS guards and matrons” simply serves as yet another desperate propaganda device for those determined to affix some type of exclusive blame upon the 50 SS staff members who remained behind at Belsen. As Kramer tried to explain to the court at his trial, “Instead of being enabled to diminish the strength of my camp as was my plan, I was forced to take in more and more and to overcrowd it. These transports came from Dora Concentration Camp, and Hoessler, who was to be in charge of Camp No. 2, came with the last 15,000…..” In regard to the food supply, Kramer testified, “I could not give them (the newly arrived inmates) anything at all because the reserves which I had were reserves for a certain period and were required for the inmates of my own camp. To get food was quite impossible because the front lines were all broken, and apart from that, transport was very difficult. My own trucks were shot to pieces (Note: Kramer had originally been allotted 6 trucks) by dive bombers just before the arrival of the Allies, so that all that was left was one single truck. The Wehrmacht were prepared to give some supplies in the barrack area to Hoessler to avoid any trouble arising, but these were only given under the promise that I would restitute them whenever my own supplies arrived.”-Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 168.
  69. Blind Eye to Murder, Tom Bower, Little Brown & Co., 1995, p. 128.
  70. When questioned on this at the Belsen trial, Major Birney was asked by the Presiding Judge: “Did you enquire from the Hauptmann whether Kramer could demand the rations that he wanted, and if the Hauptmann would not give him them for the internees, could he over-ride the Hauptmann, or had he (Kramer) to take from the Hauptmann what the latter liked to give him?” To which Birney simply replied, “My conversation with the Hauptmann did not touch upon that subject.” –The Belsen Trial, Op. Cit., p. 56.
  71. Bower notes Kramer’s efforts to obtain relief for the inmates of the Belsen Camp: “Kramer consistently maintained that he had desperately tried to prevent the tens of thousands of deaths at Belsen. He produced the copy of a letter he had written to Richard Glücks, the Inspector of Concentration Camps, on 1 March 1945, urging him not to send any more Jews to the camp because of the typhus outbreak, which was causing fifty to three hundred deaths per day. Many British officers were impressed by that letter and by Kramer’s behavior when he surrendered the camp to the British. He asked them for desperately needed medicines and food, pleading that he had been abandoned in the closing stages of the war without supplies. Op. Cit., p. 206. However, in a later segment on page 209, Bowers qualifies these comments by remarking, “His supporters chose to ignore the fact that two miles away was a Wehrmacht store containing no less than eight hundred tons of food. Kramer had not asked for the food because it would have meant ‘special indents’.” However, as we have already pointed out, there appears to be no evidence, based upon the statements of other participants at the time, that the British authorities requisitioned these supplies either, for Rabbi Hardman remarks in his book, “p. 44: The army appointed a food officer, who arranged for various farms to send in milk, eggs and vegetables; but the supplies which arrived were mere handfuls against the great need.” The Rabbi also records that he was reduced to unauthorized begging for food stocks from local farmers. He reports one instance where he lied to Polish farm workers, telling them that the requested food was for “Polish” inmates who were starving at the camp. The Poles gave him the food. See Hardman, Op. Cit., p.48.
  72. Oswald Pohl, head of the SS-WVHA Main Office., which oversaw concentration camps.
  73. Höss, Op. Cit., pp. 153, 154.
  74. Op. Cit., Sington, Belsen Uncovered, p. 91. On a previous occasion, civilians had been escorted into the camp compound and led to the site of a massive open grave, in front of which the SS staff had been assembled. As everyone gazed into the vast pit, the British announced over the loudspeaker, “You, who are the fathers of German youth, see in front of your eyes some of the sons and daughters who carry a small part of the responsibility for these crimes. Only a small part and yet more difficult to carry than the human soul possibly can. But who carries the responsibility? You, who allowed your Führer to carry out this flagrant madness; you, who could not get enough of these degenerate triumphs; you, who heard about these camps.” -As cited in After the Battle, No. 89, p. 22.
  75. “Soon,” he told Sington, “the whole camp will be ablaze.”
  76. This is according to Reitlinger in The Final Solution, Yoseloff Pub., 2nd edition, p.p. 556-557. However, in Reitlinger’s The SS—Alibi of a Nation, Da Capo, 1989, p. 465, this is revised to read that Glücks had gone “underground.” Hilberg echoes this opinion in his Destruction of the European Jews. However, other claims have been made to the effect that Glücks was murdered in Flensburg by the so-called “Jewish Avengers.” In particular, see The Avengers, by Michael Ben Zohar, as well as Martin Gilbert, who writes: “On May 10, in Flensburg naval hospital, SS General Richard Glücks, head of the concentration camp directorate, was found dead. It was not clear whether Glücks had committed suicide, or had been killed by ‘Jewish avengers’ who had already begun to track down and kill a number of those who had carried out the policy of mass murder.”—The Holocaust, Holt, Rinehardt, and Winston, N.Y., 1985, p. 811.

Op. Cit., The Belsen Trial, p. 156.

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Europa Documentary

It’s the Jooz, isn’t it?

“Europa,” a 12 hour video of how the Jews have orchestrated the destruction of modern Europe, especially Germany.  CAVEAT: the presenters believe that the jooz are the Israel of the Old Testament.  The rest of the information, concerning the Jewish conspiracy against the White Race and Christianity is quite accurate.

EUROPA: The Last Battle (2017) – Full Documentary HD (


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Exposure risk to babies being fed by vaccinated mothers

There can be no assurances of safety, with so many unknowns

It is being claimed that: 

  1. Human breast milk does not contain SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-mRNA; and  
  2. That if there were any vaccine-mRNA in breast milk, it would not survive the nursing infant’s digestive tract. 

