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  • guest_8251 : research ciro orsini
  • guest_621 : They faked the Torah, nothing else. Even their own neutral Rabbies tell that truth. The ORIGINAL Torah has nothing to do with the satansih Talmud or faked Torah!
  • guest_7642 : Look into Crowley Satanism in Hollywood. Actual Satanic kikes and space kikes working together.
  • guest_1984 : good work
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels :
  • guest_4766 : Been doing hundres of sticker labels, al over town now :ppp
  • guest_1984 : hahaha
  • guest_9645 : Oy Vey Goyim STOP going on this FUCKING SITE and go eat your GOYSLOP
  • Jewish Rabbi Shekels : join this goyim
  • guest_5248 : The Search works. it takes time to sift through 700,000 articles.
  • guest_5419 : Gotta love that the search doesn't work
  • NMNV : wake up sheeple
  • guest_6482 : May this site live on and expand. EVERYONE SAVE THIS SITE AND PDF IT WHATEVER.
  • guest_7482 : Amen
  • guest_8470 Revelatio : Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
  • guest_1695 : jew boy go away
  • guest_8124 : This site is awesome
  • guest_8124 : yes master
  • guest_956 : nigger
  • guest_8124 : allah not happy?
  • Site_Sabotaged : HONK
  • guest_2832 : The Goyim know... Shut it down
  • guest_8554 :
  • guest_380 : New World Order is the Jew World Order
  • guest_77 : love the chat
  • guest_2019 : shut it
  • nazi jews : wake up stupid
  • nazi jews : lol
  • guest_5277 : ok
  • guest_1726 : ok
  • meee : fuck u dikhead
  • meee : ggg

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. – John 8.44

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Rev 3.9

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Rev. 2.9

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come." Matthew 3:7

“For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.” – Romans 2:28-29

"I and my Father are one,[31] Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOHN 10:30-31

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God’s wrath has overtaken them at last. - Thessalonians 2:14-16

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

GOD cursed the Satanic Jews out of Jerusalem for life. Jesus arrived and focused on Jerusalem because it was the most unholy, evil, place on earth... still is today.

The Nomadic Turks (ashkeNAZIS) have been behind all the Evil in the world since Cain's children... using their News Networks to create the News, and set the stage, to blame their opponents, for everything evil they do, across the globe.

Jewish Communist Dictum:- "Accuse the enemy of those crimes you are guilty of"


The Elite Jews create the illness, then sell the Cure. They create Chaos & Terrorism, then sell the solution... for more control and power.

Islam and Christianity have become servants of the Jews. Acting as physical and spiritual cattle for the Jews to harvest in building their Global Satanic Kingdom.

If I converted to Buddhism, does that make me Chinese? If I converted to Hinduism, does that make me Indian? When Khazarians (Turks) converted to Judaism in 740 BC and stole the true Semite Israelite Greek Aegean identity, did that make the counterfeit Jews Hebrew? Well, the Jew World Order seems to think so. They crucified Jesus Christ for exposing them.

The invention of the Muslim Terrorist by our Jewish Governments... to keep us in fear, and to justify raping the World, and slaughtering billions of innocent families in every country for power and control...for their 2 horned Gods.

Every Religion Church and Mosque has been infiltrated by the Jews. How do you know? ... if your Church has not discussed the below phrases by Christ... then it has been compromised.

Yet Another Story Involving Rape and Suicide in the South Korean Army


After one well-known story about “mass rapes in the DPRK Army,” the author is trying to keep track of how a similar situation looks occurring in the South Korean Army, and thankfully when describing that he does not have to solely rely on the tearful and unreliable stories told by defectors, but on more valid sources.

Scandals related to harassment periodically ripple through the South Korean Army, and one of them is developing right now: this story became public after one female soldier, whose last name was not reported, committed suicide.

In March 2021, a victim that held the rank of master sergeant and was serving in Seosan was sexually harassed by a man who is still identified just as “Master Sergeant Chan” (special permission is required to publicly disclose full names in South Korea). The harassment incident happened in a car, as the aggressor and the victim were going back to their military base after a private meeting that she had to attend, officials said.

According to relatives of the deceased, the next day she reported the incident to the authorities, but the military did not take the appropriate measures to protect the victim that are spelled out in the relevant instructions. Chan, along with members of his family and senior officers, tried to sweep the incident under the rug instead, and persuade her to “reach an agreement” with the perpetrator and drop her complaint; this started by simply sending her off on two months’ leave.  According to her statement, she was subsequently transferred to another unit, although the incriminating evidence included an audio recording from the car’s video recorder where everything had transpired.

However, in her new location, the officers there immediately began to treat her as a “troublemaker” who dared to wash her dirty linen in public, and three days after the transfer on May 22 – and on the next day after the deceased had married her boyfriend – she was found dead at the base by a fellow soldier. This is strange in and of itself, but, when news on the woman’s death went up the echelons of command, nobody said anything about sexual harassment, so before her father began making a fuss over it, it looked like suicide without any known reason.

In the meantime, Chan was not taken into custody, nor did anyone even seize his mobile phone until the end of May, although he had admitted to some of the charges.   Owing to that, the victim’s father posted a petition on the presidential administration’s online bulletin board that leveled criticism at the Air Force for covering up the incident.

After that, naturally, the system instantly sprang into action the way it is supposed to. On June 2, 2021, military prosecutors requested that an arrest warrant be issued for Chan, and took him into custody on charges of sexual assault and inflicting bodily injury.

On that same day, June 2, Defense Minister Suh Wook met with family members of the deceased officer, promising to conduct a transparent, thorough investigation so that there would be no room for any doubts. After an hour-long meeting behind closed doors with the minister, the victim’s mother lost consciousness after sobbing in front of her daughter’s portrait, and was then transferred to the hospital.

On June 3, President Moon Jae-in firmly ordered that an investigation be conducted, and strict measures be taken, while Air Force Commander General Lee Seong-yong called for zero tolerance toward sexual crimes, as well as tougher discipline.   “It is heartbreaking to think of the victim, who must have been desperate,” Moon stated, according to AP spokesperson Park Kyung-mee.

After receiving this impetus, the military prosecutor’s office, police, and defense ministry formed a joint investigative team to look into the case from scratch and bring in outside experts. The ministry’s Department of Social Services will be responsible for providing full-scale support to the families of these victims, and the Ministry of Defense has, for the first time, set up an investigative committee with participation on the part of civilian experts to ensure that the investigation is executed transparently and thoroughly. Searches, questioning sessions, and document confiscation have begun in the troop units.

That same day, on June 3, the family’s lawyer reported that the deceased was sexually harassed twice, and not only by Chan, but also by two senior officers, with one of them the same officer who tried to cover up the incident involving Chan.

On June 4, General Lee Seong-yong announced his resignation as South Korea’s air force chief, and shouldered the blame himself:  “I feel very responsible for what happened,” Lee Seong-yong stated at a press conference. He also expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased.  The question of Suh Wook’s resignation also came up, but so far the representative from the Blue House has declared that the decision will be made after all the relevant investigations are completed.

In addition, the ministry will also allot a two-week special period of inquiry into sexual harassment cases in the military to check whether there are any other incidents of sexual assault that have occurred in its barracks. Personnel that have either suffered or witnessed sexual assault can report it by phone or email.

Along the way, it became clear that this kind of story is not the only one. The Air Force is also investigating a case in which a sergeant in Jeonju-si allegedly broke into the apartments of his female colleagues and unlawfully photographed their bodies and underwear in the middle of the night. At least six female military personnel have been victimized, and that number could rise even more, since he is suspected of committing these acts against civilians as well. The Air Force tried to settle the matter by moving the lawbreaker to another job, without arresting him, despite the fact that the military police uncovered dozens of illegal photographs stored in the sergeant’s cell phone, and on USB devices.

