endzog comment: what is Net Neutrality?
This is typical Orwellian double-speak such as “Freedom is slavery” i.e. free thinkers, or people who wish to be free from the societal norm are not free because they are outcasts from society and therefore enslaved by wrong or politically incorrect thinking. “War is peace” because we only go to war to free people and bomb them into accepting democracy (transnational bankster-media-economic control). Double-speak is the sort of media brainwashing that we now live under in Europe and increasingly in the United States.
Here the word ‘neutrality’ means that the sheeple should not be subjected to ‘extreme’ or ‘hurtful’ views outside what the government-media-complex run by International Jewry consider to be the norm. That means a more ‘neutral’ Internet that does not question the mores or agendas of our masters.
As it is endzog is blocked on all school, college, university and government computers across Europe and classified as porn in order to be included in David Cameron’s ‘internet Lock’ to protect families from explicit content. Users who enable ‘Internet Lock’ are unaware and have never been informed that it includes political content which the controlling Jews do not wish them to see.
Already in the United Kingdom political activists like Joshua Bonehill who use social media like Twitter and facebook are harassed, arrested and jailed for expressing their God-given and truly British historical right to free speech. In the case of social media the ‘British’ government is ahead of the US in arresting and jailing users for thought crimes.
In a bold new move to establish federal censorship of the internet, Pres. Obama has directed FCC chairman (former Yeshiva Talmud student ed) Julius Genachowski to seek legislation that will forbid large internet providers such as Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T to “favour certain content or applications over others.” In other words, they cannot “discriminate” against content of which they disapprove or simply do not want to promote. On the surface, this initiative seems to protect non-establishment views in cyberspace.
In reality, it updates the devious Civil Rights Act of 1964 by stating that providers’ free enterprise businesses no longer belong to them to be operated as they see fit. Control will belong to consumers. Anyone can take advantage of the providers’ labour and investment. Although one might question whether huge internet providers are unduly troubled by issues of conscience, nevertheless net neutrality establishes precedent that the conscience of an internet entrepreneur can be trampled and has no moral right to reject offensive content.
This could either include pornography, homosexuality, or political and religious ideas the entrepreneur does not want to promote (or the entrepreneur is to be forced to promote by political correctness ed). If denied service, any customer could scream “Discrimination!” promoting federal investigation and indictment. The Obama administration thus wants to conform the internet industry into the main federal accountability and control which Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 imposed on all businesses of more than 15 employees.
Yet banning discrimination of content or services is just for starters. The government could next require that providers and services not allow “hate speech”-prejudiced discriminatory concepts on the internet. This is the rule in hate law countries where internet servers are forbidden to provide association with “hate groups.” Thus, deviously, Obama’s proposal actually means no right to discriminate against content, i.e. discriminatory “hateful speech and ideas.” First forbidding you to discriminate against content you find objectionable, the government will eventually force you to discriminate against content it finds objectionable.
Net neutrality gives the impression of safeguarding free expression. Actually, it’s a foothold on which the government can exercise jurisdiction to eventually exclude what government, media and society already increasingly agree should be excluded from First Amendment protections: hate speech.
Increasingly, the new generation of Americans, particularly on college campuses, believes that while speech in general should be free, there should be “no tolerance of intolerance.” Federal power to ban “discrimination” by internet providers can lead in only one direction: the power to ban verbal and intellectual “intolerance” on the internet in general.
What is intolerance, as defined by the hate crimes agenda of the Obama Democrats? It is primarily judgments which proceed from the Bible, particularly against homosexuality (“homophobia”) and even Jewish complicity in the crucifixion (and most importantly exposure of the Holohoax ed) activity collectively termed ‘anti-Semitism.’
If net neutrality is combined with passage of the federal hate crimes bill plus other hate bills now moving forward in the House and Senate, (and planned in Zionist Occupied media-generated-Democratic dictatorships such as the UK ed) it will not be long before prejudice, bias and hate crimes will reflexively be associated with “Biblical hate speech” or racial ‘hate speech’ as is now the case in Canada and Great Britain.
If internet providers were sustained with the people’s tax dollars or were a cooperative owned by the people, they might justly be required not to discriminate. What socialism, however, says is that your business that you have created out of your vision, toil and present struggle exists to be enjoyed and dictated to by those who have no part in it’s actual ownership. Socialism says it is very, very bad for you to hire or fire or discriminate among your patrons as you see necessary. What is really very bad is a government which you support and own which takes control of your property from you, making you a criminal for the exercise of your God-given rights.
the Anti-Defamation League have already saddled 45 US states and most of Europe including the United kingdom with hate laws capable of persecuting Christians and indigenous nationalists, spearheading the attempts to pass the new ‘net neutrality’ laws.
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Source Article from https://endzog.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/jwos-net-neutrality-will-end-hate-speech-i-e-free-speech-on-internet-rev-ted-pike/
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