(NaturalNews) Not even a day seems to go by anymore without some whack job in academia, a public health department or even the entertainment industry spewing pseudoscientific nonsense in defense of vaccines, pharmaceuticals or government-run healthcare. And the year 2015 was notably saturated with more than its fair share of bad science outbursts by some very well-recognized names in popular culture, which we’ve highlighted here for you as part of Natural News‘ annual Bad Science Awards, 2015 Edition:
1) Bill Gates. This Microsoft co-founder-turned-vaccine-pushing “humanitarian” has turned Third World healthcare into his own personal business venture. The Bill Gates-run Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is notorious for invading low-income regions of the world and pushing patented “medicine,” rather than sound nutrition, as the solution to everything from poverty and disease to terrorism and even climate change.
It’s no secret that Bill Gates has a dog in the fight when it comes to promoting vaccines as the solution to fighting infectious disease outbreaks – the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation owns patents on many of the vaccines he believes should be forced on children across the globe. But he’s also made numerous statements indicating support for mass sterilization, population reduction and population control using the very same vaccines he dubiously claims will increase the lifespans of the unfortunate.
Here’s what Gates had to say early on in 2015 when asked what he personally thinks has been most effective at improving quality of life in the Third World:
“Vaccines make the top of the list,” he responded glibly, making no mention whatsoever of nutrition and improved sanitation techniques. “Being able to grow up healthy is the most basic thing.”
This is exactly why the independent scientific community opposes chemical-laden, never-been-properly-safety-tested vaccine jabs, Mr. Gates.
2) Melinda Gates. Not to be outdone by her husband, Melinda Gates offered her own opinionated insights about vaccines in 2015 that not only defy the historical record, but also show how little she knows (or is willing to admit to) concerning the effectiveness of certain childhood vaccines.
During a January interview with HuffPost Live, Gates had this to say about how much she believes in the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, which also in 2015 was exposed as an absolute fraud that definitively increases the risk of autism in young children, and particularly young African-American boys:
“We’ve forgotten what measles deaths look like,” Gates lamented, apparently unaware of the fact that in the real world, measles is no more threatening than the childhood rite of passage known as chickenpox. People in poor countries, she added, “will walk 10 kilometers in the heat with their child and line up to get a vaccine because they have seen death.”
Melodrama much, Mrs. Gates?
3) Neil deGrasse Tyson. It’s hard to believe that this academic failure-turned-celebrity propagandist is taken seriously by anyone with so much as half a brain. But Neil deGrasse Tyson, who’s repeatedly been caught fabricating scientific data to suit his own agendas, is a master at switching his egotistical opinions about the earth and universe to fit whatever narrative he’s trying to push.
In 2015, Tyson decided that fleeing planet Earth might not be the most practical solution after all for averting a global collapse caused by “climate change.” Instead, he now believes that geoengineering, a.k.a. “chemtrails,” is a better solution.
But wait, aren’t we constantly being told that geoengineering is just a “wild conspiracy theory” invented by the lunatic fringe? Not anymore, apparently – because now that Neil deGrasse Tyson is talking about it, it must be gospel truth!
“You know what I want to happen?” Tyson declared during an interview on Real Time with Bill Maher. “I think it’s not about finding another planet. I think it’s about being masters of geoengineering.”
Somebody give this man a Nobel Prize…
4) Bill Nye. Hey, Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill! You’ve gone off the deep end! Deep end! Deep end! Deep end! This former children’s television science educator made some significant position about-faces this year after paying a visit to Monsanto. Bill Nye now openly endorses genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) after earlier opposing them, and suddenly seems to lack a basic understanding of human biology, as reflected in his unabashed support for abortion – because unborn babies aren’t even human, Nye says.
But perhaps the most nonsensical statements made by Bill Nye in 2015 are the ones he made in reference to vaccines. According to Nye, everyone needs to be vaccinated because vaccines only work when everyone has them, otherwise they don’t work at all:
“The reason we want you to get vaccinated is to protect me from you,” Nye stated during an interview with Yahoo Health.
Seriously, Mr. Nye, if you don’t see the illogic in this absurd statement, then you’re much more far gone than we ever could have anticipated.
5) Kevin Folta. This erratic, schizophrenic, lying Monsanto scumbag earns a top spot in the 2015 Bad Science Awards due to his unrelenting idiocy with regard to GMOs. Folta, who works as a professor at the University of Florida, seems to be vying for the position of Pope in the Church of Biotechnology, and we’re not really surprised since he was recently caught accepting bribe money from Monsanto.
Folta also secretly created an alter-ego personality that he “interviewed” on his bizarre podcast radio show, for which he was later outed.
“There’s nothing I have ever said or done that is not consistent with the science,” Folta claims about his own self-perceived infallibility.
Whatever you say, you crazy nutcase.
6) Jon Entine. From the same ilk, shamed former Forbes.com writer Jon Entine is perhaps even more deranged than Kevin Folta when it comes to understanding reality. Entine has published all sorts of pseudoscientific nonsense over the years, with a piece earlier this summer praising GMOs and vilifying organic food.
But wait, Entine also says that organic food is actually GMO food – yep, read these words direct from the ass’s mouth concerning everyday foods like grapefruits, pasta, rice and pears:
“If you are a food devotee, and pride yourself on ‘going organic,’… [you had] better change your menu, because those four foods, often sold as organic, were created in laboratories. By scientists. In white coats, more than likely.”
Seriously, Mr. Entine? You actually believe these foods are the same as ones that have been genetically manipulated to withstand tons of pesticides and produce their own poison?
7) Patrick Moore. As terrible as Entine’s illogical statements are, they don’t even compare to those made by Patrick Moore. This Monsanto propagandist once worked for Greenpeace, but he abandoned environmental causes in the 1980s and has since made a living by defending everything from nuclear power and pharmaceutical pollution in groundwater to clear-cut mining and GMOs. Lately, in response to reports of an epidemic of cancer and birth defects being caused by GMO agriculture in Argentina, Moore has claimed that there is no link between GMOs or their associated pesticides and harmful health effects. In fact, he claimed that you could even drink Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship herbicide that is sprayed liberally on their genetically modified crops.
When Moore appeared in an interview for a French television program, he was challenged on his claim, which he initially defended before admitting that only an “idiot” would drink something as deadly as Roundup.
Not looking so smart now, you shameless propagandist.
8) Anna Hickey-Moody. If this isn’t bad enough, consider the absolute insanity of University of London Ph.D. head Anna Hickey-Moody, who published a paper back in March claiming that a common prosthetic building material known as carbon fiber is somehow misogynistic.
That’s right, folks – this ultra-feminist “academic” is being paid big bucks to publish nonsense about inanimate objects somehow being anti-women and contributing to a male-dominated society. Read this utter tripe for yourself:
“As a technology of hegemonic masculinity, carbon fibre extends the surfaces of bodies and produces masculinity on and across surfaces, male and female bodies,” writes Hickey-Moody in her ridiculous paper, suggesting that carbon fiber technology is somehow anti-feminine because it is often used to repair physical disabilities, which this crackpot likens to femininity.
This is who’s teaching (indoctrinating) your children these days, parents.
Sources for this article include:
Source Article from http://www.naturalnews.com/052470_Bad_Science_Awards_crackpots_misinformation.html
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