Oh, bother! There’s some more Lib Dem bother

Andrew Pierce

Last updated at 12:11 AM on 20th February 2012

For Chris Huhne, it was ‘wife trouble’. Now, his successor as Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Ed Davey, is facing his  own domestic problems: ‘brother trouble.’

Tories had hoped that the nice-but-dull Lib Dem, who was promoted from middle-ranking business minister, would cause less aggravation than Huhne, who enthusiastically backed a slew of expensive green initiatives such as onshore wind farms.

But now questions are being asked in Westminster about 46-year-old Davey because of his brother’s lucrative links to a long list of energy giants.

Ed Davey

Former Cabinet Minister Chris Huhne

Tories had hoped that Ed Davey, left, would be less troublesome as Energy Secretary than his predecessor Chris Huhne, right

Inefficient: A typically ugly wind farm in the UK that blights the countryside and does little to provide the power the country needs

Inefficient: Huhne enthusiastically backed a slew of expensive green initiatives such as onshore wind farms

Henry Davey is a partner with the leading London law firm Herbert Smith and has handled multi-million-pound deals for firms such as Centrica, EDF and the Brazilian giant Petrobras. His website biography reads: ‘Henry has over 20 years’ experience in the international energy industry, where he has advised on mergers and acquisitions. His practice encompasses energy mergers and acquisitions including electricity generation, distribution and transmission assets.’

Younger brother Ed has dutifully declared these fraternal interests, and Department of Energy and Climate Change officials insist that the relationship will not compromise his work on energy issues in the Cabinet.

A spokesman said: ‘He has provided his Permanent Secretary with a full list of his interests, including details of his brother’s employment, which will be published in the List of Ministers’ Interests. Appropriate safeguards are being put in place to avoid any conflicts of interest.’

The best safeguard, surely, would be to have given the job to someone who hasn’t got such a potential conflict of interest.

Tracey Crouch

Harriet Harman has warned David Cameron not to exploit the London Olympics for political gain. She says: ‘He would be out of touch with the mood of the nation if he sought to.’

Like Tony Blair, Ken Livingstone, Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson before him, Mr Cameron wouldn’t be a politician if he didn’t try to exploit the Games for ‘political gain’!

Labour led the opposition to elected police commissioners. So it’s interesting to see how many Labour luminaries, such as John Prescott, are rushing to apply to be the party’s candidates as police commissioners.

So far they include former Blair minister Alun Michael in South Wales; Paddy Tipping (a former aide to Jack Straw) in Nottinghamshire; former whip Jane Kennedy in Merseyside; and former Work and Pensions minister James Plaskitt in Warwickshire.

Nothing like the prospect of a £100,000 salary to overturn politicians’ sincerely held objections!

Hypocrisy? Labour luvvie and Star Trek actor Sir Patrick Stewart

Hypocrisy? Labour luvvie and Star Trek actor Sir Patrick Stewart

Labour luvvie Sir Patrick Stewart, writing in the New Statesman, pours scorn on David Cameron’s claim of togetherness in these economic hard times.

The Star Trek actor says: ‘I have nothing but contempt for the expression: “We’re all in this together.” That’s bull**** — we’re not all in this together. The members of the Cabinet are  not in the same position as the people who live near me in Bermondsey.’

Or, for that matter, the people who live near him in his large house in the Oxfordshire countryside rather than his Thames-side pied-a-terre in London. But he never mentioned his Oxfordshire house, of course.

Tweet of the week: Jamie Reed, Labour MP for Copeland: ‘Saw Clegg on TV today speaking to camera in front of some lads doing some building work. Clegg didn’t know they were building a gallows.’

No more happy hour for Dave

Hardly a week goes by without David Cameron hosting yet another summit. Last week, there were two: on car insurance and binge-drinking.

Some time ago, the PM was paid £28,000 a year as a director of Urbium PLC, now known as Novus Leisure, which operates a network of bars and restaurants, including the Tiger Tiger chain.

When Cameron quit as director in 2005 to run as Tory leader, his stake was worth £40,000. Tiger Tiger ran happy-hour promotions (blamed by many for encouraging binge-drinking) and in May 2005 was refused permission by Westminster Council to allow accompanied children under 16 in its premises.

However, its former director, Mr Cameron, has since moved on and adopts a ‘non-happy-hour’ approach, saying last week: ‘The drinks and entertainment industries must stop irresponsible alcohol marketing and stop serving people who are drunk.’


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