Nuremberg code will prevent you from having to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.

Nuremberg code will prevent you from having to accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
Prepare For Change / Derek Knauss

From one of our subscribers:

My dear friends around the world,

Again, there are several pieces of information for you to know.
So I will number them as I did the last time

From Andrzej Suda

Plague of Liars: Nuremberg Code Outlaws Forced Medical Procedures, Which INCLUDES Mandatory Vaccinations

Doctors Trial Nuremberg Code

© US Army
The ‘Doctors Trial’ (USA vs Karl Brandt) during the Nuremberg Trials following WW2, which established the Nuremberg Code regulating the ethics of medical intervention

Some people might not be familiar with the verb “to dissemble”, but we all need to become familiar with it, because there is a lot of dissembling going on. 

It basically means to deliberately conceal something or obfuscate it, so that one’s attention is misdirected or deflected from whatever the Dissembler wishes to obscure. Like the truth. And in this case, the truth about the Nuremberg Code and the protection it provides us from accepting any forced medical procedure or therapy at all. 

Together with casting doubts and slander, dissembling is one of the chief tools in the propagandist toolbox. 

A few days ago, I wrote an article explaining that forced vaccinations are a violation of the Nuremberg Code. Note the word, “forced”. In fact, any forced medical procedure or therapy is against the Nuremberg Code. 

All medical procedures and therapies must have fully informed and freely given consent, to the greatest extent possible – which means that people who are conscious and able to decide things for themselves remain in control of their medical destiny. 

It’s only when you are in desperate straits and unconscious that medical professionals are allowed to step in and make decisions “for you”. 

This is all cut and dried and set in cement since the 1940s, but now we have people trying to dissemble it and water it down and reinterpret the Nuremberg Code as applying only to medical experimentation. 

It does not. 

The Code itself explains exactly what it applies to, and even though the cases giving rise to the Code arose from medical experiments in Concentration Camps and involved forced medical experimentation on unwilling subjects, the core of the Nuremberg Code rose to the occasion and outlawed all kinds of forced medical procedures and therapies. Not just experimental procedures. 

Any medical procedure or therapy that you don’t want to participate in, you have the full, free, and unprejudiced right to refuse. Period. 

Go back and read Article 6, Sections 1 and 3, of the Nuremberg Code for yourselves. 

Don’t take anyone else’s word for it. Not even mine. Be sure. And make good use of the information if anyone comes to your door with a needle in hand. 

Another good one to quote in their faces is their own cherished Roe vs. Wade decision, the excuse for allowing abortion on demand. My body, my choice. That applies to every aspect of your body, what you take out and what you put into it, too. 

Here is an example of a dissembling ‘news’ article so that you can see exactly how they dissemble the actual important information and misrepresent it to mean something else: 

vaccines nuremberg


The same article draws attention to the fact that the Nuremberg Code doesn’t make vaccination illegal. Who said it did? They are deliberately creating a False Argument as a means to obfuscate. 

The Nuremberg Code makes FORCED vaccination illegal – along with all other forced medical procedures and therapies. The Nuremberg Code doesn’t single out vaccinations or any other procedure or therapy – it outlaws all forced procedures and therapies with the same broad brush. 

So if you want to be vaccinated, after being fully informed of all the possible downsides and consequences, after understanding exactly what the vaccine contains, after understanding that you will have extremely limited rights of recourse if you voluntarily take the injection and something goes wrong – then you are free to take your chances and do as you will. It’s your choice. 

The Nuremberg Code won’t protect you from your own fully disclosed consent. 

But it will protect you from being imposed upon by politicians and “private security forces” hired by banks that are colluding in this scheme to defraud America under color of law. 

The Nuremberg Code gives you full standing, if they attempt to violate it and force any kind of involuntary or undisclosed vaccination on you by any means – whether by wrestling you to the ground or by threatening to deprive you of any other right or privilege, including the right to travel and use public facilities. 

All indications are that we are entering a very dark chapter in American history. You will need to stay alert and stay informed, and you are not being given straight information from any of the commercial media channels or their acolytes and paid trolls. You need to read things with a critical eye and be able to discern the tricks the propagandists employ. 

Now read the actual Nuremberg Code Sections – Article 6, Sections 1 and 3. 

Then stand your solid ground against forced medical procedures of any kind and also against all the dissembling BS artists out there, because they are multiplying like bunnies in spring. You can take a stand against this Plague of Liars, by joining other like-minded and alert Americans who have reclaimed their birthright political standing and who are now undertaking the responsibility of self-governance – concerning their health and all other matters – via their State Assembly.


