As usual, the Obama drones are out in full force defending their hero
this time by claiming this new executive order issued by the glorious
leader is no different than those signed by “every other” president in
our history. As in most cases of desperate people trying to gin up
support for Barack, this claim is significantly false. ~ Scott Creighton
Yes, there have been other emergency preparedness executive orders
issued in the past but most of them, even the ones signed by Nixon and
Reagan, clearly defined the actionable events which would set them into
motion as being during “national emergencies”.
The difference here, one
difference that is, is it clearly calls for the implementation of this
order during peacetime as well as times of a national emergency.
only other one that I can see at this point in my research that does
that is the one signed by Bill Clinton in 1994 and considering the fact
that Bill and Hillary Clinton actually run this administration, that’s
easy to understand.
In fact, this executive order signed by Barack Obama is almost a
carbon copy of the one signed by Bill Clinton in ’94. Remember, Clinton
and his bevy of Wall Street insiders set all of this in motion.
Summers, Rubin, Milton Friedman… they tore away the protections of
Glass-Steagall (literally giving birth to the “too big too fail”
financial institutions) and made regulating certain derivatives illegal
when Brooksley Borne tried to warn the country that these weapons of
economic mass destruction were going to implode on us devastating the
As emergency preparedness executive orders go, it seems both Obama’s and Clinton’s are specifically designed to cater to a global economic collapse and the wholesale privatizations that will ensue.
Consider for a moment how often the Clintons have pushed for economic
sanctions to force regime change all across the world. The use of
massive economic hardships to remake a government in their preferred
image is a proven M.O. for the Clinton regimes of the past and present.
Is it then so hard to imagine that they would eventually want to profit
from forcing those same kinds of reforms (those austerity measures they
are so keen to impose) on us here in America?
Odd isn’t it that the Clinton and Obama executive orders seemed
geared to that contingency when Clinton’s team set the global economic
meltdown in motion in the first place and Obama simply rehired all of
Clinton’s people.
Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness March 2012 Barack Obama
Executive Order 12656–Assignment of emergency preparedness responsibilities November 1988 Ronald Reagan
Executive Order 11490 – Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies Oct 1969 Richard Nixon
Here is a good synopsis of the Reagan executive order signed in 1988 (PDF)
UPDATE: Has anyone else noticed that there is not an executive order number assigned to this by the White House?
Scott Creighton – March 18, 2012 – AmericanEveryman
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