The Marine Corps also received criticism after KBS reported that a male soldier had been sexually assaulted by three fellow soldiers more than 130 times over six months. Later, all three were arrested and brought before a military court, but only one was given a prison sentence, with the other two receiving suspended sentences, since they joined the rape later on and were “still young”.

The history with rape in the South Korean Army has been discussed on a wide scale in the media outlets and on the Internet. According to The Korea Times, “the incident shows that a number of deep-seated problems related to sexual violence in the barracks have not yet been adequately addressed,” and “it is vital that we change our hierarchical and authoritarian culture in the military so that incidents of sexual violence have no place there.” The investigation has been labeled belated, and “the nation is seething with rage”.

As usual, the conservative JoongAng Ilbo is blaming the authorities for everything. “Weak discipline is nothing new. The reason for this is the absence of any military exercises held after the military agreement in Pyongyang on September 19, 2018 between South and North Korea on the sidelines of the inter-Korean summit … If you give priority to human rights and soldiers’ welfare rather than strict discipline, this poor state is inevitable for the Army.”

Some quite conservative publications are recalling how, in April last year, four sergeants sexually abused their lieutenant to humiliate him, and on a smartphone owned by one ordinary military prosecutor, about 1,000 files with child pornography were found that he had helped promote and distribute via Telegram.

How will it all end? The immediate culprit is likely to be punished to the fullest possible extent, and not for the sake of meting out justice, but rather for the purposes of showcasing. The person who sweeps the incident under the rug will be punished to a lesser degree. Some generals will resign as part of going through a ritual, accepting symbolic responsibility, and if the fuss turns out to be particularly great, then the Minister of Defense may be replaced as well. But this “month of vigilance” will pass, and everything will return to normal – until the next high-profile story, or until the next victim commits suicide, and the government does not pay sufficient attention to the problem. There is only one exception – when harassment is used to knock political opponents out of the game.

Konstantin Asmolov, PhD in History, leading research fellow at the Center for Korean Studies of the Institute of the Far East at the Russian Academy of Sciences, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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FINLAND: “78 people have died from COVID vaccines … [0 FROM covid] …I ask you all … how many more should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing … ?” MP Ano Turtiainen, Finnish Parliament

Thanks to Dave for this link…

Listen below:


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The NZ MoH appears somewhat ‘at sea’ regarding possible compensation should you experience a CV VX injury

Remember your government has released Pfizer from any liability for their product if it happens to harm you (and it has, unless you are believing mainstream spin). Listen to this woman whose experience proved you’re on your own if things go wrong. EWR

Posted on NZ MOH site, June 3 2021

Taken from a transcript of a webinar by a MOH Covid Committee, who hold fortnightly webinars for health professionals.

Do health professionals appreciate the implications for this statement made by the facilitator, I wonder?

The facilitator states…
‘There were a couple of questions at the last meeting that came through so I’m just going to run those off quickly.
The first was around funding to support primary care when people are presenting to them with side effects following their vaccination.
There is no specific funding available to cover that and no specific funding to cover the submission of an adverse event into CARM so there isn’t any funding to cover that.
I’m going to touch base, I spoke to the post-event team leader today just to follow up with him and he’s organising for me the contacts at ACC so we can understand what is the threshold at which we can make a claim through ACC that this is a treatment injury.
I haven’t seen those yet, but we will follow that up and see where it takes us.’

I would ask, ‘see where it takes us…’ Really?’

After all this time and this is where the MOH is at? So much for robust processes, transparency, safe and effective ‘vaccine,’ post adverse injection event planning? How would the Team of 5 million respond to this absence of due diligence, if this was included in the Government Briefings, I wonder?
What can anyone expect, in terms of a duty of care, if one is unfortunate enough to experience an adverse reaction in NZ, to the Pfizer Comirnaty injection?
How much money is paid to employ the experts on this panel?
No problem finding funds for their salaries?

I would post the link, but it’s gone, along with the complete transcript and additional information. If you request it under the OIA, will you be informed that like most documents so far, this is ‘confidential?’
We seem to have an epidemic of ‘confidentiality’ for those who are employed to ensure Regulation, Assurance and Protection are complied with and no ‘Community Immunity’ for ‘Transparency.’
Maybe someone who is a health professional can access the webinar link?
The complete webinar and the section of concern, watch from the 4.12 minute mark.

Note: the commentary for this post from fb is author unknown, please advise if you wrote it. I did try to locate the author. EWR


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Greenpeace Protester Parachutes Into Euro 2020 Stadium, Injures 2

MUNICH (AP) — Greenpeace has apologized and Munich police are investigating after a protester parachuted into the stadium and injured two people before Germany’s game against France at the European Championship.

The protester used a powered paraglider with a motor attached to his back but lost control and hit overhead camera wires attached to the stadium roof, careening over spectators’ heads before he landed on the field ahead of Tuesday’s game. Debris fell on the field and main grandstand, narrowly missing France coach Didier Deschamps.

Greenpeace spokesperson Benjamin Stephan apologized Wednesday for the botched protest and the injuries caused.

Greenpeace has apologized and Munich police are investigating after a protester parachuted into the stadium and injured two p

Greenpeace has apologized and Munich police are investigating after a protester parachuted into the stadium and injured two people before Germany’s game against France at the European Championship.

“The paraglider didn’t want to go into the stadium yesterday. The pilot wanted to fly over the stadium while maintaining the necessary safety distance and only let a balloon float into the stadium with a message to Volkswagen, a main sponsor, with the demand that they get out of the production of climate-damaging diesel and gasoline engines quicker,” Stephan said.

“And there was a technical problem during the flight over — the hand throttle of the electric paramotor failed, and because there was no more thrust, the glider suddenly lost height.”

Stephan said the pilot had no option but to make an emergency landing on the field after striking the steel cables attached to the stadium’s roof.

“We are in the process of clarifying this and are working with everyone and of course we take responsibility and would like to emphasize again that we’re very sorry, and that we apologize to the two people who were harmed,” Stephan said.

Munich police said they were investigating various potential violations of the criminal code and aviation act. “The pilot injured two men during the landing approach. The injured were given medical care by the emergency services and taken to hospitals for further care,” Munich police said in a statement.

The police said none of the injuries were serious and the pilot himself — a 38-year-old man with an address in the southwestern state of Baden Württemberg — was unharmed. “There is no understanding whatsoever for such irresponsible actions in which a considerable risk to human life is accepted,” the police said.

The protester’s parachute had the slogan “KICK OUT OIL!” and “Greenpeace” written on it. The parachutist managed to land on the field and Germany players Antonio Rüdiger and Robin Gosens were the first to approach him. He was then led away by security stewards.

UEFA called the action “reckless and dangerous” and said “law authorities will take the necessary action.” The German soccer federation also condemned the action. “It could probably have turned out much worse,” Germany team spokesman Jens Grittner said.

UEFA and one of its top-tier tournament sponsors, Russian state energy firm Gazprom, have previously been targeted by Greenpeace protests.

In 2013, a Champions League game in Basel was disrupted when Greenpeace activists abseiled from the roof of the stadium to unfurl a banner protesting Russian oil and Gazprom, which sponsored the visiting team, German club Schalke.

Greenpeace later donated money to a charity supported by Basel, which was fined by UEFA for the security lapse.

UEFA defended its environmental credentials in a statement on Tuesday after the incident.

“UEFA and its partners are fully committed to a sustainable Euro 2020 tournament,” UEFA said, “and many initiatives have been implemented to offset carbon emissions.”


