Nazi-founded Mental Hygiene is Preparing to Section NWO Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals for “Cantankerous Paranoia”


Sun 5 Feb 2012

In 1968, Mental Hygiene (MH) merged with the sexual revolution of the Talmudic Frankfurt School into a toxic cocktail that nearly deleted millennia-old European culture, religion, morality within a few decades. In 1948, MH had founded the UN-NGO called the “World Federation for Mental Hygiene” (WFMH), Brigadier-General and military psychiatrist, John Rawlings Rees, being its first elected president. Rees had founded the Tavistock Clinic – from 1947 the Tavistock Institute – after extensive studies on the breakdown point of humans and how it can be used for crowd control. In this he was aided by Sigmund Freud. Rawlings Rees diligently visited Nazi celebrity, Rudolf Hess, in his English captivity. Today, the Tavistock system submits Anglo-Saxon leaders to a globalist brainwashing. Another founder of the WFMH was Rees´ friend, General and psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, the first Director General of WFMH-sister at the UN, the WHO. Brock Chisholm wanted to remove any reminiscent awareness of sin of of the old education system – by force, if needed. In addition, Chisholm connected Mental Hygiene and world citizenship, founding the “Mental Health and World Citizenship.”

The WFMH was initiated by Montagu Norman, governor of Rothschild´s Bank of England, and his wife. Norman had financed Hitler’s rearmament until the outbreak of WWII. He was a personal friend of Hitler’s Reichsbank Director, Hjalmar Schacht – co-founder of the Rothschild BIS in Basel.
From the beginning, the WFMH had former Nazi psychiatrists and euthanasiasts as key members, such as Carl Jung, Werner Villinger, Mauz, Hoff, Ehrhardt. As Bernhard Schreiber writes: “The euthanasiasts of yesterday became the protagonists of mental health of today!”

Now this poisonous NGO has revived and claims to have the power to define our mental health as well as to establish rules aiming at seeing Western world psychiatry through worldwide. The WFMH will launch a campaign titled “The big Push for Mental Health” in order to introduce a “People’s Charter for Mental Health” through the UN General Assembly.

The WFMH urges mental illness to be treated entirely like physical ones – especially in terms of funding. That this totalitarian, eugenic NGO should now have unrestricted decision-making authority over mental health / illness definition, diagnoses, treatment is very worrisome, especially now that NWO-USA has become a police state after its NDAA, criticism being seen as mental illness. The NDAA gives the authorities the opportunity to remove U.S. citizens into FEMA concentration camps or psychiatric hospitals under some fictitious diagnosis for an indefinite time without being convicted – just like in the Soviet Union – and in Norway today, apparently!

The WFMH has estimated the worldwide cost of mental illness to $ 1.16 trillion over the next 2 decades – and now instead wants the ideal world where we all live peacefully with each other under a multicultural one world government! In reality, by means of psychiatric diagnoses, the WFMH wants to determine for the NWO world government who can be trusted to roam freely and whom to imprison to avoid criticism of the insane world elite.

This procedure was notorious in the Soviet Union. But mental hospital detention apparently also occurs in pseudo-democratic countries such as Norway. There, insider Synnøve Fjellbakke Taftø has been sectioned indefinitely in a mental hospital for the 2. time – due to criticism of corruption and secret NWO (sic!) manipulations behind the scenes – despite a rejecting Norwegian referendum – under the diagnosis: “Quarrelsome paranoia”!

Mental Hygiene is tailored for the one world government. It is mobilizing the UN-NGOs to implement their project in the UN General Assembly. The psychiatric weapon would make us outlaws – and reduce our freedom and dignity more than the WTO, UNEP and the UN IPCC, the Codex Alimentarius and the EU. Because future political criticism is considered a disease that falls within the province of ??WFMH psychiatry.

Read more: Nazi-founded Mental Hygiene is Preparing to Section NWO Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals for “Cantankerous Paranoia”

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