Nicolas Sarkozy joins Twitter and to announce he’s running again live on French TV

  • President launches media campaign in bid to win second term
  • Opinion polls suggest Socialist rival Francois Hollande will win May 6 election

Peter Allen

Last updated at 11:22 PM on 15th February 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy has appeared on prime time television to announce that he is running for re-election as President of France.

The 57-year-old conservative used
TF1’s hugely popular 8 o’clock news programme to style himself as the
‘captain of a ship’ in ‘a storm’.

Admitting that his country’s economic
problems required radical solutions, Mr Sarkozy said: ‘Yes, I’m a
candidate for the presidency. I took the decision a number of weeks

Co-ordinated campaign: French President Nicolas Sarkozy's new Twitter page, which he used to announce he was appearing on TF1's 8 o'clock news

Co-ordinated campaign: French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s new Twitter page, which he used to announce he was appearing on TF1’s 8 o’clock news

Mr Sarkozy made no mention of his main
rival and favourite to replace him, Francois Hollande, simply referring
to him as the ‘Socialist Candidate’.

‘What kind of a campaign will I fight?
I will tell the truth,’ said Mr Sarkozy. ‘I am not going to be saying
bad things about other people all the time.’

TF1 presenter Laurence Ferrari, who
has been romantically linked with Mr Sarkozy in the past, allowed most
of the ‘interview’ to sound like party political broadcast.

Opposition Socialists had earlier
described the television appearance a non-event, which merely underlined
how desperate Mr Sarkozy was in the fact of his plummeting popularity

‘The French just aren’t interested in
this kind of communication, they just want us to deal with their
problems.’ said party secretary Martine Aubry.

Popular: Mr Sarkozy attracted nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter despite having only sent two messages

Popular: Mr Sarkozy attracted nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter despite having only sent two messages

Opinion polls currently suggest that
Mr Hollande will beat Mr Sarkozy by up to 15 points in a May 6
head-to-head, despite Mr Sarkozy’s foreign minister Alain Juppe saying:
‘Now the real campaign starts.’

When Mr Sarkozy came to power in 2007,
he styled himself as a Margaret Thatcher-style reformer, ready to
revive France’s ailing economy with lower taxes, longer working hours,
and an onslaught against the country’s powerful trade unions.

In fact, companies are closing or
moving abroad, unemployment remains stuck at just under 10 per cent, and
the cost of living is rocketing.

Mr Sarkozy himself is viewed as by far the most unpopular head of state in the history of the Fifth Republic.

Committed: Mr Sarkozy (centre) visits children at a day care centre to promote his family policy earlier this month

Committed: Mr Sarkozy (centre) visits children at a day care centre to promote his family policy earlier this month

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with
whom Mr Sarkozy has been working closely to try to solve the Eurozone
economic crisis, has pledged to campaign on Mr Sarkozy’s behalf, but
even this looks set to have very little impact.

After credit agency Standard
Poor downgraded France’s AAA rating, Mr Sarkozy announced emergency
measures including a rise in VAT and a tax on financial transactions,
but these measures are likely to make France even less competitive.

Before his TV appearance, Mr Sarkzoy
launched a Twitter account and – after sending just two messages – had
attracted almost 40,000 followers.

He will start some 67 days of campaigning today with a visit to a cheese factory in the Alpine town of Annecy.

Mr Sarkozy’s appearance on TF1 coincided with Mr Hollande’s second major campaign speech in his home town of Rouen.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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This man is a complete and utter idiot.
He has no chance in the election.
Mind you the alternative……………
I wonder how much my house is worth. Maybe time to get out!!

‘Yes, I’m a candidate for the presidency. I took the decision a number of weeks ago.’ A complete joke. He took the decision months and months ago, but by saying nothing he was able to campaign using public and not party funds. Typical of the tomfoolery of French politics. It looks like Le Pen, with 16-17% of the vote won’t be able to stand. (I’m not crying for the FN but for democracy.) Sarko has been a bitter disappointment to the French however the choice of leaders is even more dire in France than in the UK. A socialist friend of mine said anyone but Hollande, who he claims will be a disaster. Vive la France

The scary thing is the alternative to this pillock is even worse – a Socialist, a guy spawned from a philosophy that has caused this borrowing mess in the first place! I really pity the French!

His time is short…. just like him.

Is this man a total idiot or what? – Barb, Australia, 15/2/2012 22:20. In any case, he managed to get elected President for 5 years. What is YOUR claim to fame?

If he loses they will divorce. But will Carla leave him or will he leave Carla? They are equally awful but I hope he dumps her.

The only thing that bothers me about Sarkcozy losing is that he is suppost to be right wing. The person likely to win will be left wing – so surely that means they will be even worse?

The French aren’t using US style electronic voting machines in this election are they? About the only chance Sarkozy has got…..

Why poke fun of his height ?
The Socialist candidate Hollande isn’t exactly Goliath !

Nice try, Sharkey!

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