Next Xbox AND PlayStation 4 to be unveiled this summer, according to reports

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 7:00 PM on 7th January 2012

The successor to the Xbox 360 and a follow-up to the PlayStation 3 will be revealed this summer.

Microsoft and Sony’s new games consoles could be launched at this summer’s E3 games show in Los Angeles, according to industry website MCV.

This year’s show, which takes place in June, will also see Nintendo confirm the details of its Wii U console – the successor to the highly popular Wii.

Is this the new design? The Techlabs website believes so. All could be revealed as early as this summer

Is this the new design? The Techlabs website believes so. All could be revealed as early as this summer

It will mark the very first time in the show’s 17-year history that three fresh, rival console formats will be so directly comparable.

The Xbox 360 launched in 2005, replacing the original Xbox, which was then four years old. Sony’s PlayStation 3 was released a year later, in November 2006.

According to MCV, Sony is keen to avoid being behind Microsoft in the release schedule again and so is planning an earlier than expected announcement.

Another view of the future if the Techlabs website is to be believed

Another view of the future if the Techlabs website is to be believed

The MCV report says: “Execs aren’t expecting price or launch details for the new Xbox or PlayStation. But their unveiling could be a perfect spoiler to the pre-Christmas launch date and price that will be revealed for Wii U in June.” 

Online speculation around the claim is growing. According to The Telegraph, it is surprising because Sony, at least, is expected to have other priorities this year. The company released its PlayStation Vita handheld console in Japan before Christmas and is gearing up to release the device in Europe and the US next month.

Industry sources had previously claimed that both Microsoft and Sony hoped to extend this generation of consoles so as to maximise their investment.

Microsoft’s now-retired gaming executive Shane Kim said in 2009 that the company “firmly” believed that the Xbox 360 had “a life cycle through 2015” or exactly ten years since it launched.

Sony Computer Entertainment’s Europe boss Andrew House said only seven months ago that PS3, which was launched in 2006, would have a “minimum” life cycle of ten years. 

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It won’t be released this year because certain games are being released for the Xbox 360 in December, why release a game for an obsolete console?

Consoles are 10 times slower than an average gaming PC, the new ones are going to be twice as fast , so still five times slower than PC and they’ll be unchanged for at least 5 years where as the PC is constantly progressing. Consoles act as anchors , slowing down game advancement. Not to mention dumbing down.
– M1LL3R, Manchester, 8/1/2012 0:04
Of course everyone can afford to spend the equivilent of an Xbox/PS3 console every 6 months to make their PC’s up to date, with no guarantee that the game will even run as intended. The problem with PC games is that they don’t generate as much sales revenue. You can sing the praises of the latest top notch PC game all you want, but when 99% of PC owners can’t run it/afford to make their PC run it etc, why would developers bother when they can cash in on the consoles with uniform hardware specs and guaranteed results. The REAL anchor here, is the speed that PC technology contiually advances requiring eternal upgrades!

What a Scottish hating newspaper the DM is.

– smug, London, 07/1/2012 23:45
My other half and I are in our mid to late twenties and both enjoy a vast variation of video games together. I can assure you that the majority of them definitely are not for children. Perhaps you could use a video game or two to relieve that extra tension you seem to carry around.

Consoles are 10 times slower than an average gaming PC, the new ones are going to be twice as fast , so still five times slower than PC and they’ll be unchanged for at least 5 years where as the PC is constantly progressing. Consoles act as anchors , slowing down game advancement. Not to mention dumbing down.

Games are for children, you sad ********.
– smug, London, 7/1/2012 23:45
Huh…so every game every invented is for children? What about games aimed at the 16+ region?Thats for children as well? Have you ever played the game ‘Amnesia’ ? If you have you would know its not for children at all.You should actually try games that are for older people instead of just going for the games aimed at kids and stuff. Also the sad comment,how come people cant accept that people of all ages now play games? I know a guy in my school that plays wow yet none of his friend cares about it as he can do other stuff as well. You can find celebritys playing mmos(The game genres ‘Sad genre’ apparently.). My dad who’s 73 had the same mentality as you did until we got him a wii a couple of years back,then after that he got into other games which led to him playing other games and he likes doing it now.

Games are for children, you sad ********.

These days it doesn’t matter which one you have unless you’re a fanboy. Minus a couple of console exclusives most video games are available on the two heavy hitters (the 360 and PS3) with many also getting ports for the Wii. What would be more interesting is to see if Nintendo finally let go of their old and tired franchises in favour of getting some new blood onto the console… preferably before the end of its life this time – oh and while they’re at it they can stop screwing over Europe with the lousy release dates and bare bones game content *cough*Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call*cough*.

I know at least the Xbox 720 or NeXtbox,as some call it, will be unveiled at e3 this year.Reading around you can know this.However the playstation im not so sure about.It will most likely be what happened with the 360 and the ps3. The playstation will most likely be revealed next year at the most although it will probably be revealed this e3 no doubt…anyway the NeXtbox will most likely come out December 2012 or early 2013 at the most I guess with the Ps4 maybe April-august time although it might be 2014 for that. However problems arise about what games will be the starter ones on it.You could expect some average ones but most likely is Halo or another exclusive. But you can expect to get another 1-2 years of the average games(Cod,battlefield,assassins creed) on the 360 and ps3.

Yeah well I still play Super Mario on my Super Nintendo and it’s pretty nifty.

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