The Nuremberg Code and the ethics against the upcoming forceful vaccinochipization

The Nuremberg Code and the ethics against the upcoming forceful vaccinochipization 86The Nuremberg Code and the ethics against the upcoming forceful vaccinochipization 87

Vaccination / chipization is moving by leaps and bounds and people around the world are already starting to think about how to avoid this miraculous manipulation. Of course, no one knows the laws, but in different countries the laws are also different, however, there is a universal law. It is called the Nuremberg Code.

The Nuremberg Code and the ethics against the upcoming forceful vaccinochipization 88

The Nuremberg Code is an international document regulating the principles of conducting medical experiments and procedures on people. The Code was developed and adopted after the Nuremberg trial of doctors in 1947, as a result of which many, many citizens were sent to the gallows, in particular for the forcible administration of different vaccines to people. The code has only ten points and it reads:

1. The absolutely necessary condition for conducting an experiment on a person is the voluntary consent of the latter.

2. The experiment should bring positive results to the society, unattainable by other methods or research methods; it should not be random, essentially non-binding in nature.

3. The experiment should be based on data obtained in laboratory studies on animals, knowledge of the history of the development of this disease or other studied problems. Its holding should be organized in such a way that the expected results justify the fact of its holding.

4. When conducting an experiment, it is necessary to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and damage.

5.None of the experiments should be carried out if there is reason to assume the possibility of death or a disabling injury to the subject; an exception, perhaps, may be cases when research physicians act as subjects in carrying out their experiments.

6. The degree of risk associated with the experiment should never exceed the humanitarian importance of the problem that the experiment is aimed at

7. The experiment should be preceded by appropriate training, and its implementation should be provided with the equipment necessary to protect the subject from the slightest possibility of injury, disability or death.

8. The experiment should be carried out only by persons with scientific qualifications. At all stages of the experiment, those who conduct it or are engaged in it require maximum attention and professionalism.

9. During the experiment, the subject should be able to stop him if, in his opinion, his physical or mental state makes it impossible to continue the experiment.

10. During the experiment, the researcher responsible for carrying out the experiment should be prepared to terminate it at any stage if professional considerations, conscientiousness and caution in the judgments required of it, give reason to believe that the continuation of the experiment may lead to injury, disability or death test subject.

As American lawyers write, the key points are 1 and 6 – that is, the person involved in the vaccination must be capable to give consent; a person should be able to exercise freedom of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, deception, coercion, direct or hidden; the person must possess sufficient knowledge and understanding of the elements of the subject in question. The next universal legal document is called Article 6 of the 2005 UNESCO statement on bioethics and human rights. It is written there:

Article 6, section 1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical interventions should be carried out only with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned on the basis of adequate information. If necessary, consent must be expressed and can be revoked by the person concerned at any time and for any reason.

Article 6, section 3: In no case shall the collective agreement of the community or the consent of the community leader or other authority be a substitute for the informed consent of individuals.

Thus, any orders of a particular Parliament or a celebrated supreme leader on compulsory vaccination will violate Article 6 of the UNESCO statement on human rights and bioethics. Along the way, they violate the Nuremberg Code, in particular Article 1 and Article 6. It is still unknown how the authorities of different countries will try to circumvent these fundamental ethical documents.

This link is the Nuremberg Code:

Within the first link is this link:

Please notice the advice to contact your legislators
in this third link. Thank you.

2. Here is a calendar for 2021 as to what you can expect
if we don’t demand that this outrage end as the Danes did
of their government a few weeks ago:

The New World Order Plan
12/20 to 12/21
December 2020 – Field hospitals set up in each county
January 2021 – Full lockdown, all jobs stopped, all businesses closed
February 2021 – Reform on all benefits
March 2021 – New infection COVID21 different strain much more deadly than COVID19
April 2021 – Hospitals unable to cope. COVID19 vaccination available
May 2021 – Government sets new pay structures for workers including a new minimum wage
June 2021 – Shops running out of supplies commonplace. Local protests common. Army checkpoints get set up in each town.
July 2021 – National civil unrest takes off, local governments start pulling out. COVID21 vaccine developed.
August 2021 – Early plans for new government structure. First full vaccination rolled out of COVID19.
September 2021 – All debts cancelled if you get vaccinated against COVID19 and COVID21. New law cancels all property ownership and passed it to the government.
October 2021 – Introduction of COVID passports in digital and card format. Only those vaccinated can work and travel.
November 2021 – COVID19&21 vaccines become mandatory
December 2021 – COVID passports change name to Health passports and become accepted as the normal way of life.
Moroccan Sunset
We’ve all been telling you this would be happening!!!
If you would like to see this section as a PDF, just ask me for
COVID is Communist takeover 002 (1 page)


God bless,

Arlene Johnson
To access my e-zine, which is top secret history that’s internationally acclaimed,
and free to the world, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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