Nicolas Sarkozy spends £10k a day on food and keeps 121 cars under his palace

Ted Thornhill

Last updated at 5:26 PM on 5th February 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy has been promising to cut back on his presidential spending, but he’s actually splashing out £10,000 a day on food and keeps 121 cars under the Elysee Palace, according to a new book.

Socialist MP Rene Dosiere, in L’argent de l’État (Money from the State), sets out what he sees as extraordinary excesses by the French President.

In the explosive book, he accuses Sarkozy of ‘ignoring the most elementary principles of the separation between private and public accounts’.

Big spender: France's President Nicolas Sarkozy, who uses a £215million jet to travel the world

Big spender: France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, who uses a £215million jet to travel the world

Sarkozy, whose palace budget exceeds that of the Queen, recently stated that there will be a ‘rupture’ with his past money-splurging ways and more transparency.

He has cancelled the annual £500,000 palace garden party, but this doesn’t go far enough, according to Dosiere.

Just last week he sent a medical team to the Ukraine on board a state-owned private jet to attend to one of his sons, Pierre, and fly him back to Paris to the tune of £22,000.

His fleet of cars is double the size of predecessor Jacques Chirac’s and cost, annually, £100,000 to insure and a whopping £275,000 to fuel.

Then there are his huge travel costs.

He uses an Airbus A330 – dubbed Air Sarko One – that drained the public purse of £215million to kit out, is accompanied by a delegation of 300 people on trips abroad and travels more often that previous presidents, claims Dosiere.

Sight-seeing: Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni, who he took to the Lascaux caves at a cost of £109,000

Sight-seeing: Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni, who he took to the Lascaux caves at a cost of £109,000

Recent excursions include an 80-mile trip to Saint-Quentin, from Paris, that cost £350,000, a £109,000 sortie to the Lascaux caves with Bruni  and a two-and-a-half-hour trip to Ain that Dosiere worked out cost £700 a minute.

What’s more, he never seems to linger anywhere to meet locals and absorb their culture.

‘Mitterrand and Chirac knew how to take their time admiring a landscape, meeting people, interesting themselves in the history of the host country, Sarkozy behaves like a man in a hurry,’ complains Dosiere.

The French people also chip in for a thousand pounds worth of daily newspapers and Sarkozy’s ‘house’ wine, the red option being a £160 bottle of Crozes-Hermitage, which guests use to wash down foods such as lobster carpaccio and calves cheeks.

His total annual expenditure comes to £95million.

‘The figures make you giddy,’ says Dosiere.

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He is a madman that will not be in power for much longer.

Louis IV didn’t get through that much. I thought the French had a revolution to get rid of the aristocracy. Liberte, fraternite, egalite and all that. Mind you, we’re not doing any better. Clegg sort of puts me in mind of Marie Antoinette in a suit. Let them eat cake and pay green taxes.

Confirmation that we’ll all in this together, but this does not include me -Sarkozy!!

” In the explosive book, he accuses Sarkozy of ‘ignoring the most elementary principles of the separation between private and public accounts’. ” It would be tooooo delicious to see Sarkozy brought down in ruins before he gets ousted from office by Ballot.

What extraordinary excess. How can anyone possibly spend £10,000 a day on food?! I go out for a £30 meal for two and I feel indulgent. I give up trying to make sense of the world.

Just like Marie Antoinette; a liberal, hypocritical PIG

Compared to Sarko other Presidents, the Queen is very frugal. Would sarko use tupperware containers for his morning cereal?
Is the Monarchy’s annual expenditure £95 million? And if it is, possibly most of it goes towards the upkkep of various Royal palaces, whereas Sarko spends all the £95 million on himself.

He is very smart boy.

What’s the point of being president if you can’t have a few luxuries?

He is living more expensively than royalty !!!!!
Madame guillotine saw fit to end royalty in france for such spending whilst the poor starved some time ago and look what they have now.

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