I have reposted many of Max Igan’s Bitchute videos now and then.
He has been kicked off of dammn near every platform out there
I personally have tried to stay more in the shadows as this life I wanted nothing to do with herding sheep, having had the sheep help the jackals kill my bodies for trying to save the sheep from the jackals.
Find I can not keep quite as when I march into the halls of Valhalla, I will be damed if my line has to hang their heads in shame.
That’s why I started speaking out.
Started this blog and a smaller one back about 2016 I think it was.
Been banned from YouTube for telling the truth.
Got thrown in Facebook jail for telling the truth so many times I deleted my account and made a new one which I kept down to 8 “friends” one of who died here a few months back.
Just family and a few people I know from back home.
Got locked out of my old Twitter Litter account for telling the truth during the Scamdemic.
Got locked out of my Linkedin account a couple of months back for telling the truth.
Don’t know why Twitter Litter let me have another account, but they did.
Been censored regularly on post and peoples for telling the truth.
Had contact with a Max Igan Backup account on Twitter litter and Immediately had to match a number with a photo of things that number, then gat a twitter litter message –“We’ve added a temporary label to your account which may impact its reach. Learn more”.
Personally I have come to the place where I don’t worry too much about the evil ass holes doing all the raping, robbing, starting wars, herding the sheep through the slaughterhouse doors as I have a life phylosipy.
I tried to hide form the creator God, the Source, Universe, Light, whatever name floats your boat.
But in the end, God knew where I was all the time and I was not allowed to play hockey and just enjoy my twilight years fishing and such.
I speak out because the truth has to be told so souls can be held accountable on the others side both for what they did do and what they did not do.
If God allows my truth to be censored, then that is up to God.
If God allows the evil f##ks to kill my body once again, that is God’s plan.
If the few awake need to find my truth, God will direct them to it.
Personally I am just waiting for the train wreck to happen when the sheep are forced to wake up, the ones not dead or dying form the killer jabs.
When the wake up, and one awaking person I talked to personally the other day said he is waking up to the evil done by these f##ks and he is PISSED.
When enough wake up, when enough demand some pay back and some clean up of society, Ole Dog! like me will who understand history, government, how blackmail is done, law, and war will be needed for the convening of Nuremberg tribunal Common Law Courts.
Some one will need to instruct the angry awaking to search all the files of Facebook, twitter, MSM, politicians post/statements, priest, ministers, school teachers, sundayschool teachers, School administrators, Hospital administrators, to getather they own words to be used as evidence to prove their evil in the Killer jab holocaust, the holocaust of the Palestinians, the holocaust via GMO frankenfoods, %-G towers, “smart meters”, fluoride in water supplies, cancer causing chemicals in products and pedophilia.
Some one will need to help them set up the courts, someone will need to tell them who to go after, someone will need to sit as a judge, someone with no mercy for evil f##ks will need to pass sentence on hundreds of thousands of collaborators and see that they die publicly, grotesquely, shitting their pants as their necks snap as examples and warnings against anyone being tempted to take the 30 shekels to betray humanity as has been widely done this time.
General George S Patton murdered by the US for trying to stop the pre-planned Cold War and the complete takeover of America by Red Russian Zionism/Communism is my cousin.
We think much alike on most matters.
I like him will leave it to God to have mercy on my enemies.
When the time comes, it is my duty to turn the beast loose on the evil ones.
I will do so!
The Ole Dog!
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