Anchorage – Jennifer Lovdahl, from Anchorage, Alaska, posted a Facebook status with a meal she bought from the fast food chain in 2010.

The photo of the meal shows the happy meal box (with an advertisement for Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel) with the receipt still attached, and four chicken nuggets with fries. The food looks as if it may have lost some coloring, but otherwise appears the same as a fresh version of the meal.

“It’s been 6 years since I bought this “Happy Meal” at McDonald’s. It’s been sitting at our office this whole time and has not rotted, molded, or decomposed at all!!! It smells only of cardboard,” Lovdahl said.

“We did this experiment to show our patients how unhealthy this “food” is. Especially for our growing children!! There are so many chemicals in this food! Choose real food! Apples, bananas, carrots, celery….those are real fast food.”

While the photo has not been verified to prove the food is actually six years old, this is not the first time McDonald’s food has been used as an example of this kind. A 14-year-old burger from McDonalds was used in a similar experiment in 2013, and even more recently, a 20-year-old burger made the news in February 2015. These are among many cases of people saving their McDonald’s food to prove how unhealthy the fast food chain’s food is.

McDonalds addresses these concerns on their website about why their food does not rot (“Actually it does” they say) with a statement that reads:

Food needs moisture in the air for mold to form. Without it, food will simply dry out – sort of like bread left out on a counter overnight to make croutons for stuffing.

You might have seen experiments which seem to show no decomposition in our food. Most likely, this is because the food has dehydrated before any visible deterioration could occur.