It comes as a big shock to learn that two of the fathers of the Sexual Revolution were both sexual perverts with an evangelical mission in life: to infect society with their wacky ideas and turn the world into a vast masturbatorium.
I refer to the 2oth century’s premier sex researcher Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) and his notorious contemporary, cult psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957). […]
According to Freud and his followers, anti-Semitism was a universal pathology which had its roots in sexual repression. Its cure lay in “sexual liberation”. The theory, in its crudest and simplest form, amounted to this: instead of picking on the Jews, why not just chill out and have sex?
The underlying assumption here is that sex is the great liberator and that all political and economic frustrations can be alleviated by sexual activity—particularly by obsessive and addictive sex. People who spend all their waking hours in search of sexual stimulation are obviously unfit to organize pogroms, mount bloody revolutions, or become a threat to the rich and powerful.
This, in a nutshell, was the philosophy of Wilhelm Reich, high priest of the “masturbation industry”, to borrow a phrase from E. Michael Jones’s magisterial work Libido Dominandi, where Kinsey and Reich are both discussed in great detail.
Sex, according to the philosophers of the Sexual Revolution inspired by Reich, is to be the panacea for all society’s problems: the new opium of the people. If people cannot have bread, let them eat cake. If they cannot have jobs, security, fulfillment, and a valid purpose in life, let them have sex as a substitute. If nothing else, recreational sex will provide a useful distraction and give people something to do. […]
This is the man who went on to become, like his equally perverted contemporary Alfred Kinsey, one of the godfathers of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s.
From the likes of Kinsey and Reich, the easily duped Americans were to receive instructions on how to conduct themselves sexually.
(For corroborative details, see Wilhelm Reich [pdf download])
As part of the neo-Freudian school of psychoanlysts, Reich received the enthusiastic support of a number of psychiatrists and writers, many of them part of the Jewish psychoanalytic sub-culture that was so important to erecting a powerful critique of Western culture, reaching its peak influence in the post-WWII era: Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Adorno, Horkheimer, Alexander Lowen, Stanley Keleman, Moshe Feldenkreis, Ida Rolf, Paul Goodman, Norman Mailer, Allen Ginsberg, Saul Bellow, Fritz Perls and Arthur Janov (see here and here). […]
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