Risks to infants from their mother’s vaccination could also come from spike protein produced by the mother’s reaction to vaccination crossing into breast milk or from her antibodies passing across. The latter may well explain this report in the USA vaccine adverse events data of the death of a 5 month infant from thrombocytopenia. No studies on risks from spike protein or antibodies in breast milk post vaccination have been reported.

Current claims regarding the safety of the vaccine-mRNA itself are not supported by robust evidence. In a recent preprint, Low et al. did in fact detect SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mRNA in human breast milk. This was a small study of 10 lactating healthcare workers who were nursing their infants. Four breast milk samples were collected from each participant, one sample before being given their first dose of the Pfizer/BioNtech experimental vaccine, and three further samples at various intervals after the first and second doses, a total of 40 samples. We do not know if the samples represent the foremilk or hindmilk, which may impact results. 

Looking at the study data, 4 of the 40 samples came from 3 participants out of the 10, meaning that 30% of the mothers tested positive to having vaccine-mRNA in their breast milk. Put another way, 3 out of 10 babies are being exposed to experimental vaccine-mRNA. This number may likely be greater, given nursing infants often nurse more than five times a day, and the only 4 samples of breast milk collected per participant, were taken over several weeks. 

A better study would have taken at minimum two samples every day, with one sample being foremilk and one being hindmilk, for at least 28 days post first and again post second dose of the experimental vaccination.  

While the absolute quantities of vaccine-mRNA detected in human breast milk was very low (the highest concentration being 2ng/ml), this is still a relatively large amount for young babies.     

It is then claimed that any vaccine-mRNA present in human breast milk that is then consumed by the infant is expected to be readily destroyed/digested. However, this is an unproven claim. The vaccine-mRNA is transported in lipid nanoparticles designed to mimic human extracellular vesicles (EVs). There is extensive research demonstrating that EVs in milk survive the human digestive tract. They are in fact readily taken up into the vascular system and more specifically bioaccumulate in the brain. mRNA has been detected in human breast milk, and shown to survive passage through the stomach, maintaining biologically active capabilities.  

This challenges the claim that the vaccine-mRNA is rapidly degraded.  

If not digested, such vaccine-mRNA could well be recognised by the innate immune system, initiating inflammatory signalling cascades. This would not be good for a nursing baby. We have no idea if it will contribute to gut issues. It is clear there is still so much unknown, which means there can be no assurances of safety. 

It is likely that the vaccine-mRNA will be found in EVs, however, we do not know if fragmented and/or EV-free parts could make it into breast milk. Obviously, because there are so many unknowns, this is exactly why fully completed wide ranging studies are required before subjecting humans to risk from unknown harms. 

A common mistake many people are making is to equate natural mRNA properties with the injected SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-mRNA. The vaccine-mRNA has been modified to a form never before seen in nature, and manipulated to ensure stability and delay enzymatic digestion. These modifications also increase the translation of the mRNA, resulting in the protein product being synthesized, i.e. the Spike Protein actually being manufactured by the body. This is very concerning with regards to infant nursing exposure, given the evidence that breast milk EVs (containing RNA) not only survive the stomach. EVs can also be absorbed in the intestines into the vasculature (bloodstream), where they remain biologically active.  

The vaccine-mRNA has also been enriched with two of the main DNA base building blocks (GC), a modification that further increases transcription production of the biologically active Spike Protein. Viruses tend to have lower GC content, making them sensitive to an increase in body temperature, (which is one reason why we get a temperature when fighting infection — it is bad for viruses!). The modification of increasing the GC content in the vaccine-mRNA increases its heat stability, rendering our natural infection fighting process, such as running a fever to facilitate breaking down of viral mRNA, ineffective.  

As a result, if vaccine-mRNA gets into breast milk, it is likely to survive the infant’s digestive tract, and — as discussed above — it could bioaccumulate in the brain. Breast milk EVs have been measured/detected in the blood plasma postprandial (after feeding), and those that do not get absorbed have been shown to affect gene transcription in the intestinal tract.  


We are supposed to always err on the side of caution: ‘First, Do No Harm’. Experimental interventions should not be made that do not have robust evidence of safety as well as efficacy. This is exactly why ‘whole of life’ animal studies, including pregnancy and lactation animal studies must be completed BEFORE implementing human trials of any sorts, as per point 3 of the Nuremberg Code. This has not been done: the human trials have not even reached a full year yet, did not include pregnant or lactating women, nor nursing infants. As a result, no safety can be ascertained, and therefore should not be claimed. 

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Rare Inscribed Medieval Era Copper Plates Found at Srisailam Temple

Recently, a fabulous discovery was made that has greatly enriched the history of an already vibrant temple. Twenty-one medieval era copper plates have been unearthed by the Srisailam authorities at the Mallikarjuna Temple in India, which are dated to the 16th century, or even earlier. The plates were inscribed in the subcontinental languages of Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu.

The entrance to the Shiva-devoted Mallikarjuna Temple in Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh, India. (Arpita Tripathy / CC BY-SA 4.0)

The entrance to the Shiva-devoted Mallikarjuna Temple in Srisailam, Andhra Pradesh, India. (Arpita Tripathy /  CC BY-SA 4.0 )

The Last Few Months Have Yielded Many Artifacts at Srisailam

Six sets of copper plates (18 leaves) were found during the course of renovation work in Ghanṭa Maṭham at Srisailam, carried out by the temple authorities. Out of 6 copper plate sets, 4 sets are written in  Sanskrit language and Nandi-Nāgarī script, and the other 2 plates are in the  Telugu language , although they are yet to be deciphered. “All the plates can be assigned between 14th-16th century CE [AD],” said Chenna Reddy, Dean of Archaeology at Telugu University Campus and Director of Archaeology and Museums, in  The Deccan Chronicle

And that’s not all. This is the third of a recent spate of such discoveries over the last few years!

