Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 27, 2017
Have I got a deal for you, goyim.
Nordstrom is selling $425 jeans with fake mud stains for shoppers who wish to embody “rugged, Americana” workwear.
The clothing giant has come under fire for the bizarre fashion statement. According to the clothing item’s description the medium-denim, straight-leg, jean embodies:
“Rugged, Americana workwear that’s seen some hard-working action with a crackled, caked-on muddy coating that shows you’re not afraid to get down and dirty”.
As if all that wasn’t ridiculous enough, the company are actually charging the extortionate price of $425 to wear the fake-stained pants.
It’s worth noting that last month Nordstrom were ridiculed for selling clear-knee ’mom jeans’ for $95 and before that, a sold-out literal rock in a pouch for $85. Either the joke’s on us or Nordstrom have gone off the deep end.
This is like the Jackson Pollock “abstract art” scam.
Only maybe it’s a little bit deeper than that. Rich people paying to look like poor people – you might be able to extract from that some bit of philosophical insight about the emptiness of technological materialism and the longing for real human experience that sterile, modern comfort-living brings.
But hey, if you want to think up some kind of explanation like that, I think you’re a pretentious prick.
It’s much more likely that people with absurd amounts of money just think it’s funny to waste it.
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