On The Prosecution Of Mark Levin


“We Are All Nazis Now!

endzog California desk.

Mark Levin has started to ask who are the seemingly vast, previously hidden, fascist and Nazi forces which have risen alongside Donald J. Trump and who in one of their leading media outlets The Daily Stormer called him ‘a stinking Jew,’ and who is funding them?

Well Mark they are the forces that the Jewish Cheka like SPLC and ADL have maligned and side-lined and held their jackboots on the necks of for years, the ‘bitter clinger’ white farmer in his field with his corn holding on to his guns and his original, uncensored by the Judaeo-Christians, copy of the New Testament. The white mechanic in his shed with his motorbike wondering why Shakespeare is being replaced by Gangsta rapper Ho-Bitch-DoggyDog in his children’s school’s English curriculum, the intellectual who had to give up hopes of academic success at the age of 10 when he discovered a Jeducation system out to destroy him and his ancient European values, Holohoax and mind control him with lies about history, and teach him to stand back and fail as a matter of conscience and atonement in order to allow the Jews and their battalions of muds incited against him to torment him in the classroom with Jewish invented memes like ‘white privilege,’ and to occupy in his place academic places in universities not corresponding to their actual talents or abilities, while he was shut out because of the supposed privilege of his race, from the very institutions created by his own forebears, who unlike the Jews and their imported muds actually built America.



The parasite knows not he is a parasite and Mr Levin has recently like a paedophile been touting a book of poison to his white listeners compiled by his father called ‘Proverbs For Young People.’ A book full of cultural Marxist peace and love and race-mixing crap set to ensure that little Emily on her farm in Ohio will be sure to jump into bed with some drug-peddling black when she is old enough to meet one and extend the love outreach Levin senior inserted into her innocent mind.


Of course another Jew or Marxist Goyim tool in the education system has taught her that she must do this to make reparations for a trans-Atlantic slave trade which was almost entirely Jewish, and the European colonialism of much of the 3rd world acted out by indebted monarchs to find resources to pay for the ever escalating high-interest loans to Jewish moneylenders. Though that is not what white-hating Jew Hollywood told her.

jews slave trade jew

So who are we Mr Levin? We are the ones gathered with our pitchforks outside the doors of the Jewish infiltrators and now occupiers of our once 95% white America, whom, had it not been for Trump, would have become an increasingly persecuted minority, raped, robbed and murdered by minorities incited to hate whites by Jewish professors and movie producers, in an increasingly 3d world country of mixed-race, dumbed down, low IQ muds ruled over by a Jewish paternalism that sexualizes kittle girls, feminizes little boys and serves up the poison of edible and ‘intellectual’ fast food to the Goyim masses created, as in the Jew-K, by an over 90% Jewish corporate and entertainment class.

jews slave trade

We are the white Americans who were lied to, ignored and marginalized by our Jew masters in the Jewsmedia for years, and forced to dance a dance of political death and ethnic suicide like deranged, mesmerized, mind-controlled zombies by the Jewish-controlled political parties, and the thousands of Jewish writers and commentators like the Jewish National Review and the Jewish owned and control so-called ‘conservative’ media outlets.

Brainwashed by Zio-media that our demise as a nation and race was all the fault of the Left, the Liberals and the socialists and of course white bigotry and racism, (oh and and it’s never the Jew who controls all the stings and all the parties while his transnational agenda remains as fixed as a constellation amidst the chunder mill of the furore of competing ideologies and party flags).

Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Labour, liberal or green, all different football teams with different managers owned by the same Zionist oligarchs. Every single media corporation in the Western world owned or controlled by Jews including Murdoch the lying Jew who pretends to be a Goyim when his mother was a Jew.


The light of Trump’s lamp showed that the FOX Jews Network was no less Jewish controlled than the Communist News Network or what Mark calls MSLSD. Some people, frustrated by the propaganda moved to getting news from Putin’s RT Russia only to find it was more Jewish than bagels and as anti-white as the Jewish anti-white hate orgs the SPLC and the ADL or even the FOX Jews Network. Why does Putin allow the Jews to control Russian media? Ask him.

russia today jew antifascist antinazi putin

For years we white Americans have been served up with the mantra that conservatism is devotion to capitalism, transnational Jewish corporatism and Israel, we learn from the cot that is the duty of the white man to sacrifice all and surrender all to the millions of non-whites imported by Jewish power and advocacy, and that the enemies of the people are the Islamists and white supremacists. The Jewish term white supremacist the ultimate bogey-man, the terror of all terrors worse than the Jihadis, who incidentally, have been created by Israeli violence and Jewish neocon power in US foreign policy. The first terrorist groups in the Middle East were after all Israeli, and ISIS is MOSSAD as anyone can find out with a Google search.

isis jews mossad israel

We are tired of the traitors, the lying whites appointed by the Jewish media conglomerates to speak on our behalf and lecture us. Highly paid manipulators and peddlers of the phony left/right paradigm like Sean Hannity the toe-rag of Israel and Jewish power, or mud adopting race-traitor and cultural Marxist Laura Ingraham or Rush Limbaugh who must receive a cheque every time he lies about the second world war and hides the Jew behind the curtain.

