Olympic VIPs will be whisked around London in 4,000 BMWs ¿ so much for the ¿green Games¿!

  • Parked end-to-end the vehicles would create 10 mile tailback

Louise Eccles and Ray Massey

Last updated at 10:29 PM on 1st January 2012

They have been billed as the ‘greenest’ Olympic Games in history, with spectators urged to abandon their cars and embrace public transport.

But a row has erupted after it emerged  that thousands of VIPs will travel to events in London this summer in a rather more  luxurious style.

BMW is to ship 4,000 brand-new luxury vehicles in from Germany to escort dignitaries and officials in a move described as ‘lunatic’ by critics.

Plush: A BMW 3 Series. The enormous fleet will include more than 3,000 BMW 3 and 5 Series saloons

Plush: A BMW 3 Series. The enormous fleet will include more than 3,000 BMW 3 and 5 Series saloons

The enormous fleet will include more than 3,000 BMW 3 and 5 Series saloons. Parked end to end, this would equate to a ten-mile tailback.

However, traffic should not be a problem for the VIPs who will cruise along specially reserved ‘games lanes’ near the venues.

The Olympic vehicles will be shipped into Britain from BMW’s factories over the next six months. Jenny Jones, a member of the London Assembly for the Green Party, said: ‘Most of the athletes will be staying in the Olympic Village and won’t need to travel to events, so the BMWs are really for the politicians and dignitaries.


‘Four thousand vehicles seems lunatic when we have such a good public transport system. I can understand a few officials need secure transport but 4,000? Shipping new cars in from Germany is also extremely bad news for the environment.

‘I am sure there are many local car dealers which could have supplied vehicles.’

It is understood that at least 250 VIPs will be given their own  designated BMW, complete with  a personal chauffeur, to escort them from their Park Lane hotels to the Games.

Several thousand other officials, sponsors, dignitaries and athletes – known as the ‘Olympic family’  – will share the remaining pool  of plush cars, worth up to  £30,000 each.

Members of the public will be urged to walk or try to board crowded trains and buses.

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Caroline Pidgeon, who chairs the
London Assembly Transport Committee, said the BMW fleet went against the
ethos of the Games. She said: ‘As we were promised that the 2012 Games
would be the greenest Olympics ever to take place, only electric
vehicles should have been considered.

‘Electric vehicles are not only  quieter, but far less harmful to  people’s lungs.

‘The 2012 Games should have been a big boost to the growth of electric vehicles in the UK, but instead we have vehicles which merely add to London’s serious air pollution.’ During the Games, 109 miles of roads called the Olympic Route Network will be managed to keep traffic flowing.

Traffic lights will give priority to cars travelling to the Olympic Park in East London, and access points and right-hand turns will be restricted.

But more than 30 miles of the network will include controversial ‘VIP-only’ lanes, enabling the ‘Olympic family’ in their new BMWs to be whisked through the city without being troubled by congestion.

BMW has donated the fleet as part of its sponsorship deal with London 2012. The firm will sell the cars after the Games on the second-hand market.

Despite heralding its green credentials, BMW has admitted that only 200 of the 4,000 vehicles will be electric cars. The transport deal – worth in total an estimated £150million – will also include 400 bicycles and an unknown number of motorcycles.

A BMW spokesman said: ‘We were chosen by the London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games based on our ability to provide a fleet of diverse vehicles which could meet the 120g/km CO2 emissions threshold as  set by them.

‘However, a substantial proportion of the fleet will be the diesel models.

‘The fleet of vehicles which we will supply will achieve this threshold and the Games will provide the perfect opportunity for us to showcase our efficient diesel and electric vehicle technology.’


A mile-high ‘column of cloud’ which was due to spiral into the skies over Liverpool to mark the start of the Olympic year has failed to get off the ground.

The £500,000 publicly-funded work by artist Anthony McCall was intended to be up and running ‘throughout the Olympic year’.

But delays in submitting a planning application to the local council mean the ‘corkscrew column of steam and light’ is unlikely to be seen until mid-February.

McCall’s Column will be 65ft in diameter and will rise up from the Mersey and be visible from 60 miles away on a clear day.

It will be created by a machine which will gently rotate the water on the surface of the river and then add heat to make it lift into the air like a water spout.

Column was due to be the first of 12 works of public art commissioned by the Arts Council for each of Britain’s regions to celebrate the home Olympic Games.


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It’s green games for the paying public. Dignitaries needn’t practice what they preach!

I fear the author of this article has automatically assumed ‘luxury’ equates to ‘gas guzzling’.
It may annoy those of a green persuasion, (by and large left wing in my experience) but BMW has managed to build a range of powerful, desirable and fun cars that are also extremely efficient. Much of the 3 series range for example, though not cheap, has lower emissions than a Ford Fiesta.
Anyway, heaven forbid any of the 4000 politicians or VIP’s, always the first to preach their environmental credentials at any given opportunity, should be made to walk or cycle to these events.

Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous. If the great unwashed from St Paul’s moved to occupy the “VIP” lanes they would have my backing!

All you mugs that bought into Seb Coe’s “Greenest Games Ever” schtick look really dumb now, huh? Same as those fools who believed New Liebour’s “Costs Will Be Strictly Controlled” fantasy when the original Olympic bidding took place. Does anyone in Britain honestly maintain that at £10 billion or more these Games are anything but an expensive farce?

Maybe they will be using the electric BMW’s?

Come on, people. Did you REALLY believe all the hype and lies. You could see it was all going to be for politicians, “VIPs” and their cronies from the start with the crap mascots and logo, a knighthood for Coe, and the fact that the projected cost seemed to double every week. Did Blair use the extended Jubilee line to go to New Liebour’s millenium party at the dome? Of course not. At least the BMWs will be easy to spot for the terrorists.

Oh, how the other half live!

Theres no money for the elderly to heat there homes and eat decent food, theres no money to make university cheaper for thousands of hard up students, theres no money in the kitty to bring fuel costs down, but theres plenty of money available to run V.I.P.s aqround london for the olympic games. God this is one despicable and hated coalition government, and the sooner it is brought down the better. I can only hope that the electorate wont make the same mistake of putting one of thew same crew back into power again.

I had enough about the politics revolving around the games already!

It should be a British hybrid or other ecco car NOT a BMW German car. This is our year to showcase beautiful Britain.

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