NSW government ‘failed’ boarding house six

The NSW government was criticised for its failure to reform the boarding house industry years before the deaths of six people over 14 months at a shared premises in Sydney, an inquest has heard.

Counsel assisting the inquiry Steve Kelly told the inquest the ombudsman has been producing reports since 2002.

It continually found failings by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care that went beyond the monitoring and enforcement of boarding house operators.

“The greater issue is the current legislation governing the boarding houses, and the standards expected of these are inadequate to protect already vulnerable residents,” Mr Kelly said.

Shaneen Batts, Ilona Takacs, Dorothy Hudson, Ian Birks, Donald MacKellar and Mohammed Ramzan – all residents at 300 Livingstone Road, Marrickville – died between 2009 and 2010.

Ms Batts, 60, was found dead in her room one morning in June 2009. A post-mortem examination determined she had toxic levels of the antipsychotic drug Olanzapine.

At the time of Ms Batts’ death, the boarding house’s cook, Pani Rokoua, was dispensing daily medication to all of the residents.

Ms Rokoua also said owner and manager Chris Young instructed her to ring him first in the event of an emergency before calling triple-zero.

“Chris said `call me first’,” Ms Rokoua told the inquest.

In August 2009, resident Ilona Takacs, 71, became incoherent in her room and Ms Rokoua rang Mr Young. He then called for ambulance officers, who were unable to revive Ms Takacs.

Dorothy Hudson, 60, died in February 2010 when she choked on a peanut butter and egg sandwich during an evening meal.

Ms Rokoua again rang Mr Young, who rang triple-zero but ambulance officers could not revive Ms Hudson.

“The staff member attempted to dislodge the food by hitting Ms Hudson on the back a number of times,” Mr Kelly said in his opening address.

When Mohammed Ramzan was found dead on his bed one Sunday morning in August 2010, Ms Rokoua and Mr Ramzan’s roommate, Clem Smith, initially told police the last time they saw him alive was the Friday before.

Senior Constable John Kisa was first on the scene and later observed both of them speaking to Mr Young before they approached him again to say they last saw Mr Ramzan alive on the Saturday.

“And when Pani said she (also) wanted to change her information I became suspicious,” Sen Const Kisa told the inquest.

Both Mr Smith and Ms Rokoua denied suggestions that Mr Young told them to alter their stories.

Department carer Olga Taltavull, who showered residents daily at the premises, said Mr Ramzan indicated he had breathing difficulties when he refused a shower on the Friday morning.

Minutes later, Ms Taltavull informed Mr Young, who she assumed would call a doctor.

She returned on the Monday and heard of Mr Ramzan’s death and asked what had happened.

“He said sometimes people say those things so they don’t take a shower,” she told the inquest.

Residents chain-smoked in bed, rarely had their rooms cleaned and 25 of them used a single bathroom that had no fan.

Ms Taltavull said she often voiced her concerns to Mr Young, as well as to fellow staff at the department.

“When they tried to make something better, it was so little so late,” she said.

“It’s very hard to have communication with Mr Young. It’s very hard to have communication with co-ordinators.”

The inquest continues on Tuesday.

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