Obamacide Of America…



A shocking in depth report written by Acting Minister Tatyana Golikova of the Ministry
of Healthcare and Social Development (MHSD) sent to President Putin this
past week on the economic and social-political ramifications of the 2-year old
United States law titled Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act
(otherwise known as Obamacare) warns
that this scheme is, in fact, a “codified
system of mass genocide”
never before seen in all of human history.

According to this report, prior to this law passing in early 2010, the Obama
regime made a “secret
with all of the United States drug companies with their head lobbyist
confirming this to be true in a recently discovered email from Billy Tauzin, the head of
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA),
to former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina
(who is now Obama’s 2012 campaign manager) clearly stating before this laws
passage, “we
will deliver a final yes to you by morning.”

The “secret agreement” made between the Obama regime and these American
drug companies, this report says, was that in exchange for the US not
prosecuting them for the deaths due to their faulty (if not outright
fraudulent) drugs foisted upon the American people, they would, in turn, all
agree not to campaign against Obamacare nor spend any money advertising against

To the number of deaths directly
related to these American drug companies fearing US government retribution, this
report continues, the facts are beyond shocking and detail how faulty and
fraudulent pharmaceuticals have killed at least 2 million Americans over the
past decade alone.

Acting Minister Golikova even more
grimly notes in her report that the figure of 2 million Americans being killed
by US government-drug company collusion may, in fact, be even higher as the estimated
death figures she used were those detailed by the US Food and Drug Administration
on their own official
that lists these deplorable statistics:

Drug Reactions (ADR)

2 MILLION serious ADRs yearly

**100,000 DEATHS yearly

ADRs 4th leading cause of death ahead of pulmonary disease,
diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents and automobile deaths

patients ADR rate—unknown

home patients ADR rate— 350,000 yearly

Not included in these statistics, however, this report says, are the
estimated **500,000 deaths blamed on the heavily-promoted
anti-pain drug Vioxx that was released by Merck Company (one
of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world) in 1999 and pulled from
the market in 2004.

Adding to this horrific death toll, this report continues, are the estimated
**480,000 drug-related accidental deaths
over the past decade that in 2009
became the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States.

Rounding out what can only be described as “legalized genocide” in the United States, Acting Minister Golikova
reports, are Americans who overdosed (accidentally or deliberately) on drugs
and whose numbers over the past decade alone now equal another **400,000 deaths.  

Most important to note in this report are the comparisons made by Acting
Minister Golikova between this ongoing American “legal drug genocide” and the nearly
1,000,000 deaths
caused by the 26 April 1986 catastrophic failure of the then
Soviet Unions Chernobyl
Nuclear Plant
, where after this disaster the Russian people refused to
believe government and media lies and, in turn, overthrow the communist regime
that had ruled over them for over 70 years.

Mikhail Gorbachev
the last head of state of the Soviet Union in the past has acknowledged this
fact by stating,

nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl 20 years ago this month, even more than my launch
of perestroika, was perhaps the real cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union
five years later. Indeed, the Chernobyl catastrophe was an historic turning
point: there was the era before the disaster, and there is the very different
era that has followed.”

Acting Minister Golikova grimly concludes in her report that the “Obamacide” of the American people shows
no sign of abating and that all future signs point to an increase of nearly
10-15 million more of these people will be legally killed by the US government
during the next decade, all without one single word being mentioned of this holocaust
by their so called main stream media propaganda press establishment.

Ron Unz, the American
political activist, and major patron of Wikimedia Foundation
who in his seminal article on the aforementioned Vioxx catastrophe titled “When
Half a Million Americans Died and Nobody Noticed
” wrote:

late friend Bill Odom, the three-star general who ran the National Security
Agency for President Ronald Reagan, had spent his entire career as a Soviet
specialist, and prior to his death we both concluded that the American
mainstream media of the 2000s had become increasingly indistinguishable from
the Soviet Pravda of the 1980s.”

The question remaining to be asked of the American at this point, and as
this mass genocide and cover-up grows larger by the day, is simply this…At what
point do these people (like the Soviet people showed could be done after
Chernobyl) quit believing the lies being told them and start listening to the


May 20, 2012 – WhatDoesItMean



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