In October, 2020 a  brass box  was discovered the ancient Ghanta Matham, which contained 15 British-era gold coins, 18 silver coins and a gold ring at, as per a report by  The Hindu . Srisailam Publications Editor Anil Kumar said in a release that the gold coins were minted between 1880 and 1911, while the silver coins were minted between 1885 and 1913, and another silver coin found separately was minted in 1892.

I 2017, a stash of treasures including 700 grams of gold ornaments, comprising three gold kadiyams weighing 525 gm, 18 gold coins and four rings. The silver component of the hoard was 147 silver coins, silver vessel weighing 395 gm and a tumbler weighing 133 gm.

Ornaments, silver vessels and coins found at the Ghanta Matham in Srisailam in 2017. (Deccan Chronicle)

Ornaments, silver vessels and coins found at the Ghanta Matham in Srisailam in 2017. ( Deccan Chronicle )

History of the Srisailam Mallikarjuna Temple 

Mallikarjuna Temple in Srisailam in the southern Indian state of  Andhra Pradesh  is dedicated to the deity Shiva, one of the most popular and highly worshipped gods from the Hindu pantheon. It has received patronage from royal kings and empires, particularly during the medieval era, including the Kondavidu Reddi kingdom (1325-1448 AD),  Kakatiyas(1163-1323), and the famous  Vijayanagara Empire  (1336-1646). Inscription evidence from the time of the Satvahanas indicates that the temple has been around at least since the 2nd century AD. 

The legend of the temple says that Shiva and his partner, Parvati, had their son Ganesha (the elephant god) marry Buddhi, Siddhi and Riddhi (the deities of intellect, spiritual power and prosperity, respectively). In India, it is customary to have parents choose partners for their children. Their other son, Kartikeya, was enraged at being denied the same level of affection by his parents and went away alone to stay on a mountain top.

His parents, particularly Shiva, came to pacify him and where they stayed was a place called Srisailam. Incidentally, another Shiva legend places him as an endless pillar of light, worshipped in the form of a phallus, or the  jyotirlinga. Shiva appeared in 64 of these jyotirlingas in his different forms, avatars or rebirths, of which 12 are considered auspicious and holy. Mallikarjuna Temple is one of these 12 jyotirlingas, getting its name from the worship of the jasmine flower or  Mallika.

A Shiva lingam is probably the most common symbol of Shaivism. The Shiva representation in this photo is the erect stone column in the middle, surrounded by what is held as the ‘yoni’ or female genitalia. ( / Adobe Stock)

A Shiva lingam is probably the most common symbol of Shaivism. The Shiva representation in this photo is the erect stone column in the middle, surrounded by what is held as the ‘yoni’ or female genitalia. ( / Adobe Stock)

Shiva and Phallocentric Worship in the Hindu Faith

In Shaivism, a huge denomination of the Hindu faith, the representation of Lord Shiva is through the  linga or lingam, an iconic form. The  linga is a phallic representation of Shiva, particularly alluding to the spiritual understanding of fertility and cosmic regeneration. It holds a pious and special place in the Hindu faith, being used in all forms of Shiva related worship.

In faiths across the world, including ancient Egypt and Greece, the phallus has been used in differing contexts but universally signifies the male sexual organ, fertility, and the male orgasm. Even in India, evidence of phallic worship has been found in several ancient Indus Valley sites, showing that it was prevalent as a magical rite from the Chalcolithic period onward. 

With the development of religion in India, the  linga was shown with the  yoni, the female sexual organ, who together represented the combination of microcosmos and macrocosmos. Followers of the faith deny any allusions to sexual organs, instead argue that the  lingam represents the birth of creative energy, and spiritual truth.

Top image: Six sets of copper plates that were discovered at the Ghanta Matham in Srisailam in June 2021.                                                        Source:  The Hindu

By Rudra Bhushan


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New York Times Forced To Admit Babylon Bee Not Fake News Since Stories Keep Coming True

New York Times Forced To Admit Babylon Bee Not Fake News Since Stories Keep Coming True

NEW YORK, NY—The New York Times called The Babylon Bee dangerous far-right misinformation but has now retracted that claim and issued a correction after reviewing the data and admitting The Babylon Bee actually has a really high accuracy rate in predicting the future.

“We are sorry we called The Babylon Bee misinformation,” the Times wrote on its corrections page. “After further review, it’s clear The Babylon Bee is reporting real news just a few days ahead of time. The stories just keep coming true.”

The Times said it did a study on Babylon Bee stories and found that while the whole site just has two jokes, over 99.99% of them are actually prophecies that are fulfilled usually within a couple of weeks of posting. Given The Bee’s extraordinary track record, the Times was forced to admit that The Babylon Bee is real news, “far more real than anything the Times has ever published.”

“We apologize for ever suggesting The Babylon Bee was anything other than real news a week ahead of time.”

As part of The New York Times’s concessions to the Christian satire site, they were forced to admit in court that The Babylon Bee’s writers are more talented and handsome than they are and that CEO Seth Dillon is absolutely ripped and the ideal physical embodiment of a man.


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Right Wing Round-Up: QAnon Is Not Gone

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy!

Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, activist leaders, and concerned citizens like you. And we do it all without ads; as a project of People For the American Way, we rely on your donations to keep us raking the mud.

Right Wing Watch readers are a key PFAW constituency, and we depend on your support during the year-end giving season to keep the research and content flowing. Please show your support today and your year-end donation will be TRIPLE MATCHED by a group of our dedicated donors.

Your year-end donation will be 3X-MATCHED to save our democracy!


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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Bull

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy!

Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, activist leaders, and concerned citizens like you. And we do it all without ads; as a project of People For the American Way, we rely on your donations to keep us raking the mud.

Right Wing Watch readers are a key PFAW constituency, and we depend on your support during the year-end giving season to keep the research and content flowing. Please show your support today and your year-end donation will be TRIPLE MATCHED by a group of our dedicated donors.