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Physicians For Informed Consent Release Safety & Efficacy Data of The Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

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President Biden Tells Americans To Report ‘Potentially’ Radicalized Friends & Family

Biden instructs Americans to report friends and family who are potentially radicalized

President Biden has instructed Americans to snitch on “potential” radicalized friends and family as part of an attempt to thwart ‘white supremacy’.

In a conversation with reporters, one senior Biden official explained the importance of stopping politically fueled violence before it started.

“We will work to improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs,” the official said. reports: The official cited the Department of Homeland Security’s “If you see something say something” campaign to help stop radical Islamic terror as a domestic possibility.

“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” the official said.

Biden began his presidency with a stark warning in his inauguration speech about the “rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.” On June 1, Biden described the threat from “white supremacy” as the “most lethal threat to the homeland today.”

The Biden administration said it would also work with large technology companies on “increased information sharing” to help combat radicalization.

“Any particular tech company often knows its own platform very well,” the official noted. “But the government sees things — actually, threats of violence — across platforms. They see the relationship between online recruitment, radicalization, and violence in the physical world.”

The Department of Homeland Security also plans to deploy “digital literacy” and “digital fitness” programs to help combat “malicious content online that bad actors deliberately try to disseminate.”

The official reassured reporters that the administration’s new strategies would remain “laser-focused” on stopping violent acts.

“This is a strategy that is agnostic as to political ideology or off the spectrum,” the official said. “What matters is when individuals take their political or other grievances and turn that — unacceptably, unlawfully — into violent action.”

The official added the Biden administration was taking the threat of domestic terrorism seriously and would redirect the focus of intelligence agencies on internal threats.

“We are investing many agencies of the government and resourcing them appropriately and asking our citizens to participate,” the official said. “Because, ultimately, this is really about homeland security being a responsibility of each citizen of our country to help us achieve.”


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Trump Supporter Fined $500 per Day for ‘Disrespecting President Biden’

Trump-supporter fined 500 dollars per day for erecting ant-Biden signs outside his home

A Trump-supporting homeowner is being fined $500 per day over anti-Biden signs in her own backyard.

Andrea Dick says the signs outside her home in Roselle Park are just an expression of her free speech rights.

“I have a right to have them up there, freedom of speech,” Dick told WABC-TV.

One sign says “F*** Biden,” while another says, “F*** Biden, not my president.”

Another sign hilariously shows Trump holding up two middle fingers.

WATCH: reports: Neighbors are upset because her home is near an elementary school and the students are exposed to the profane messages.

“This is terrible. I mean, kids go by here. It’s a family neighborhood and um, why?!” said one neighbor to WABC.

Roselle Mayor Joseph Signorello III said he received complaints about the sign from neighbors. Dick says that she’s heard from many people who support her and her signs.

Dick says she has been told that she could face a $500 a day fine if she continues to refuse to take down the signs.

The 55-year-old has pleaded not guilty and had the fines delayed by a Municipal Court judge until the case can be heard on July 8 in court.

“They think they have a case, let them fight it. I’m fighting it tooth and nail,” said Dick on New Jersey 101.5.

“I’m not giving up. I don’t care what it costs me, I’m not giving up. I’m standing my ground,” Dick added.

She also said that some people were leaving nasty messages on her voicemail.

“It’s not very nice. Very inappropriate,” Dick said.


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Syrians in Farfarah Village Expel US Oil Thieves Army and their SDF Militia


Syrians in Farfarah village kick out US oil thieves and their Kurdish SDF proxies

Syrians in the village of Farfarah confronted and expelled a convoy of US oil thieves along with their Kurdish SDF armed terrorists from their village earlier today, Tuesday 15 June 2021.

The people of Farfarah, a small town in the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah, blocked a convoy of 4 armored US vehicles packed with oil thieves of the US army accompanied by a vehicle carrying Kurdish SDF armed terrorists that tried to pass through their village.

A video filmed by one of the men in the village shows the brave confrontation between the unarmed residents facing heavily armed US Army and Kurdish SDF terrorists and forcing them to leave, SANA said some of the US vehicles were damaged when the villagers rained it with stones.

The video is also on  Bitchute.

In the video the people who expelled the US Army shouting at them to leave their village: ‘You stole our oil, you stole our wheat, get out, yalla (move it).. Also telling them: ‘there’s no oil in our village, get out’.

Farfarah is a tiny town of brave Syrians who stood up to the army of one of the world’s superpowers, another example from Syria how the people do not welcome oil thieves and do not welcome the US-styled democracy of hegemony, oppression, and wealth plundering.

Many similar incidents occurred in the same region most notably when a convoy of US oil thieves working for Trump last year tried to go through the town of Khirbet Ammo in February of last year, the villagers blocked the convoy, threw stones and garbage cans against the oil thieves of the US Army who in return shot dead a child in the village.

The most inclusive and diverse junta of Joseph Biden continued the same policies of the disgraced Trump in beefing up their forces illegally deployed in Syria, supporting the terrorist groups of ISIS, Nusra Front, and the separatist Kurdish SDF, and increased the stealing of Syrian wheat and oil.

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‘West Coast Mayors call for halt to all SNA work in wake of Far North protests’

EWR comment: Now here’s a magic turnaround I wouldn’t be placing any confidence in. This is Agenda 21 planning signed up to decades ago … no consultation with the public … now materializing as in, more visible to us all. It smacks of diversionary tactics; call off the heat until everybody has gone back to sleep again… the word I’ve heard is, don’t let them on to survey your land; period. (To see if you think they can be trusted, check out our Local Government Watch pages, main menu).


SNAs (Significant Natural Areas) and what they are really about

From the NZ Herald

West Coast mayors are calling for a halt to identifying significant natural areas (SNAs) on private land, after suggestions that the process could be paused in the Far North.

An item on TV One news on Friday night cited a leaked e-mail from the office of Te Tai Tokerau MP Kelvin Davis, indicating that councils which had not already mapped SNAs could hold off until the relevant Government policy was finalised later this year.

As recently as May 31, James Shaw’s office told the Greymouth Star in response to a query that there would be no “outs” for councils when it came to identifying SNAs in their districts.

But since then there have been strong protests from Māori landowners in the Far North who had received council letters alerting them to potential SNAs on their land.

The likely need for resource consents to develop land classed as significant enraged many hapu who had protected their land for centuries, and led to plans for a protest hikoi to the council this Friday.

Attempts by the Greymouth Star to contact Environment Minister David Parker and his two associate ministers James Shaw and Phil Twyford for clarification on the leaked e-mail have drawn blanks today.

But Greymouth Mayor Tania Gibson said she had spoken to the Far North Mayor John Carter and was now hopeful that the entire SNA process could be halted.



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“Out! Out damned spot!”: tweaking the death count folks

If ever you suspected corruption well this is it right here! Many I know will be suffering from cognitive dissonance at all this. My many years of uncovering lies & corruption have made me no longer surprised at all. My learning began with lies about our histories (victors write those remember) … then it was ‘harmless’ (poison) sprays like glyphosate, then 1080, all bona fide ‘checked’ by the (fake, corrupted) protective authorities … then it was all the food additives & various other environmental poisons that Dr Samuel Epstein exposed as causing cancer way back in the 1970s (swept under the google rug) … then it was the poisons falling from the sky exposed by Elana Freeland, Cliff Carnicom and many many others … then it was the real history of modern medicine courtesy of the Rockefeller fraternity … and that’s only the half of it, on and on, it has been lies upon lies upon lies. This latest episode aka plandemic with all those associated untruths comes as no surprise at all to me. The difficult matter is getting folk to see it.

