Newsweek Writer That Compared Ann Romney to Hitler and Stalin Refuses to Apologize

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NewsBusters reported Sunday that Michelle Goldberg, a senior writer for Newsweek/Daily Beast, compared Ann Romney to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin during an appearance on MSNBC earlier that day.

Moments ago, Goldberg posted a response to all the criticism she’s received as a result of her comments, and rather than apologize to Mrs. Romney continued her attack (emphasis added):

For the record, I don’t believe that Ann Romney is either Hitleresque or Stalinesque. Rather, I think she is a calculating political wife who once struck me as fairly likeable, but who is now determined to play up the idea that’s she’s being victimized for being a stay-at-home mom. Her op-ed was part of that effort. […]

[T]here have been a bunch of calls for me to apologize to Romney for calling her a Nazi. If I had done that, of course, I would. I’m tempted to anyway, in case my words have been genuinely rather than tendentiously misunderstood. Romney, though, has made it pretty clear that she relishes opportunities to act the martyr. When CNN contributor Hilary Rosen inadvertently launched a new phase in the mommy wars by saying that Ann Romney was unqualified to serve as her husband’s chief adviser on women’s issues because she had “never worked a day in her life,” Mrs. Romney was delighted. “It was my early birthday present for someone to be critical of me as a mother, and that was really a defining moment, and I loved it,” she said at a private fundraiser.

So my apologies aren’t for Ann Romney, but for everyone else. I’m truly sorry to have given the right a pretext for another tedious spasm of feigned outrage. I’m sorry to have stirred one of the teapot tempests that now dominate the increasingly dispiriting world of political journalism. I’m especially sorry if I’ve done anything to strengthen the conservative myth that liberals disdain motherhood.

And this is the kind of “human being” that gets print space at Newsweek/Daily Beast and air time at MSNBC.

Says a lot more about those so-called “news outlets” than her, doesn’t it?

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