Your year-end donation will be 3X-MATCHED to save our democracy!


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Kim Jong Un Attends Ivy League University To Learn New Brainwashing Techniques

NEW YORK, NY—According to sources, beloved North Korean tyrant and lover of doughnuts Kim Jong Un is now attending Columbia University, a prestigious Ivy League school, to learn new brainwashing techniques for his regime.

“I thought I knew all there was to know about communist indoctrination, but I was wrong,” said the ruthless dictator to reporters after sitting through a 2-hour lecture on why fidget spinners are a remnant of Western patriarchal oppression. “Your American college professors have this down to an art!” 

Kim Jong Un then waddled over to the food court for all-you-can-eat frozen yogurt, whistling a merry tune as he went. 

According to experts, Ivy League schools in America boast the world’s finest anti-Western propaganda and brainwashing techniques. The North Korean dictator expressed hope that his newfound knowledge would help him make his citizens more robotically obedient. 

“We still have our troublemakers, but with these Ivy League techniques, I’ll have them eating out of my hand in no time!” he said. 

The murderous leader of North Korea plans to go back to his home country and start his own Ivy League school: Kim Jong UNiversity. 


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On Nasser’s Fight for Arabic Independence and a Free Palestine

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Cynthia Chung

June 15, 2021

Nasser became the catalyst for an Arab Revolution for independence, a revolution that remains yet to be finished, Cynthia Chung writes.

In the 1950s the so-called enemy of the West was not only Moscow but the Third World’s emerging nationalists, from Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt to Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran. The United States and Britain staged a coup d’état against Mossadegh, and used the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist movement and the grandfather organization of the militant Islamic right, in an attempt to remove Nasser, the leader of the Arab nationalists.

In the 1960s, left wing nationalism and Arab socialism spread from Egypt to Algeria to Syria, Iraq and Palestine. This emergence presented a threat to the old imperialist game of Great Britain, to which the United States was a recent recruit of, and thus they decided to forge a working alliance with Saudi Arabia intent on using Wahhabi fundamentalism as their foreign policy arm in the Middle East, along with the Muslim Brotherhood.

This paper will go through the carving up of the Middle East under Sykes-Picot, the British creation of Saudi Arabia and Israel and the British occupation of Palestine, the origin of the Muslim Brotherhood and Nasser’s fight for Arab independence. In a follow-up paper, I will discuss the role of the City of London in facilitating the bankroll of the first Islamic fundamentalist state Saudi Arabia, along with the Muslim Brotherhood and its terrorist apparatus.

An “Arab Awakening” Made in Britain

The renunciation will not be easy. Jewish hopes have been raised to such a pitch that the non-fulfilment of the Zionist dream of a Jewish state in Palestine will cause intense disillusionment and bitterness. The manifold proofs of public spirit and of capacity to endure hardships and face danger in the building up of the national home are there to testify to the devotion with which a large section of the Jewish people cherish the Zionist ideal. And it would be an act of further cruelty to the Jews to disappoint those hopes if there existed some way of satisfying them, that did not involve cruelty to another people. But the logic of facts is inexorable. It shows that no room can be made in Palestine for a second nation except by dislodging or exterminating the nation in possession.”

– the concluding paragraph of George Antonius’ “The Arab Awakening” (1938)

Much of what is responsible for the war and havoc in the Middle East today has the British orchestrated so-called “Arab Awakening” to thank, led by characters such as E.G. Browne, St. John Philby, T.E. Lawrence of Arabia, and Gertrude Bell. Although its origins go as far back as the 19th century, it was only until the early 20th century, that the British were able to reap significant results from its long harvest.

The Arab Revolt of 1916-1918, had been, to the detriment of the Arab people, a British led rebellion. The British claimed that their sole interest in the affair was the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and had given their word that these Arab territories would be freed and allowed independence if they agreed to rebel, in large part led and directed by the British.

It is a rather predictable feature of the British to lie and double cross and thus it should be of no surprise to anyone that their intentions were quite the opposite of what they had promised and thanks to the Sykes-Picot Russian leak, were revealed in their entire shameful glory.

If the Sultan of Turkey were to disappear, then the Caliphate by common consent of Islam would fall to the family of the prophet, Hussein ibn Ali the Sharif of Mecca, a candidate which was approved by the British Cairo office as suitable for British strings. T.E. Lawrence, who worked at the Cairo bureau is quoted as saying:

If the Sultan of Turkey were to disappear, then the Caliphate by common consent of Islam would fall to the family of the prophet, the present representative of which is Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca….If properly handled the Arab States would remain in a state of political mosaic, a tissue of jealous principalities incapable of cohesion…” (1)

Once the Arab Revolt was “won” against the Ottoman Empire, instead of the promised Arab independence, the Middle East was carved up into zones of influence under British and French colonial rule. Puppet monarchies were created in regions that were considered not under direct colonial subjugation in order to continue the illusion that Arabs remained in charge of sacred regions such as Mecca and Medina.

In central Arabia, Hussein, Sharif of Mecca, the puppet leader of the Arab Revolt laid claim to the title Caliph in 1924, which his rival Wahhabite Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud rejected and declared war, defeating the Hashemites. Hussein abdicated and ibn Saud, the favourite of the British India Office, was proclaimed King of Hejaz and Najd in 1926, which led to the founding of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Al Saud warriors of Wahhabism were a formidable strike force that the British believed would help London gain control of the western shores of the Persian Gulf.

Hussein ibn Ali’s son Faisal (under the heavy tutelage of T.E. Lawrence) was bestowed as King of Iraq and Hussein’s other son, Abdullah I was established as the Emir of Transjordan until a negotiated legal separation of Transjordan from Britain’s Palestine mandate occurred in 1946, whereupon he was crowned King of Jordan. (For more on this history refer to my paper.)