Here anyway, we have proof of how the stats are being fiddled with…




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Fox News whistleblower is SUSPENDED after announcing plans to release evidence of ‘muzzling’ through Project Veritas – hear that interview



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Eric Clapton speaks out




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Eric Clapton: Exclusive & Uncensored

This is a very grounded, and honest interview, based on Eric’s first-hand experience.

It is our hope that this interview will inspire more within the public eye to speak out.

In the event that the stream is pulled, we have alternative platform links ready to go that will be posted here.



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More Jab Fatalities

Oregon Senator’s Wife and 19-Year-Old College Student Among Latest Victims DEAD Following Bioweapon COVID-19 Shots

More Jab Fatalities Lg.php?bannerid=2814&campaignid=16&zoneid=33&loc=https%3A%2F%2Fvaccineimpact

More Jab Fatalities Senator-wife-college-student-among-dead

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Tragic stories continue to come documenting the horrific loss of life and crippling effects of the COVID-19 shots, which many medical doctors and scientists are now calling “bioweapons.”
Most of these are simply statistics reported to VAERS, where they may or may not be recorded by the CDC, but to their families, they are a tragic loss of life, and we will continue to put names and faces on these “statistics” of unnecessary deaths and crippling injuries following these bioweapon injections developed by eugenicists that cannot even legally be called “vaccines.”
In today’s round-up, we bring you the news of three deaths, including the wife of an Oregon Senator, a young 19-year-old college student from Northwestern University, and an 18-year-old Italian teen whose death prompted Italy to suspend the AstraZeneca injections to those under the age of 60. Another Oregon woman has suffered blood clots in her brain, lungs, stomach, and throat, and is afraid to go to sleep at night.

More Jab Fatalities Lawanda-J.-Manning
Lawanda Manning. Image from Facebook.

Lawanda Manning, Wife of Oregon Senator James Manning, Jr. Dies Less than Two Months After Receiving COVID-19 Shot

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A Health Impact News reader has alerted us to the death of Lawanda Manning, the wife of Oregon Senator James Manning, Jr.
She reportedly died on June 11, 2021, and was “fully vaccinated” with a COVID-19 shot on April 16th, according to a photo of her and her husband posted on Instagram.

More Jab Fatalities Oregon-Senator-COVID-shot-death

Senator James Manning, Jr. announced her death on his Facebook page on June 12th.

She was apparently well-loved among Oregon politicians, many of whom paid tribute to her life, although no mention of her receiving a COVID-19 injection could be found in any of the news stories that I read.
Lawanda Manning, wife and legislative aide of state Sen. James Manning, died on Friday, June 11.
Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney announced Lawanda Manning’s death in an email Friday. Courtney said, “the Oregon State Capitol lost one of its kindest souls.”
“Lawanda was full of love, laughter and joy. Wherever she went, she lit up the room and brought smiles to faces. Generous and full of compassion, she always looked for ways to make life better for others,” Courtney said in the email.
“Lawanda was an incredible woman, wife and friend. My heart goes out to her husband, James. She was his rock. They shared a strong bond. She will be missed.”
Sen. Manning, a Democrat, represents Oregon Senate District 7, which includes north Eugene, west Eugene, Santa Clara and Junction City. Lawanda Manning served as his legislative assistant, an administrative support and constituent-facing position
Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis said Lawanda Manning was an important booster for civic and social issues in the local community. Vinis said her many contributions will be missed.
The Oregon Legislative Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus in a statement said “Miss Lawanda” “was her husband’s rock and a mentor to all; a bright light to many staff, legislative members, and their families.”
“She was not a woman who worked behind the scenes. She led out front as a leader in the community, chairing the Oregon Commission on Black Affairs, helping to usher in a historic wave of progress in the arena of civil rights and social justice,” the statement read. “Her legacy is built upon her steadfast devotion to progress, and the unwavering love she gave to the many lives she touched. Miss Lawanda is irreplaceable and will be deeply missed.”
“She was such a lovely human being. She was so deeply committed to our community. She was so intelligent and insightful, and was just a pleasure to work with and a pleasure to know. It is a loss to our community and to our state,” Vinis said.


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FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats Screen-Shot-2018-05-15-at-11.29.52-PM-400x242

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats
Date: June 15, 2021Author: Nwo Report 

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats Image-614

Source: RT
Some followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory might decide to engage in real-world violence against the ruling Democrats, FBI and Homeland Security analysts wrote in a memo provided to Congress that has now been made public.
“We assess that some DVE [domestic violent extremist] adherents of QAnon likely will begin to believe they can no longer ‘trust the plan’ referenced in QAnon posts and that they have an obligation to change from serving as ‘digital soldiers’ towards engaging in real world violence—including harming perceived members of the ‘cabal’ such as Democrats and other political opposition—instead of continually awaiting Q’s promised actions which have not occurred,” says the memo, breathlessly reported by CNN and other corporate media outlets as a clear and present danger to the US.

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats Image-615

Right below that assessment of likelihood, however, the FBI and DHS say that other QAnon adherents “likely will disengage from the movement or reduce their involvement in the wake of the administration change,” which might be “spurred by the large mainstream social media deplatforming of QAnon content.”

The memo itself leads with the disclaimer that it’s “provided for informational purposes only.” It is dated June 4, and was provided to Congress at the request of Senator Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to CNN. An earlier, classified version of the memo was provided to lawmakers in February, according to Heinrich.
This might explain why there are references to mass deplatforming of QAnon – which was going on in the wake of the January 6 riot at the US Capitol – and that the most recent example of “DVE activity” is dated January 8.
One of the examples, dated back to March 2020, was also questioned by an expert. There was “no evidence” that the train derailment in California “was directly linked to QAnon,” said Marc-Andre Argentino of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King’s College London.

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats Image-616

The memo says more than 20 QAnon followers were among those arrested for trespassing at the Capitol on January 6. Over 400 people have been charged in connection with the riot, however. As 25,000 National Guard troops deployed to Washington, DC to secure Joe Biden’s inauguration, mainstream media outlets cited a purported FBI memo warning about militias threatening to storm DC and state capitals. No one showed up on the appointed day, however.
As criticism of the “occupation” in DC grew, the Capitol Police cited another secret intelligence bulletin claiming QAnon, Boogaloo Boys, or some other sovereign citizen militia would try to attack the Capitol on March 4. The House adjourned early citing the threat, while the Senate carried on. Nothing happened.
The Capitol was actually attacked on April 2, but not by QAnon. An African-American man rammed into a barricade, killing one Capitol Police officer and attacking another with a knife before he was shot to death. He claimed to have been a member of Nation of Islam, which disavowed him. The last remaining 2,000 National Guard troops departed the Capitol on May 24. 
According to the FBI memo, followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory believe that the US is run by “a corrupt cabal of ‘global elites’ and ‘deep state’ actors run a Satan-worshiping international child sex trafficking ring,” which Donald Trump tried to oppose while president.
Democrats have accused the Republican party of being QAnon believers, but a recent poll suggested that 23% of Republicans – as well as 15% of independent voters and 8% of Democrats – actually found the conspiracy theory plausible.

FBI hypes QAnon threat again, says some conspiracy theorists ‘likely’ to attack Democrats

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كلام الأسد في المسألة القوميّة


رئاسة السورية تقول إن الرئيس بشار الأسد بحث مع وفد من “المؤتمر القومي الإسلامي” في فكرة القومية العربية والهوية والانتماء، وشدّد على ألاّ يُنظَر إلى الدول العربية إلاّ كساحة قومية واحدة.

