Osama Bin Laden told children to move to the West

Tara Brady

Last updated at 12:01 PM on 12th February 2012

Osama Bin Laden told his children to live peacefully in the West where they would get a good education, his brother-in-law has revealed.

Zakaria al-Sadah, whose sister is the fifth wife of the Al-Qaeda leader, said Bin Laden did not want his children and grandchildren following in the same path of terrorism like him. 

‘He told his own children and grandchildren, go to Europe and America and get a good education,’ according to an interview with Sadah in The Sunday Times.

Terror: Osama Bin Laden wanted his children to live in west where they would get a good education

Terror: Osama Bin Laden wanted his children to live in west where they would get a good education

Pakistani officials are refusing to release three of Bin Laden’s wives and nine of his children who are being held in a tight security compound in Islamabad. 

According to Sadah, who was recently reunited with his sister, his children have been left traumatised by the raid carried out by US Navy Seals on May 2 last year which killed Bin Laden.

The children were discovered hiding in Bin Laden’s compound in the Pakistan city of Abbottabad.

Sadah, a 24-year-old journalism student, says the children will not eat and have not seen the sun for nine months.

He said the worst affected was his 12-year-old daughter Safiyah, who held  the head of her injured mother during the attack.

Protest: Amal, one of three wives, being held in Islamabad

Protest: Amal, one of three wives, being held in Islamabad

Amal, a 29-year-old Yememi, and the two other wives, Khairiah and Siham, have gone on hunger strike to protest against their imprisonment, according to Sadah.

Sadah, who fears his sister could be charged with committing crimes against Pakistan, thought he would be given permission to take the children back to Yemin when he was asked to visit last November.

But Pakistani officials believe they could be hiding information and have so far refused to issue them with passports.

He said: ‘These children have seen their father killed and they need a caring environment, not a prison – whatever you think of their father and what he has done.’

‘They have never had a normal life.
They do not know what it is like to see the sun and to run around the
garden. It breaks my heart to see them.’

The wives are said to have remained loyal to their husband and were openly hostile to the U.S. officials who interviewed them after the raid.

None have been charged with any crime.

Amal, the youngest of the three widows, was shot in the leg as she lunged at Navy Seals to try to protect her husband during the raid.

Mission: A photo of sixteen-year-old Hamza Bin Laden a son of Osama Bin Laden taken in 2008

A photo of sixteen-year-old Hamza Bin Laden, a son of Osama Bin Laden

She was reportedly given the chance years earlier to leave her marriage to the world’s most wanted terrorist but chose instead to be ‘martyred’ by his side telling family and friends that she wanted to ‘go down in history.’

She lived in the Abbottabad compound with the two elder wives Khairiah Sabar, a child psychologist, and Siham Sabar, a teacher of Arabic.

Each wife and her children were allotted their own floor and Bin Laden would spend time with each group.

Khairiah, who was reportedly the ‘spiritual mother’ of the family, had slipped back into Pakistan to rejoin her husband after she had escaped to Iran and the Saudi Arabia.

Siham fled Afghanistan and went into hiding for several years, until she was called to return to the terror leader.

Under Islamic law, a man may have only four wives at one time. Bin Laden married six times, but divorced his second wife in the 1990s and annulled the fifth marriage within 48 hours.

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Typical – that’s what they all come here for.

Surprised not many people know this guy was a CIA asset, his family get the contracts to build U.S military bases around the world so it shouldn’t be a surprise that he was used as a boogieman for this ‘war on terror’ nonsense most of you have fallen for.

“Children, go get an education in the West!… Oh yes after I bomb it of course.”
You. Idiot.

He cant have been as dedicated as he has led his many followers to believe, young men who have been brainwashed into thinking Bin Laden’s atricities was the only route if you were not happy with the World. So he is quite happy to instigate such hate into young men he would brainwash them into suicide bombing etc and giving their lives so they can kill many innocent people but this is not acceptable for his children? As someone said- what a hypocrite!
They will probably come to Britain, we seem to let anyone in even if they are involved with terror organisations. They will jump the list for housing, given free rent, free council tax and a good income to live on every month. We will have to let them in- the powers that be will tell us it’s Human rights!

We don’t want them here sponging off benefits. Keep them out.

Speculation my friends.
This man had such deep set hate and contempt for the West and all it stands for that he took 1000’s of innocent lives in his quest for a so called ‘holy war.’
He has left behind a legacy of intolerance, bloodshed, ignorance and fanatasism.
Do any of us believe for one moment that he would encourage his children to build lives for themselves in Europe and America?
I only hope that as his children do grow they form their own opinions and reject their Father’s poisonous ideology.

Which makes him, on top of everything else, a towering hypocrite.

How the sins of the father destroy the offspring

Can i just say the meaning of jihad is NOT holy war. It just means struggle in the name of God. It does NOT mean killing in the name of God, but the word jihad is always misused.

He should have thought about that when he ordered those Arabs, flying in aluminium tubes, to turn 1 million tons of steel and concrete into dust in twenty seconds.

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