‘NATO sucks oil through puppet regimes’

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’,” the Israeli website DEBKAfile, which is believed to have close links to Israeli intelligence agencies, quoted one of the unnamed sources as saying on Saturday.

The report said a delegation from the Syrian anti-government militants is currently in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the US government.

In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and State Department Syria expert Fred Hof, the group’s leaders handed in two lists for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of confronting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize the Syrian government.

The sources added that most of the weapons have been purchased by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and are ready for shipment.

Earlier in the day, the head of the UN observer mission in Syria, Major General Robert Mood, issued a statement saying that the monitoring team was “suspending its activities” in the country due to an “intensification of armed violence,” adding, “There has been an intensification of armed violence across Syria over the past 10 days.”

UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point peace plan, effective from mid-April, called for the establishment of a cease-fire between the government and the opposition and also said humanitarian groups should be allowed to have access to the population, detainees should be released, and a political dialogue should be started.

The unrest in Syria began in March 2011, with demonstrations being held both against and in support of President Assad’s government.

The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing protesters, but Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, insisting that it is being orchestrated from abroad.

The following a rush transcript of Press TV’s interview with Gloria Estela La Riva from the ANSWER Coalition about the issue:

Press TV: First off let’s start with the disclosure of this report, it’s not about “if” but “when” for a US orchestrated attack on Syria, how do you perceive this?

La Riva: I think it is very clear that no matter what the Syrian government has done, peace talks, cease fire, elections, everything they have done to resolve the crisis, has been unsatisfactory for NATO powers, specially the US.

It is clear to anyone who has a conscience about this. It is clear that a war is on the horizon, initiated, led by NATO forces and this is completely illegal violation of the international law.

It is absolute outrage, because already thousands of people have been killed and if anybody cares to read the news carefully these terrorists who have come into Syria are being financed by oil money with the intent of trying to overthrow the Syrian government and destroy one more state in the Middle East.

Press TV: If there is to be an attack on Syria, t would be unilateral and outside the framework of the UN Security Council. What will be the repercussions of such an attack one for the US and its allies, and two, for the region as a whole?

La Riva: Well, it is not clear how a war would unfold yet. I think it is still early. There has been a number of news, rumors and also some more reliable sources developing.

It has been months now and it is really not clear. Maybe some of it is intended to create disarray and confusion but I think the gist out of it is that nothing will satisfy the NATO forces other than complete overthrow of the governments and installing a puppet regime that will satisfy the oil interests of the Western powers.

I think that what is necessary for the world opinion, the opinion of the people of the world, including the people in United States and anti-war movement and many others, to realize that there is a pattern being established. The pattern of overthrow of Libya and the resumption of the control of oil companies, the destruction of Iraq after years of sanctions, the imposition of sanctions and new manipulations, demonization of Iran which we must also oppose.

It is a dangerous time that we are living now, with the US leading the NATO forces — among them too there is some competition to be sure and rivalries — but overall, they see the people of independent states as their enemy.


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