Two roadhouses in central Australia are refusing to sell “non-sniffable” Opal fuel in defiance of a campaign to deter petrol sniffing, a Senate committee has been told.
Northern Territory Liberal senator Nigel Scullion says the Tea Tree Roadhouse and Tilmouth Well Roadhouse are being “pig-headed” in refusing to offer the Opal fuel.
Senator Scullion said he was frustrated that individual businesses could undermine the voluntary effort against petrol sniffing by selling regular fuel, adding that the sale of Opal should be made mandatory.
“Some of the people who are returning to petrol sniffing (in Alice Springs) are sourcing the fuel from those two areas,” he said at a Community Affairs Senate estimates hearing on Friday.
“It escapes me now why you wouldn’t move to mandate it.”
Australian Greens senator Rachel Siewert said other petrol stations were seeing it was possible to dodge participation in the non-sniffable fuel campaign, and it was harming the take-up of Opal in other areas.
Department of Indigenous Affairs drug treatment division assistant secretary Julia Mansour said the government would not make Opal fuel mandatory in remote Australia because of the need to resolve fuel storage and distribution issues.
Ms Mansour said the Tilmouth Well Roadhouse was concerned about losing business and tourists bypassing their petrol station.
She said Tea Tree Roadhouse did not believe there was a petrol-sniffing problem in the area.
“Those two reasons for not taking up Opal fuel are very common,” she said.
Opal fuel discourages petrol sniffing because it does not give off aromatic fumes that give users a “high”.
Petrol sniffers are usually children or teenagers aged between 10 and 19.
The introduction of Opal fuel in 2005 turned around an epidemic of petrol sniffing in central Australia.
In 2010, 106 indigenous communities, roadhouses across the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland used Opal fuel.
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