While the British were promising Arab independence they simultaneously were promising a homeland in Palestine to the Jews. The Balfour Declaration of November 2nd, 1917 states:

His majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object…

Palestine had been seized by the British during the so-called Arab Revolt on December 11th, 1917 when General Allenby marched into Jerusalem through the Jaffa Gate and declared martial law over the city. Palestine has remained occupied ever since.

Britain would receive the mandate over Palestine from the League of Nations in July 1922.

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s violent confrontations between Jews and Arabs took place in Palestine costing hundreds of lives. In 1936 a major Arab revolt occurred over 7 months, until diplomatic efforts involving other Arab countries led to a ceasefire. In 1937, a British Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by William Peel concluded that Palestine had two distinct societies with irreconcilable political demands, thus making it necessary to partition the land.

The Arab Higher Committee refused Peel’s “prescription” and the revolt broke out again. This time, Britain responded with a devastatingly heavy hand. Roughly 5,000 Arabs were killed by the British armed forces and police.

Following the riots, the British mandate government dissolved the Arab Higher Committee and declared it an illegal body.

In response to the revolt, the British government issued the White Paper of 1939, which stated that Palestine should be a bi-national state, inhabited by both Arabs and Jews. Due to the international unpopularity of the mandate including within Britain itself, it was organised such that the United Nations would take responsibility for the British initiative and adopted the resolution to partition Palestine on November 29th, 1947. Britain would announce its termination of its Mandate for Palestine on May 15th, 1948 after the State of Israel declared its independence on May 14th, 1948.

The Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood

In 1869, a man named Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, the intellectual founder of the Salafiyya movement, went to India where British led colonial authorities welcomed him with honors and graciously escorted him aboard a government owned vessel on an all expenses paid voyage to the Suez. (2)

In Cairo he was adopted by the Egyptian prime minister Riad Pasha, a notorious enemy of the emerging nationalist movement in Egypt. Pasha persuaded Afghani to stay in Egypt and allowed him to take up residence in Cairo’s 900 year old Al Azhar mosque considered the center of Islamic learning worldwide, where he received lodging and a monthly government stipend (paid for by the British). (3)

In 1879, Cairo nationalists in the Egyptian Army, led by the famous Egyptian hero Ahmed ‘Urabi, organised an uprising against the British role in Egypt. Afghani was expelled from Egypt by the Egyptian nationalists that same year.

Ahmed ‘Urabi served as prime minister of Egypt briefly, from July 1882 to Sept 1882, however, his movement for Egyptian independence was eventually crushed by the British with the shelling of Alexandria in July 1882 followed by an invasion which resulted in a direct British occupation of Egypt that would last until 1956. It would be Gamal Abdel Nasser who would finally end British colonial rule of Egypt during the Suez Crisis, whereupon the Suez canal was nationalised and the British military bases expelled.

While Egypt was fighting its nationalist fight from 1879-1882, Afghani and his chief disciple Muhammad Abduh travelled together first to Paris and then to Britain, it was in Britain that they would make a proposal for a pan-Islamic alliance among Egypt, Turkey, Persia and Afghanistan against Czarist Russia (4).

In addition, the crisis in Sudan, was in the middle of a tribal religious rebellion against the British led by a man named Mohammed Ahmad a Sudanese sheikh who proclaimed himself the Mahdi, or savior, and was leading a puritanical Islamic revolt. (5)

What Afghani was proposing to the British was that they provide aid and resources to support his formation of a militant Islam sect that would favour Britain’s interest in the Middle East, in other words, Afghani wished to fight Islam with Islam, having stated in one of his works “We do not cut the head of religion except by sword of religion.”(6)

Although it is said that the British refused this offer, this is not likely considering the support Afghani would receive in creating the intellectual foundation for a pan-Islamic movement with British patronage and the support of England’s leading orientalist E.G. Browne, the godfather of twentieth century Orientalism and teacher of St John Philby and T.E. Lawrence.

E.G. Browne would make sure the work of Afghani would continue long beyond his death by immortalising him in his 1910 “The Persian Revolution,” considered an authoritative history of the time.

In 1888, Abduh, the chief disciple of Afghani, would return to Egypt in triumph with the full support of the representatives of her Majesty’s imperial force and took the first of several positions in Cairo, openly casting his lot with Lord Cromer, who was the symbol of British imperialism in Egypt.

Abduh would found, with the hold of London’s Egyptian proconsul Evelyn Baring (aka Lord Cromer) who was the scion of the enormously powerful banking clan (Barings Bank) under the city of London, the Salafiyya movement. (7)

Abduh had attached himself to the British rulers of Egypt and created the cornerstone of the Muslim Brotherhood which dominated the militant Islamic right throughout the twentieth century.

In 1899, Abduh reached the pinnacle of his power and influence, and was named mufti of Egypt.


In 1902, Riyadh fell to Ibn Saud and it was during this period that Ibn Saud established the fearsome Ikhwan (translated as “brotherhood”). He collected fighters from Bedouin tribes firing them up with fanatical religious zeal and threw them into battle. By 1912 the Ikhwan numbered 11,000 and Ibn Saud had both central Arabia’s Nejd and Al-Ahsa in the east under his control.

From the 1920s onward, the new Saudi state merged its Wahhabi orthodoxy with the Salafiyya movement (which would be organised into the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928).

William Shakespear, a famed British agent, forged the first formal treaty between England and Saudi Arabia which was signed in 1915, which bound London and Arabia for years before Saudi Arabia became a country. “It formally recognized Ibn Saud as the independent ruler of the Nejd and its Dependencies under British protection. In return, Ibn Saud undertook to follow British advice.” (8)

Harry St. John Bridger Philby, a British operative schooled by E.G. Browne and father to the legendary triple agent Kim Philby, would succeed Shakespear as Great Britain’s liaison to Ibn Saud under the British India Office, the friendly rival of the Cairo Arab Bureau office which was sponsoring T.E. Lawrence of Arabia.

