“I watched him yesterday, actually, and he was very good in defending me in some of my views, and very, very strong. And I’ve always liked John Bolton. Well, we are thinking about it, Hugh [nominating Bolton as secretary of state]. I will say that. We are thinking about it. I mean, the negative is what I told you. But we are seriously thinking about it.”
That didn’t fly because Congress would never vote to approve Bolton, same as they wouldn’t approve his nomination as ambassador to the United Nations during the reign of Bush. Instead, he assumed the role of national security adviser, a position that doesn’t require congressional approval.
In August 2016, when I published my ebook, I had no idea just how far Trump would go. He is now almost entirely in the neocon camp and Zionist sheep dipped—although the hardline neocons like Bill Kristol and Max Boot stubbornly reject him, mostly because he is an outlier, didn’t come up through the ranks, and is unpolished and anti-intellectual.
But it’s not merely the neocons.
It’s also the Israelis.
Bibi Netanyahu and the Likud party fanatics—hardcore Zionists—are welcomed by Trump. He has adopted their ideology, most likely as a result of the influence of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. The Trump administration is more pro-Israel than the Bush administration. Not even George Bush and his neocons signed off on making Jerusalem the capitol of Israel.
Bush followed the lead of the neocons and destroyed Iraq—a longtime Israeli goal, along with destroying Syria, which Obama tried to accomplish, although his relationship with the Israelis was tepid at best. Instead, Obama destroyed Libya, which wasn’t a top objective of the Likudnik Israelis, not that they objected to another Muslim biting the dust.
Trump is going for the prime Likudnik objective—taking out Iran.
Iran, of course, poses absolutely no threat to America. It does, however, challenge Israel for the role as Middle East Hegemon. Because of this and its strident anti-Zionist rhetoric and ostensible support for the Palestinians, it has to be taken down.
As I wrote earlier today, we will now witness John Bolton’s Plan B—stirring up ethnic division inside Iran, directly aiding domestic groups opposed to the rule of the mullahs, and ultimately installing the wacky MEK cult as the preferred client.
The details weren’t known two years ago when I wrote my ebook—but the general outline, a rough sketch was.
It was obvious when Trump talked about torturing suspected terrorists, killing their families, stealing oil in Iraq and Syria, and in general raising hell in the Arab and Muslim Middle East, remarks that fall comfortably within the parameters of the Zionist neocon agenda.
Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blacklistednews/hKxa/~3/PlNZuP1wMGA/nimmo-donald-trumps-neocon-conversion.html
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