Online sex predator jailed for rapes

Updated: 16:13, Friday December 16, 2011

Online sex predator jailed for rapes

Another judge has warned of the perils of social media as he jailed a former band manager for sexually assaulting and harassing dozens of teenagers he met online.

Victorian County Court Judge Richard Maidment became the second Victorian judge this week to criticise social networking sites when he jailed prolific internet sex predator John Raymond Zimmerman on Friday.

The 26-year-old lured teenage girls via MySpace and Facebook with promises of free concert tickets, merchandise and backstage passes when he was a tour manager with Australian band The Getaway Plan.

He pleaded guilty to 87 charges, including rape and child pornography counts relating to 55 victims.

Judge Maidment said Zimmerman’s selfish and evil crimes should serve as stark warnings to parents of teenage social media users.

‘Your offending … reminds us that the illusion of confidentiality, privacy and safety that internet contact with strangers provides to the curious teenager is as beguiling as it is false,’ he said.

He said social media sites gave people like Zimmerman access to a seemingly limitless supply of potential victims.

He said it was unfortunate that social networking site providers had placed little priority on using their ingenuity to protect their clients from harm.

On Wednesday Supreme Court judge Justice Betty King partly blamed the use of social media for the death of a 52-year-old man shot by his nephew Sam Michael Westbrook, after the 24-year-old posted his murderous plans on Facebook.

Justice King said people should learn to turn away from technology, including social networking sites and mobile phones if they were being harassed.

Zimmerman had a number of genuine and fake MySpace and Facebook accounts through which he contacted his 55 victims, aged between 12 and 17, who were fans of the band.

He would begin grooming the teenagers by complimenting them on their looks before asking to meet.

But if the girls refused his requests he would become angry, abusive and threatening.

Naked images of the girls captured by Zimmerman via webcam would be used to blackmail the girls into the back of his van for sex.

Seven of Zimmerman’s victims aged 13 to 15 were the subject of rape and sexual penetration charges.

One 14-year-old victim was dumped back at school with a parting ‘slut’ after Zimmerman coerced her into sex and ejaculated over her uniform.

‘Your conduct towards this victim was utterly deplorable,’ Judge Maidment said on Friday.

‘You gratified yourself at her expense and then you shamelessly and gratuitously set about humiliating and degrading her for no apparent reason other than arrogantly to disport the power you then wielded over her.’

Judge Maidment said Zimmerman pursued his victims mercilessly and did not care if he took their virginity or exposed them to pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

‘You corrupted several of your victims. Others you shocked and disgusted.

‘Your advances towards your victims lacked any semblance of respect or decency, much less friendship or affection.’

A hearing was previously told that Zimmerman considered himself a celebrity and became addicted to the adulation of young females when he worked for the band.

Judge Maidment said he took into account Zimmerman’s youth and reasonable prospects of rehabilitation in sentencing him to a non-parole period of 12 years.

He will be eligible for release in about 10 years, having already served about two years in custody, and has been registered as a sex offender for life.


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