Jodi Rudoren of the New York Times has responded directly to our sharp critique of her recent article about wine-making in Israel/Palestine. In an interview today with HuffPostLive, she called our post “nuts,” and dismissed our point about the Jewish National Fund, which is the major funder of the effort to recreate ancient wine. “They said that I didn’t talk about the JNF, the Jewish National Fund, that was responsible for the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians,” she said. “Well, I didn’t. That’s background that’s not really relevant to the story, but I did put in that it’s funded by the Jewish National Fund, and people can find other articles about the Jewish National Fund that would give more background.” (Rudoren’s defense of her article starts at about 11:30 in the video.)
But you won’t find many of those “other articles about the Jewish National Fund” in the New York Times. Patrick Connors, a friend of this site, did a search of the Times‘ archives. Here’s some of what he found; Jodi Rudoren “never wrote about the JNF during her entire tenure, nor did anyone she supervises, except for Isabel [Kershner] in 2012 in a puff piece, and the NYT almost never talks about the JNF and its role in dispossessing Palestinians.”
Connors did, however, find one part of the paper in which the JNF is mentioned frequently. He discovers, “You will find tens of people requesting donations be made to the JNF in paid obituaries in the NYT.”
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