‘No-excuse for anti-Iran Obama stance’

The latest assessment by 16 American spy agencies revealed that there is no hard evidence for Iran trying to build a nuclear bomb, The New York Times reported on Friday.

However, the EU and the US have imposed unilateral sanctions on Iran over its nuclear energy program.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Franklin Lamb, international lawyer, to share his opinion on this issue.

The following is a transcript of the interview:

Press TV: More reports of no nuclear dimension to Iran’s nuclear program. Tell us more about this recent revelation.

Lamb: Well I think it is very, very significant that you have the national intelligence community, that is the name of it as you know made up of 16 agency that I understand unanimously made a judgment that there was no hard evidence against Iran.

That has never been done and that gives in a sense the imprimatur of the Obama administration in the government on that issue. Therefore of course it raises questions.

What about the sanctions? Does it mean we are going to scrap those sanctions? What about the EU? The only reason EU put on the sanctions was because the Americans told them to do it and that there was all of this evidence.

If the government is again, but with more detail now apparently, admitting that there is no hard evidence, why the sanctions? Does it mean some suspect that it never was the real target but that regime change is the target?

So I think the American people, and a few in the Congress, Kucinich among them will raise this issue in demand of these sanctions be scrapped.

I think another reason why they gave this story so quickly to The New York Times frankly, is to send a signal of their displeasure with Israel.

You know Israel, Netanyahu is coming on March 4th I take it is to Washington and he is going to bring new evidence of Iranian projects for nuclear weapons and he is going to say that this is based on the Mossad. But this time he is not going to be taken seriously.

I think the Obama administration has decided as Panetta, the Defense Minister said that Iran is a rational actor, everybody in Washington who will admit it now that Israel is not a rational actor and they are the danger, the wild card in this whole exercise.

So I think that that is another reason why they released it at this point and I think when Obama meets Netanyahu it is going to be tense because Abe Foxman, ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has revealed a report showing a poll that 52 percent of American-Jewish voters who used to vote 85 percent Democrat, 52 percent will support a Republican- that means Gingrich, Romney, Santorum.

These people are kooks on the foreign policy but they are willing to that because Foxman has said, revealed never in the history of the state of Israel has a second-term presidency been potentially more dangerous than Obama.

They do not trust him, they do not like him and we are going to see what happens when Netanyahu goes there in March.

But I find it very significant and we will see now what the Americans do.

If they do not repeal those sanctions now, once they make this decision it is very close to an act of war, isn’t it? So how will they justify keeping these sanctions starting today?


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