In Egypt 1928, Hassan al-Banna (a follower of Afghani and Abduh) founded the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimeen), the organization that would change the course of history in the twentieth century Middle East.

Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood was established with a grant from England’s Suez Canal Company (9) and from that point on, British diplomats and intelligence service, along with the British puppet King Farouq would use the Muslim Brotherhood as a truncheon against Egypt’s nationalists and later against Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser.

To get the Muslim Brotherhood off the ground, the Suez Canal Company helped Banna build the mosque in Ismailia that would serve as its headquarters and base of operation. (10) The fact that Banna created the organization in Ismailia is itself worthy of note. For England, the Suez Canal was the indispensable route to its prize possession, India and in 1928 the town Ismailia happened to house not only the company’s offices but a major British military base built during WWI. It was also, in the 1920s a center of pro-British sentiment in Egypt.

In the post-WWI world, England reigned supreme, the flag of the British empire was everywhere from the Mediterranean to India. A new generation of kings and potentates ruled over British dominated colonies, mandates, vassal states, and semi-independent fiefdoms in Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Arabia and Persia. To varying degrees those monarchies were beholden to London.

In the half century between 1875 and 1925 the building blocks of the militant Islamic right were cemented in place by the British Empire.

Nasser Leads the Fight for Arab Independence

In 1942, the Muslim Brotherhood would earn their well-deserved reputation for extremism and violence by establishing the “Secret Apparatus,” an intelligence service and secret terrorist unit. This clandestine unit functioned for over twelve years almost entirely unchecked, assassinating judges, police officers, government officials and engaging in goon squad attacks on labor unions and communists.

Throughout this period the Muslim Brotherhood worked for the most part in an alliance with King Farouq (and thus the British), using their clandestine forces on behalf of British interests. And throughout its entire existence it would receive political support and money from the Saudi royal family and the Wahhabi establishment (more on this in part 2 of this series).

The Secret Apparatus would be smashed into pieces by Nasser in 1954.

After WWII, the faltering Farouq regime lashed out against the left in an intense campaign of repression aimed at the communists. The Cold War was beginning. In 1946, prime minister Isma’il Sidqi of Egypt who was installed as head of the government with the support of Banna, openly funded the Muslim Brotherhood and provided training camps for its shock troops used in a sweeping anti-left campaign. Sidqi resigned in Dec 1946 after less than one year as PM due to massive unpopularity.

As King Farouq began to lose his grip on the Egyptian people, the Brotherhood distanced itself while maintaining shadowy ties to the army and to foreign intelligence agencies and always opposed to the left.

The Palestine War (1947-1949) resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel at the cost of 700,000 displaced Palestinian Arabs and the destruction of most of their urban areas.

The territory that was under British administration before the war was divided between the State of Israel (officially formed May 14th, 1948), which captured about 78% of it. In opposition to Israel, the Kingdom of Jordan captured and later annexed the West Bank, and Egypt captured the Gaza Strip, with the Arab League establishing the All-Palestine Government, which came to an end in June 1967 when the Gaza Strip, along with the West Bank, were captured by Israel in the Six-Day War.

The Egyptian people were furious over these developments, and the reign of British puppet King Farouq who had done nothing to prevent the dismantling of Palestine was on extremely shaky ground. In response to this, Farouq’s accord with the Muslim Brotherhood broke down, and in December 1948, the Egyptian government outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood. Weeks later a Brotherhood assassin murdered prime minister Mahmoud El Nokrashy.

Two months later, in Feb. 1949, Banna was assassinated in Cairo by the Egyptian secret police.

For Arab nationalists, Israel was a symbol of Arab weakness and semi-colonial subjugation, overseen by proxy kings in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

On the night of July 23, 1952, the Free Officers, led by Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser, staged a military coup that launched the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, overthrowing the British puppet monarch. The Free Officers, knowing that warrants had been issued for their arrest, launched the coup that night, storming the staff headquarters in Cairo.

Cairo was now, for the first time, under the control of the Arab people after over 70 years of British occupation.

The seizure of power by the Free Officers in Egypt came during an era when the entire Arab world from Morocco to Iraq was locked in the grip of imperialism. Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia were French colonies; Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE, Oman and Yemen were British colonies. Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia were kingdoms ruled by monarchies installed by London. And Egypt under King Farouq was the political and economic center of the Arab world.

A growing surge of Arab nationalism arose in response to the Free Officers’ actions in Egypt. The powerful Voice of the Arabs radio in Cairo was reporting to the entire Arab world that they had found their independence movement, and that Nasser was at its helm.

From 1956 to 1958 Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon underwent rebellions, Iraq’s king was toppled, and Syria united with Egypt in Nasser’s United Arab Republic, part of Nasser’s strategy to unify the Arab world.

In Algeria, moral and material support was given from Cairo towards the Algerian revolution that finally won them independence from French colonial rule in 1962.

That same year, Yemen underwent a Nasser-inspired revolt, triggering a proxy war pitting Saudi Arabia against Egypt, with Nasser stating in a 1962 speech, “Yemen’s fight is my fight. Yemen’s Revolution is our Revolution.”

Nasser’s leadership and the inspiration he stirred were so strong that even as late as 1969 the year before Nasser’s death, Libya’s king was overthrown and Sudan’s right-wing regime was eliminated by military leaders loyal to Nasser.

Nasser had managed to threaten the very heart of Anglo-America’s post-WWII strategy in the Middle East. Nasser understood, that if the vast oil fields in Saudi Arabia were under Arab control, the potential for an economic boom would be enormous for all Arab states, such that the old game of imperialism by Britain and France could no longer retain its chokehold on Arab independence.

