Obama’s Threat to Veto CISPA is a Distraction

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 26, 2012




The Obama administration claims that the President opposes the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA).

Senior State Department official Alec Ross proclaimed that the Obama administration opposed CISPA , but refused to publicly declare whether or not the bill would be vetoed.

“The Obama administration opposes CISPA. The president has called for comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. There is absolutely a need for comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. [But] part of what has been communicated to congressional committees is that we want legislation to come with necessary protections for individuals.”

History tells us that President Obama will refute legislation that he readily signs, along with giving himself authority that rivals history’s worst dictators.

12/31/2011 – NDAA signed by President Obama.
This legislation gives the President power to secretly arrest, detain American citizens without trial, and even kill them.

Late 2011 – The Enemy Expatriation Act, or H.R. 3166
If this bill were passed, it would strip US citizens of their citizenship, therefore allowing the government to treat them as terrorists.

10/2011 – ACTA Treaty signed by 22 countries globally.
This treaty allows those countries the power to censor the internet in their country at the will of the governments. This treaty was effectively executed after the protests of SOPA and PIPA.

If we go back to his election platform before he was elected to Presidency, we find a laundry list of lies Obama told to convince the American public to elect him.

A few examples are:

We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime …

The NDAA nullified this promise by broadening the criteria of suspicion of domestic terrorism to such degrees that anyone would fall under its definition. Obama has made every citizen of the US a terrorist suspect.

We reject sweeping claims of “inherent” presidential power.
The Executive Order – National Defense Resources Preparedness gave him dictator status as he claims all resources (including food and water) public and private transportation, infrastructure, and anything that would facilitate a human being’s survival in America as property of the US government; including each citizen under mandatory labor in service to the US.

We will not use signing statements to nullify or undermine duly enacted law.
Obama has used signing statements all through his presidential term. Most recent was the signing statement that followed the NDAA; claiming he would not use the power to arrest, indefinitely detain torture and kill American citizens during this term of Presidency. Yet, why assert such power if he did not intend on using it?

Obama’s recent Executive Orders have provided him powers only dictators of world history have had the audacity to usurp.

National Defense Resources Preparedness gives Obama control over all resources within the American boarders; including American citizens themselves.

Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources gives Obama the right to do what he wants with America’s energy industry.

Blocking the Property and Suspending Entry into the US of Certain Persons with Respect to Grave Human Rights Abuses by the Governments of Iran and Syria via Information Technology uses the cloak of humanitarianism to criminalize individuals and corporations for alleged “anti-Semitism” at the order of the Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center (RMRAC) Lobbyists .

Obama’s word is worthless.

He has proven time and time again that he will lie straight to the American public’s face.

The only truth we can be sure of with Obama is that if he says something, he will definitely preform the exact opposite of his assertion.

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