Almost a hundred protesters gathered in front of the offices of Bankia in the Spanish capital on Saturday, accusing the country’s fourth largest financial institution of unfair evictions of indebted homeowners.
The demonstrators also called on Spaniards to pull their money out of the nationalized bank in protest.
They also condemned the government’s decision to bail out the private bank, at a cost of some 19 billion euros ($23.4 billion) of public funds.
About two weeks ago, police were forced to intervene after protesters gathered outside the bank to close their accounts.
Banking problems in Spain have led to massive cash flight, with about 100 billion euros being taken out of the country in the first quarter of 2012.
On Saturday, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy emphasized that the government would continue pursuing its policy of spending cuts and tax hikes until the country extricates itself from the financial crisis.
Spain is estimated to need 50 to 150 billion euros to bailout its entire banking sector, a figure far beyond the 5 billion euros left in the bailout fund the country established in 2009.
It is also facing a record eurozone unemployment rate of 24.4 percent.
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