الأسد لوفد “المؤتمر القومي الإسلامي”: القومية هي انتماء ولا يمكن أن ننظر إلى الدول العربية إلا كساحة قومية واحدة

استقبل الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد اليوم الثلاثاء وفداً من “المؤتمر القومي الإسلامي” ضم رؤساء أحزاب ونواباً وشخصيات سياسية ونقابية من عدد من الدول العربية والإسلامية، وفق بيان صادر عن الرئاسة السورية.

ووفق البيان، بحث الأسد مع الوفد، خلال اللقاء، في فكرة القومية العربية، والهوية والانتماء. وتمّ التأكيد أن ما حدث مؤخراً في قطاع غزة، والانتصار الذي تحقق هناك، وتحرّك الشعب الفلسطيني في جميع المناطق، وتحرّك الشعب العربي وتفاعله مع هذا الحدث، أثبتت أنه على الرغم من كل المخططات التي تمّ تحضيرها وتسويقها للمنطقة العربية، فإن الشعب العربي في كل أقطاره ما زال متمسكاً بعقيدته وهويته وانتمائه. 

وشدد المجتمعون على أهمية التوجّه إلى الشباب، وضرورة التجديد في اللغة التي يتم توجيه فكرة القومية من خلالها إلى الأجيال الشابة.

واعتبر الأسد أن فكرة القومية، في معناها الأساسي والجوهري، هي فكرة انتماء، ويجب عدم تقديم الفكرة القومية في الإطار النظري العقائدي المجرد، وإنّما يجب أن تكون هذه الفكرة مبنية على الحقائق، وأن يتم الربط بين الأفكار المبدئية والعقائدية، وبين مصالح الشعوب.

وأشار الرئيس السوري إلى أن التحدي الذي يواجه النخب الفكرية العربية هو “إقناع الناس بأن هناك علاقة مباشرة بين الانتماء والمصلحة”، معتبراً أنّ “الحالات التقسيمية والانعزالية والطائفية إذا حدثت في دولة عربية، فإنها ستنتقل إلى الدول الأخرى، وبالتالي لا يمكن أن ننظر إلى الدول العربية إلا كساحة قومية واحدة”.

بدورهم، أكدّ أعضاء “المؤتمر القومي الإسلامي” للرئيس السوري، أن صمود الشعب السوري وثباته في وجه كل ما تعرض له خلال السنوات الماضية “أعادا الاعتبار إلى المشروع القومي”. وأشاروا  إلى أن سوريا دفعت ولا تزال ثمن مواقفها القومية ودعمها للمقاومة، وتصديّها للمخططات والمشاريع في المنطقة.

ورأى المجتمعون أن “من حق سوريا على كل الشعوب العربية والإسلامية، وكل القوى الحرة في العالم، أن تقف إلى جانبها، لأن الدفاع عن سوريا  هو دفاع عن النفس وعن المصير والمستقبل، ولأن الانتصارات التي حدثت في لبنان أو في فلسطين لم تكن لتحدث لولا صمود الشعب السوري”. 

كذلك، وجّه وفد “المؤتمر القومي الإسلامي” التهنئة إلى الشعب السوري على النجاح في الاستحقاق الانتخابي الرئاسي، معتبراً أنه “أظهر عبر هذا الاستحقاق روح التحدّي التي تمكّن من خلالها من الصمود والثبات، وبرهن أن الحربين الإرهابية والاقتصادية اللتين تعرض لهما لم تتمكنا من كسر إرادته الحرة وقراره المستقل”.


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CDC Caught Cooking the Books

COVER-UP: CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines – By Joseph Mercola

The Smoking Man

Source –

  • “…The CDC has suddenly lowered the CT considerably — from 40 to 28 or lower5 — in what appears to be a clear effort to hide COVID-19 breakthrough cases in those injected with the COVID-19 vaccine….That means a switch from 40 to 28 reduces the magnification, i.e., the sensitivity of the test, by more than 4,000 times. The end result is far fewer positive test results. However, this only applies to people who are being tested for breakthrough infection. So, as vaccinated individuals are contracting the illness, they’re now less likely to register as positive cases, which makes the “vaccine” appear more protective than it might be in actuality”

CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines – By Dr. Joseph Mercola

CDC Caught Cooking the Books Cdc-covid-vaccine-thumb

Story at-a-glance

  • COVID-19 has been a pandemic of false positive tests; the thing that kept the fraud going was the fact that laboratories were using excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) when processing the PCR tests, resulting in false positives
  • Now, as over 100 million Americans have been “vaccinated” against COVID-19, the CDC is lowering the CT from 40 to 28, but only when diagnosing vaccine breakthrough cases — cases where fully vaccinated individuals are diagnosed with COVID-19
  • To make matters worse, the CDC also will no longer record mild or asymptomatic infections of those who were immunized as “COVID cases.” The only cases that now count as COVID cases for someone immunized with the COVID-19 vaccine are those that result in hospitalization or death
  • While healthy people continue to be misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 when they really don’t, thanks to an excessively high CT, the CDC is simultaneously minimizing the number of breakthrough cases by using a CT that will minimize the number of false positives
  • Other countries are also manipulating data to boost COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and hide breakthrough cases. In the U.K., COVID-19 will only be listed as the cause of death if the patient actually died from an active case of COVID-19 and nothing else

For many months now, we’ve known the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of statistical manipulation and a fraudulent testing strategy. I detailed this scheme in “COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens” and “Astonishing COVID-19 Testing Fraud Revealed.”
Now, as the infection has become endemic in most parts of the world and the mass vaccination drive is in full swing, U.S. health authorities are massaging data and revising testing recommendations yet again — this time to hide the ineffectiveness of the vaccines. As reported by Off-Guardian, May 18, 2021:1

“The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for ‘Covid19’ in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy ‘vaccines’ are effective at preventing the alleged disease …

The trick is in their reporting of what they call ‘breakthrough infections’ — that is people who are fully ‘vaccinated’ against SARS-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway. Essentially, COVID-19 has long been shown — to those willing to pay attention — to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:

1. False-postive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value).2
2. Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of ‘Covid case,’ used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a ‘Covid19 case,’ even if they never experienced any symptoms.
Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.”

CDC Is Cooking the Books on COVID Breakthrough Cases

Originally, the CDC recommended labs use a CT of 403 when testing for SARS-CoV-2 infection. This despite using a CT above 35 was known to create a false positive rate of 97%.4 In short, by using an exaggerated CT, healthy people were deemed stricken with COVID-19, and the fraud was further propped up by introducing the fallacy that asymptomatic carriers were responsible for a large portion of the spread.
Now, the CDC has suddenly lowered the CT considerably — from 40 to 28 or lower5 — in what appears to be a clear effort to hide COVID-19 breakthrough cases in those injected with the COVID-19 vaccine.
The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people. ~ Off-Guardian May 18, 2021
To understand just how significant of a change this is, consider that the CT refers to the number of cycles the PCR test is run at, and each cycle doubles the magnification of the viral RNA fragment that the test supposedly looks for.
That means a switch from 40 to 28 reduces the magnification, i.e., the sensitivity of the test, by more than 4,000 times. The end result is far fewer positive test results. However, this only applies to people who are being tested for breakthrough infection.
So, as vaccinated individuals are contracting the illness, they’re now less likely to register as positive cases, which makes the “vaccine” appear more protective than it might be in actuality.
Had a CT of 28 been used all along, we would have had nowhere near the number of “cases” currently touted and the pandemic would have been declared over sometime in 2020. Conversely, were a CT of 40 or higher used to diagnose breakthrough cases, you can be sure the numbers would be far higher than currently reported.

