ObamaMedia Begins the Faking of Obama’s Poll Numbers



In order to sway the vast majority and growing number of Americans
who have finally faced up to the fact that Obama is purposefully trying
to destroy the United States of America, the Obama Media have begun
their side of the Obama syndicate’s overall strategy of lying to us. 
Polls now show 50% of voters would vote for Obama. ~ Sher Zieve

people—even those few on the Left—know this is a lie.  It’s what
all third-world countries have done since their inception. 

This is what we said would happen,
at least a year ago.  This is what is happening now.  The polls are
being used to convince the more uninformed amongst us that there is no
real hope of regaining our country and we’d better get used to
submitting to the dictator already in office. 

Obama does not intend to
leave—under any circumstances—so we may as well accept our enslavement
as the good sheeple Obama plans to herd off the cliff. 

Obama has told
us via his actions over and over again that he will decimate our country
and we can do nothing about it. 

Note:  As there are now myriad Marxist-plants in the Republicans
Party (we who have actually followed their shenanigans for years know
who they are) the Marxist-Dems have pretty much all of the support they
need to pass one unconstitutional bill after another. 

If by some
miracle these bills do not pass—they still have Obama who will
unconstitutionally and therefore illegally issue an Executive Order for
anything he wants.  As I’ve mentioned before, we’re already living under
a dictatorship.

Obama plans to reduce our nuclear weapons to virtually nothing…

Today, it was announced that Obama plans to reduce our nuclear
weapons to virtually nothing (an 80% reduction) and less than either
China or Russia possesses. 

The dictator-in-chief is bent upon making
the USA a target for both nukes and takeover by hostile forces as soon
as possible. 

Our own corrupt Congress and US military leaders are
currently silent… with only crickets being heard in the distance.  In
this, silence = concurrence.

Earlier this year, with his canceling of the (already contracted)
Keystone pipeline deal with Canada and virtually forcing Canada to sell
their oil to China, and his shutting down one coal mine after another
Obama has (in no uncertain terms) essentially told We-the-People…

more energy for you! It’s time for your country to die and make way for
my real purpose and ascendancy.  You have already learned that I can do
anything I want to you and your country and no one will stop me.  I AM

We know about all too many of the other horrors Obama has already
leveled upon us including (but, not limited to) ObamaCare, open borders
(in order to destroy our border States), placing our enemy the Muslim
Brotherhood in very high level security positions within the US
government, allowing Iran to become nuclear-weaponized (while he guts
the USA of its nukes)

By removing virtually all of the money in the US
Treasury for his own reasons and setting up one after another “green”
companies  shells for his own personal and Democrats’ slush funds and
money laundering operations. 

Each day Obama remains in office he takes
more away from us then gives it to himself and his friends.  Congress
and the leftist courts are smiling with him as they, too, work to
instill and install as many perversities as possible and help him shred
what was left of the US Constitution.

We have already been informed that if Obama seizes another term in
office, he will remove the entire Bill of Rights—with the Second
Amendment as his first target

Note:  He has already done away with the
First Amendment’s freedom of religion clause. Telling the Catholic
Church (which would include other Churches and Synagogues) that they
must comply with the provision of contraceptives, abortions and
sterilizations is in direct conflict with the First Amendment. 

It is
also illegal (which hasn’t stopped Obama from doing anything thus far),
as the POTUS has no authority to make any decisions regarding the First
Amendment—whatsoever—or any other Amendments in our Bill of Rights.  It
is forbidden by our now-almost-defunct Constitution. 

Our elected
officials seem to either stand in agreement with him or are cowering in
silence at these escalating outrages.  I’m sure that—after its decades
of following the Marxist-Democrat line of “social justice”—the Catholic
Church was shocked by Obama.  They really didn’t think the Obama
crocodile would try to eat them.  It did… and may still do so.

As I have said many…many times (even talk show hosts now openly agree
with me and are repeating what I’ve written) ‘if no one stops Obama,
it’s as if the law no longer exists’.  Sorry this cannot be more
positive, folks. 

We are allowing Obama to steal everything we
have, destroy our God-given rights and become our slave master.  This is
profoundly serious.  He truly must be stopped.

As the 2012 General Election looms closer the bogus poll numbers will increase…

As the 2012 General Election looms closer the bogus poll numbers will
increase.  By the way, the economy is not doing better.  It‘s actually doing
worse.  Those numbers are also being manipulated by the Obama machine. 

In order to even begin to report numbers that would help Obama, the
ObamaGov and the major media had to drop all essentially important
data.  The actual facts, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS) and reiterated by Tyler Durden, are: 

“…the people not in the
labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that’s
not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one

As the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4
million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million
meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9

This means the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30
year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating
nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment

The Obama government is continuing to fake employment
numbers, as well as removing other detrimental to his ruling syndicate.

The major media belongs to the Obama syndicate.  I suspect they
actually believe the crocodile won’t eat them either.  Apparently, they
have short memories as to what happened to the press under the Perons,
Stalin, Hitler and, most recently, Hugo Chavez.  If we let it, we
already know the crocodile is going eat us.


Sher Zieve – February 15, 2012 – CanadaFreePress



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