New Drug Might Reduce an Alzheimer’s Marker: Study

MONDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) — An experimental drug might
lower a marker of Alzheimer’s disease seen in the spinal fluid of patients
with mild to moderate disease, a small new study finds.

However, whether this new drug — bapineuzumab — will have a
beneficial effect on slowing or stopping the degenerative process of
Alzheimer’s isn’t known, the researchers said.

And an Alzheimer’s expert said it’s far too soon to draw conclusions
for the preliminary study.

“This is interesting incremental information from a quite small group
of subjects, but no conclusions can be drawn at this point,” said William
Thies, vice president for medical and scientific affairs at the
Alzheimer’s Association.

Thies, who was not involved in the study, added that “an important
question remains whether such changes in spinal fluid markers correlate
with clinical benefit.”

The study authors said that this issue is being addressed in additional
trials of bapineuzumab.

“We are looking forward to seeing phase 3 results later this year,”
Thies said.

The current study was published online April 2 in the Archives of

For the study, an international team led by Dr. Kaj Blennow, of the
University of Gothenburg in Sweden, analyzed two trials that included 46
patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, which has
been associated with deposits of beta-amyloid (protein) plaques and
fibrous tangles in the brain and abnormal tau protein in the spinal
fluid, the researchers noted.

In these trials, 27 patients were treated with bapineuzumab and 19 with
a placebo. The researchers looked for the effect of the drug on several
markers associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

The investigators found that compared with the placebo, bapineuzumab
reduced levels of phosphorylated tau in spinal fluid, which may mean that
it reduced its level in the brain as well, which might also reduce tangles
in the brain, they suggested.

While they found a reduction for total tau, it was not statistically
significant, Blennow’s group noted.

Bapineuzumab is a drug known as a “monoclonal antibody” that is
designed to work against the formation of tangles by attacking the various
forms of tau.

A monoclonal antibody is an antibody created to target a specific
disease process and is called “monoclonal” because a single cell antibody
is cloned again and again to create the drug.

“An important question remains whether such changes in [spinal fluid]
biomarkers correlate with clinical benefit,” the researchers concluded.

Another Alzheimer’s expert urged caution when interpreting the study

“It’s interesting, but it’s a small group of patients and there was no
statistical significance in the conclusion,” said Dr. David Langer, a
neurosurgeon and director of Cerebrovascular Research at the Cushing
Neuroscience Institute, part of the North Shore-LIJ Health System in
Manhasset, N.Y.

There’s also a question whether tau tangles cause Alzheimer’s disease
or are only a result of the disease, Langer said. “That still remains
controversial,” he said.

“It would be nice if we could figure out the cause and, therefore, a
way to treat Alzheimer’s disease,” Langer said. “The conclusion that you
reduce the amount of these biomarkers is interesting, but we don’t even
know if that means anything about the way an Alzheimer’s patient would
behave or not. We are far away from a cure for Alzheimer’s disease based
on this study.”

The study authors made numerous financial disclosures, a journal editor
noted, and the study was funded by Elan (which was acquired by Janssen
Alzheimer Immunotherapy) and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (acquired by

More information

For more information on Alzheimer’s disease, visit the Alzheimer’s Association.

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