Mild Infections No Longer Count

To boost the appearance of vaccine efficacy even further, the CDC also will no longer record mild or asymptomatic infections in vaccinated individuals as “COVID cases.” The only cases that now count as COVID cases — if the patient has been vaccinated against COVID-19, that is — are those that result in hospitalization or death.6
Meanwhile, if you’re unvaccinated and come down with a mild case, or if you test positive at a higher CT and have no symptoms, you still count as a COVID case. As explained by Off-Guardian:7

“The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people. Consider…

Person A has not been vaccinated. They test positive for Covid using a PCR test at 40 cycles and, despite having no symptoms, they are officially a ‘covid case.’

Person B has been vaccinated. They test positive at 28 cycles, and spend six weeks bedridden with a high fever. Because they never went into a hospital and didn’t die they are NOT a Covid case.

Person C, who was also vaccinated, did die. After weeks in hospital with a high fever and respiratory problems. Only their positive PCR test was 29 cycles, so they’re not officially a Covid case either.”

As of April 30, 2021, the CDC had received a total of 10,262 reports of vaccine breakthrough infections,8 which it admitted was a “substantial undercount,” as they’re using a passive surveillance system that relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments.9 May 17, 2021, the number of breakthrough cases was slashed to 1,949, as the new guidance that only takes hospitalizations and deaths into account took effect.10

Double Standards Drive Public Abuse

By keeping the old rules for unvaccinated people — which results in a large amount of false positives and an overcount of “cases” — and applying new rules for vaccinated individuals that result in a significant number of false negatives and an undercount of cases, you end up with statistics that conform to the propaganda of the mainstream media, which falsely suggests COVID-19 is far more prevalent among unvaccinated people and that the vaccine works far better than it actually does.
All of this is to support getting as many people vaccinated with this worse than worthless, dangerous “vaccine.” As noted by Off-Guardian:11

“This is a policy designed to continuously inflate one number, and systematically minimize the other. What is that if not an obvious and deliberate act of deception?”

When asked why the CDC would not include asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases if they’ve been vaccinated, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that it’s because vaccinated asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic people carry very little virus.12
Convenient isn’t it? This reply was never given when they were counting asymptomatic, falsely positive COVID tests as “cases,” equating them instead to deaths to increase fear in order to drive people to get vaccinated.
As I’ve explained on many previous occasions, in order to be infectious, you need a sufficiently high viral load, and the viruses must be live in order to replicate. A significant problem with the PCR test is it cannot differentiate between dead or inactive viral debris and live virus.
The reason a healthy person can test positive for COVID-19 is because the test, when used at a high CT, will magnify noninfectious or harmless segments of DNA that are not related to infectious viral particles. So, again, the CDC is now admitting asymptomatic people pose no real infection risk, but they only apply this logic to those who have been vaccinated while continuing the lying charade for the unvaccinated.

Lockdowns Should Not be Based on Mass PCR Testing

More and more information is coming out showing how PCR testing has been misused. As noted in one German study, posted on the preprint server medRxiv, May 19, 2021:13

“RT-PCR testing as a tool for mass screening should not be used alone as a base for pandemic decision making including measures such as quarantine, isolation, and lockdown.”

They based this conclusion on the fact that only 40.6% of positive test results had used a CT of 25 or lower. At this low CT, a positive test result has a decent chance of being accurate, which means even if symptoms are mild, the patient is likely to be infectious.
The remainder of positive tests, 59.4%, were using a CT above 25, which means they were more likely to be false positives. As detailed in “The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga,” to obtain 100% confirmed real positives, you have to use a CT of 17.
Clearly, self-quarantining and lockdowns are irrational if nearly 60% of so-called COVID cases are noninfectious. The PCR test can also detect dead viral RNA for months after an active infection, making the test even more unreliable.
One country that has acknowledged the madness of mass PCR testing is Sweden which, at the end of November 2020, stopped relying on this test to determine cases. As noted on the Swedish Public Health Agency’s website (translated from Swedish):14,15

“The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not.

RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of COVID-19 is greatest at the beginning of the disease period.

The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual assessment by the treating doctor.”

A COVID-19 working group met April 19, 2021, to discuss whether these rules needed to be updated in light of new variants. It was decided that no change in rules was needed.16,17

UK Is Also Manipulating Data to Hide Vaccine Failure

Signs that other countries are starting to manipulate data to hide vaccine failure are also evident. For example, in the U.K., they’ve now dropped the rule that anyone having tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 within 28 days of dying is to be counted as a COVID-19 death.
Now that vaccines are out, COVID-19 will only be listed as the cause of death if the patient actually died from an active case of COVID-19 and nothing else. As reported by iNews:18

“The modelling sub-group of the Government’s scientific advisory committee Sage says that the 28-day definition was useful before widespread vaccination, because deaths in hospital within a month of a positive test were most likely due to COVID-19.

However now that tens of millions of the UK population have received their jabs, deaths from other causes could still show up in the daily data if they have previously tested positive for coronavirus.

A senior Sage source said: ‘If the definition remains the same, these people would be counted as ‘vaccine failures’, whereas the vaccine prevented death from COVID, but they really died from something else.’”

An Undeclared War Against the Public

While many people around the world still believe COVID-19 has been one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history and those of us who have survived are the lucky ones, the facts indeed tell a very different story.
When you look at how case rates and death statistics have been collected and reported, and how those parameters have changed along the way, you realize that the pandemic was a mirage, created through the manipulation of data and nothing else.
More than a year and a half has been stolen from us in an undeclared war against the public. Even with mounting awareness of the facts, the deep state players responsible for this cruel hoax are not likely to call it quits. They have a long-term goal, and that is the complete takeover and control of the global wealth and population.
So, as we move forward, we can expect more cover-ups, more obfuscation, more attempts to whitewash the truth and protect the guilty parties. Case in point: The COVID Commission Planning Group, tasked with planning the creation of an “independent” investigative commission like that for 9/11,19 is filled with people who have serious conflicts of interest.
As reported by the Miller Center,20 the COVID Commission Planning Group is backed by charitable foundations that have been part of a technocratic alliance that for years, in some cases decades, have been plotting and planning for the wealth redistribution and global power grab we’re now experiencing.
The chosen leader of this new planning group is Philip Zelikow, former executive director of the 9/11 Commission21 and a member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Development Program Advisory Panel.22,23
Zelikow, a former director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, is also a current strategy group member of the Aspen Institute,24 a technocratic hub that has groomed and mentored executives from around the world about the subtleties of globalization.
He also directed the Markle Foundation’s Task Force on National Security in the Information Age,25 the focus of which has been to make information relating to potential security threats discoverable and accessible to officials.26

Bioterror Is the New Never-Ending War

In a May 16, 2021, article, Off-Guardian details Zelikow’s conflicts of interest, and why the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon, at least if the technocratic deep state looking for a Great Reset can prevent it:27

“Zelikow’s involvement, among other things, suggests we are in the second phase of a long war of terror waged with two weapons – military and medical – whose propaganda messaging is carried out by the corporate mainstream media in the pursuit of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset …

You can be certain it won’t end soon and that the new terrorists are domestic dissidents … the commission justifying the government’s claims about COVID-19 and injections (aka ‘vaccines’) will be hard at work writing their fictive report that will justify ex post facto the terrible damage that has occurred and that will continue to occur for many years …

‘Now is the time to just do what you are told,’ as Anthony Fauci so benevolently declared … The authorities have told us what’s coming. Pay attention. Don’t be fooled. It’s a game they have devised. Keep people guessing. On edge. Relieved. Tense. Relaxed. Shocked. Confused.

That’s the game. One day this, the next that. You’re on, you’re off. You’re in, you’re out. We are allowing you this freedom, but be good children or we will have to retract it. If you misbehave, you will get a time out.”

