New Study: Endocrine Disruptors in These 6 Products Causes Obesity & Lowered IQ

Susanne.Posel-Headline.News.Official- Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent
March 7, 2015


Researchers from New York University (NYU) have published a study showing how endocrine disrupting elements found in common chemicals and pesticides “could be disrupting hormones resulting in health costs of up to €157 billion ($209 billion) across Europe.”

Thomas Zoeller, biology professor at the University of Massachusetts (UM), told the press : “I hear often this concept that if there isn’t overt toxicity, you don’t have a problem. The effects of EDCs on the population level are not consistent with overt toxicity like death or cancer. A decrease in IQ is not something that’s visible on the surface, but you are taking away human potential.”

Shockingly, the study pointed to an estimated 13 million IQ points “are lost each year Europe due to prenatal organophosphate exposure, and that there are 59,300 additional cases of intellectual disability because of these pesticides.”

With 316 cases of autism and 31,200 cases of ADHD annually accounted in Europe, and the findings of this study, the evidence of causation by exposure to EDCs is overwhelming.

Zoeller continued: “It’s been documented that [EDCs] have this effect. We need to think in a more sophisticated way than this concept that it’s either normal or an abnormality that’s visible, because that’s not what’s happening.”

One example mentioned by the researchers is phthalate which has a “40% to 69% likelihood of causing 618,000 additional assisted reproductive technology procedures each year, and a 20% to 69% likelihood of causing 42,400 new cases of childhood obesity each year.”

The researchers suggest banning these chemicals for the benefit of human health.

This study found a connection between exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and diseases such as:

• Infertility
• Obesity
• Cardiovascular illness
• Autism
• Hyperactivity disorder
• Testicular cancer
• Reduced testosterone production
• Loss of IQ
• Type 2 diabetes

EDCs “are chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife.”

Pharmaceuticals, dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls, chlorpyrifos, PBDEs, DDE, DDT and bisphenol A are EDCs that can be found in products such as:

• Plastic bottles
• Metal cans
• Detergents
• Flame retardants
• Food
• Toys

Leonardo Trasande, professor at NYU School of Medicine, explained: “Exposure to EDC’s could lead to a wide variety of diseases as well as dysfunction. A number of European countries are already taking a strong stance against some of the EDC’s curtailing their use even though they continue to be used in other parts of the world.”

Daniel Dietrich, toxicologist at the University of Konstanz and former adviser to a chemical industry lobbyist group called the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC), suggested that trace amounts of EDCs could not be “enough to cause harm” and questions if these findings could be proof that these diseases caused by EDCs should “be considered a health effect”.

Dietrich said: “You can only judge on the available science. Maybe in 30 years we will judge this differently.”

Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (EHS), commented : “If you applied these [health care] numbers to the U.S., they would be applicable, and in some cases higher. [This is] a wakeup call for policymakers and health experts.”

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