Our ageing workforce: official figures reveal more of us are working into our 70s

  • In 1975, 14% of the
    population was aged 65 and above. Now, it is 17.2%. By 2051,
    it will be 24%
  • State pension age will rise
    to 66 for men and women in 2020
  • It will rise again to 67 between
    2026 and 2028… and will keep on rising

Becky Barrow

Last updated at 11:04 PM on 16th February 2012

Thousands of women are working on into their 70s as Britain is hit by a retirement revolution.

An astonishing one in eight continues until past the age of 70, official figures revealed yesterday.

Among men, the figure is one in ten.

Experts predict the army of ‘grey workers’ will continue to surge, as those of retirement age are squeezed by a chronic lack of pension savings.

The Government's controversial plans to increase the state pension age will push more and more people into working for much longer

The Government’s controversial plans to increase the state pension age will push more and more people into working for much longer (posed by models)

Increasing numbers are choosing – or being forced – to work well beyond the age when their own parents or grandparents stopped.

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal 12.5 per cent of women workers and 10.1 per cent of working men did not ‘leave the labour market’ until they were between the age of 70 and 75. 

Just a third of the private sector workforce in this country has a company pension.

Soaring life expectancy graphic

For those who do have one, the average ‘pot’ would buy a pension worth just £1,400 a year.

In its report, called Pensions Trends, the ONS said people ‘will be increasingly likely to continue working’ beyond the traditional retirement ages.

The age at which people are retiring has begun to rise rapidly, the report also showed.

In 2004, a man typically stopped working at the age of 63 and 10 months.

The most recent figures, for 2010, show the average man quits when he is 64 and seven months.

The scenario is similar for women. They used to retire at the average age of 61 and two months, but this has jumped to 62 and four months.

The Government’s controversial plans to increase the state pension age will also push more and more people into working for much longer.

The state pension age is being increased to 66 for both men and women in 2020, will rise again to 67 between 2026 and 2028 and will keep on rising.

Experts predict a child who is currently nine will not get his or her state pension until the age of 73.

The report also predicts the size of Britain’s old-age population will explode.

In 1975, just 14 per cent of the population was aged 65 and above. Today, it is 17.2 per cent. By 2051, it will be a staggering 24 per cent.

But while people may be living longer, a significant chunk of their life will be spent in ‘not good health’, the ONS also warned.

For example, a man living in England who is 65 can expect to live on average for another 17 years and 10 months.

But he will be only in ‘good’ or ‘very good’ health for another 10 years, which means he will spend just over seven years in ‘fair’, ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’ health.

Women in England face a similar trend.

At the age of 65, a woman’s  average life expectancy is another 20 years and five months, but only 11 years and eight months will be spent in ‘good’ or ‘very good’ health.

Joanne Segars, chief executive of the National Association of Pension Funds, said: ‘Some people will enjoy working into their 70s but sadly many will find it a slog.

‘They would rather be enjoying their retirement instead of clocking on.

Steve Webb, the Pensions Minister, said: 'We can no longer look to our grandparents' experience of retirement as a model for our own'

Steve Webb, the Pensions Minister, said: ‘We can no longer look to our grandparents’ experience of retirement as a model for our own’

‘Unfortunately too many people reach retirement age only to find their savings and pension are not enough, and so they have to keep working for years longer than they imagined.

‘The UK is not saving enough for its old age so this trend is likely to increase.’

The ONS said its calculations were based on looking at male and female workers between the age of 51 and 75, and working out the age at which they ‘leave’ the labour market.

Steve Webb, the Pensions Minister, said: ‘We can no longer look to our grandparents’ experience of retirement as a model for our own.

‘We will live a lot longer, will need to save more and many of us will continue working beyond the traditional “retirement age”.

‘This is why we abolished the outdated laws that allowed employers to sack someone when they reached 65 and why getting people into workplace pensions will be so transformative.’

Dr Ros Altmann, director general of Saga, the old age specialists, said: ‘We are on the cusp of a retirement revolution. Retirement is becoming a process, rather than an event.

‘Our poll of people in their 50s found many want to keep working beyond the age of 65 but 70 per cent want to do it part-time.’

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If you work hard all your life and pay all your dues, when you retire you are penalised if you have paid into a pension and NOT lost like it we did, you are penalised, because the bigger thepension they penalise you, if you have been on benifits for most or all the time you are rewarded with more benifits, so in theory it does not pay to have had a job and work your but offt, If you decide to emmigrate like when you retire, and you go out side the EU you will never get a rise on your Old age pension even if you have worked all your life, yet people go to the UK in old age and get the full pension, here in NZ I will never get the annual rise on our pensions so we and went on the NZ pension, but that means your pension is paid into the NZ pensions and then they top it up.
My cousin came back to the UK from Canada in the late 60’s and she gets the full canadian pension and the full Uk pension, so why cann’ t people like me get the full Uk pension, I worked all my life for it

Maybe the DM should employ some of these people to write their headlines.

If only there were some jobs to retire from. No chance of improvement whilst the Tories are still in charge.

Tom………excellently put.

Maybe it’s because you baby boomers have near ruined the nation you were handed by the brave people who fought the war. Get over it – so what if a housewife has to go out and work until 70 having had the luxury of previously staying at home? You lot had it so good for so long – tough luck if you didn’t prepare for retirement or hard times. Unfortunately my generation and the next haven’t had that opportunity and are still paying for your pensions. We will have to deal with this mess and we almost certainly have to pass the mismanagement of this country on to our sons and daughters. I feel so sorry for the kids, educated or otherwise, who will never enjoy the good times you once did, be it jobs, university or scholarships. Get over yourselves.

If we got rid of a few thousand spongers and ‘can’t work I’m disabled johnies’ we would be much better off.
I think we ought to start a ‘snitch on a sponger’ organisation, what do others think?

If you are considering taking your state pension overseas to live on, I suggest you Google Frozen Pensions before doing so. We are being robbed by the UK government out of our dues!

if only “mail online” would hire a few of them, we might get headlines with better grammar.

So we’ll work one more year. And live for 20+ years after that. Where’s the problem?
– Sarah, Glasgow, 16/2/2012 10:02
======================================================================================== How do you work that out??????? please, I would be very interested in your findings.

Because of divorce! Most of us (and our parents) will be divorced just in time to scupper financial stability. We blow anything up to 20K on divorce legal fees and then find that living alone is more expensive than living as a couple. We might even do divorce a few times just for good measure.

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