New BPA Study Shows Chemical is Even More Dangerous

Orig.src.Susanne.Posel.Daily.News- bpa.high.blood.pressure.cancer.infertility.obesity_occupycorporatism Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent
December 9, 2014


Researchers from the Seoul National University (SNU) College of Medicine have discovered that bisphenol A (BPA) could temporarily cause blood pressure to rise, contributing to disorders and increasing health risks.

In conjunction with the American Heart Association, this study was conducted on 60 elderly participants who were given soy milk to drink out of a can or bottle.

Yun-Chul Hong, lead author of the study and professor with SNU, explained “the urinary BPA concentration increased after consuming canned beverages by more than 1,600 percent compared with that after consuming glass bottled beverages.”

Hong continued: “Systolic blood pressure adjusted for daily variance increased by 4.5 mmHg after consuming two canned beverages compared with that after consuming two glass bottled beverages, and the difference was statistically significant.”

Since the preferred blood pressure is 120 or below, this finding could point to negative health effects from exposure to BPA.

Back in October of 2013, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) found that BPA raises the risk of miscarriage in women.

Both males and females are negatively affected by BPA.

It has been determined that with cumulative exposure to BPA, males are 20% less fertile which could explain why birth rates in America have recently fallen.

BPA has been linked to obesity in pubescent girls.

As little as 2 micrograms per liter of BPA found in the young girl’s system was twice as likely to cause obesity when compared to girls whose BPA levels were below “normal”.

Still more research into BPA showed that the chemical negatively effects children and the unborn in utero.

The study cites more than 60 animal and human studies wherein BPA is shown to cause:

• Breast cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Infertility
• Early puberty
• Neurological disorders
• Immune system compromises

Sharima Rasanayagam, director of science at the BCF and co-author of the study explained: “The report summarizes more than 60 peer-reviewed animal and human studies on prenatal BPA exposure, many of which demonstrate increased risk for breast cancer, prostate cancer, metabolic changes, decreased fertility, early puberty, neurological problems and immunological changes. It also explores why the developing fetus is particularly sensitive to the effects of BPA—especially during the first 11 weeks of pregnancy, when many women don’t yet know they’re pregnant.”

Researchers released another study regarding BPA showing a link between migraines and the chemical.

This report found that BPA causes debilitating headaches in 1 out of 7 persons who ingest the contaminant.

Those who react to BPA with migraines are advised to avoid microwave trays, plastic bottles, canned goods and water coolers.

BPA contains a patent that “is a combination of two female hormones, an oestrogen and a progestogen.”

Oestrogen must not be consumed by the general public because adverse effects include:

• Migraines
• Vaginal bleeding
• Development of breast-tissue tumors
• Blood clots in legs and lungs
• Aggravate diabetic conditions
• Cause kidney or liver problems
• Chest pain simulating a heart attack
• Exacerbate allergic reactions

According to the study: “These results imply that BPA has the ability to amplify symptoms that are used to diagnose the disorder in human patients, suggesting that exposure to BPA would increase both the incidence and prevalence of this disorder.”

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