Indeed, fear has been weaponized with devastating effect over the past year, and it is what allows the destruction of our freedoms.

The Time to Stand for Freedom Is NOW

In 2007, Naomi Wolf published “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,” in which she lays out the 10 steps to tyranny. She’s now warning everyone, everywhere, that we are at Step 10. Once Step 10 locks into place, there’s no going back. It’ll be too dangerous to fight back.
The good news is the would-be tyrants have not won yet. That said, we have no time to spare. We have no time to remain idle, hoping it will all just go back to normal on its own. The answer is peaceful mass civil disobedience. It’s time to say NO to any and all pandemic measures.
We must also rally behind legislation that prevents the alteration of laws that safeguard our freedoms. To that end, Wolf has started the Five Freedoms Campaign, which you can find on her Daily Clout website.
The campaign focuses on creating legislation to preserve key freedoms and prevent emergency laws from infringing on our freedom to assemble, worship, protest and engage in business. Legislation is also being crafted to open schools, remove mask mandates and eliminate requirements for vaccine passports.
I have no doubt that we will ultimately stop the globalists’ drive toward loss of personal freedoms and global tyranny. It’s not going to be easy. It may take years, and it may get far worse before it gets better, but if we unite, there’s no doubt we will win.

COVER-UP: CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines – By Joseph Mercola

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What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way?

20/20 VISION: What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way? – By Andrew W. Coy

The Smoking Man / 6 hours ago

What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way? Th?id=OIP

Source –

  • “…How will the Supreme Court rule, and eventually do the masses rise up and take to the streets…if it becomes clear that the presidential election of 2020 was compromised, was stolen, or at the very least had way too many abnormalities and illegalities and thus the wrong person is possibly sitting in the White House?…What happens if, by Labor Day weekend, more than half of the American people believe there was indeed election fraud and criminality, It might not be pretty.  It might get seriously ugly

What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way?
By Andrew W. Coy
What will the military, the Supreme Court, and the people eventually do?  How will the military, the Supreme Court, and the masses react to the outcome?  How will the military move, how will the Supreme Court rule, and eventually do the masses rise up and take to the streets…if it becomes clear that the presidential election of 2020 was compromised, was stolen, or at the very least had way too many abnormalities and illegalities and thus the wrong person is possibly sitting in the White House?  What happens if it becomes clear that President Trump was re-elected and the Progressives actually stole the election?  What happens if we find out that the election was manipulated?  What happens if?
We might find out these answers in the coming months.  Maybe.  What about the forensic audits of the popular votes in the contested key states?
Before the actual election in November, President Trump predicted cheating as you’ve never seen before.  President Trump said there would be voter fraud like never before in U.S. history.  Many people throughout the White House believed and were certain that something felonious was about to happen.  At 10:30 on Election Night, President Trump was up by good margins in the key states.  Then the key states shut down the election tabulations of votes “for the night.”  (By the way, the stopping of counting votes for the night had never happened before in presidential history.)  And then when we woke up in the morning, after the tallying of votes was supposedly shut down “for the night,” Joe Biden had pulled ahead, stayed ahead, and assumed the White House.  As of this writing, Biden has 306 Electoral College votes, and President Trump has 232 votes.  Two hundred seventy votes is the magic number to win the presidency.
But what about the forensic audits in the key contested states?  Starting with Arizona, then Georgia, then Pennsylvania, then…
The forensic audit of the popular votes in Arizona being conducted right now is intriguing and also a little scary.  The forensic audit of the popular votes should be able to catch and identify voting irregularities, cheating, abnormalities, and felonious actions.  What happens if not only Arizona flips, but also Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin?What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way? 7_201_9
The vote-winning margins in these four states were about 1%, or even much less.  Not a whole lot of cheating and theft required to flip the states, if that is what actually historically happened.  With Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes, with Georgia’s 16, with Pennsylvania’s 20, and with Wisconsin’s 10, if those slim margins went to President Trump rather than Biden, the Electoral College vote would be 289 votes for Trump and just 249 for Biden.  With Trump needing only 270 for the win, maybe that is why the Progressives are so determined that the forensic audits should not happen.  Maybe that is why the Deep State cabal does not want light to shine in on the actual votes last November.
What would happen next?  What does the military do?  How does the Supreme Court rule?  And then how do the masses react?  How do both the Patriot and also the Progressive citizens react?  Does the military put troops and tanks on the streets, especially in Washington, D.C., to keep Biden in the White House?  Does the military arrest Trump for winning?  Does the Supreme Court finally “man up” and hear the case of election fraud?  Does the Supreme Court rule that President Trump is actually president?  Does the Supreme Court rule that Trump is President Trump, but then the military vetoes the Court’s decision and keeps Biden in the White House?
What then do the people do?  How then do the masses react to a probable fraudulent election?  Do the Patriots finally take to the streets for a “mostly peaceful protest” of the election?  Or do the Patriots say they have had enough of the election fraud and fake president, and it gets violent?  Does it become the Reds/Patriots versus Blues/Progressives on our streets?  What happens to America if? 
It is looking more and more as if, no matter what, the military stays with Biden.  The military is looking more “woke” than the Berkeley campus as the military drives out Christians, conservatives, and constitutionalists.  The military is more concerned with fighting a nonexistent threat of global warming and a trickle of “white supremacy,” appearing unconcerned about a rising Chinese communist menace.
The Supreme Court might be different.  There were three Supreme Court members who actually wanted to hear the cases of presidential election fraud.  They wanted to see the facts, but it takes four Court members to agree to hear a case.  The two key members of the Supreme Court would be Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.  It is probable that Barrett and Kavanaugh feel guilty and impotent because of their weak refusal to be actual Supreme Court members and hear tough, politically charged cases.  The two of them might have actually changed their minds and toughened up and will agree to hear new challenges of the 2020 presidential election — that is, if, if, if the four states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin flip their Electoral College votes to Trump, and thus Trump has exceeded the 270 hurdle.  Or will the Supreme Court cower again, just as it did last December? 
It is hard to tell at this date if all this reads like a historical chapter of an election held in a banana republic south of the border, or does it read like a cheap novel that no one would believe could play out in America?  The military, the Supreme Court, and the masses will have a lot to say either way.  Do the Patriots simply wait until 2022 or 2024 and let Biden stay, even if not actually elected?  Do the Progressives say that under no circumstances, including the jailing of political opponents, does President Trump ever get back into where he was legally elected?
Keep a sharp eye on the audits going on now and throughout the summer.  What happens if, by Labor Day weekend, more than half of the American people believe there was indeed election fraud and criminality?
It might not be pretty.  It might get seriously ugly.  But these professional forensic audits are necessary.  They must be done professionally and accurately.  They will have a big say in who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the next three years.  Maybe.
What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump’s Way? 229563_5_
Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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Good People (And A Critter) Doing Good Things

Good People (And A Critter) Doing Good Things

Posted on June 16, 2021 by jilldennison 

Here we are back at Wednesday and guess what?  I found some good people to tell you about!  Surprised, aren’t you?

One heck of a gift …
17-year-old Verda Tetteh is a very smart young woman!  She graduated from Fitchburg High School in Massachusetts with a near-perfect 4.9 GPA and has earned a full scholarship to Harvard University!  Even so, her guidance counselor urged her to apply for a $40,000 merit scholarship her school would be awarding to one male and one female graduating student, saying it would help with expenses.  Verda says she had qualms about applying, but figured she wasn’t likely to win anyway, and her counselor seemed set on it.

