Orthodox Twist On Tucker-Putin Interview

Orthodox Twist On Tucker-Putin Interview
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Feburary 09 2024

PUTIN FROM THE OUTSET showed that he’s in full charge of his Orthodox Christian self.

He’s also in charge of Russian history of which he expressed its Orthodox Christian roots.

Putin brought it into the contemporary setting of the bombing of Serbia by the Jew, Madeleine Albright, in 1999:

As soon as developments in Sebia started Yeltsen raised his voice in support of the Serbs. We couldn’t help but raise our voices because the Serbs are close to us as a nation with its Orthodox Christian culture.”

When Tucker asked Putin about his personal embrace of Orthodox Christianity Putin instantly lifted it into a national level.

And rightly so since the Orthodox Church is always conceptually in its scope a “national” embrace of its cultural power.

Tucker:You’ve described Russia as Orthodox. That’s central to your understanding of Russia. You’ve said you’re Orthodox. What does that mean for you? You are a Christian leader by your own description. So what effect does that have on you?”

Putin:Eastern Christianity is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the Russian people. Those who profess other religions in Russia share the same traditional values. We are one family.

The motherland and the family are connected with each other since it’s impossible to ensure a normal future for our children and our families unless we ensure a normal, sustainable future for the motherland. That is why patriotic sentiment is so strong in Russia.”

IN TUCKER’S PRECEDING INTERVIEW with Viktor Orban, the Hungarian leader said the same but with a different Christian twist.

Tucker:Why are you so unpopular among leadership in the United States and the West while Hungary as a nation seems to be thriving?”

Orban: It’s more about our civilization. I mean, Western Christian civilization. The division line, you see, is not according to ideologies. It’s deeper. It has an anthropological character.

On one side US and Europe says “ego,” that is, “me,” is the centre of the world. On the other side Hungary and Russia says “family, nation, God,” is the centre of the world.

Our Christianity can be felt on our streets. We might be ‘out of fashion,’ so to speak, but we are united as a country, as a people, and we are thriving.”

Let me chime in here.

Tucker asked why Orban and Hungary are so unpopular among US leadership and the West.

It’s because the Jew rules America and the West.

And the Jew hates historical Christianity because it unites peoples of bounded borders into one family, one society, one nation.

Historically in all Orthodox Christian nations the Jew sinks to the level of a second class citizen and rightly so.

Let the Jew enjoy the prosperity of Christian national life but let him have no influence in it or he will kill it.

The Jew has killed off America but though he try he can’t kill off Russia and Hungary.

Let the Jew gnash his teeth.

Outer darkness is the place where the devil can give him full citizenship.


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