North Korea is a CIA State
North Korea is a Fake State: Totally Staged and Hilarious North Korean Photos
By: Jay Dyer
I can’t stop laughing. From the get-go Jay’s Analysis called the North Korean theater operations recently occurring as a staged event, pointing out that anything real that happened would be by the machinations of the western establishment itself. Last night I became entranced by North Korean media photo ops and ended up staying up researching these hilarious pictures, getting no sleep. What became evident after several hours of photo analysis was how ridiculous the images are. But what’s amazing is not just how absurd the pictures are upon inspection, but how big these images are in the media hype and the total lack of any analysts, journalists or “intelligence agents” to call bullshit. Where are the foreign analysts? Apparently, the system thinks the public is so utterly inept that not even the middle management class of “journalists” and “intellectuals” can figure out that these are completely absurd “threats” insofar as what we see presented. Business Insider posted a series of images from the Associated Press that purport to be a “Top Secret Rocket Facility” where North Korea launched its supposed satellite. The rest of the media has followed suit, hyping this international threat, arguing that North Korea can “nuke” other nations. But an inspection of these images shows a host of stuff so stupid you can’t help but giggle. Furthermore, these images are reminiscent of other more recent comedic mass black ops: the Bin Laden “raid” on his secret “compound” that featured water guns and an old man who is supposedly Bin Laden watching a crappy TV with an old cable box.
The first question that should be asked by people with any brain cells left to rub together is, how does a country that the media says is a “hermit nation” closed off to the West manage to have all these picture perfect photo ops that filter out to all the western media? Just like with Bin Laden, who was wanted in connection to the 1993 bombings, no one can seem to “get inside” North Korea, and “secret videos” have to be shot that “leak” to tabloids. The last few weeks a spate of bizarre videos have surfaced all over the web, the most recent of which is the “slave labor” of North Korean where a small child supposedly dies because troops are busy unloading armaments. Two utterly absurd facts emerge here. First, we can’t see anything but what looks like a stuffed jumpsuit used for Halloween decoration in someone’s yard. This is supposedly a small child, yet he’s wearing adult sized boots? Hilarious. Second, the wording of the source in the Daily Mirror is equally as witty, as it reads like a tenth grader writing a journal:
“A child of around 10 sits dying of starvation by the side of the road while just yards away soldiers load enough rice on to trucks to feed families for weeks. As the young boy slumps on the grimy kerb in his filthy, oversized army jacket, locals stroll past zombie-style without even glancing in his direction or displaying an ounce of pity for his wretched plight.
Nearby his friends scavenge in disease-ridden rubbish tips for scraps of what might pass for food in a land where people are so poor they are forced to eat tree bark or even corpses, according to those on the inside.
And not far away, prisoners are herded from their harsh labour camps to frantically dig out crops from frozen ground while trigger-happy troops hover over them waiting for the one wrong move that could end with death.”
Who talks like that? Clearly this is propaganda, and propaganda is often done at a cheesy, high school level for the purpose of passing as too bad to be fake. It’s also emerged that the other “propaganda videos” were fakes, too, as Daily Caller admits, being taken in by the hoax. Similarly, the Atlantic posted an article calling out the beach invasion drill photo a bad Photoshop job.
But the comedy is only just beginning! Apparently the rest of the media is so utterly lazy they just copy and paste stories from the “newswires” without ever doing any research or investigation of any claims or images. In this regard, at least the Atlantic did some research on the “Bin Laden Compound” and realized the great coincidence that an exact “replica” of the compound existed in North Carolina. Can anyone put two and two together here? I mean, seriously – get fucking real.
But back to North Korea and Kim Jong-Un. Look at what is supposed to be a “Top Secret Rocket Facility.” Just take a look at these Commodore 64s that are supposed to be launching a “satellite.” Notice how plain and fake everything looks: it looks like the set of a B sci fi movie. Where are Joel and the Bots?
Now consider this same locale in the DailyMail, which includes a ridiculous greeting in English! Purportedly this would be for the benefit of the AP reporters who are privileged to take all the images we see in the western media. These are so ridiculous, anyone with any sense could look and see it’s a joke – but the public and the media literally are that retarded!
Here are the “scientists” playing Pong before they threaten to nuke the West by launching ICMB level missile technology.
But the comedy doesn’t end here! Look at the blue garage door in these two pictures. It appears to be the same door, but look how empty this entire building is! This is the North Korean Space facility, but it sure is sparsely decorated. Are satellites usually wheeled out on an overhead projector kart?
And now look at the exterior of the “Top Secret Space Facility” – this looks to be the same blue garage door behind the “scientist” above with a megaphone (LOL!)?
But wait! The same facility image was released by the AP and the KCNA. It shows presumably the same interior of command central. Remember – this is supposedly the Sohae “Top Secret Rocket Facility” that the AP was allowed to photograph freely! The interior is totally different, with newer flat screen monitors from the late 90s. Did the facility get a makeover in the midst of the launch updating the Commodore 64s, or is this another room where nothing is plugged in?
Look at how fake the pictures on the screen look, as well. What are the “scientists” doing – chatting and playing with Microsoft Paint? Here is the Great Leader looking at yet another screen with images that look like something from War Games with Matthew Broderick. Remember – this is what all the media and establishments claims are real images of a real top-secret facility that all the West is supposed to be in fear of!
Presumably this is the same checkered floor in the above picture, but if you look closely you can see what literally look like Commodore 64s on the floor! Awesome. Remember – this is the same facility that poses a great threat to the West! Are you laughing yet? The joke’s on you! Again – where is anyone in the media or even alternative media pointing out any of this absurdity? To date no one has apparently questioned these! But the show’s not over – Kim Jong-Un, the great threat to civilization uses what appears to be a Droid cellphone. But all cellphones can easily be surveilled, tracked and traced!
DISCO BALLIN, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So how was all this done? Drudge just posted the same article I came across last night that clears this up. Last year AP just happened to set up an office in Pyongyang! So the same two journalists are taking all these pictures. The insiders are laughing because it’s really simple how this happens.
Props to for calling out previous fraud of the same nature here.
And here.
These analyses are now expanded in published form. To read the more, please click the image below and order a copy of Jay’s book!
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