Oh Lord! Mr Clegg is such a hypocrite

Andrew Pierce

Last updated at 8:21 PM on 25th December 2011

After suffering that crushing defeat in his attempt to secure the Lib Dem Holy Grail of electoral reform, Calamity Clegg has now set his heart on reforming the Lords.

In his final speech of the year, the Deputy PM pledged to deliver an upper chamber in which 80 per cent of the members are elected, and to wield the Parliament Act – a rarely-used device to enforce the will of the Commons over the Lords – to ensure he gets his way.

An unelected House of Lords, he said, was an ‘affront to the principles of openness which underpin a modern democracy’.

Guilty: Nick Clegg has promoted more Lib Dems to the House of Lords since forming the Coalition - despite claiming that the unelected house is an 'affront' to democracy

Guilty: Nick Clegg has promoted more Lib Dems to the House of Lords since forming the Coalition – despite claiming that the unelected house is an ‘affront’ to democracy

As ever, Clegg is guilty of the most appalling hypocrisy.

An investigation by online analysts ExaroResearch has revealed that, since they joined the Coalition, his party has increased the number of Lib Dem-appointed peers by an astonishing six-fold.

Before joining the Coalition, the Lib Dems appointed just under four peers a year; in their first year in government, the number was 24.

How on Earth does this square with the Lib Dem leader’s risible claims that he is seeking to make the Lords more accountable?

But the hypocrisy doesn’t even end there. Clegg has insisted that membership of the House of Lords should never be linked to financial donations.

Yet Lib Dem peers include Paul Strasburger, a businessman and philanthropist who donated more than £700,000 to the Lib Dems before he was appointed to the Lords in November 2010.

Then there is Baron (Raj) Loomba, a businessman who coincidentally donated cash to Clegg’s leadership campaign in 2007 and to his predecessor Sir Menzies Campbell.

Of the 24 new peers, no fewer than ten are party donors. The rest are activists, councillors, national assembly members, former MPs – such as Susan Kramer – or unsuccessful parliamentary candidates.

So much for Clegg’s commitment to create a modern, vibrant new type of upper chamber.

Here’s a sobering thought for Ed Miliband on Boxing Day. Only Michael Howard, William Hague and Iain Duncan Smith had lower net satisfaction ratings after the first 14 months as Leader of the Opposition. None of them made it to Downing Street.

Chris Huhne

A Christmas card arrives from former Labour chief whip Nick Brown that doesn’t exactly offer the Lib Dems seasonal goodwill. 

The card’s illustration is of Lib Dem Energy Secretary Chris Huhne with a traffic police officer and a speed camera.

Huhne is (still) being investigated by the police over claims he asked his then-wife to help him dodge a driving ban, which he denies. 

The card declares:  ‘I am the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look upon me!’ And there is a quote from Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, which notes: ‘There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour.’

Does Huhne actually have a sense of humour?

The Tory MP Glyn Davies, who won our hearts when he defeated celebrity-obsessed former MP Lembit Opik in his Montgomeryshire seat at the last election, offered some tips on the secrets of egg production recently.

In a Commons debate he said hens should be played music.
‘Playing music in battery  cages is common practice,’  he explained.
Did he mean classical music?

‘No — Bruce Springsteen.’

Desperate: Nicolas Sarkozy

Desperate: Nicolas Sarkozy

Desperate to boost his enfeebled position before the French elections in May, Nicolas Sarkozy proclaims Britain’s economy is in a far worse condition than France’s.

But will he visit London to speak to French voters living here (he did in the 2007 campaign)? Back then, he claimed the 300,000 French in London would inevitably want to return home under his regime. So how come the number of French over here, according to The Economist, has since risen to 400,000?

In a quarter-page ad in The Guardian last week, HMRC asked teachers if they were earning money from private tuition.

‘It’s better to come to us before we come to you,’ it warned.

On the same day, it was revealed HMRC had waived £25.5billion in unpaid tax from companies such as Vodafone and Goldman Sachs.

Quote of the week: Tory MP Nadine Dorries, asked why she failed to show up for Deputy PMQs, replied: ‘Nick Clegg is an inconsistent, bad-tempered, sulky, misguided, badly-informed, opportunistic, political irrelevance.’ I think she likes him.


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