New York Couple’s Terrorist Connection to the Sandy Hook Tragedy

342x256_SandyHook_GraphicSo says Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, on Mike Harris’ daily talk show “Short End of the Stick” January 14, 2013.

In the very revealing interview which also included Professor James Fetzer, Duff disclosed further information on the young Jewish couple arrested for terrorist activities and weapons possession December 29, 2012 and reported by this blog.  Duff’s disclosure, if true, is a bombshell and literally blows the Sandy Hook story wide open.

Duff alleges that Aaron Greene and Morgan Gliedman, both arrested for weapons possession, including explosives, are both dual-citizen Israeli Jews, former members of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), children of Holocaust survivors and – terrorists.

Duff also indicates that their New York apartment was a Mossad safe house.


National Socialists official flag

According to Duff, when the couple were taken into custody December 29, 2012, police discovered their ‘propaganda in production’ apparently they were in the process of creating literature which would place the blame for the Sandy Hook shooting on the National Socialist movement, since the American public ignorantly perceives the group as “white Nazi supremacists.”

Allegedly, the tip that led the authorities to the New York apartment was a purple Ford van tracked via satellite and by helicopter from Sandy Hook School.  In route, facial recognition cameras picked up three people in the van wearing ski masks, with the third man in a nun’s habit.  Ironically, it was Russian Intelligence that first reported a three-man team entered the school on the day of the shootings.  RI contacted MI6, then MI6 contacted the CIA according to Duff.

In addition to the propaganda literature discovered in the apartment, authorities also found high-capacity magazines that matched the weapons used at Sandy Hook.  So far, authorities have failed to locate the third individual connected to the shootings.

What seems really odd is that my search engine no longer includes the New York couple’s arrest on the first page as done before.  Not a hint of their existence or alleged crimes pop-up on the initial page of any search engine.  This cannot be a coincidence.

Gordon Duff’s incredible analogy of this Jewish couple’s connection to Sandy Hook is entirely plausible and rational.  It’s actually more logical than anything else up to this point.  However, why is it only Duff reporting this new twist in the Sandy Hook story?

Reflecting back over the article re-published January 3rd on the terrorist couple, especially how they were handled by the police and other officials, encourages further review revealing a different perspective on the events.  Lawyers as well as police in the case thought the couple “sad,” because they were drug addicts with the young woman in a difficult position 9-months pregnant and facing delivery behind bars.

According to the MSM, authorities decided that they were not terrorists and released them.  The couple is now requesting repatriation to Israel.  That jaw-dropping act alone by New York police seems out of character and bizarre, which indicates they were not dealing with any ordinary “junkie” couple and not because they were well-to-do.

Moreover, the police’s statement that “the explosives and weapons were just part of a drug-fueled, twisted sense of what constitutes cool” is unconscionable considering the couple’s clever manipulations being planned, even written down.  And if true, the New York City Police Department is also complicit in covering up more heinous truth on Sandy Hook, which now can only be described as another false-flag operation carried out by powerful individuals in both the U.S. government and Israel.

When will the American people ever learn, which leads to one last question.  Where is the young Israeli-Jewish couple and what false-flags are they devising against America at this very moment?

God in heaven only knows.


Listen to the January 14, 2013 interview with Gordon Duff and Prof. James Fetzer on Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris:

Hour 1 –

Hour 2 –

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