Not only was Egypt a military rival to Saudi Arabia, not only did Cairo clash with Riyadh in a shooting war in Yemen, not only did Nasser inspire Arabs in Saudi Arabia with republican ideals but the Egyptian leader even won over some of Saudi Arabia’s royal family. This group was led by Prince Talal to form the ‘Free Princes’, which defected to Egypt demanding the establishment of a republic in Saudi Arabia!

What was really going on during the period of 1954 to 1970, under Nasser’s leadership, was a war between two competing visions for the future of the Middle East; an Arab world of independent but cooperative Arab republics utilising their natural resources to facilitate an economic boom in industrialisation vs a semi-feudal scattering of monarchies with their natural resources largely at the West’s disposal.

The real reason why the British and Anglo Americans wanted Nasser removed, was not because he was a communist or because he was susceptible to communist influence; it was because he refused to obey his would-be foreign controllers and was rather successful in this endeavour, bringing their shadowy actions uncomfortably close to the light and inspiring loyalty amongst Arabs outside of Egypt including those sitting on top of the oil.

What especially worried London and Washington was the idea that Nasser might succeed in his plan to unify Egypt and Saudi Arabia thus creating a major Arab power. Nasser believed that these oil wells were not only for the government of those territories to do with as they wished but belonged to all Arab people and thus should be used for the advancement of the Arab world. Afterall, most Arabs are aware that both the monarchies themselves and the artificial borders that demarcate their states, were designed by imperialists seeking to build fences around oil wells in the 1920s.

Nasser understood that if Cairo and Riyadh were to unite in a common cause for the uplifting of the Arab people, it would create a vastly important new Arab center of gravity with worldwide influence.

In 1954 Egypt and the United Kingdom had signed an agreement over the Suez Canal and British military basing rights. It was a short lived. By 1956 Great Britain, France and Israel concocted a plot against Egypt aimed at toppling Nasser and seizing control of the Suez Canal, a conspiracy that enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood.

In fact, the British went so far as to hold secret meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood in Geneva. According to author Stephen Dorrill, two British intelligence agents Col. Neil McLean and Julian Amery, helped MI6 organize a clandestine anti-Nasser opposition in the south of France and in Switzerland, (11) in his book he writes “They also went so far as to make contact in Geneva…with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, informing only MI6 of this demarche which they kept secret from the rest of the Suez Group [which was planning the military operation via its British bases by the Suez Canal]. Amery forwarded various names to [Selwyn] Lloyd, [the British foreign secretary].”

British prime minister Anthony Eden, Churchill’s handpicked successor, was violently anti-Nasser all along and considered a British coup d’état in Cairo as early as 1953. Other than such brash actions, the only political force that could mount a challenge to Nasser was the Muslim Brotherhood which had hundreds of thousands of followers.

Nasser’s long postponed showdown with the Muslim Brotherhood occurred in 1954, this was timed to add pressure during the rising frustration concerning the British-Egyptian negotiations over the transfer of the Suez Canal and its military bases to Egypt. The British, after over 70 years of direct occupation in Egypt, were not going to give up on one of their most prized jewels, their gateway to the Orient, so easily.

From 1954 on, Anthony Eden, the British prime minister was demanding Nasser’s head. According to Stephen Dorrill’s “MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations”, Eden had ranted “What’s all this nonsense about isolating Nasser or ‘neutralising’ him, as you call it? I want him destroyed, can’t you understand? I want him murdered…And I don’t give a damn if there’s anarchy and chaos in Egypt.”

Nasser would not back down, and in the first few months of 1954 the Muslim Brotherhood and Nasser went to war, culminating in Nasser outlawing them as a terrorist group and a pawn of the British.

On Oct. 1954, a Muslim Brotherhood member Mahmoud Abdel-Latif attempted to assassinate Nasser while he was delivering a speech in Alexandria, which was live broadcasting to the Arab world by radio, to celebrate the British military withdrawal.

Panic broke out in the mass audience, but Nasser maintained his posture and raised his voice to appeal for calm, and with great emotion he exclaimed the following:

My countrymen, my blood spills for you and for Egypt. I will live for your sake and die for the sake of your freedom and honor. Let them kill me; it does not concern me so long as I have instilled pride, honor, and freedom in you.”

The crowd roared in approval and Arab audiences were electrified. The assassination attempt backfired, and quickly played back into Nasser’s hands. Upon returning to Cairo, he ordered one of the largest political crackdowns in the modern history of Egypt, with the arrests of thousands of dissenters, mostly members of the Brotherhood.

The decree banning the Muslim Brotherhood organization said “The revolution will never allow reactionary corruption to recur in the name of religion.” (12)

In 1967, there was a Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq, which was started by Israel in a coordinated aerial attack on Egypt, eliminating roughly 90% of Egyptian air forces that were still on the ground, followed by an aerial attack on Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Israel then went on to conduct a ground attack with tanks and infantry, devastating whole Arab regions.

Despite the disastrous loss to Israel, the people of Egypt refused to accept Nasser’s resignation and took to the streets in a mass demonstration calling for Nasser’s return. Nasser accepted the call of the people and returned to his position as president where he remained as until his death in Sept 1970.

Five million people turned out on the streets of Egypt for Nasser’s funeral, and hundreds of millions more mourned his death throughout the world.

Although Nasser had devastatingly lost a battle, the Egyptian people along with their Arab compatriots understood that the fight for Arab independence was not lost. The dream of dignity and freedom, in forever opposition to the shackles of tyranny could not be buried now that it had been stirred to its very core. Nasser would be the catalyst for an Arab Revolution for independence, a revolution that remains yet to be finished.