Limbaugh, who is rarely seen without a big cigar-like Jewish cock in his mouth who insulted and betrayed his German ancestry by coining the word ‘Feminnazi’ knowing as he must have full well known that Nazism unlike Judaeo social-Democracy places the family and the virtues of piety and family values as the cornerstone of it’s political and social system, while feminism is Jewish and was conceived by the Judaeo-Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism and white genocide; a septic tank that Adolf Hitler expunged from German soil only to find it’s home in the ivy league universities of the United States, where it brought about the 1960s cultural revolution with the sole aim of destroying the white family in the name of the de-Nazification of the white race.

limbaugh-catholic-capitalism jew puppet

We are tired of the big Jew commentators like Michael Savage who has given up any pretence of conservatism and now preaches libertarianism, a malignant cross between conservatism and liberalism that is as poisonous as both those positions given that conservatism as posed by the Jewsmedia and Zionist traitors like William F. Buckley has never had any relation to the Christian conservatism of the once God-fearing European American, the European American who has now been robbed of his faith through the infection of post-war cultural Marxist Judaeo-Christianity along with heavily Jewish promoted atheism, or like the pacifist and most reasonable moderate David Duke defamed in his attempts to save his race by allegations of white Supremacy every time he dares stand up for his values, traditions or worst of all the idea that he wishes to promote the interests of his own people.


The Jewish tyranny has created a situation where every single racial or ethnic or tribal group in the country, and most especially the Jews themselves, can have tens of thousands of associations and organizations devoted to their interests while any group of whites who comes together for theirs is immediately labelled racist and supremacist by the local, national and transnational Jewsmedia and persecuted by their control over the police and the agencies of the state.

white genocide europe

And we know the truth that the big-bogeymen groups that are vilified by the Jewsmedia more than often turn out to be decent white people pushed to the edge by the Zio-control of their society, and were you to meet members of the modern KKK, the most vilified group of all, you would find them in the main to be kind and decent people, many of them patriots who lost limbs fighting Israel’s wars in the Middle East having been fooled by cock-suckers of their Jewish donors like George W. Bush into thinking that they and their brothers were dying to protect America, even as Bush smashed her economy along with Jewman-Sachs and Lehmann brothers et al in one of the greatest Jewish bankster financial heists in history, and destroyed their children’s education with ‘No Mud left behind.’

Men who helplessly in the face of the Zio-regime came out to defend their heritage and flag from a filthy, disgusting imported Indian mud appointed by the Jews over the heads of the Southern whites Gov. Knickers Haley, who only five minutes after getting off her banana boat from her Paki mud village took it into her hands to bring down the whole history and heritage of the Southern whites.


Men who joined the Klan as the only resort for a working man in order to try to do what the corrupt Judaised Buckley-Limbaugh conservatism which betrayed them is not doing;  fighting for the true values of their European forebears in the face of the Jewish moral filth pouring out of the sewer-pipe of Hollywood, the promoted miscegenation and Jewish feminism destroying the white family and stopping white women breeding, mass 3rd world immigration to breed out the white race, or the Jeducation system which teaches white children to hate themselves and feel guilty for historical crimes which upon examination often as we noted earlier on, turn out to be the doing of the moneylending Jew behind the curtains such as colonialism and the slave-trade.


There is an old Jewish saying in one form or another that “The best way to control an opposition is to lead it.” Or indeed for the Jewish virus to just as often create a phony clone of it. This activity is both biologically and consciously pursed by the Jew. It is said that even one drop of Jewish blood contaminates the gene pool, and so it is therefore no surprise that a phony group has arisen called the ‘Alt Right’ whose members are half, quarter, eight or sixteenth Jewish like Ramzpaul, damaged goods who identify themselves as whites or whites or who have compromised themselves by marrying Jews, or are the slaves of Jews, or are in miscegenated relationships with non-whites, or by their own cowardice fear to face social banishment and be labelled like Jared Taylor.

No doubt the Jewsmedia and alternative Jewsmedia will give these people credibility as the voice of the revolutionary white masses; just another mask for the Jew to hide behind or to obscure the truth. But we are there under and over the surface and you will not and cannot ignore us because we are a seed of the greatest virility which will one day sweep aside the weeds of Zion that cover our ancestral earth, and seize back Europe from the Jewish bankster ZOG occupation, expelling both them and their 3rd world imports.

Who funds us Mr Levin? No-one but our impoverished selves. We live on the margins of the Judaeo construct that is currently America and ZOG Europe. Our dream, the REAL American dream of the America WE created has been subverted by you and your tribe, and the aims and purposes of our constitution, a constitution not written by or for muds and Jews, perverted out of all reality.

We Mr Levin are the ghosts of Christmas Past given body and form by the Rising Colossus of Santa Klaus Trump.




Source Article from https://endzog.wordpress.com/2016/01/24/on-the-prosecution-of-mark-levin/

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