Good People (And A Critter) Doing Good Things Verda-tettah

So, imagine her surprise when on June 4th, during the graduation ceremony, the school’s assistant principal announced that she was the winner of the $40,000 award!  Stunned, she accepted the award, but then ten minutes later walked back onto the stage, apologized for disrupting the ceremony, and said …
“I am so very grateful for this, but I also know that I am not the one who needs this the most. I would be so very grateful if administration would consider giving the General Excellence scholarship to someone who is going into community college.”
Immediately after her speech, her fellow classmates and the crowd at the ceremony cheered and rose in a standing ovation.
Ms. Tetteh was 8 years old when she moved from Ghana to Fitchburg, a city of about 40,000 people, 50 miles west of Boston, a city where more than 60% of the students in the high school are identified by the State Department of Education as “economically disadvantaged,” and 67% are described as “high needs.”  Some 75% of the roughly 1,300 students are students of color, said Jeremy Roche, the school principal. At least 40% percent of those students go to community college when they graduate.
Ms. Tetteh was chosen by her fellow classmates to be the speaker at their graduation.
“Some of us were born with the odds stacked against us, that we may not make it to today. I have gotten to know so many of you these past four years and there is so much potential in our class. To every immigrant child, you can make it. To every dreamer, you can make it.”
What a remarkably compassionate, generous young woman, don’t you think?  She serves as an inspiration to us all.  I think Verda Tetteh will go far in this world, no doubt helping many people along the way.

One heck of a good deed for veterans
Marty Weber and Jeff Poissant met in the late 1980s while both were in the U.S. Army stationed in Germany.  They became business and life partners for three decades before Poissant died four years ago of cancer at age 56.
“I didn’t even know I was attracted to men. I met him, and we fell in instant love. We did. He knew, but I didn’t. We were two peas in a pod. He was a helicopter crew chief, and I was a truck driver. So, we had land and air.”
Together, they owned a successful landscaping business, a home and an adjacent 36 acres of land that is currently unused, though they had always envisioned somehow using their Ocean County Ponderosa to help fellow veterans.
After Jeff’s death, Marty was offered $3 million for the property, but he held out, still wanting to put it to good use, to use it to help fellow veterans.  And that’s when a fellow veteran Keith Petterson, suggested that Weber get in touch with the head of a local homeless outreach organization looking to create a home for homeless veterans. That person was Paul Hulse, director of Just Believe, a group he founded in 2019 that operates Toms River’s Code Blue warming shelter at Riverwood Park.
Well, Marty made that phone call and that set the ball in motion for development of an 8,000-square-foot building along Route 72, which would be divided between a treatment facility operated by a Marlton-based healthcare provider, New Life Addiction Services and a thrift store run by Just Believe.  Its name? Jeff’s Camp.

Good People (And A Critter) Doing Good Things Jeffs-camp-sign

Marty Weber turned down $3 million to instead help fellow veterans.
“We thought about a cemetery for the vets. But this is going to keep them alive.”
What a marvelous tribute to his life’s partner and such a great thing for veterans who served their country and now need a bit of help.  Thank you, Marty Weber!

What a way to spend a vacation!
Stefani Shamrowicz is a 24-year-old woman from Fort Collins, Colorado, who had the great fortune of a month off from her job at a campus recreation center.  So what did she do with her time off … a trip to Disneyland?  Hiking the Rockies?  Getting a tan at a beach?  Nope, Stefani spent the entire month … wait for it … picking up trash!

Good People (And A Critter) Doing Good Things Stefani

She has now driven over 70 hours through Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York—cleaning up everything from pee-filled bottles to lawn ornaments.  Says Ms. Shamrowicz …
“About 80 per cent is drinking bottles and face masks have been pretty common. I’ve found a few fast-food toys and a tire with a pair of cowboy boots in it.”
Stefani said her aim isn’t to shame, but rather encourage people to do what they can.
“When I post it’s never ‘this is disgusting or we’re awful,’ it’s ‘hey I’m cleaning up this city’ and keeping a positive light on it. I’m not going to be able to pick up everything, but if everyone starts picking up some on walks or runs, that’s where the magic is. My monumental day was bag 100 in Ohio on day 16. I dedicated that to my parents because they raised me to be this independent person and have been very supportive on the trip.”
What an awesome young woman!  I haven’t been walking at our local park this year, but in years past I saw water bottles, soda cans, discarded shoes & clothing, food wrappers, and other assorted junk just thrown down on the ground, despite the fact that there are 4 large trashcans in this very small park!  A few times I came home, got a trash bag, and went back to clean up as much as I could.  I don’t know why people are too lazy to carry their trash to a bin or some other appropriate place … to me, it is ignorant and cruel to the environment.  I doubt any of us are going to spend a month picking up other people’s trash, but when you see something thrown down in a parking lot or on a sidewalk … bend down and pick it up!  And a huge thanks from Planet Earth to Ms. Shamrowicz for doing her part to clean up!!!

Give that dog a bone!
Every now and then, I have a story about a good critter doing good things, and this week look what I found!
You know how it is when there’s a toddler in the house, just learning his way around, needing to explore every nook and cranny … and stairs!  Well, Lisa is a Great Dane puppy living in a house with one of those pesky always-on-the-move toddlers, but Lisa has made it her job to keep that little tyke from climbing the stairs!  Watch …
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Video: Joe Rogan Warns “What’s Happening In Mexico Could Easily Happen Here” Due To Defunding Of Police

Podcast king Joe Rogan issued a stark warning this week concerning the ongoing leftist campaign to defund police departments all over the country, noting that the U.S. could soon resemble Mexico if it continues.

“Cops don’t do anything if someone jumps into someone’s backyard, they don’t arrest them — like, you have to do like $900 worth of theft before they’ll even arrest you,” Rogan said, adding “If they do arrest you, they’ll just put you right back out on the street again.”

Rogan noted that things have gotten worse “after the defunding.”

The host added that “The defunding of the police in Austin has been a disaster, too, and New York’s been a disaster. It’s terrible everywhere. It’s a terrible idea.”

Rogan further noted that “the idea that you are going to send social workers to handle someone’s domestic violence case is fucking bananas!”

He asserted that the defund the police movement is supported by “a lot of people that don’t understand violence that think that’s OK, and they have this utopian idea.”

“What’s happening in Mexico could easily happen here with no police presence. People have to understand that,” Rogan urged.


As we have previously noted, researchers and experts have warned that defunding the police is having, and will continue to have, disastrous consequences.

Last year after unrest and violence targeting police, Harvard university Professor Roland Fryer urged that defunding the police would cause more loss of life, citing figures showing that there are “450 excess homicides per year” when police are not able to do their jobs proficiently.

“Defunding the police is not a solution and could cost thousands of black lives,” professor Fryer wrote in an email to the College Fix.

Fryer has recently authored a research paper titled “Policing the Police: The Impact of “Pattern-or-Practice Investigations on Crime,” noting that police are less present when ‘viral incidents’ occur, meaning crime, including homicides increase… a lot.

Last year it was reported by the New York Times that Gun violence is up 358% in New York City since June 2019 as police are being stripped of resources in Democrat run cities nationwide.

The explosion in gun violence dovetailed with the disbanding of NYPD anti-crime units, a decision that meant around 600 plainclothes officers were taken off targeted raids and reassigned.

In addition, Democrat imposed “reforms” have meant that around 40% of people arrested on gun possession charges were released without bail in 2019.

Figures also show that other Democrat run cities including Chicago and Minneapolis have experienced a massive uptick in gun violence.

Despite the crime spike, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously passed a resolution to replace the police department with a “community-led public safety system.”

Meanwhile, the radical leftists and Democrats who are pushing the movement think nothing of hiring their own armed security while everyday Americans are left at the mercy of criminality.


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