UPDATE: TONY Abbott has hinted that he wasn’t in favour of the Girl Guides cutting ties with the Queen and God.
The Opposition leader said his daughters and wife were all involved in Girl Guides, which he considers to be a fine organisation.
“Speaking for myself, I don’t mind pledging to both God and the Queen. They are OK by me. I don’t want to drop either of them,” Mr Abbott told the Nine Network today.
Debate on the issue was a hot topic on radio and TV this morning.
Promising to serve God and the Queen and pledging obedience as they have for more than half a century, has been ruled old-fashioned and out of step with modern Australian life by junior and senior Guides.
Australia’s 28,000 Guides will instead vow to serve their community and country, and “live with courage and strength”.
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The change to the Guiding Promise and Guide Law begins in units across the country from today.
Girl Guides spokeswoman Belinda Allen said it was up to members to decide if Queen Elizabeth’s photograph was removed from Guide Halls.
“They may decide they still like to have pictures of the Queen around but . . . we have to move on,” Mrs Allen said.
About a million Australian women have been part of the Guiding Movement since it began in 1910.
The review of the wording has been under way for two years and involved a survey of all members.
“(The Queen) is not part of the Australian Citizenship pledge and being responsible to one’s community is one of the essences of Guiding,” Mrs Allen said.
The Australian Scouting movement made pledging its duty to the Queen optional in 2001 but retained God in its Promise.
Twelve-year-old Girl Guide Rebecca said not all Guides followed the same religion.
“I think it’s pretty cool, most people have different religions or views and this takes it into account,” Rebecca said.
Guiding has already tried to modernise. Brownies and Rangers have been cut and uniforms swapped for informal clothes.
But the famous three-fingered salute devised by Robert Baden-Powell remains.
The Queen has a long-standing relationship with the organisation. Her wedding cake was made from ingredients supplied by Australian Girl Guides.
With Christopher Gillett
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