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Also by this author

Cynthia CHUNG

Cynthia Chung is a lecturer, writer and co-founder and editor of the Rising Tide Foundation (Montreal, Canada).

A Damned Murder Inc: Kennedy’s Battle Against the Leviathan

The U.S. Pivot to Asia: Cold War Lessons From Vietnam for TodayReturn of the Leviathan: The Fascist Roots of the CIA and the True Origin of the Cold WarBeyond Oil: How the UAE’s HOPE Mars Mission Is Breaking the Arab World Out of the Crisis of Scarcity

Newspeak in the 21st Century: How to Become a Model Citizen in the New Era of Domestic Warfare


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Study Finds Link Between Happiness, Not Knowing Who Chrissy Teigen Is

U.S.—A study performed by Pew Research Center found a strong link between happiness and not knowing who Chrissy Teigen is.

“We found that people who do not know who Chrissy Teigen is or why there is a controversy around her are up to 850% happier than those who know anything about the woman at all,” read the study. “It seems there is a very strong correlation and possible causation here. People who don’t know about her enjoy life much more and have a really optimistic disposition about humanity.”

The study found that people who don’t know who Chrissy Teigen is are more likely to be outside, playing in the sunshine, whistling in pure blissful ignorance, enjoying their family and friends — while those who do know who Chrissy Teigen is are much more likely to currently be on Twitter staring into the abyss.

“For your own mental health, we can’t recommend not knowing anything about Chrissy Teigen any more emphatically,” said head researcher Dr. Ryan Arthur. “Seriously — it does wonders for your wellbeing.”


At publishing time, you had googled “who is Chrissy Teigen” after reading this article and are now much less happy with your life.


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Sergei Lavrov’s Recent Speech Points to Some Important Lessons to be Learned


The Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov recently made a very important speech that, unsurprisingly, received very little attention from the western media. On June 9 Mr Lavrov addressed the Primakov Readings International Forum in Moscow. In his speech, Lavrov drew attention to what he persists in calling “our western colleagues” unwillingness to accept the “objective reality” of a peaceful movement to a polycentric world.

Instead, the collective West strove to ensure the continuation of their “privileged international opinion” at all costs. The West’s unpreparedness for “an honest, facts-based dialogue” was certain to undermine trust in the very idea of dialogue as a method of settling differences “and to erode the capabilities of diplomacy as a crucial foreign policy tool”.

The main mechanism used by the West in trying to establish its point of view was in its relentless promotion of what it is pleased to call “the rules-based world order”. That is a concept, Lavrov argued, that was “even more irrational and devoid of prospects”.

The West’s concept of the rules-based world order was to be contrasted with the United Nations Charter, itself also a body of rules, but one that has been universally accepted and coordinated by all members of the international community. It is the latter that is the foundation of international law. The West, by contrast, uses the term the “rules-based world order,” by which they have in mind something completely different. The West, by its use of the rules-based world order have in mind a totally different concept. The West by its terminology, has in mind that they want to develop West centric concepts and approaches “to be later palmed off as an ideal of multilateralism and the ultimate truth.”

These ideas of the rules based order are particularly marked in Europe, the United States and Australia.

By contrast, Russia is promoting its ideas in Eurasia. Lavrov drew attention to the fact that the values the Russians promote underlie the operation of a range of international organisations that have developed, especially over the past decade. These include the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

These organisations can all be characterised by being associations based exclusively on the principle of “voluntary participation, equality and the common good”. One of Russia’s priorities was the strengthening of the comprehensive interaction with China. This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation between Russia and China

That is a relationship the Americans would dearly love to break up. It is undoubtedly one of the principal motivations of United States president Biden’s anxious desire for a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Geneva in a little less than a week’s time. It has just been announced that Biden will be accompanied by his secretary of state Antony Blinken, undoubtedly to make sure that Biden embarrasses neither himself nor the United States. Given Biden’s uncertain mental grasp these days, him saying the wrong thing is an ever-present danger.

The Russians are relentlessly pursuing an ASEAN based policy, based on what Lavrov called the “unification philosophy”. The concept embraces all of Eurasia’s nations, and Lavrov sees it as a means of dramatically increasing the comparative advantages of all the countries in this huge region. The aforementioned organisations are an illustration of how many countries in this vast region are cooperating in their economic and social development.

Lavrov was asked a question about the forthcoming meeting with Biden. He gave a cautious response. The success or otherwise of the mission would clearly depend upon the mindset the Americans brought to the meeting. Lavrov warned that if the Americans continued to follow the footsteps of their own propaganda, which deafens the United States elite as well, then there was “not much to expect from this summit”.

This is a totally realistic view. The history of United States – Russia relations has been fraught with many problems. It is difficult to escape the view that the latest summit will offer no realistic improvement in the United States – Russia relations. The Americans clearly see the Chinese as the greatest threat to their world position and one way to tackle the Chinese issue is to try to separate them from their relationship with Russia.

In this, is in so many other things, the Americans fail to grasp the geopolitical realities of the 21st-century. They are desperately seeking to cobble together a new alliance of India, Japan, Australia and themselves. Inviting Australia to the current G7 meeting in the United Kingdom surely flatters Australia’s perception of itself as a key player in the Indo Pacific region, but to the rest of the world it is merely yet another example of Australia’s obeisance to the United States.

It is hardly likely to frighten the Chinese who could destroy Australia in less than 30 minutes should they one-day pose a serious threat to China. Even the Australian government is not so stupid as to believe it’s eventual receipt of a collection of submarines will seriously change the balance of regional power.

Australia should grass the opportunities offered by the growing number of regional organisations mentioned above as providing the key to its future prosperity. Unfortunately, the current directions of its foreign policy do nothing to encourage the belief that Australia has grassed the realities of the 21st-century political, economic and military changes.

James O’Neill, an Australian-based former Barrister at Law, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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