‘One shot… then the killer laughed’: Gunman was furious after girls in victim’s group spurned his bid to ‘chat them up’, police told

  • Detectives are also investigating claims that the killers had made a deliberate decision to commit a murder and chose Anuj Bidve randomly

James Millbank

Last updated at 12:21 AM on 1st January 2012

The killer of Anuj Bidve, shot dead at point-blank range on Boxing Day, allegedly laughed as the Indian student collapsed with a gun wound to his head.

Detectives investigating the murder of Mr Bidve have spoken to witnesses who heard the killer ‘laugh sarcastically’ after pulling out a small handgun and shooting him in the head.

Police in Salford, Greater Manchester, believe the killing may have had a ‘hate’ motive but detectives are also investigating whether the killer and his suspected accomplices had tried to ‘chat up’ two Asian girls in 23-year-old Mr Bidve’s group.

Horrific: The killer of Anuj Bidve, shot dead at point-blank range on Boxing Day, allegedly laughed as the Indian student collapsed with a gun wound to his head

Horrific: The killer of Anuj Bidve, shot dead at point-blank range on Boxing Day, allegedly laughed as the Indian student collapsed with a gun wound to his head

Officers believe that they became enraged after having their advances rejected when they propositioned the young women.

A source told The Mail on Sunday: ‘It appears two young women who were with Mr Bidve had been eating at a nearby Subway restaurant on the night, when they were both accosted by two men. A brief conversation ensued and it appears the men had tried to chat them up.

‘The girls, though, rejected their advances and walked back to join their group, who were standing outside a McDonald’s restaurant along with Mr Bidve.

‘The girls said they felt scared by the men’s attentions earlier and then they realised that the men had followed them over. They say that one of the men appeared to be drunk.

‘The men followed the girls back to their group and then suddenly asked them for a light, which the girls declined. One of the men asked for the time, which one of the girls gave to them.

‘At this point, the killer, who had been standing with his hands in his pockets, suddenly pulled out a silver pistol and placed it to the temple of Mr Bidve and pulled the trigger.

‘As Mr Bidve slumped to the floor dying, the men allegedly laughed sarcastically and then ran off.’

Murder: Police in Salford believe the killing may have had a ¿hate¿ motive but detectives are also investigating whether the killer and his suspected accomplices had tried to ¿chat up¿ two Asian girls in 23-year-old Anuj Bidve¿s group

Murder: Police in Salford believe the killing may have had a ‘hate’ motive but detectives are also investigating whether the killer and his suspected accomplices had tried to ‘chat up’ two Asian girls in 23-year-old Anuj Bidve’s group

Five men have been arrested by Greater Manchester police since the incident occurred in Salford at 1.30am on Boxing Day.

Three of these were youths aged 16 and 17 and have been released on bail. 

Two others, aged 20 and 19, both  from Ordsall, Salford, are still being questioned.

Police are also investigating claims that the killers had made a deliberate decision that night to commit a murder but chose Mr Bidve randomly; he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Officers suspect the killer may have carried out the shooting to elevate his status within the criminal fraternity and claim ‘bragging rights’.

The source added: ‘Members of the Salford criminal fraternity have been appalled by the seemingly pointless nature of Mr Bidve’s shooting.’

Police have offered a £50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

Det Chief Supt Mary Doyle, leading the murder inquiry, said: ‘It is an extremely unusual, savage and motiveless attack, an absolutely horrific crime, which is why we are taking the step of issuing the reward a bit earlier than we normally would.

Sad: Flowers are left at the scene where Anuj Bidve was shot in Salford, Greater Manchester

Sad: Flowers are left at the scene where Anuj Bidve was shot in Salford, Greater Manchester

‘We absolutely understand the need  to take whoever is responsible for this off the streets. That’s the reason we are issuing it at such an early stage.’

Mr Bidve, an electronics student at Lancaster University, was killed after he and a group of friends strayed into a deprived area of Salford on their way to queue for the Boxing Day sales in the city centre during the early hours of the morning.

Chief Supt Kevin Mulligan said detectives were not ruling out the possibility that the shooting might have been racially motivated.

Throughout the week, locals left tributes to Mr Bidve at the scene in Ordsall, an area known for high crime levels.

The killing has disgusted members of the community in the tough inner-city suburb, which has found itself the subject of worldwide condemnation on news and social networking sites.

A note addressed to Mr Bidve and attached to a small bouquet of flowers said: ‘Evil and mindless people took your life away for nothing. 

‘We are local residents who are so  saddened and sickened at this senseless act. We don’t think living here will ever be the same.’

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The moral decline of once Great Britain. Shameless, irresponsible parents that don’t know how to raise children is to blame. Don’t blame ‘society’ – blame the mindless bottom-feeders that breed these contemptuous animals.

“Strayed into a deprived area of Salford”.
It is not deprived. It receives taxpayers money, over and above what it earns. It is the opposite of deprived, it is privileged. While alarm clock Britain works and pays taxes, “deprived” areas like this receive subsidised housing, housing benefit, council tax benefit, incapacity benefit; in addition to the free at point of use healthcare and state education on offer to everyone.
Deprived? Of decency, yes.

I am so shocked and appalled , where is it all going wrong, i am sorry for the family and friends of this hardworking man, who obviously had so much potential. They should send the murderer to MR Bidve country and let them punish him .

I am SO ashamed to be British right now. So sorry for this young lad’s family and for the loss of such a precious, hope-filled life. I hope the scum who did this pay a very hefty price. Life for a life. They should never walk the streets again.

Subway RESTAURANT?! Things MUST be grim up north.

sadly its time to ditch the ”great” in Great Britain

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