Karl Nehammer in Israel
Adam Parsons@adamparsons
–Latest on Austria’s political merry-go-round: Karl Nehammer will become new leader of the People’s Party, and so will replace Alexander Schallenberg as Chancellor, even though Schallenberg only took the job in October, after succeeding Sebastian Kurz who’s now retired, aged 35
Camp – Australia
‘The root cause of all this drama is stark: Kiev simply refuses to respect the February 2015 Minsk Agreement.
‘In a nutshell, the deal stipulated that Kiev should grant autonomy to Donbass via a constitutional amendment, referred to as “special status”; issue a general amnesty; and start a dialogue with the people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
‘Over the years, Kiev fulfilled exactly zero commitments – while the proverbial NATOstan media machine incessantly pounded global opinion with fake news, spinning that Russia was violating Minsk. Russia is not even mentioned in the agreement.
‘Moscow in fact always respected the Minsk Agreement – which translates as regarding Donbass as an integral, autonomous part of Ukraine. Moscow has zero interest in promoting regime change in Kiev.’
‘Omikron an interdimentional reality. David Bowie as a murder victim trapped in a digital world of demons (Jinns).
‘Bowie reminds us from his avatar that the survival of ‘your’ soul is at stake.
‘A nomad soul encased in a digital world……… I kid you not!!!?? Peace.’
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